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Feb 21, 2025
07:22 AM
Yes, if you happen to have the original AI file, you can re-export to an SVG and that extra code bit isn't added. The problem is when you are updating an existing SVG file. Saving out as a new SVG duplicates that bit of code, invalidating the file. AEM Guides only uses the SVGs, so the "original" AI file isn't in the repository. Saving the SVG as an AI to make the change doesn't work. I've tried that, and the SVG text in the header remains and is duplicated the next time an SVG is saved out. AI v29.3 still duplicates the SVG text code.
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Feb 20, 2025
01:42 PM
The error does not disappear with v29.3. As long as the file you are starting out with is already an SVG, saving the SVG again results in the same duplicated header content as listed above. And yes, we have always saved out as SVG v1.1.
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Feb 18, 2025
07:03 AM
Yes, SVG 1.1 has always been the SVG Profile we've used.
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Feb 05, 2025
06:44 AM
If I create an SVGs from AI files created in v29.2.1, the SVGs are valid. SVGs modified and exported from Illustrator 29.2.1, but were originally created in older versions of Illustrator are invalid. If I create an AI file from an older SVG, make changes, then re-export into SVG, those SVGs are also invalid. And yes, SVG 1.1 is selected. I have uploaded a selection of test files for you to see. This system did not let me upload a ZIP file.
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Jan 28, 2025
12:22 PM
SVG Issues (Jan 17 2025) Adobe Illustrator v28.7.1 created valid SVGs. v29.2.1 creates invalid SVGs. It looks like the xmlns:xlink section of the <SVG version> element is duplicated for v29.2.1, but okay for v28.7.1. Unfortunately, I had auto-update turned on. Is there a fix for this other than manually editing every SVG I create? Corrected Header <svg version="1.1" id="Text" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 386.14 200.57" enable-background="new 0 0 386.14 200.57" xml:space="preserve"> Incorrect Header (v29.2.1) <svg version="1.1" id="Text" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 386.14 200.57" enable-background="new 0 0 386.14 200.57" xml:space="preserve">
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Jun 22, 2023
09:20 AM
This is the error I'm getting when trying to upload the AI file: Correct the highlighted errors and try again. The attachment's content type (application/postscript) does not match its file extension and has been removed.
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Jun 22, 2023
09:17 AM
This system didn't let me before. Let's hope this attempt works. Nope. This system isn't letting me upload the AI file.
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Jun 22, 2023
07:28 AM
Here's an example of a file that just happened this morning. Save As preserves the text. Export As strips the text out. We have tested all the various settings. For Save As, we have to turn off "Preserve Editing" because translation doesn't work with that option and we've never lost editing capabilities with just the standard SVG file.
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Jun 21, 2023
02:06 PM
Export for Screens stripped ALL text from the graphic. My problem isn't with AEM Guides not rendering the SVG properly when using Export As, but with Illustrator stripping out text randomly. And yes, I also have conversations going with Adobe's AEM Guides technical support about why SVGs produced using File > Save As are not rendering fonts correctly. Export As seems to be a viable solution until Illustrator started removing text.
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Jun 21, 2023
01:27 PM
In the last week or so, we've started having the following issues with Adobe Illustrator: To properly embed the font (Arial), we have to create SVGs using File > Export As. Using File > Save As to create SVGs does not embed the font properly for use in generating PDFs in AEM Guides using Native PDF Publishing on a Linux server. (If we create the SVG using File > Save As, the text doesn't disappear, but Arial is not embedded and graphics text in the PDF appears in a generic serif font. Sometimes, some or all of the text disappears from the SVG after the SVG is created via File > Export As. Under what conditions is the text disappearing? Sometimes it appears to be the grouped text and sometimes not. Sometimes the text that disappears is a single line. We've not seen this problem until this week. We have tried various parameters in the Export As fields and the text disappears no matter what combination of settings we tried. Version: Illustrator v27.6.1 (64-bit) and v27.0 Does anyone have any ideas?
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Mar 30, 2022
01:22 PM
I assigned an otherprops value to every topic in my test DITA map and the output in the running footer remained blank, so I don't know where the blank value could be coming from or even if I have the correct format to display it. I need the PDF output to pull only the otherprops from the map. No other topic in our entire repository is using otherprops. So far the only way I can think to get a document part number to print out in the PDF is to create a concept that is added to the end of every map that contains that document's part number and revision level. And to insert a manually created barcode for the part number into every document.
