‎Apr 14, 2024
11:55 AM
I want to be able to tilt my brush to get a broader scatter effect. This would allow me to hold my pen upright to use a pencil brush with a thin, sharp line; and then tilt the pen for a broader, softer, more scattered line. This would simulate tilting a pencil in real life to use the broad edge for shading. Currently when I set brush scatter to Pen Tilt, the effect works in reverse: the stroke is scattered when the pen is upright, and gets thinner/sharper when the pen is tilted. This is exactly the opposite of what I want. This is BY FAR my most wanted feature and the reason that I will never be able to use Photoshop over Clip Studio Paint, despite Photoshop being far more powerful in many ways. Please consider adding a way to reverse the effect.
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‎Jan 30, 2024
08:22 AM
Is this a known issue that might be fixed at some point?
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‎Jan 18, 2024
09:36 AM
This has been a massive issue ever since View>Flip>Horizontal was introduced. When the view is flipped, the brush angle does not also flip to match, so the stroke being pout down does not match the draw cursor. Try using any horizontally angled brush with the view flipped and you will see what I mean. PLEASE fix this.
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‎Sep 19, 2023
09:37 PM
1 Upvote
For now, my only option is to carry on using a wildly outdated and buggy version of Photoshop, because being able to frequently flip my whole image and get a quick "read" of it frontwards an back, is a crucial part of my workflow. That simply doesn't work when the image jumps under my reference board every time I flip, unless I carefully line it up in the middle of my screen (as I showed in the YouTube video I posted.) Beyond frustrating. PLEASE consider a "legacy flip horizontal" option. I know other artists at the game studio I work at have the same problem, as do many of my industry friends.
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‎Sep 19, 2023
09:35 PM
1 Upvote
Hi -- sorry, I've been carrying on with an old version of Photoshop for the past 6 months and forgot to check this thread for an update, if I'm being honest. No, the issue is not fixed in new versions of Photoshop. Flip Horizontal still causes the image to jump across to the other side of the Photoshop window, as I showed in this video that I posted in 2021: I understand that this change was mad for the sake of photo retouchers, who want to flip while zoomed in and working on a small part of the image. For entertainment industry folks like me, however, who want to flip their image while zoomed out to check how the whole thing looks when flipped, this is completely unworkable. I would KILL for a "legacy flip horizontal" option in the menu that allows me to flip the view while keeping my canvas in exactly the place it was when I flipped it, inside the Photoshop window. I would be eternally grateful if this could be run by someone.
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‎Feb 12, 2023
03:25 PM
It's VERY frustrating to pay for a montly subscription for a software that I can not update because of this workflow-breaking change.
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‎Feb 12, 2023
03:22 PM
1 Upvote
Hi -- any update on this issue? This one issue has prevented me (and other industry artists I know) from updating Photoshop beyond the 2021 version for years now. PLEASE consider implementing a "Legacy Flip View" option to make Flip View simply flip your image in place.
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‎Sep 05, 2022
03:58 PM
I want to see an option to restore legacy Flip Horizontal. See this thread for details. Because of the way that Flip Horizontal was changed last year, I am forced to use an old, buggy version of Photoshop that freezes and crashes constantly. I am strongly considering switching to another software for my professional work because of this.
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‎Nov 22, 2021
04:59 PM
By the way, here's a video showing the problem with Pen Tilt brushes not working with the View > Flip Horizontal function (Sorry about the audio quality but I think it gets the idea across).
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‎Nov 22, 2021
04:52 PM
Hi Jeffrey, I uploaded a video showing the issue. Thanks for taking the time.
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‎Nov 22, 2021
04:25 PM
The real ideal solution would be some kind of hybrid system where the canvas flips in place when the entire canvas is in view, but flips using the new method when at least part of the canvas is off-screen (which I like, but being able to flip the canvas while zoomed out is much more important to me.) But that's even more unlikely than a Legacy Flip Horizontal tick box.
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‎Nov 22, 2021
04:17 PM
Hmm, thanks for the prompt reply Jeffrey. After thinking about it, I can understand why the change was made. However, sometimes what's fixed for one person is broken for another. I work as a digital artist and 99 percent of the time I have a reference board (using the app PureRef) covering a section of the top left side of my Photoshop window while I draw and paint on the right side (very common setup for artists, maybe less so for retouchers). That means that my working canvas is usually just to the right of center in my Photoshop window. The result is that when I zoom out a little and flip the canvas, my canvas jumps to the other side of the screen, becoming partially or wholly obscured under my reference board. It's incredibly frusrating and unusable for me. As with other prolematic changes that prompted the inclusion of "legacy Save As" and "legacy transform", I wish very much that there could be an option for "Legacy Flip Horizontal", but I suspect that's pretty unlikely. I guess maybe 22.4.3 might be the last version of Photoshop I use, which is extra frustrating because it contains a number of other problematic bugs.
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‎Nov 22, 2021
01:07 PM
1 Upvote
While you're at it, please consider fixing other long-standing issues with View>Flip Horizontal, like the way that brushes set to Pen Tilt don't function correctly when the view is flipped (they can't tell that the view is flipped and when used are angled as if the view isn't flipped, despite the fact that the brush cursor visually tilts correctly.)
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‎Nov 22, 2021
01:00 PM
View > Flip Horizontal now flips not only your canvas, but the entire photoshop viewport, causing my canvas to jump a huge distance when I use it (unless my canvas is lined up perfectly in the middle of the screen, which it almost never is).
I was forced to spend my morning un-installing and re-installing older versions to try to find the working version I had been sitting on for a long time (22.4.3) which has the correct functionality for View > Flip Horizontal -- the canvas flips visually in place, without jumping across the screen.
Please, PLEASE fix it. I am paying for an expensive Photoshop subscription and I'd like to use new features, but I can't when necessary functionality is broken in new updates.
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