‎Mar 02, 2025
02:36 PM
Hi Giulia! Sorry to hear you experienced crashes with Rorohiko plug-ins. Would you mind sending us some more info in this regard? If there are any issues, please reach out to support at and send us crash reports, screenshots, any info you can spare: it's very hard for us to fix issues without any info. At least, let us know which plug-in is involved. Note that there is a version 1.0.75 of APID ToolAssistant available on our web site...
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‎Nov 05, 2024
01:04 AM
I ran a few quick tests - I used my CEPSparker 'starter' and generated a small CEP panel with some basic functionality in it. Built a ZXP on Mac, and built another ZXP on Windows, and tried to use it on InDesign 2025, and saw no issues.Mac-built ZXP works fine on Windows. Windows-built ZXP works fine on Mac. These use a self-signed certificate (created on Mac), and I am installing with Anastasyi's Extension Manager. What I assume might be the most important tidbit in my tests is that my default CEP version is 6.1 - old, old, but works fine for basic extensions. The things that need to be verified are Try building for CEP 12, 11, 10,... and see if that makes the difference Try creating the certificate on Mac vs on Windows and see if that makes a difference Could it be a problem with thr Creative Cloud Deskop (rather than the ZXP or ZXP Installer)? Creative Cloud app - ID, Illy,... .... My Wild Guess based on the very limited info we have would be that maybe somewhere in the process something is being line-ending irresponsible and changing line endings on what seem to be text files, and that might be enough to invalidate the signature. That would cause this 'symmetric' behavior, where Mac-created stuff is broken on Win and vice versa. Just a wild guess though -without being able to make the issue happen for me, I am guessing stuff from a position of ignorance. I currently don't have the time to put a lot of hours into this, so I am just adding my small data point to the pool... It looks like a hairy issue, and we probably need a systematic exploration of the problems space which is a fair bit of effort.
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‎Jul 24, 2024
07:57 PM
Just on a whim, worth a try: start a Terminal window and have a look in the /Volumes directory. There is a long-standing bug in InDesign where stray, abandoned volume mounts cause all kinds of trouble. Clearing the stray entries from /Volumes would then fix the issue.
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‎Jul 02, 2024
08:30 PM
Focus: If you're developer or scripter, the summit is a great opportunity to network and interact with creative people, who are often the end-users of the software you're developing. In addition, you get to brainstorm and meet up with fellow developers. The Summit emphasizes developers helping and learning from each other. For 14 years, the Creative Developers Summit has been the top conference for developers working with Adobe Creative Cloud applications. This year, July 10 to 11 2024, it’s co-located with CreativeProWeek in Washington, DC, What to Bring: Scripts, extensions, and plug-ins. Questions for experienced developers. Steps to Register: either come and meet us, or attend remotely. a) In-person attendance: 1. Contact me ( for the discount code. 2. Sign up here: b) Remote attendance (free): Enroll at Featured Speakers: James Lockman (Adobe) Hamza Habeeb (Adobe) Justin Taylor (Hyper Brew) Caleb Clauset (Typefi) Harbs (Santa Cruz Software) Erin Finnegan (Adobe) Kris Coppieters (Rorohiko) Keith Gilbert (Gilbert Consulting) Colin Flashman (colecandoo) And more! Important Reads:
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‎Jul 02, 2024
08:27 PM
Focus: If you're developer or scripter, the summit is a great opportunity to network and interact with creative people, who are often the end-users of the software you're developing. In addition, you get to brainstorm and meet up with fellow developers. The Summit emphasizes developers helping and learning from each other. For 14 years, the Creative Developers Summit has been the top conference for developers working with Adobe Creative Cloud applications. This year, July 10 to 11 2024, it’s co-located with CreativeProWeek in Washington, DC, What to Bring: Scripts, extensions, and plug-ins. Questions for experienced developers. Steps to Register: either come and meet us, or attend remotely. a) In-person attendance: 1. Contact me ( for the discount code. 2. Sign up here: b) Remote attendance (free): Enroll at Featured Speakers: James Lockman (Adobe) Hamza Habeeb (Adobe) Justin Taylor (Hyper Brew) Caleb Clauset (Typefi) Harbs (Santa Cruz Software) Erin Finnegan (Adobe) Kris Coppieters (Rorohiko) Keith Gilbert (Gilbert Consulting) Colin Flashman (colecandoo) And more! Important Reads:
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‎Jun 05, 2024
10:36 PM
1 Upvote
For 14 years, the Creative Developers Summit has been the top conference for developers working with Adobe Creative Cloud applications. This year, July 10 to 11 2024, it’s co-located with CreativeProWeek in Washington, DC, Why Attend? Face-to-Face Networking: Connect with both developers and creative end-users. Learning Opportunities: Gain insights into how your tools and scripts are used in creative workflows. What to Bring: Scripts, extensions, and plug-ins. Questions for experienced developers. Steps to Register: 1. Contact me for the discount code. 2. Sign up here: Featured Speakers: Justin Taylor (Hyperbrew) Caleb Clauset (Typefi) Harbs (Santa Cruz Software) Erin Finnegan (Adobe) Kris Coppieters (Rorohiko) Keith Gilbert Colin Flashman (colecandoo) Max Dunn (Silicon Publishing) And more! Important Reads: Related Event: This summit complements the Adobe "Developers Live" conference on June 19 and 20. Learn more here: Focus: The Summit emphasizes developers helping and learning from each other.
