‎Mar 04, 2025
08:11 AM
Just wondering if you ever resolved this. My system isn't as good as yours but it's only a 2-year-old machine with 16 gig And I only had problems after upgrading to Windows 11 in mid-December. Prior to that I have been running 26.2 both beta and release versions with no issues. Now I have a problem with it shutting down on file>open that began in December when I decided give Windows 11 another go and decided to do it as a clean install. Right out of the gate I had this problem. It functions otherwise normally. I can right click files and either open with or send to Photoshop fine And I can open them through bridge. The reason I'm asking you is because after frustrating hours of working with support remotely logged in still not finding the issue, I began installing versions backwards one at a time to identify where the failure is happening and it happens between versions 25.9 and 25.11. This was in June of last year. Compatibility checker shows that it's compatible And I found that if I launch it holding shift to prevent plugins from loading, it operates fine. What baffles me is that I don't have any plugins installed. Trying to identify what else changed between those two versions that's causing this problem that was not causing the same problem on Windows 10....
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‎Feb 28, 2025
12:38 PM
Still getting nowhere with this and getting quite frustrated. I just did moved over to the Windows Insider edition because there's a fix there for a slow right-click problem in Explorer. The update took about 2 hours so I'm assuming it was a major revision. Booted back up and still have the same problem. As mentioned before, I didn't have this problem with 26.2 on Win10 in mid December. But After a clean install of Win11 in mid December I've had this problem and the problem is there all the way back to 25.11. v25.9.1 does NOT crash on FILE>Open. 25.11 and every version after does. So what changed between 25.9.1 and 25.11?
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‎Feb 18, 2025
06:39 AM
Hi @KnoTho could you please share any screenshots of what you are seeing? Others say the issue is fixed for not for you?
Make sure you have the latest Ps beta: Adobe Photoshop Version: 26.5.0 20250212.m.2973 455b503 arm64
1. Try resetting Prefs for the Beta: /Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/ Photoshop Beta Settings (Mac Ventura) /Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ \(Beta\)\ Settings (Mac)

C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings
Launch BETA Photoshop While Pressing The Keyboard Shortcut With Photoshop closed, press and hold Shift+Ctrl+Alt (Win) / Shift+Command+Option (Mac) on your keyboard and then Launch Photoshop the way you normally would. 
2. It may help if we could see your Photoshop beta System Info. Launch Photoshop beta, and select Help >System Info...and copy/paste the text in a reply.
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager
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‎Jan 21, 2025
09:13 AM
Yep. No change. I'm shooting canon so the file extension is .CR2. it's curious because I have them stored in OneDrive and both my Samsung phone and my laptop have no trouble displaying them. I can open them in PS just fine. It's just the export from ACR that fails with the error. It happens in both the public release and the beta which are both up to date. I just did a clean win11 installation in December and ran into this when all I'd installed was Adobe CC and MS Office... Before importing my brushes and workspace backups. I've got the system just about where I want it and did an image backup so if anyone has some ideas to try to fix this I'll be more than happy to play the troubleshooting game.
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‎Jan 10, 2025
04:43 PM
1 Upvote
This is quite nice as it makes it a bit easier to navigate fonts but it would be much better if the constant shifting of alignment in the list could be stopped so that scrolling was smooth. The entire experience is stymied by this constant shifting and it's been part of both the production and beta for quite some time. This is a fairly fresh install on Win11 as I finally upgraded a couple weeks ago with a clean install. It's been going on for as long as I can remember across multiple machines. Below is an example. In the first you can see that most of the sample text is at a fixed distance from the font name. In the second, the sample text is aligned separately. I honestly don't care which way it presents, but as it is, it wants to present BOTH ways so the box is constantly resizing and realigning as I scroll through the list of fonts. It's probably my biggest gripe about PS but I don't use fonts often... until this week.
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‎Jan 10, 2025
01:44 PM
I'm fairly certain what you've run into is a myth, possibly via communication errors over time. Fonts as we know them aren't transmitted in a fax as they are with documents saved as files. Fax machines convert scans One of the first and most popular fonts created with faxing in mind was Lucida Fax... which interestingly is a slab serif rather than a sans serif. But it works because of the shapes and specific application of serifs to enhance legibility. Here's some material if you want to delve more deeply into it. Perhaps one of these will lead you to what you're looking for and if you do find it, please let me know.