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Mar 24, 2022
06:34 AM
Does anyone else have any ideas? How do I specify the otherprops from the map attributes? There are no other topics or objects using "otherprops".
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Mar 17, 2022
06:57 AM
We're using "otherprops" to hold the document's part number and "rev" to hold the revision. What I'm trying to do next in the outputs and have the document part number print in the footer of the first page of the PDF output in the format of: 123456 Rev. A
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Mar 17, 2022
06:56 AM
The "otherprops" attribute is assigned in the map level. Does that change how I have to reference it?
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Mar 16, 2022
02:38 PM
I'm trying to insert the "otherprops" DITA attribute into the footer of my FrameMaker template master first page. It seems like the format for the variable should be <$attribute[otherprops]>, but that isn't working. What am I missing? I'm not seeing an example of a DITA attribute format in any discussion or example that I can find.
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Dec 15, 2021
06:42 AM
Yes, this is likely what I'll have to do. However, I'm going to have to wait until the AEM server and FMPS is back online to test to see if the existing XSL already does this or not. In the mean time, I can probably try to locate the similar files on the Structured Frame installation on my computer and see if I can make the change there.
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Dec 14, 2021
06:39 AM
Yes, I would think it would have to be done within the output templates for each output, just like it is done for DITA-OT templates. I'll have to wait to test the FMPS outputs until after IT gets the XML Editor and FMPS versions aligned.
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Dec 13, 2021
11:17 AM
Yes and no. Yes, this process hid the draft-comment in both the view of the topic and in the output, but this procedure doesn't appear to be anything that can be applied at the output template level.
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Dec 09, 2021
06:37 AM
I'm sorry, I haven't had a chance to test this. We're in the middle of upgrading AEM XML's add-on version and the FMPS version to match and work with the UUID release of XML Add-on so I cannot test any FMPS outputs. I can only test the output templates on my computer using structured Frame. I'll try to give this a try soon.
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Dec 06, 2021
12:21 PM
I'm using FrameMaker 2020 (v16.0.2) just long enough to build output templates for the FMPS and AEM XML. I need to be able to hide all <draft-comments> in the PDF output (and eventually all outputs). In our current system, these were automatically hidden in outputs so we've made extensive use of them as notes between authors that are not deleted. I can see that <data> or <data-about> may have been the better choice for this sort of thing, but that ship has sailed. 🙂 Is there any way to hide draft-comments in all outputs? I'm assuming that's handled somewhere in the EDD.FM file. I found where the draft-comments are defined, but I'm not seeing any place obvious to set the output to "hide". Is it in the outputclass setting?
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Nov 08, 2021
01:06 PM
Yes, I added specl to any container element that parml was also listed in.
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Nov 03, 2021
11:31 AM
I added my specialization to the since it looked like and was basically conreffing from and my specialization was based on parml. I did not create a new file for the specification. I confirmed that specl, slentry, st, and sd were listed in and I had imported the EDDs into and
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Nov 02, 2021
11:45 AM
As far as I know, I've followed every instruction I can find. I can manually add in the specialized elements to a concept (from the source XML view), but they do not appear in the list of “elements allowed anywhere in parent”. I have to change the elements settings to “All Elements” to see the specializations. I could live with this since we have no intention of ever using Structured FrameMaker as our authoring tool, but the specialized elements also do not appear in the Paragraph Designer so that I can define their formatting in the output template. Currently, <specl> and its elements are taking their formatting from the parml.def and parml.term definitions. Does anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?
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Oct 06, 2021
06:46 AM
Got it! Thank you!
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Oct 06, 2021
06:18 AM
I've only been able to locate and download the FrameMaker Developer's Reference (282 pages long). I cannot find a current Developer's Guide, only very old ones.
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Sep 29, 2021
07:02 AM
Thank you! I have located and downloaded the developers guide. Is there any other helpful documentation that I don't know I need? 🙂
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Sep 28, 2021
01:19 PM
My DITA specialization (based on parml) works fine in XML Documentation for AEM and in Adobe's web-based editor for AEM XML, but I cannot get FrameMaker 2020 to recognize it (to create output templates). I am following these instructions: Customizing DITA for Adobe FrameMaker. My .mod and .ent files are in the dtd folder. I have added the information to both concept.dtd and ditabase.dtd. In a new concept, I can add in the new elements directly into the raw/source view, but they are not listed in the Element list and they display as red in the Structure View. I am new to FrameMaker and have to be doing something simple and obvious wrong, but I can't figure it out.
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