Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 25, 2025
08:58 AM
I know the future is uncertain at best for this app and 'tool set' but thank you for giving this to us and please don't kill it completely without a decent replacement.
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‎Feb 25, 2025
08:49 AM
I'm familiar with all of the export options, I think. But as I understand it, my only options are to choose a resolution that I want. That's great but I'm trying to get the cleanest version of the photo as possible, and I want to avoid Illustrator scaling it up or doing any unnecessary compression. Thanks for sharing any tricks!
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‎May 01, 2013
11:48 PM
I think I get it... Timer(20, 100) means a 20 millisecond delay is repeated 100 times = a 2 second interval. So if I want 30 seconds, I used Timer(10, 3000) Thanks
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‎May 01, 2013
04:38 PM
The goal: With the timeline stopped, a timer counts to a specified number of seconds, then performs an action (play, gotoAndPlay, etc). Here's the code cobbled together from tutorials and forum generousity, but how do I set it to fire the action at 30 sec, or 60 sec? stop(); var timer:Timer = new Timer(20, 100); // Sets delay to 100, repeatCount to 100 timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, stopper); function stopper(event:TimerEvent):void { switch (timer.currentCount) { case timer.repeatCount: timerText.text = "Done"; timer.reset(); break; } } function timerListener (e:TimerEvent):void { gotoAndPlay("2"); // Code here will execute when triggered by a TimerEvent.TIMER event } timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerListener); //fire the timer timer.start(); //setup reset button resetButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, resetBut); //reset timer on call function resetBut(event:MouseEvent):void { timerText.text = ""; timer.reset(); timer.start(); } I get that the answer's probably in the second line, but what do the 20, 100 correspond to? From my rough test the timer currently runs for about 3 seconds before triggering the event. FLA posted here: https://my.syncplicity.com/share/kobzidmgnm/as3_timer-CT-simple Thanks for any guidance...
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‎May 14, 2012
08:48 AM
I have a flash file with buttons and actions and 2 flash files with animations. I want to control both animation files with the one 'controler' file, at the same time. Note: these are separate swf/exe/app files and will run individually from the desktop, not be loaded into an swf and run online. How can I access the timeline of these separate files to control them? Thanks
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‎May 08, 2012
05:57 PM
That is awesome, can't believe its so simple! The = connects the two... Fantastic, thanks for your help kglad!
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‎May 08, 2012
05:08 PM
Thanks kglad, If it makes the function easier, I can put the input field and the text field they will populate on the same frame, so the 'exist' at the same time. That said, how can I send the input value from one field to the other? What kind of function would populate a text box? I'm not sure how to search for this kind of tutorial...
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‎May 08, 2012
03:48 PM
For example, I want to populate a row of data. I have one frame with input fields and another with the table. How can I connect the text fields so that when I hit submit, their values are sent to the other text fields? Thanks
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‎Sep 24, 2011
11:03 PM
Normally I have a 'MouseEvent.CLICK' on a movieclip handle this but I want use the keyboard instead of the mouse this time. I haven't used the keyboard for button actions since AS2, any tips on how I can do this in AS3? Thanks
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‎Oct 15, 2009
09:42 AM
Ok so, you guys are right - the vid shouldn't be embedded in the timeline. However, how will I be able to sync my timeline animations to the video if it's dynamically loaded? I'm not quite sure how to approach this so I guess I'm looking for a best practice. Thanks for the guidance, I'm new to AS3 and video in flash.
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‎Oct 02, 2009
05:35 PM
I'm working on a project where an flv will be embedded into the flash timeline and graphics will be animated overtop. My video is going to be around 3 minutes long, what's the best way to load this with out the view sitting idle while the entire piece loads?
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‎Sep 16, 2009
05:24 PM
adding a 'nextFrame' action to the function seems to send you to the next frame after release or mouse up, but I'm not sure how to tell it to play after the release. function moveAlong(evt:Event):void {
gotoAndStop(sl.value); //when playhead is released movie stops
//gotoAndPlay(sl.value); //This doesn't work, needs an onRelease or something
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‎Sep 11, 2009
08:58 AM
The code in the post above is on 18, along with a button that sends me back to frame 1. The only other code on the main timeline is this, on frame one along with a button that plays the timeline: stop();
function startClick(event:MouseEvent) {
trace("start_btn clicked");
} I've posted my fla here if you'd like to look at the structure.
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‎Sep 10, 2009
04:57 PM
The AS in the movieclip that sits on the buttons' OVER state is just a stop action at the end of a tween. Sorry, I can't seem to upload my fla. This is the AS on the main timeline that gives the button action (incase this helps): stop();
function restartClick(event:MouseEvent) {
trace("restart_btn clicked");
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‎Sep 10, 2009
03:03 PM
Ok strange issue. I have a button at the start and end of a short timeline, it works fine. But when I add a simple MC to the up state of the button, flash gives me this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at BtnWithMCinside_fla::MainTimeline/frame18() The 'mc within a button' method has worked great until that button is placed beyond the first frame. Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it? (SWF attached)
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‎Sep 10, 2009
09:56 AM
Awesome. Nicely done Snorky. I'm trying to learn all about the enterFrame function so thanks for the very useful 'in action' example
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‎Sep 09, 2009
03:31 PM
Does the slider's playhead move with the swf's timeline? I'm able to scrub just fine, but unless I move it, the slider's playhead remains stationarey at the beginning. Is there another line of code I'm missing?
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‎Sep 09, 2009
03:29 PM
I'm struggling to move from AS2 to AS3 and trying to mimic an old AS2 trick. When the playhead hits a frame on my mc's timeline with this code: _root.gotoAndPlay("3"); the main/root/parent timeline would go to frame 3. Clean, short, simple. How can I do this in AS3? I've tried this code but it didn't work: this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, proceedNow); function proceedNow(event:Event){ //parent.nextFrame(); parent.gotoAndPlay("3"); } I must be going about this the wrong way…
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‎Jun 26, 2009
05:47 PM
Thanks for the quick response Ned! I've got the event listeners down (I think), but how do I target the nested clip with the event handler? The same old dot syntax I was using before doesn't seem to work anymore - mc1.mc2.gotoAndStop(); And do you mean to say ALL my code should live on the first frame of the main timeline? If so, how do I handle situations where I used to have an mc with code on frame 1 for example and different code on frame 2? "If on frame 1 do this, else do this"? Unfortunately I want to take advantage of CS4's new 3D functions, so as I understand it I have to move to AS3.
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‎Jun 26, 2009
05:18 PM
Ok, almost a year later this has no response and I have the same issue. How to control nested movieclips. I've posted my question here.
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‎Jun 26, 2009
05:17 PM
I'm no coder, but I get by with a little help from the forums. In AS2 I put code on mc buttons, which I embedded in mc's that were embedded in other mc's, each with it's own code on it's own timelines. To control the main timeline from within a nested mc, I would use this code: //pause button on (release) {
} To control the state of a nested mc, I would use this code: //Chapter/Scene 1 button on (release) {
} Everything was hunky-dory until AS3 came along. This seems really basic, why is it so hard to find an answer? Can anyone point me in the right direction, how do I accomplish this with AS3? Is there an example out there that I'm not seeing? Thanks for any guidance!
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