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‎Jan 03, 2025
06:31 AM
Yeah. I thought about that. There's already a function in settings to allocate memory which I would think is much more complex than allocating recovery disk space. So one option would be to simply allow the user to turn it on and off and choose how much disk space to set aside for it. But as I understand it, Photoshop is already saving everything to temp space as it is. I use the beta which at times has crashed while using it and when re-launched, files I was working on were preserved. So the ability to store and recover is already there. All we're really talking about is the ability to manually save it and re-load it as sessions. At least that's my take on it but I'm a long way from an actual software engineer. lol
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‎Feb 18, 2025
06:39 AM
Hi @KnoTho could you please share any screenshots of what you are seeing? Others say the issue is fixed for not for you?
Make sure you have the latest Ps beta: Adobe Photoshop Version: 26.5.0 20250212.m.2973 455b503 arm64
1. Try resetting Prefs for the Beta: /Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/ Photoshop Beta Settings (Mac Ventura) /Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ \(Beta\)\ Settings (Mac)

C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings
Launch BETA Photoshop While Pressing The Keyboard Shortcut With Photoshop closed, press and hold Shift+Ctrl+Alt (Win) / Shift+Command+Option (Mac) on your keyboard and then Launch Photoshop the way you normally would. 
2. It may help if we could see your Photoshop beta System Info. Launch Photoshop beta, and select Help >System Info...and copy/paste the text in a reply.
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager
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‎Feb 18, 2025
06:39 AM
Hi @KnoTho could you please share any screenshots of what you are seeing? Others say the issue is fixed for not for you?
Make sure you have the latest Ps beta: Adobe Photoshop Version: 26.5.0 20250212.m.2973 455b503 arm64
1. Try resetting Prefs for the Beta: /Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/ Photoshop Beta Settings (Mac Ventura) /Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ \(Beta\)\ Settings (Mac)

C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings
Launch BETA Photoshop While Pressing The Keyboard Shortcut With Photoshop closed, press and hold Shift+Ctrl+Alt (Win) / Shift+Command+Option (Mac) on your keyboard and then Launch Photoshop the way you normally would. 
2. It may help if we could see your Photoshop beta System Info. Launch Photoshop beta, and select Help >System Info...and copy/paste the text in a reply.
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager
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‎Dec 18, 2024
08:56 AM
Adobe sucks. No fix yet for this issue yet and to add insult to injury, they jacked my subscrition cost up. White collar criminals...LOL
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‎Nov 28, 2024
10:46 AM
I just had to reset my PC and my backup toolbar file is corrupt which left me having to manually setup my toolbar. I forgot how annoying it is to work with. There are 70+ tools but you can only see 10-11 at a time....if the box is manually expanded to fill the entire height of the screen. If using two columns, every other tool is in the left column but there's no indication of where it is when placing it. Adding or removing one tool can mess up the entire toolbar below it. A simple solution would be to offer a "Compact View" that eliminates all the dead and useless space between the names of each tool. They will ALL fit on one page without the font being too small. If not all, then at least 50 of the 70+ tools would fit just fine. Better would be an optoin for a "layout view" that would reflect the side by side nature of a two-column toolbar. Either way, the ability to only see 10-11 of 70+ tools at a time is just nuts... It reminds me of reviewing bank statements on my old flip phone of two decades ago....
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‎Nov 14, 2024
08:46 AM
I'm not at home right now but I'll upload the entire image when I get home. It was originally a 600 ppi scan of a drawing that he downsized to 72 ppi to use as a desktop icon but rather than save as another file name he just saved it. So he torched that file and lost the original over the years. The rest of the image is easy enough. Mostly straight lines... I'm not so concerned with this image in particular as I am with the methods used in cleaning up this specific type of shape... I guess it would be a curved parallelogram? Lol As I said, I've run into this type of shape several times over the years. I've pretty much only used Photoshop for photography where there's rarely a need for clean lines so I never bothered to figure out a quick solution. It's not critical here either as I probably won't do anything like this again for quite a while. I'm just curious about what methods others use for such things that may be less time-consuming than what I've done in the past.
