Jason Burnett
Jason Burnett
‎Mar 03, 2025
10:34 AM
I love the Dimensions tool though it is still in its infancy. I want to suggest the following but thought I would hear feedback from Illustrator users before submitting the Feature Request. Auto Scale feature--currently there is a list of scale models you can choose from, but seldom have I found any artwork that uses any of those scales. Even artwork from Architects uses a custom scale not listed. I would like to draw a shape whose real-world dimensions I know and double click the dimensions tool in the tool pallet to open tool settings. From there, the dimensions in document units (usually pixels) would be displayed. I would enter the real world dimensions and from there it would calculate my scale. So if I have a map from another program in Illustrator and it has a legend that shows 1 mile=1 inch, I could draw a box that was exactly the size of the legend (1 mile) but it would be 300px wide. So when I opened the settings the 300px wide would be the document units, I'd simply enter 1 mi and it would automatically know the scale and calculate everything relative to it. Position Origin feature -- since I need more than just the dimensions of elements scaled, I also need their position scaled, it would be nice to setup a point of origin on the page. I could select the frame of the map I wanted and in the settings, click SET ORIGIN. It would show tha the map was locked at 213 x 96px (hard to manage) but the it was the origin so the Scaled Position was 0,0. Then, selecting any other element would show how far from the origin it was, making things much easier to operate at scale. Property Panel Dimensions -- The scaled position and size of a selected element should be displayed in the properties panel. Then, I could draw a boat, for example, on the lake and position it 30ft x 50 ft from the origin point by setting the x and y values. It would use the scaled units and calculate the position on the screen automatically. Unit Styles collection -- Like Graphic Styles or Character or Paragraph styles, a "Unit Styles" collection would be great to have. This would allow us to configure all of the settings regarding how the units are called out. The text would be styled using the existing text stylesheet options. Together, these settings would allow you to change the style of the Units labels easily by changing the predefined Unit Style from the list of styles. These are the ideas I want to submit to feature requests, but was hoping to get some input before I did. If you like the ideas or need clarification on what I am saying, or especially if you don't like the idea, let me know. Once I get some feedback, I 'll submit a feature request. Thanks in advance for any discussion about this. Jase
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‎Dec 15, 2024
06:50 PM
Given a closed polygon in Illustrator expanded to a filled path, I need to covert the shape to a single line ffor embroidery and wondered if someone could help me write a script to do it. Basically the idea is that given a shape, find the bottom-left most coordinate and start a path. Extend the path horizontally until you almost intersect another path. When you do place an anchor and move vertically a certain distance following the outer shapes path. Place another anchor point and begin moving the to right until it almost reaches the shape border. Place and anchor and raise the path following the shape's path a certain distance. Place another anchore and start over for the entire shape. Thee result, when fed to an embroidery machine, would be a solid embroidered shape made from a single thread. I have the modern js to do the path, but I don't know how to incorporate it into Illustrator to make it work. If you know of an existing script or plugin that does this or if you have any scripting knowledge and would help me make the script that I have work in Illustrator, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
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‎Dec 14, 2024
06:51 PM
I have the simplest button component that is made of two elements: Icon Background The button has 4 states: Default Default-Disabled Hover Hover-Disabled Down Is there no way to see these in a hierarchy or side-by-side comparison? in the layers list, it should have: > My button Component Emabled State Group >>Default State >>>> ICON >>>> BG >>Hover State >>>> ICON >>>> BG >>Down State >>>> ICON >>>> BG Disabled Group State >>Default State >>>> ICON >>>> BG >>Hover State >>>> ICON >>>> BG >>Down State >>>> ICON >>>> BG By creating a simple hierarchy like this, it's easily exported to any language. Most languages would be able to refer to any element using dot notation: UP_btn.default.bg or UP_btn.hover.icon for example. Is there anything like this for XD. Anything that creates a viable hierarchy on the screen to compare states? Something like this: Simple Multi-state Interface ?
