Patrick Baldwin
Patrick Baldwin
‎Feb 27, 2025
10:52 AM
Many thanks Conrad for taking the time to respond.. I have just sent the file and an exported tif out of ACR to Adobe and they will report back I am sure. I can't load an example because the limit here is 47MB and I have attached an A5 version of the exported file in an earlier post but hat doesn't help you in regards to testing. I will attach them here again with the screenshots of the retouch. If I bypass ACR with the file it opens instantly in Photoshop but without any of the ACR retouch or processing. It's effectively the raw scan before any ACR work. I will try a test with the remove tool in Photoshop. I find the original tools to often put a little softness/blur around the retouch spotting and the Ai tool doesn't do that. I was surprised how slow the Ai tool operated because on my normal diet of 50mb dng files it just whistles through with me brushing as fast as I like. I do need to find a faster way that is as good if I can because doing 529 like this is never going to happen.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
06:44 AM
You were telling me try things that I had done yesterday and had posted about. I don't know how to say this any more clearly but my external SSD is NOT problematic. You keep saying it's not recommended. Even Adobe clearly state as I quoted that they are NOT saying don't use external hard drives. In 28 years of doing this I have never met a photographer who didn't open and save from external hard drives. Every copying to and from hard drives that I do is run with software that verifies. I never use the finder which doesn't verify. This issue arose after some processing in camera raw. The scanner is nothing to do with it. Please don't tell me to calm down. I find your fixation in the face of everything I have posted and all the evidence to the fact the file itself isn't corrupted to be exasperating. Camera raw caused this problem. Did you even read my last post where I attached a final tif from the file you say must be corrupted? I asked you to explain how but you haven't. For the last time: I know there is an issue. It is nothing whatsoever to do with my external hard drives. Please stop saying it is.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
04:44 AM
I have. Please read everything I wrote. It takes ages to open them from multiple hard drives. They do open, I can work on them, they take a long time to export. I have an exported tif that is fine and opens as I would expect. If the original was corrupted how exactly would I get this far? In my 28 years any corrupt file just doesn't open and gives an error message. This is not happening here. Please see the attached file. This is the final from the file I am talking about. How do I get this if the file is corrupt? Please explain how? I am not saying there isn't an issue but you seem to be ignoring all the evidence that shows it isn't a corrupt file. Once the file opens, I can work on it and export a tif that opens perfectly. Corrupt files don't behave like that. See for yourself.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
03:24 AM
Well yes but after 28 years I feel confident in my workflow. Plus that article is weighted VERY heavily towards working over a network which is not something I would ever do knowing these pitfalls. Below is from the same article so I feel you are being selective here. The fact is as I have shown my problem is NOT a corrupt file otherwise I wouldn't have got as far as I did. Important: External hard drives should work with Photoshop without a problem, although depending on how they are connected, might be slower than working with files on your internal drive. Testing against these drives by temporarily disabling them and working exclusively on an internal drive is appropriate. However, Adobe is not stating that there should be regular problems storing files and working with external hard disks.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
02:00 AM
So the file saved which took something like 20 minutes. The export now opens instantly in Photoshop or in ACR so with that in mind I am confident this isn't a corrupt file otherwise I wouldn't be able to get this far.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
01:55 AM
Thanks for responding but I am going to disagree here. I have been saving to external drives for 28 years. I have never had a problem with dodgy files, unexpectedly slow speed etc. It isn't a corrupt file. If it was corrupt I don't think it would open at all ever. All 528 are problematic and it is something to do with ACR and tif and generative Ai. That SSD speed is as tested with Blackmagics speed test. It may not be as fast as the M3 internal but it is plenty fast enough and is emphatically NOT the problem here. Please see the attached speed test screen shot which is a test on a 5GB file.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
01:31 AM
The file eventually opened. It took 12 hours! Attached is a screen shot that shows the number of retouches using the generative Ai tool. I am fairly confident this is the cause of the problem. I assume it's because the file has to be able to present that retouch history so that I can undo any of it. As I have finished the retouch I went to export it as another tif on the basis that that wouldn't have to "carry" the retouch history so would open easily. The problem is it is currently 10 minutes into the export and the progress bar went straight to 50% ish and has not changed in 10 minutes so now I have to wait until that exports assuming it will eventually!