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‎Jun 26, 2023
04:38 AM
1 Upvote
Also, you haven't answered Uwe's question: what is the URL you're trying to access by way of getURL? I suspect that might be where the issue lies.
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‎Jun 26, 2023
04:32 AM
Man, that code is _old_. I've since had at least two rewrites and other approaches which work better. Unless you really, really want to use that old code, make sure to check out JSXGetURL ( and ExtendExtendScript If you have good reason to want to use this very old version, let me know, but if I could choose, I'd prefer to put the old GetURL.jsx out to pasture...
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‎Jun 01, 2023
02:17 PM
1 Upvote
For another speed comparison: I've set up UXPScriptSparker to make it easy to run side-by-side comparisons between UXPScript and ExtendScript speeds. One example: There are a few more sample scripts embedded into UXPScriptSparker
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‎Mar 17, 2023
02:20 PM
Hi all, we're currently working hard to organize the next Creative Developer Summit, during the Creative Pro week. The Creative Developer Summit will be on June 8 The content of this page has not been finalized yet - it's currently mostly a copy of what we did on our last dev summit. We're still working on the program for the 2023 Developers Summit. If you would like to be considered to present a session at the summit, please reach out to I will be running an interactive workshop 'Pragmatic Extension Development' on June 7. More info of what subjects are touched on: To enroll: before you begin, you need a discount code - email me ( to get the code. You can attend the summit and/or my workshop by registering for one or two days of the Creative Pro Week, on June 7 and/or June 8. When you register, use the discount code provided, which will also give you a 50% discount. Please do NOT share, publish or abuse this discount code - it is only meant to be used for attending the developer summit and/or the workshop. More details about the Creative Developer Summit will appear on the web page as we flesh out the program.
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‎Mar 17, 2023
02:18 PM
Hi all, we're currently working hard to organize the next Creative Developer Summit, during the Creative Pro week. The Creative Developer Summit will be on June 8 The content of this page has not been finalized yet - it's currently mostly a copy of what we did on our last dev summit. We're still working on the program for the 2023 Developers Summit. If you would like to be considered to present a session at the summit, please reach out to I will be running an interactive workshop 'Pragmatic Extension Development' on June 7. More info of what subjects are touched on: To enroll: before you begin, you need a discount code - email me ( to get the code. You can attend the summit and/or my workshop by registering for one or two days of the Creative Pro Week, on June 7 and/or June 8. When you register, use the discount code provided, which will also give you a 50% discount. Please do NOT share, publish or abuse this discount code - it is only meant to be used for attending the developer summit and/or the workshop. More details about the Creative Developer Summit will appear on the web page as we flesh out the program.
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‎Aug 26, 2021
04:27 AM
I just bumped into this today, and got around it by 'double-wrapping' the AppleScript, and execute the problematic code by way of a command line invokation. For what it is worth, here's a snippet of my code: var appleScript =
"tell application \"Finder\" " +
"to make alias file to POSIX file \"" + srcFilePath + "\" " +
"at POSIX file \"" + dstFolderPath + "\"";
var osaScriptCommand = "osascript -e \"" + backslashEscaped(appleScript) + "\"";
if ( != {
var intermediateFile = File(dstFolderPath + "/" +;
var intermediateFilePath = intermediateFile.fsName;
osaScriptCommand += "; mv \"" + backslashEscaped(intermediateFilePath) + "\" \"" + backslashEscaped(dstFilePath) + "\"";
var wrapperAppleScript = "do shell script \"" + backslashEscaped(osaScriptCommand) + "\"";
try {
app.doScript(wrapperAppleScript, ScriptLanguage.APPLESCRIPT_LANGUAGE);
catch (err) {
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‎Jul 28, 2021
12:30 AM
Is this on an M1 Mac or a regular Intel Mac? Please provide ample details (e.g. exact version of Mac OS X, exact version of InDesign, M1 or Intel Mac,...). What URL are you accessing in the sample.jsx script? Have you verified that URL is accessible from your location? For the sake of argument, the sample.jsx refers to but if that URL is not accessible from your computer (e.g. because of firewalls), you'd get 'undefined' in the variable s. The sample.jsx is very rudimentary and has no error checking whatsoever.
