Jeff Gietz
New Here
Jeff Gietz
New Here
‎Oct 19, 2011
05:37 PM
Also had this problem on windows 7 using a heavy user account, I deleted the file in C:\Users\~username~\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Plugins\Adobe Save for Web CS5\Photoshop
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‎Jun 29, 2011
10:25 PM
I've had the same bug for iPad 1 when trying to load some a css at runtime by converting it into a SWF file. e.g. if(this.width>500) { styleManager.loadStyleDeclarations("assets/styleTablet.swf"); } /* CSS file */ @namespace s "library://"; @media (application-dpi: 160) { global { fontSize: 24; } .introtext { fontSize:28; } } Works fine in the emulator but no images show up in the ad-hoc build If someone either has a solution for this or another solution for changing font size by width rather than just dpi I would be happy with that too. Thanks Edit: Reported bug
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