‎Feb 04, 2025
10:56 AM
Changing it to File Name makes no difference, not on my computer, with these files, anyway. It still shows up with the "layout" name. I can manually change it by re-retyping the name for every file, but I guess I'm used to later versions of Acrobat where it's automatic, or can be set as a preference, anyway. It's a lot of bother when I'm trying to compare or update different versions of files, for instance. It is from Quark... I never noticed that phenomenon before. If I change the layout name in Quark, you're right, then Acrobat opens it up with the new layout name (instead of the filename). I guess when I've got this sort of project I'll have to remember from now on to give the layouts easily recognizable names before making a PDF. Unfortunately that can't be done from the save as dialog, so I need to do another extra step. Oh well.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
07:30 AM
That's not an option in Acrobat 9. At least not in mine.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
09:30 PM
It's Mac Mojave. That's actually normal behavior for Acrobat, but there's normally a preference to tell it to use the file name instead of the layout #. That's missing in my Acrobat 9, and I'm not sure if it wasn't available in earlier versions, or if my installation is glitched somehow. Yes, the filename does show up in Document Properties. Still gets confusing when I have multiple files open, especially when I'm working with multiple versions of the same document.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
03:57 PM
The filename is created at the root, in the application that created the file. It only ever shows up as "Layout ..." in Acrobat. That's the whole point... I open files that actually have unique and easily identified names, but Acrobat doesn't actually use that name, it decides on its own to refer to everything simply by a layout number, so I can't see the filename any more. I can change it individually for each file after I open it, under Document Properties, but that's a huge additional bother when I'm opening a number of similar files, and I shouldn't have to. In every other version of Acrobat I use, I can tell Acrobat in preferences to use the filename instead of a layout number, but my old Acrobat 9 doesn't seem to have that option.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
09:49 AM
I use an old version of Adobe Acrobat at home, and it's driving me nuts that it always displays every document by a generic "Layout #..." instead of using the filename as the layout name. I never know what I'm working on. All the instructions say to change the preference in the Document/Open settings under preferences, but no such option is available there. Is something wrong with my installation? Was no such option available in Acrobat 9.5? Is the option hidden somewhere else in that version?
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‎Dec 11, 2024
11:54 AM
Good grief, that's been bugging me for years. I never knew that it even had a name, let alone a menu item to turn it off.
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‎Jun 14, 2024
01:08 PM
Every time I click on the Layers tab in PS 2024, or even pass my cursor over it briefly, it calls up an ad to "Watch a Quick Video." How do I stop this annoying behavior?
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‎May 17, 2024
04:49 PM
I specifically said "until..." In 30 years of using Photoshop I never had to tell it to use foreground and background colors. Either this is new, or it's been keeping my default selection every time I upgrade so I never noticed before. (2024 seems to have ignored all my preferences when I installed it so maybe that's why.)
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‎May 17, 2024
04:41 PM
Ah, that's the missing piece of the puzzle. I didn't know that option was under there. Thanks.
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‎May 17, 2024
01:50 PM
I don't think I understand the response. I already said I'm using the Classic Gradient exactly as you describe. The problem is that it doesn't actually work like the legacy gradient tool. When I choose "Classic Gradient" it will ONLY make a gradient from black to transparent, until I go into the gradient settings and manually change both the start and end colors individually to what I want. This is a ridiculous additional bother to add to a tool that used to work extremely well, intuitively, and without effort. I would like it to use the foreground and background colors which are already selected, as it used to. Is it supposed to be doing that, but it isn't working that way on my system?
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‎May 17, 2024
10:32 AM
I simply can't stand, and can't function with, the new gradient tool in Photoshop 2024. It's every bit as horrible as the gradient tool in Affinity Photo, and that was really one of the few reasons for not switching over completely to Affinity. But fine, Photoshop says I can just use the legacy version by selecting "Classic Gradient" from the top bar. But that doesn't work. When I choose "Classic Gradient" it will ONLY make a gradient from black to transparent, until I go into the gradient settings and manually change both the start and end colors individually to what I want. This is a ridiculous additional bother to add to a tool that used to work extremely well, intuitively, and without effort. Is there some way to get it back to using the foreground and background colors which I already have selected, as it used to? In case it matters we're still on Monterey.
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‎May 06, 2024
03:58 PM
Yes, I discovered that when I went to export images from a PDF and Acrobat said that wasn't available yet, that I'd need to "Disable New Acrobat" under the View menu. That also brought the "Action Wizard" back where it belongs. I hope they fix all this before we're forced to use the new UI.