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‎Jul 27, 2021
02:42 AM
Another thought: make sure to NOT separate sample.jsx from the JSXGetURL folder. They need to stay together. Merely dragging sample.jsx into your scripts folder will not work - it needs the JSXGetURL folder in the same spot.
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‎Jul 26, 2021
04:35 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, Kris here. I just tried it out on an M1 Mac with Big Sur and it seems to work fine. However, do note that it won't work unless you run InDesign in Rosetta. I'd need to make a new version that also supports M1. It is on the back burner until I get through my to-do-list for paying customers, which means it might be a long time before I get to it. So, for now, if you're on an M1 Mac, you need to run it with Rosetta.
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‎Jan 08, 2021
02:16 PM
I might be wrong, just a guess, but could it be Apple's security sandboxes? Make sure the System Preferences are set up to allow the AppleScript to control Illustrator etc... - I've not studied this in detail, but more recent versions of Mac OS X are very picky in what they allow. I'd have a look in 'System Preferences - Security' and make sure allowance is made for the script to control Illustrator. I think it might be under 'Automation'.
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‎Dec 01, 2020
01:55 AM
1 Upvote
I think you need to make some very rough back-of-the-envelope calculations. Below some rough ideas. Take them with a grain of salt and work it out for yourself. I've not carefully verified my calculations, so I might be far off base here or there. Also, I am ignoring things like occasional crashes, restarts... which can cause things to go slower than expected. First of all, I'd be thinking of InDesign Server, rather than InDesign. InDesign is not meant for these kinds of tasks. InDesign Server gives you better performance than InDesign can. Depending on document complexity, size, script optimization, clock speed, fonts used... you can expect rendering times, say, between 0.1s and 10s per document rendered (just a range of order of magnitude based on my real-life experiences with InDesign Server). If you need to go faster than can be wrung out via script optimization and optimizing tweaks like using bits of C++ code, you need more instances of InDesign Server working concurrently. If you need to process 1,000,000 documents in one single batch, you can expect a single InDesign server instance to take somewhere between 28 hours (a little over a full day), and 2800 hours - 116 days (more days than there are in the month). If you need to process 1,000,000 documents, but it can be spread out over the course of a month (e.g. you could process 33,000 documents per day, every day) a single InDesign Server instance could handle simple documents in the most optimistic case (0.1s to process a document). In the most pessimistic case (10s to process a document), you need 92 hours of rendering time, which means you need at least 4 InDesign Server instances processing concurrently to 'fit' that in 24 hours. At 10s rendering time per document, a single instance can handle 24*3600/10 = 8640 document renders per 24 hours, so 4 instances handle 34000 documents per 24 hours. If you need to process 1,000,000 documents in about a single day (e.g. end-of-month), the picture changes. In the most optimistic case a single instance could handle 24*3600/0.1 = 864,000 documents in 24 hours, so you'd need 2 instances working concurrently to manage 1,000,0000 docs. In the most pessimistic case you need 200 instances working concurrently. That'll be expensive, I'd say. A lot depends on what your expected usage pattern over time is. Also a lot depends on how much can be pre-processed, pre-templated and how complex the documents are. The more variability they have, the more processing it will take. All depends. It might be feasible, it might not. Optimizing the process up-front could make or break the feasability. I would also look into other solutions - e.g. the ones mentioned before, or things like Apache FOP, or custom-made things around iText or PDFBox or other alternatives. A lot depends on how high you value good typography as provided by InDesign Server.
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‎Jun 26, 2020
10:57 PM
Wild guess: do you have an Extensis plug-in installed? The crash log indicates it is crashing in a plug-in. If you have any third-party plug-ins installed, try removing them. If that works, the problem is likely with the plug-in. E.g. you might need to get an update to the plug-in specially for 2020.
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‎Jun 02, 2020
10:29 PM
I think the reason is that the second URL needs authentication. Much depends on what kind of authentication method is used.
