Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Jan 24, 2023
05:19 AM
Hi Phil, I logged a feature request on your behalf: Add ability to render audio on all nested sequences at the project panel level.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
05:19 AM
Hi Phil, We can only display the peak files that have already been drawn (for every imported audio clip) if the source channels and the track item have a 1:1 relationship (no mixing). In most cases with nested audio, some type of audio mixing has occurred (unless you have taken care to pan source channels so they pass source to output in a 1:1 fashion). If any audio in the nested track item requires mixing to the master channels, we have no choice but to not display waveforms since the existing waveforms already created would not be a true representation of the nested clip. If you are still not seeing any waveforms after rendering the outside of the nest then there may be another issue. If that is the case, can you please describe the source sequence track types and panning as well clip audio channel types and clip panning and finally the master channel type? Thanks!
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‎Feb 11, 2022
05:24 PM
1 Upvote
The ability to add custom interpretation settings by modifying the interpretation rules.txt file is unfortunately not enabled in Premiere Pro at this time. In the meantime, I have a workaround if you have After Effects installed.
1) Modify the After Effects interpretation rules.txt file
C:Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\22.2
Users/username/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/22.2
and add this line at the bottom then save the file:
0, 0, 0, "0000", * = 23/20/"1.15 PAR", *, *, *, *, *
2) Launch After Effects and choose new project
3) Import all of the files you wish to interpret to 1.15.
4) Select the first clip in the project panel, right click and choose Interpret footage\main
5) Under other options find the 1.15 PAR setting under Pixel aspect ratio
6) Right click on the same clip and choose Interpret footage\Remember interpretation
7) Select all of the other clips, right click and choose Interpret footage\apply interpretation
8) File menu\export\export Premiere Pro Project, then save the Premiere project.
9) Launch Premiere Pro and open the previously saved project. All the clips should now be using the 1.15 PAR from After Effects.
Hope this helps and feel free to PM me if you have any follow up questions.
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‎May 30, 2019
02:47 PM
Hi Walter, I sent you a couple of private messages. If you are able to send me your offline project file and the resulting AAF I can try to help you sort out what might be going on. Can you also please note which versions of Premiere and Pro Tools you are using? Thanks!
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