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‎May 06, 2024
01:27 PM
Acrobat just automatically updated itself, it would appear. How do I go back to the prior version? It seems to have deleted my scripts or macros or whatever they're called in Adobe lingo, which are very important to our regular processes and workflow. If I can't restore the old version, where the heck have they disappeared to? I really don't relish re-doing these from scratch! And now I'll have to re-train my fill-in employee for the days I'm not here to do anything, since the entire UI seems to have changed from the ground up. This is so disruptive.
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‎May 06, 2024
08:36 AM
Turns out it's the font Frutiger Roman. I've tried replacing it with three different versions, TrueType, OpenType and even our old Postscript Type 1, but if any Frutiger Roman of any kind is in any page it fails to make a PDF. I'll just find a different font, I guess. (And yes I know Adobe no longer supports Type 1, it was just an experiment to see if the results or warnings might be different.)
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‎May 02, 2024
02:36 PM
It's only this document. Other ID files make PDFs as expected, so it's not the save location or disk access. I think I'm just going to have to start from scratch and re-build this one page at a time.
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‎May 02, 2024
01:13 PM
That stopped it from making the folder, anyway. Still not making any PDFs. Now it just closes the dialog and nothing at all happens. I did notice that if I look at the folder where I'm saving it, the PDF appears for a second or so then disappears, presumably as ID is attempting and failing to save it. Wish it would at least give me an error message. Also, I can open the idml file in QuarkXPress and it will save a PDF without a problem from there. But it makes changes to the layout in the conversion so that's not really a practical solution.
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‎May 02, 2024
12:21 PM
No, still not working, either from the idml file or from a new indt file created from the idml file. Still just makes an empty folder with the name of the document. Our IT guy normally handles upgrades. I thought the subscription was set to automatically keep up to date. Will it work with Monterey if I take the initiative? (Photoshop 2024 seems to want Sonoma.)
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‎May 02, 2024
10:53 AM
Is this normal behavior in some versions of InDesign?? Since ID can only be used by subscription, is it possible I could be working in something other than InDesign 2024? The splash screen says its v. 19.3 if that makes a difference. The icon in the Dock asserts it's 2024. OS is Mac Monterey 12.7.4 Here's the summary of export options. Anything weird in there I may have inadvertently changed? Description [Based on '[High Quality Print]'] Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents for quality printing on desktop printers and proofers. Created PDF documents can be opened with Acrobat and Adobe Reader 5.0 and later. PDF Preset: [High Quality Print] (modified) Compatibility: Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4) Standards Compliance: None General Pages: All Spreads: Off View: Default Layout: Default Full Screen: Off Generate Thumbnails: Off Optimize PDF: On Create Acrobat Layers: N/A Export Layers: Visible and Printable Layers Include Bookmarks: Off Include Hyperlinks: Off Export Nonprinting Objects: Off Export Visible Guides and Baseline Grids: Off Create Tagged PDF: On Interactive Elements: Do Not Include &Create Separate PDF Files: On Include Hidden Spreads: Off Compression Color Images Bicubic Downsample at: 300 ppi for images above: 450 ppi Compression: Automatic Tile Size: N/A Quality: Maximum Grayscale Images Bicubic Downsample at: 300 ppi for images above: 450 ppi Compression: Automatic Tile Size: N/A Quality: Maximum Monochrome Images Bicubic Downsample at: 1200 ppi for images above: 1800 ppi Compression: CCITT Group 4 Compress Text and Line Art: On Crop Image Data to Frames: On Marks and Bleeds Crop Marks: On Bleed Marks: Off Registration Marks: Off Color Bars: Off Page Information: On Page Mark Type: Default Weight: 0.25 pt Offset: 0p6 Use Document Bleed Settings: Off Bleed Top: 0p0 Bleed Bottom: 0p0 Bleed Inside: 0p0 Bleed Outside: 0p0 Include Slug Area: Off Output Color Conversion: No Color Conversion Destination: N/A Profile Inclusion Policy: Include Tagged Source Profiles Simulate Overprint: N/A Output Intent Profile Name: N/A Output Condition: N/A Output Condition Identifier: N/A Registry Name: N/A Advanced Subset Fonts Below: 100% Omit PDF: Off Omit EPS: Off Omit Bitmap Images: Off Transparency Flattener Preset: N/A Ignore Spread Overrides: N/A Display Title: File Name Language: English: USA Security N/A Warnings
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‎May 02, 2024
10:36 AM
Why is ID exporting only empty folders instead of PDF files? This is only happening (so far) with one document, but it's unfortunately one of our template files from which we produce a lot of our pages. I get no error message. It goes through the normal process as if it's exporting the PDF, but nothing is created but an empty folder with the name of the layout. I've tried restarting ID and rebooting the computer. I've tried exporting to a different drive. I'd hate to have to rebuild this entire template with all it's master pages to fix this. Any idea what might be wrong?