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‎Oct 10, 2024
06:59 AM
It would be great, and possibly would allow for more accurate "reading of text" if there was an option button to choose fonts from an adobe typeface. I know this is a tall ask requiring a deep look at the underlying code, but it would also likely solve the general AI issue of being poor at generating text. Basically, if the option button for text is checked, a subroutine would be inacted that ran text recognition and then replaced the recognized text with real text from a font database..... Having it run only when a user selects a radio button would prevent other elements from being recognized as text and help it to learn. just a thought. 🙂
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‎Oct 10, 2024
06:21 AM
I think one of the problems is that to simply add text to a pdf within the regular text of the document rather than an overlay which may or may not match, Acrobat has to do optical character recognition. When that is done, adding/editing text can be very frustrating. I recently ran across this when I wanted to update my resume and the only copy I could find was a pdf. It was downright horrid and after messing around with it for over an hour trying to edit one sentence and add another, I gave up and retyped the entire thing. Exporting to word just made a terrible mess of formatting making it just as impossible to edit. Acrobat just isn't meant for editing things like a word processor document. It does fine when you need to edit a simple flyer or basic text, but with things like resumes, invoices, bill statements, etc.... anything with tables.... there are just so many sources that it's near impossible to reverse engineer them. That's something that Acrobat just can't do.... Yet. This is where AI can be used to make a world of difference. I think it would be great if there were an option to reverse engineer documents. If an AI could be trained to recognize paragraph indents, spacing, tables, fonts, layouts, etc, it could make this awkward work much easier. You could choose "Document Reconstruction" from the menu, define a source such as MS Word, and it could break down the document as if it were an MS Word document. This would be a POWERFUL new tool! Now that I'm thinking about it, this is what it should do when exporting as a Word document. lol When exporting as a document type, it should run through AI to check and make sure that the exported document will actually appear the same as the pdf. Right now, more often than not when I export something to a Word document it's more often than not, a complete mess. The same when exporting to Excel. Rather than exporting, then looking at the exported result in disappointment, it needs to use Ai to internally generate the document, compare its appearance to the pdf and if it isn't right, edit.... over and over until it DOES appear the same as the document. This would be amazing and would solve me and a lot of others a LOT of trouble.
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‎Jul 29, 2024
03:29 PM
Hi Everyone,
I'm working with a community member who is seeing this issue. Her issue with Select Subject turned out to be Rosetta. Is anyone else in this thread using Rosetta? To check, right-click on the Photoshop app icon > Get Info and then check to see if the checkbox for Rosetta is selected. Thank you!!! Hannah Nicollet QE, Photoshop
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‎Jul 01, 2024
02:31 PM
1 Upvote
@Nancy OShea
it is ongoing, i agree. progress, i'm uncertain.
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‎Mar 19, 2024
07:57 AM
1 Upvote
I wasn't clear in the feature request description. When I mentioned Suggestions / Recent I meant the first screen you see when you launch Photoshop. It shows thumbnails of the recent projects. I'm not talking about dropdown menu from the left top corner: File/Open Recent. So the idea is simple to be able to select more than one thumbnail at once which means opening multiple recent files at once. This would be helpful because once we open one recent file we don't see this screen with thumbnails of recent projects/files anymore.  
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‎Nov 30, 2023
02:50 PM
1 Upvote
Was it just two days ago I was saying that we didn't know when the next full release update would go live? The irony is that Adobe had already started rolling out V25.2.0 and it has given us back the original Adjustment Layer icon size, and it has the option to turn off Layer Mask badges. Both these features were there in the 25.3 beta version.
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‎Oct 03, 2023
09:51 PM
The desktop is normally a physical folder under the user account directory, on your system drive (C). It's hidden by default, but if you unhide it, it's just a normal folder in a normal folder tree.
But it is now possible to put the Windows desktop in the cloud. That's when you encounter this problem of "virtual" folders.
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‎Jul 29, 2023
03:58 AM
My earlier demonstration was purposely extreme, to demonstrate the point of eye adaptation, but coloured elements on the interface do make a difference. We spend a lot of money on good quality, 10 bit monitors, with good uniformity, plus calibration and profiling hardware and software. We do also try and work with reasonably neutral surroundings behind the monitors. The last thing needed is a multicolour interface interfering with fine colour adjustment. Take a look at the pushback on the blue share button if you need confirmation of what other users think.
That said, if this was optional and took very little development time then go for it - each to their own as they say. But if such development takes away from fixing some of the long standing issues then I would vote against it.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
04:03 AM
1 Upvote
I've actually developed a (paid-for) tool some time ago that does something quite similar to what you described. It's a bit more rudimentary, though, and relies on a simple check-box that is added to each page. You can then tick the box on the pages you're interested in and run a script to print only those pages (without having to write down their numbers anywhere) or even extract them as a new PDF file (Acrobat only).