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‎Dec 14, 2024
03:11 PM
1 Upvote
Though the idea is sound, there are a lot of things you are going to have to consider and eventually you could find that it takes more time to manage such a listing than you are willing to put into it. (below, when I say you, i mean either you or someone working with you) You are going to have to test every script. If you don't every time someone posts a rogue script that destroys their artwork, your site becomes useless. You should have a requirement that offers rudimentary support for a script if someone provides it. It's going to be hard for someone who has moved on from their script that is totally useful when they start getting a ton of questions via email because your site made their script popuilar. You could make it hands off, here are the scripts, take em or leave em, but it will be difficult to tell which ones are valid and which aren't. You'd be better off having a comment or rating system for each script so we can avoid the ones that don't work the way you want them to. You are going to have to check licensing for every script as it is posted. The harsh reality is that some people make money off their commercial scripts and as soon as you post someone's reverse engineered version of a commercial script for free, you get sued. Your other option is to do some for-profit resources where you tack on a small percentage and sell copy-protected and licensed scripts for people.But that's a huge time investment. What I think would be similar but a lot less risky would be to keep the links hosted wherever you found them and just provide reviews and descriptions with links to those other sites. It limits your liability and provides the central library you are looking for. Automated scripts can maintain active links for you. But then you could have a development section that would contain things like "Empty Plugin Core" that had the key functionality of a plugin, script, etc. Or maybe a default dialog box codeset that would allow you to copy the code into your script. By identifying code sections that could be quantified for copy and paste, you could make it a lot easier to code a custom script for yourself. Kind of a Roll Your Own system where people would grab the pieces they want and link them together with "download" button to secure all the text. I'm not trying to discourage you. I just have talked to some of the older script developers about this and they have been wonderfully supportive in the past, but also pretty apprehensive. If you come out with a good plan and have the time to dedicate to it, I'll do whatever I can to help. Best of luck to you.
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‎Dec 14, 2024
02:54 PM
Are you scripting in Javascript? Because it is a great language that should be pretty easy to understand at any age, really. Understanding the basics of Javascript helps a lot with the kinds of misunderstanding you claim to have. I'd be willing to bet that you got it, you're just having problems with syntax or some little hitch that once you get past it, you'll have no problems. Can you describe what you mean by adding properties methods, values and parameter types in a string? Example, maybe?
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‎Dec 05, 2024
02:33 AM
I have been very cautious about updating Photoshop on my Windows 11 PC. I kept version 2023 with all of my plugins installed. Some of which had to be modified based on instructions I got from the original plugin developer because they aren't available any more. I couldn't afford to lose them, so I never updated that version, nor did I update 2024. I did install as a new application, the beta and I have been keeping it up to date. Today, for the first time, I look at the creative cloud app and it prompts me to install Photoshop. I went to my Start Menu and sure enough only the Beta is installed. I go to my Program Files folder and the Photoshop 2023 folder is empty as is the 2024 folder. How could this possibly have happened and what can I do to restore these apps? Any help before I stroke out would be greatly appreciated. $70/month did not grant Adobe full rights to delete the software I am licensing from them and even if it is in the fine print, what kind of evil company would do that without warning or confirmation?
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‎Nov 23, 2024
11:52 PM
1 Upvote
When Resizing an image, the colors become banded and the image is destroyed.
I started with 1920 x 1080 at 72 px RGB Image and selected Image:>imageSize... and entered 800px for my height, letting it calculate the proportional width and the picture came out with severe color problems and horizontal banding. Using the latest beta version:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 26.2.0 20241120.m.2866 7ff7bde x64
on Windows 11 64b with 32Gb RAM and 25 devoted to Photoshop...only 70% used.
No error notifications.