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‎Feb 26, 2025
12:33 PM
They are 156MB. The external SSD has a read/write speed of 3600mbs. I am positive it's not a bottle neck. It is working absolutely fine on other files. I have one that has been trying to open for 2 1/2 hours at the moment. I just tried your suggestion however but it still won't open. Many thanks for responding.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
07:02 AM
I have the same problem trying to open them from my spinning external HD. I can open other files (DNG's) from the externall SSD as well. I am assuming it's something to do with the extensive retouching on one of the files but even files that have had no retouching but have been opened in ACR are problematic. Rescanning is absolutely a last resort. There are over 500 scans!
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‎Feb 26, 2025
06:27 AM
I have some 16 bit scans that I have been working on in ACR 17.2. I have done very extensive retouching of the damage to the negative using the Generative Ai removal tool because this is easily the best result. File size is about 158MB. However it is incredibly slow in a way that it isn't when I do this on my DNG camera files. Now, returning to the file it won't open again in ACR, I just get a beachball. I left one "opening" overnight and it was open the next morning but I don't know how long it took to open. The file that has the very extensive spotting wouldn't build a preview unless left overnight and now will not open.
I am bewildered as to what is going on. System is Macbook Pro M3 Max running Sequoia 15.3.1 with 36GB ram 1TB internal and accessing the files on an external NVME 4TB SSD
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‎Dec 27, 2024
12:49 PM
I'm afraid not. I do now use an external 4TB SSD in an enclosure with a read speed of about 3600 mbs and that has helped but not cured it. I think my problem was only having a 1TB internal SSD which even though it had say 350GB of clear storage just wasn't enough. So 4TB has helped there but something is still not right. I now only send about 100 raw files at a time to ACR and try and keep other apps running to a minimum. Not ideal.
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‎May 26, 2024
09:40 AM
1 Upvote
A further update. 6500 50MB raw files just took 12 hours to convert! This is on an M3 Max with 36GB ram reading and writing to a 4TB SSD with a read/write speed of 3200Mb/s. This just makes the converter completely useless. The behaviour is really weird. If it isn't the front active window it seems to almost go to sleep then surges and causes the fan to run full blast for a few minites then it calms down or slows down again. 12 hours is absurd.
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‎May 04, 2024
05:02 AM
Update. My previous test that suggested that the DNG converter in Bridge was faster is actually not the case. I had the preview set to medium which makes the whole thing faster. I need full size previews so it actually is no better than the standalone converter. What I cannot understand is that if the converter is not the foreground app it appears to slow right right down. I set it to convert 1700 50MB files at 3am. By 8.30 am there were still 600 to convert. My computer is not set to sleep or reduce power when not in use but waking the screen and making the converter "front" app meant that the remaining 600 took less than hour to convert. This is so frustrating because I cannot seem to find a way to stop this slowdown. It seems to be a memory leak but when I am sitting in front of it and I make the app come to the front it all speeds up again!!
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‎Apr 22, 2024
10:55 AM
1 Upvote
I just lost basically a days work because of something my Macbook does that I have never experienced before. It’s a new M3 MAX with 36GB ram running Sonoma 14.4.1 I had 198 images in Adobes ACR. I had done extensive work on about 100. Went to save out as tifs 74 files at which point it said Bridge run out of application memory and Bridge, which is where I send my raw files to camera raw from, was consuming 64GB memory. It then appeared to crash but just go to sleep and then asked me for my password with ACR no longer open and just the Bridge interface showing. I have had the application warning about 4 times since I bought the laptop and had taken to making sure that no other apps were open although Chrome browser was and email. This never happened on my trash can Mac although it does have 64GB of ram but more importantly it never ever happened on my 2015 Macbook pro which only has 16GB ram! I have spent years sending sometimes 500 or more files to camera raw and never experienced this. It’s really beginning to cheese me off now. I have lost work before but never a whole days work. If anybody has any thoughts I’d be really grateful. At this point I might need to save one at a time as I go which would slow it all down so much I might as well go back to my old machines! Bridge and ACR are the latest versions.