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‎Jun 02, 2020
03:34 PM
Hi all, I now have a much better solution, which is an ExtendScript enhancement. Very easy to use (simply #include a jsx file which automatically selects and loads a binary DLL or dylib). It works with all applications that have ExtendScript (so it also works with Illustrator, InDesign Server, ESTK, Bridge...). It's based on libcurl. More info here: My previous 'GetURL' was using node.js/CEP which is not supported with InDesign Server. This new approach does not rely on CEP, so it works with InDesign Server. Example: #include "JSXGetURL/JSXGetURLLoader.jsx"
var getURL = JSXGetURL();
var s = getURL.get("");
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‎May 26, 2020
11:26 PM
Note that ActionRecorder is very old. It was using the old CSXS technology (Air/Flash based) which is not supported any more, and the signing certificates on it have long gone stale. At the time we were very hopeful and sank a lot of time, effort and resources into ActionRecorder, but we never found any takers, and when the move to CEP was made, we could not afford rebuilding it from scratch, so we had to abandon the project...
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‎May 26, 2020
03:42 PM
P.S. As a little taster - here's the Github repo with the sample scripts I discuss in my session on speeding up ExtendScript. Register and watch my session to learn more and make your scripts faster. The session is aimed at InDesign Server, but many of the tricks apply to any ExtendScript.
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‎May 26, 2020
03:40 PM
1 Upvote
The Creative Developers Summit 2020 program is starting to take shape. List of speakers and sessions is available here: Sorry for the short notice! It is all run by volunteers, and pulling it together in a timely manner proved hard 😞 Don't delay, register today! Hope to see you there!
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‎May 26, 2020
03:37 PM
The Creative Developers Summit 2020 program is starting to take shape. List of speakers and sessions is available here: Sorry for the short notice! It is all run by volunteers, and pulling it together in a timely manner proved hard 😞 Don't delay, register today! Hope to see you there!
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‎May 19, 2020
03:37 PM
Two-day virtual developer summit (June 4–5) The Creative Developers Summit has been the go-to conference for the past half-dozen years for developers creating software for Adobe Creative Cloud applications. This year, sessions will all be online for obvious reasons. Registration includes all sessions on both days, and it's only $95 this year, a huge discount from previous years. Because everything is online, we're going to have speakers prerecord their sessions so you can watch them at your leisure, and then have a fixed online time for each sessions's Q&A, where the speakers will be there to answer your questions via Zoom. Sign up here: We'll have some great speakers including Kris Coppieters from Rorohiko, Mike Zahorik from Adobe, and others. Full info will be mailed to you in a few days. If you would like to be a speaker at summit, and have some interesting topic you'd like to speak about, here's your chance: send us a brief outline of a presentation you'd like to add to the summit. Send your proposal to! Note that this Summit is complementary to, not competing with, the upcoming "Adobe Creative Cloud Digital Partner Days 2020" which are happening on June 23 and 24: The Creative Developers Summit is (mostly) about developers talking to developers, and won't overlap in content with Adobe's June event. Hope to "see" you soon!
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‎Oct 22, 2019
02:13 PM
I wanted to add my current perception of where things are at with the VS Code ES debugger. My situation is that I am often called in to look at complex issues and interactions between scripts, apps, extensions... My go-to tool for script debugging/analyzing was and still is ESTK. I've been trying really hard to use VSCode + ES Debugger as a replacement. There is a lot riding on this. But as it is, it just does not cut it for me. Each time I try VSCode + ES Debugger for my line of work, I come back frustrated - more frustrated than I get when I need to use ESTK on a Mac. The main issues are: lack of stability, and lack of features. The scripts I work on are large (over 50K lines is very common). VSCode + ES Debugger does not seem to be able to handle that and it hangs, crashes, misbehaves all the time. ESTK on Windows still handles this wonderfully well. I also use ESTK's profiling a lot for optimization. I might be wrong, but I don't think VSCode + ES has any of that. My personal opinion is that the VSCode + ES Debugger might be taking the wrong approach. As far as I can tell there are multiple layers of software, and some of these layers have asynchronous coupling with the layers below. That asynchronicity is asking for trouble. At the moment, my 'goto' tool is to use ESTK on Windows. That still runs quite nicely. My current message: ESTK is still crucial to the work I do. VSCode + ES Debugger is still far from becoming a replacement. If ESTK goes away, I don't think I can do my job properly any more.
