Phillip M Jones
Phillip M Jones
‎Jun 17, 2018
04:08 PM
I installed Gravit Designer this morning, and it doesn't Recognize .png. I aimed to change all FW PNG to use it and, all PNGs were greyed out only Pdfs were active. I agree with everyone else for the purpose Fireworks was created, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I use it even with High Sierra. I used the 5.1 version but had to download a very old version of Java to work. I just recently added DreamWeaver to my subscription. I have a website I used DW 5.1 and FW 5.1 to create and maintain. I am not a rich person, and I am getting to my maximum for subscriptions.
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‎Mar 01, 2017
02:07 PM
In Office 2016 you use a different method, after years of ignoring the problem by Adobe. Microsoft has taken the bull by the horns and corrected the issue. But it's only in the subscription version of Office Follow these steps: Create your document. And save as an original file as a Backup. Next go to Edit Menu Click on Save as Scroll down to Export Choose Best for Electronic Distribution. (there is another option "best for printing) If you use this every item you make as a URL be it from auto-correct of the the URL Manager where you select a Word or Phrase and assign a link to it. Works either way.
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‎Mar 01, 2017
01:47 PM
I fixed the issue. Since I am subscribed to Acrobat DC through Creative Cloud I uninstalled Acrobat DC waited a few seconds then reinstalled. The installer update the Automator action I can now create PDF's using The adobe PDF engine instead of the apple version.
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‎Mar 01, 2017
01:41 PM
I've had to to deal with both Adobe and Microsoft so far company support goes I sya its a tie for second place. The absolute worst is Intuit. Now as far as help forums go Both Adobe and Microsoft have pretty decent users that know about as much or than the factory people. I suspect that like Microsoft , Adobe sub-contracts there support to third party contractors Usually from various area in Asia.
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‎Feb 27, 2017
08:59 PM
Purchased a New MacBook Pro with the FKey Strip. Uses 17 Processor 16GB Ram and 1 TB SSD. Had Apple store Migrate information from my 17" MacBook Pro purchased Feb 15, 2011. I've attempted to Print to PDF using the Print to PDF Automator Application. And I receive this Error: Suggestion for fixing? Mac OS 12.3
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‎Sep 18, 2016
11:07 AM
1 Upvote
Finally after trying to get a Straight answer from Adobe someone has actually spoken the truth. For years they have been shoveling the bull that word didn't have proper "Hooks" even though a file created in Acrobat Mac opened on a PC all the links are live. The several years ago the created a Partial solution where you could to Print menu and click on PDF the choose Adobe PDF. As long as the links were created using Word's Auto-correct Auto-format feature links were active how ever if Word Format →create PDF . Where you select a word go this feature and attach a link. That still doesn't work. It has been that way since Apple switched from C++ and Objective C in OS9 and Previous to OSX which is Unix Based. It unconscionable that a Major Company such as Adobe refuses repeated begging since OSX com on Market at least 10 years ago.
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‎Sep 12, 2016
02:20 PM
I will mark as answered. I found solution through Adobe's Chat. Had to dump some Folder, and some files and set the permissions on the files were in manually. Both in Main Library and User /Library/Application support/ Adobe/ .
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‎Sep 11, 2016
04:48 AM
First, this is on a Macintosh with EL Capitan version 11.6 installed with all the very latest security Updates. I did two things: To download some Manuals for an HP printer from HP I had to download and install Reader DC to use in SeaMonkey, my email reader. Then I opened Creative Cloud, and it said there was an Update which I dutifully did. (BIG MISTAKE) Result Now all my paid up subscriptions will open with this Error and when dismissed will quit Well, I spent the better part of at least 5 hours, attempting to follow direction given by support. Despite all efforts, I can't remove Creative Cloud. It says there are some Items the Desktop Application is still controlling. The Only things I either bought or Updated through CC were the four items mentioned in the title Acrobat DC as subscription and as a separate Subscription The Photography Package. I have some Old Version Of Dreamweaver and Fireworks which I Purchased and manually installed 5.5 which I still must use to maintain a Website I have. But can't afford to update or pay a subscription. At the time they were installed CC didn't exist. Am I going to have to Remove even those items As well? (Anything Purchased before CC, should not even be acknowledged by CC.) So I am wasting money on two subscriptions on software I can no longer use all because I blindly updated CC. I should have left everything alone. Fortunately, I can still use ReaderDC
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‎Aug 11, 2015
01:34 PM
Actually what it is, is you are name the file withal space and and a space encodes %23 which no wen browser accepts. What you have to do is rename the files you want to upload to either not use spaces. Or use underscores like on a PC instead of spaces.