You can find it here:
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‎Oct 12, 2022
11:01 PM
Hi @sleerfnivek ,
Thanks for writing to us. I've given the details to our engineering team, and we'll contact you if more information is needed.
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‎Oct 11, 2022
07:01 AM
I'm pretty sure it is PS or the Adobe Cloud platform, not Win11 (it happens on Win10, too)
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‎Sep 17, 2022
12:55 AM
1 Upvote
I am at the point where I can't get anything done. Adobe overall is a dumpster fire of a company with its programs. Acrobat is a useless program that can't function in any Teams meeting without glitching. Trying to mark up a drawing in front of clients in a Teams meeting is embarassing. It constantly fails. I have given up on Acrobat for AutoCAD as that is a glitchy mess. Now I am on a four back version on PS because inexplicably, getting a photo to load in the lates PS in Windows 11 is impossible and saving confuses the computer to where it stalls and hangs. The incompetence is breathtaking, their idiocy concerning Windows updates legendary, their support is a psychotic mess, and add that with Windows 11 updates that Adobe can't seem to get a grip on, it is now to the point that there should be a mass migration, kicking all Adobe products to the curb. I now use Bluebeam for all my meetings with clients to go over drawings and it is elegant and smooth and does practically everything. Technology was supposed to make work easier and let us be more creative. Instead, it has turned artists and creatives into IT techs that are constantly trying to figure out what the latest issue is and how to fix it or figure out the mystifyingly complex workarounds written by Adobe's cubicle drones. The bottom line is this company exists for shareholders. Not us.
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‎Sep 14, 2022
12:40 PM
It may have been that your workspace just needed to be reset. Changing between the two may have done that. Caches are a strange and fickle fiend.
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‎Aug 17, 2022
07:52 AM
There used to be a section in the neural filters to suggest ideas for new neural filters. I couldn't think of any at the time. But one thing I often need to do in photoshop is make rounded rectangle buttons for websites and apps. I have some actions setup to shorten the path to achieve what's necessary but getting there was a long road and it could still be easier. As it is there still seems to be no way to make a rounded rectangle selection using the marquis tool. Today I was working on one and I had a thought as to how this could work as a neural filter. Supposing I had an image with a logo that was 2500x2500px that I wanted to make into a button for a website. I select the neural filter and from there I have some toggles and sliders on the right. I can reduce the height to 100px, I can widen the canvas to 300 px with a slider, I can slide the content of the image left and right (this image was square when we started but is now 100x300 so there is no space to slide up and down but if done differently you could move wherever the new canvas is) Now that I have a general shape that is the correct size I can fill it with the background color. Then I can adjust a radius slider for the corners, give it 3 dimensional depth, lighting direction and angle, add shadow with a virtual height slider, etc. If taken a step further since it IS a buttonizer, you can check a checkbox to create an "onclick" button as well which duplicates it and has the option to replace colors, height (shadow) etc. Less than two minutes and you have two buttons. Click apply and the first updates, the second generates as another window. Having this tool would also make short work of rounding the corners of any image. Simply click the buttonizer, Leave everything at zero except the corner slider, slide it to where you want it and save. Can we have this? Please?
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‎Jun 17, 2022
03:20 AM
1 Upvote
Well, I just had the same problem pop up and I see that this problem has gone on for several years. Am I to believe that the only way to use Adobe Camera Raw is to adjust the display settings that I have chosen and that work for me for every single other thing that I do? This is nuts! Every other adobe package renders just fine. All other software, the web, everything....all works and looks terrific at 150% which is how it was setup brand new. Any other plugin views fine. Why can't Adobe make ACR adjust for the screen size rather than make the user adjust their environment around ACR? If it was a regular exe file I could right-click it and use scaling options just on that one program but no, that's not possible either it seems. So it appears that I have no choice but to alter the entire environment for the relatively small amount of time I use ACR and then put it back when I'm done. But please register this as an official gripe because we all know you can do better.
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‎Sep 17, 2020
10:42 PM
… mein starterbild von heute morgen – mal wieder – so wie in den letzten wochen auch;( … wann bitte bekommt adobe das ENDLICH in den griff?
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