Yukie Takahashi
Yukie Takahashi
10 12, 2024
12:55 AM
What happened with generative function?! I'm rare use it, but a year ago I experimented in many photos and it worked very well, but now incorrectly detects the light and focus. Maybe I'm not making prompts in the right way? But as I say before it was enough for me to write "flowers" and it understand how to draw. Here I'm trying to add a vase with flowers on the table, it constantly gives me a sharp result. First prompt was: vase with flowers. Second: vase with flowers on background, depth of field. Third: vase with flowers on background, not in focus, depth of field. And all the time same poor result... For example, one of my experiment year ago with one of my photos. Here was generated: on table "book", "glass of wine" and "wine bottle", on background "dark transparent vase with dark flowers staying in shadow". All of this looking good! Maybe except glass, because no shadow from light but i made too small frame for it.
9 12, 2023
08:30 AM
6 賛成票
So, STABLE will always give the best results, but consume more resources and FAST consume less resources, but doesn't give so good results, correct?
10 16, 2018
08:07 PM
バグの詳細(ステップ)と環境もなにも >>1と状況環境+アップデートで、なにも改善されてないようですが。 2019はライセンス認証問題で現状使い物にならないですし。