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‎Jun 16, 2015
12:13 PM
Okay I got Creative Cloud to work. Has the Download Assistant been Retired. Its still doesn't sign in. It still has an error.
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‎Jun 16, 2015
07:24 AM
Haven't used Creative Cloud nor Download assistant in a while. Creative Cloud is Stuck See: https://vimeo.com/130875488 Also only way I can quit it is to quit everything and Restart. Also, Download assistant won't sign in Application versions are: and
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‎Oct 25, 2014
11:01 AM
I don't use service chats every day but I do frequent them ad I get the least understandable help from Adobe phone support and Chats. Everyone's experiences are different maybe I am just unlucky and get all the crappy help, and You are blessed with all the perfect help. If so, so be it. All I am say people that man support phones regardless of what country they originally were from should be understandable to the people they are charged with helping. If they come from Mars or Pluto they should be able to speak properly to the people they are charged with helping.
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‎Oct 20, 2014
08:04 PM
The name Jive is aparapho, The is an old BeeGee's song that sums them up Jive Talkin'
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‎Oct 20, 2014
07:57 PM
I just go the same thing. Sounds like the wheels minding the store are not paying attention. Or paying their bills.
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‎Sep 21, 2014
08:06 AM
If truly named Word.docx doc that is you issue they can be both. It had to me named one or the other. either Word.docx or Word .doc.
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‎Sep 17, 2014
11:27 AM
It is silly and The part about following is as well. Have we turned into Facebook? As for the acclaim ever since the new system came on line I only need 1 point to go to next level. And I know I've had several answers to Mac acrobat questions to get past the 1 point.
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‎Sep 16, 2014
08:10 PM
I am sorry you feel that way. But I have run into many times people I couldn't understand people on the other end of the phone. I admit I am not perfect. Far from it. English and Grammar was not my strong suite in school. I was more into Electronics, Woodworking, Algebra, & Trig. In English I was barely average. I grew up during a time, where only women and students destined to go to a Major College/ University took typing. So excuse my hunt & peck typing. And although I live in a small town I run into all languages, we have Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mexican (or Spanish Speaking), German/Austrian, Polish, Indians (from India), Sieks, Jewish People, Blacks, etc. I have no problem with the accents. What accents I do have any problem with are usually Indian/Sieks. And only if they have just arrived. If I happen to run into any that have been a few years I have no trouble. Typically the Indian/Sieks own/run convenience stores, hotel/motels. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Polish, usually either work for or own Restaurants, The Jewish people usually own clothing businesses , The German/Austrian usually in various types of Service businesses. They all work hard. I still say anyone manning phones should be required to be trained in the language they are supposed serve, and be required take Diction classes. You may have been lucky and never got hold of someone, you can't understand on the phone. But I have on too many occasions. Sorry if I come off as Biased, or raciest. I am neither.
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‎Sep 02, 2014
07:35 PM
Well you've been lucky. Sorry if I seemed insulting. My experiences have been the opposite. And its not just Adobe, it other companies as well. I know some people from Poland that have very heavy Polish accents (they run a Local Hot Dog place). I Know two Austrian Women through their husbands. One ran a Key and Lock Shop locally, and the other, her and her husband ran a TV shop. Sometimes I would visit the people that ran TV shop. Both had heavy accents. The one that ran the TV shop we would go somewhere to eat and I would end up telling servers what she wanted. Because they couldn't understand her accent. So its not like I can't deal with accents. But the ones I ran into on phones. Even I couldn't understand after trying to get across two simple sentences after 20 minutes I gave up. As I said Adobe is not the only company doing this. I don't care who is manning the phones. They could be Martians. I am not prejudiced, wasn't brought up that way. And, when I worked for school system I got along with all. But companies before putting people on line should teach fluency the the language of the people they would be serving and should require them to take and pass diction classes, before they would be allowed to take up a Phone. Sorry for my cynicism.