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‎Jul 23, 2019
01:38 PM
1 Upvote
AFAIK, there has been no such announcements. But when Adobe folk talk about UXP, it is put forward as a replacement for CEP. I've asked around to try and figure out 'when?' and all answers I got were that CEP will be around for some time to come, and UXP support in applications like InDesign and Illustrator is on the books, but nothing is concrete just yet. So, AFAIK, nobody knows how UXP will replace CEP, when it will happen, and how it will be done. But it is clear that it will happen - there is no effort on the CEP front, there is a lot of effort on the UXP front. The information available is vague, and I think that's because Adobe is still in the early stages of this shift. My CEPSparker (as used in my workshop) is here: GitHub - zwettemaan/CEPSparker: A starter project for a panel for Adobe Creative Cloud apps It's a bit different than all other starters.
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‎Jul 18, 2019
06:13 PM
This ExtendScript code is large, and it seems to be way beyond what VSCode/ES can chew. In ESTK I have no trouble debugging this (except for the 'knows issues' - i.e. inadvertent 'mumble mode').
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‎Jul 18, 2019
06:12 PM
After the two areas reversed, the extension host crashed. And after that, the variables inspector stopped updating: it keeps on showing invalid data. There is no additional trace info that appears. I had to quit everything, do a killall "Code Helper". Then tried some more, and that killed the extension host again. Nothing in the trace data. I also noticed that simply moving the mouse over the source code automatically tries to evaluate 'stuff' it sees in the source code, and so there is a constant 'chatter' going on in the trace as I move the mouse over the source code during a debug session. Could that cause some conflicts and stuff that gets mixed up?
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‎Jul 18, 2019
05:56 PM
1 Upvote
Ok, captured an oddity. The screenshot shows that 'Global' and 'Local' are reversed. But I think the trace info seems to indicate that the data being received is not reversed, so something in the display logic seems to go wrong. Trace info: {"0":"<properties object=\"\" engine=\"com.siliconpublishing.inDesignESDriverSnippets\"><value type=\"Object\" name=\"this\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></value><property type=\"string\" name=\"in_path\" state=\"new\"><![CDATA[/Users/kris/Dropbox/Tunnel_VMs/dolly-mojave/exportqxp/FV CPMP3 L/FV CPMP3 L_2.jsx]]></property></properties>"} {"0":"<trace>[1563497466021] sendVariableRequest Successful.</trace>"} [1563497466021] sendVariableRequest Successful. {"0":"<properties object=\"$.global\" engine=\"com.siliconpublishing.inDesignESDriverSnippets\"><property type=\"Application\" name=\"app\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Application]]]></property><property type=\"error\" name=\"incopy14\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[No documents are open.]]></property><property type=\"Array\" name=\"apps\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[aftereffects-16.0,ame-13.0,ame-6.0,ame-7.0,bridge-5.064,bridge-9.064,dreamweaver-19.1,estoolkit-3.8,estoolkit-4.0,exman-6.0,illustrator-16.064,illustrator-17.064,illustrator-18.064,illustrator-19.064,illustrator-20.064,illustrator-21.064,illustrator-22.064,illustrator-23.064,incopy-14.064,indesign-10.064,indesign-11.064,indesign-12.064,indesign-13.064,indesign-14.064,indesign-8.0,indesign-9.064,indesignserver-13.0,photoshop-130.064,premierepro-13.0,switchboard-2.0]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"incopy\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"tempPSVersionInfo\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"photoshop\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"photoshop110\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"bridge9\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"bridge\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"aftereffects16\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"aftereffects\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"illustrator\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"indesign11\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"indesign\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"indesign13\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"indesign14\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"indesign10\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"indesign12\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"ROOT_CONVERSION\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"ROOT_MAIN\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"ROOT\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Object\" name=\"JSON\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[[object Object]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"MeasurementUnits\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"number\" name=\"NaN\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[NaN]]></property><property type=\"number\" name=\"Infinity\" state=\"\"><![CDATA[Infinity]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"SaveOptions\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"RulerOrigin\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"DocumentIntentOptions\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"ColorSpace\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"ColorModel\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"Leading\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"Justification\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"CoordinateSpaces\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"AnchorPoint\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"FitOptions\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"PathType\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"CornerOptions\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property><property type=\"Enumeration\" name=\"Position\" state=\"\" readonly=\"true\"><![CDATA[[object Enumeration]]]></property></properties>"} {"0":"<trace>[1563497466069] sendVariableRequest Successful.</trace>"} [1563497466069] sendVariableRequest Successful.
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