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‎Apr 22, 2024
10:40 AM
To update my last entry. It seems that the standalone DNG converter slows right down when my screens go to sleep. It's odd beccause everything is set not to sleep or reduce power etc. I watched it convert 1500 files in about 90 minutes, left it running and went to bed with about 3500 still to conert. I got up about 6 hours later, woke the screen and it still had 200 to convert! I ran the same test using the converter in Bridge on the exact same files and all 5000 file took about 4 or so hours. So the dng standalone is seemingly affected by the screens going to sleep which seems very weird. It also quietens right down once the screens go to sleep so if the fans ere running during conversion they would fairly quickly shut off once the screens went to sleep. All really odd.
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‎Mar 27, 2024
12:06 PM
Thank you very much. I was looking for something like that but just didn't right click in the right place! Many many thanks. Much appreciated.
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‎Mar 27, 2024
09:52 AM
I have ACR 16.2 on 2015 Mackbook Pro running Monterey and on an M3 Max running Sonoma. On the 2015 laptop ACR has the Lens Blur pallette but it's missing on my M3 Max. Both of them are running up to date Bridge and Photoshop. Have I made this disappear somehow? Google isn't helping. Any thoughts are gratefully received.
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‎Mar 17, 2024
03:13 PM
I did a test with 200 50mb images using conversion from Bridge and the standalone converter. From Bridge it took 4 minutes 23secs and the standalone converter too 7 mins 30 secs so over 6000 odd files that would be a 90 minute saving which is well worth having. It will be interesting to see if the Bridge conversionslows down over time because the standalone is. It took way more than 4 hours to do 6000 from my last job. More like 14 hours. I confess I didn't actually know you could convert straight from Bridge. I have been using the dng converter since it was first launched. Thanks for pointing me in that direction.
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‎Mar 17, 2024
03:29 AM
I am having the same problems but with a M3 Max Macbook pro and Nikon Z8 files. It is just ridiculously slow. I am trying to convert 6000 at a time some days and it has become unworkable. Like over 12 hours to convert them. Its almost as if the app has to be in front on screen to work properly. When left unattended and my screens go to sleep it seems to just slow right down. The whole system is set for max performance at all times. It is baffling and extremely frustrating. It was always a time consuming thing but this is crazy. My conversion settings are the same as yours. My version is but given what you said the version doesn't really seem to matter at the moment.
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‎Apr 07, 2018
07:27 AM
1 Upvote
Hi. I haven't found a solution yet but I will test out what you said about the jpeg preview size. I am dismayed that Adobe have let this go on for so long. Thanks for the tip. Best wishes. Patrick.
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‎Mar 22, 2018
12:10 PM
Actually I have now discovered that while deleting the preferences does cure the problem as soon as I configure the preferences to my needs the issue returns. The changes I make to the preferences are: Apply sharpening to preview images only Increase Camera Raw cache from 5GB to 10GB Update embedded jpeg previews in DNG's full size Disable Jpeg and Tiff support. On a Mac running Sierra 10.12.6
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‎Mar 19, 2018
11:43 AM
Hi Akash. Yes this does fix it. Many thanks. Patrick.
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‎Mar 16, 2018
03:02 PM
1 Upvote
I have the same problem as the OP. This is not a permissions issue. This is a bug that has been in CC for a while. I'm amazed that Adobe still haven't sorted it out.
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