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‎Sep 02, 2014
01:51 PM
Yes that is a work around that work. Here is the kicker though usually if imported to to pages the links are active then if you turn around and create PDF either Pages. Or export frompages back k to Word then create the PDF that works as well.
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‎Sep 02, 2014
01:47 PM
What Version of Acrobat? X? Click on the little page symbol just bellow the word share. there you can customize what you want on menus. See this video: AcrobatMenuCustomize.mp4 - Google Drive
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‎Sep 02, 2014
01:32 PM
You'd be wrong. It would be surprising if other than the person eventually in charge of all the forums might be a Adobe employee. Other than him/her, I is my doubt if adobe even knows that these forums exist. The reason it took you so long to connect is, all phone and Chat support is done from India. From people that barely know how to speak English. Typically they are give scripts to read and they scan over their notes and pick out one, or two that may fix you issue. If the notes they read don't help you situation you get a song and dance routine, noting they will escalate to a higher power most of the time it forgotten. These are User to User to Forums and odds are you will get help, more help, and better help, from the volunteers here, than from the so called support. But don't get angry. Many software and computer companies with the notable exception of Apple doing almost the same thing. Sadly Adobe and Intuit vie for last place for support. Sometimes Intuit ranks better. I have several Adobe products, Acrobat, Reader, Photoshop 5.5, Latest Photoshop Express, Lightroom 5, DreamWeaver 5.5 and others. Yet I get most help fro these forums Most of the time I fly by seat of my pants, as being a Mac User, I get little support. (Turns out I know more than most and I from time to time answer Mac adobe product questions.)
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‎Aug 23, 2014
01:06 PM
Here is the website I created with Everweb: http://www.phillipjones-cet.net. This by far, is not all Everweb can do. This is just a Basic website I created for a specific Purpose. The pages for Photography and Recipes I just added.
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‎Aug 21, 2014
07:19 PM
Actually I have found an excellent replacement for DreamWeaver. From Rage Software called EverWeb and It HTML5 Compliant. With the aid of sets of widgets you can do just about anything, More than DreamWeaver. I still keep Dreamweaver to maintain a Website I've had for years. Anew one I have created I used this software and it took no time to do it.
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‎Aug 21, 2014
07:08 PM
Wonder If Jive has bought an interest in Adobe.?
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‎Aug 21, 2014
07:06 PM
Choose the more awesome answer.
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‎Aug 19, 2014
04:39 PM
Even My participation is down severely. But not so much because forum Changes. But because I am taking care of my elderly mother that fell on a cement floor about 7 - 8 weeks ago plus she has a Bad sore on back of her leg. I have become a Pharmacist of Sorts and I am doing the cooking, cleaning, Washing Clothes, Dishes, etc. I just have time to scan post and comment on one or two.
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‎Aug 16, 2014
11:17 AM
I don't know what so complicated see this illustration : In Acrobat X and XI go to tools menu Select Edit Text and Images. Choose insert image. Then select either Graphic file or, Picture from Media Browser. If you're using 8 or 9 its still there but you have to look for it. The tools menu simplified a whole lot of stuff.
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‎Aug 07, 2014
07:31 PM
Yep won't work. I am pushing it with my 2011 MacBook Pro 17" I'd like to get a new one . But all new Apple computers come with SSD and from the scuttlebutt on other Groups is they have a Very limited Write Life. And I open and use my comp Every day. Even when I travel (I haven't traveled in a while.) and I worry it will burn out in a year.
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‎Aug 07, 2014
11:56 AM
Are you sure your machine won't handle Yosemite? If your using a PowerPC Machine definitely! If however you're using a Intel Machine It May work check with Apple and see what machines work with Yosemite. From my understand Yosemite is supposed use a new developer Language that supposed possibly be bullet proof because it no longer use Objective-C and C++ supposed to remove all of the defects that Spammer use to send spam. Viruses, Trogan Horses and Worms. Note: I said "supposed to" even the article written in MacWorld is using caution when saying this.
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‎Aug 07, 2014
11:45 AM
Oh I know about it. I was born in 49 so you may or may not be older. I feel older whether you are or not.
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