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‎Feb 13, 2024
08:50 AM
Can you explain what you did? I don't see any difference in the before/after file names.
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‎Feb 13, 2024
08:43 AM
I didn't say it was always in a group, just at times it "may be grouped." Yes, Mr. Gifford mentioned the double-click method of selecting items within the group. The video clip was made before the explanation about double-clicking with Direct Select tool. I was asking if there was a way to select the frame edge with the Direct Selection tool (instead of the wrap)... a modifier key combo or something. I gather there is not. Thanks for your help.
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‎Feb 12, 2024
01:31 PM
Hmm... that seems to be the solution, sort of. Although the issue isn't an anchor point, but the frame edge: it selects the wrap edge instead of the frame edge. The problem is still that the text box may be grouped with other items on the page. If I use the Selection Tool it selects the entire group, not just the text box I want to re-size, and I can't select the frame edge at all. There's no way to limit my selection to the frame from the Direct Selection tool?
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‎Feb 12, 2024
11:45 AM
I can't seem to find a preference or even a description of this. When I create a text frame (or an image frame) it comes with a text wrap (which normally is fine) but if I try to resize the frame, instead of grabbing the edge of the frame it automatically grabs the edge of the text wrap indicator and drags that instead. I've tried holding down varies modifier keys to try to grab the frame edge instead, but nothing seems to work. Is the only way to accomplish this to first turn off the text wrap, then drag the frame edge where I want it, then go turn text wrap back on? That seems so clumsy and inefficient I can't imagine that's how it's supposed to work, but I can't track down anything better.
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‎Oct 06, 2023
05:18 PM
The path to my user library is different: Macintosh HD/Users/JonFraze/Library/Quicklook. (I.e., it's not User/JonFraze/Macintosh HD/Library/Quicklook as I think you're saying above.) I'm pretty sure the path I'm finding is the only one available. Is that what you'd meant? (It's confounding how many Library and System folders are on a Mac. I've never understood that.) I had it working for the past year but the fix isn't working for me any more, at any rate. Our IS guy "updated" last week and now it won't work whatever I try.
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‎Aug 08, 2023
09:51 AM
Thanks, this is the best solution. After playing with the settings a little it does exactly what I need: exports all the images at their original resolution and image quality, while retaining the original page numbers in the file names so our web team knows exactly what page they came from. (One related question though... is there a way to customize the file naming convention? Some of the file names end up pretty long. It would be more manageable if I could delete the unnecessarily repetitive "Page_1_Image_" part of every file name!)
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‎Aug 04, 2023
05:14 PM
I haven't used Acrobat's Action Wizard in so long I'd forgotten it existed! That may be the best solution. I'll look into that.
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‎Aug 04, 2023
05:05 PM
‎Aug 04, 2023
05:03 PM
The current workflow is slow and inefficient. I'm trying to create a new workflow to fix this for the Web team. The PDFs are generally in the range of 60+ MB and typically 48-50 pages. The problem with the single-PDF option is that it exports all the images from ads, and we only need to provide images for the editorial pages. My best solution so far is to combine all pages so the page numbers remain correct, then go through and delete all the material on the ad pages (so they're blank but still retain the page number). Then when I export all images it automatically names all the images by page number, which makes it easy for the Web team to put them in the correct place when they build the html versions. This may be the best I can do.
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‎Aug 04, 2023
04:55 PM
Yes, I know what a PDF is. I've been using them for 30 years. There's no call for the condescension. I'm trying to automate a process to save a day's work every issue. The Web team has been taking screen shots from the final publication PDF then going back and renumbering each screen shot by page number one at a time. I'm hoping to save all that wasted effort.
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‎Jul 25, 2023
01:44 PM
Is there any way to export all the images from a portfolio? I know I can combine PDFs into a single document, but that renumbers all the pages. I need the automatic file naming to include the page number of the original PDF documents. If my original document was numbered pages 12-14, for instance, the images exported from that document need to have those page numbers, even though the portfolio consists of 10 or more such documents all with different page numbers. Alternatively I can painstakingly open each document one at a time and export from there, but I'm hoping there's a more automated way to accomplish this.
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