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‎Oct 14, 2024
12:56 AM
If my VW Bug had advertised that it had the capacity to move a sofa, you sure as heck better bet I would complain. I'd be irate. I mean if a car manufacturer is going to sell you a bug telling you that you can use it to move an entire house and you can't fit anything in it, that's a crime. You could sue the manufacturer and get them to replace your bug with with VW Bus that would allow you to move your softa. And furtnermore, you would force the manufacturer to stop representing their vehicles as something they aren't. And just so I can be sure, you are saying that Adobe Acrobat, which has tools for forms and has editing PDF as one of its primary functions, is actually not fit to do forms or editing? Or were you referencing a different analogy here?
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‎Sep 13, 2024
07:19 AM
Illustrator will work for a couple of minutes and then just shuts down. No explanation, no error. Just quits. When you relaunch it, it claims that it has saved your file, but it is not the most current--it's 20 minutes old so a lot of changes are lost. I started saving after nearly every change and it still crashes with no errors. I have cleared my cache no help. This is happening on Windows 11, in Illustrator 2025 Beta and Illustrator 2024. Unlike the last time this happened, Photoshop is actually still working. Any suggestions?
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‎Sep 06, 2024
07:37 PM
WOW. I got so excited to play with this code that I didn't even get the chance to reply earlier. This is great. There's a lot of great information in here about how to create masks and shapes. Thank you so much. This is really wonderful.
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‎Sep 04, 2024
07:55 PM
The basic idea that I want to try is this: Given a series of elements, I want to create a vertically striped mask that will cover all of the elements with some overlap on either side. Each of the vertical stripes will be placed "C" pixels apart from each other horizontally where C=number of images. The vertical stripes will cover all of the images. How I do it now, is I create a compound path of vertical 1px wide stripes separated by "C" pixels for the entire width (plus 2xC for overlap). I then place a copy of the compound path aligned with the first image (offset horizontally by "-C" pixels) and select both the compound path and the layer to create a clipping mask. I repeat this for each shape, but offset the compound path by 1 px horizontally each times (for a total of "C" clipping masks. I have tried to duplicate this in the code below but I'm not that great at JS so I used the Jquery library (which I am also not that great at). I fgure there are easier ways to accomplish this, so please let me know. I am famous for making things much harder than they need to be. Thanks for taking the time to consider this. //PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS PSUEDO CODE USING JQUERY-ishness
//There may be much better ways to do with the Illustrator API.
//assumes a series of shapes of class shape
/* Overview: Given a series of shapes, find the min and max x and y coordinates to determine the sie of the mask (subtract the count of shapes from min and and to max for overlap of mask).
Draw a series of rectangles 1px wide every (shapecount) pixels for the entire width.
Combine those into a compound shape (no idea how)
For each shape, clone the mask compound shape and place it above the shape. Select the shape and the compound shape and make a clipping mask.
//getDims -- simple util for getting the x,y,w,h for all shapes combined
function getDims(lst) {
let xmin = 0,
ymin = 0,
xmax = 0,
ymax = 0;
lst.each(function () {
let elem = this;
let dims = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
xmin = Math.floor(Math.min(xmin, dims.left));
ymin = Math.floor(Math.min(ymin, dims.top));
xmax = Math.ciel(Math.max(dims.right, xmax));
ymax = Math.ciel(Math.max(dims.bottom, ymax));
return { x: xmin, y: ymin, w: xmax - xmin, h: ymax - ymin };
let shapesList = $(".shape");
let c = shapesList.length;
let dims = getDims(shapesList);
let w = dims.width + 2 * c;
let h = dims.height + 2 * c;
//simple function for building the mask svg element to cover the width/height with vertical stripes separated by the number of pixels=count of images
function buildMask() {
let maskSVG =
"<svg height='" +
h +
"' width='" +
w +
"' viewBox='0 0 " +
w +
" " +
h +
"'> ";
//interior function to repeat the lenticule
function drawLent(x) {
maskSVG +=
"<rect x='" + x + "' width='1' height='" + h + "' fill='#000000'/>";
let x = 0;
let lc = Math.floor(w / c);
for (let i = 0; i < lc; i++) {
x += c * i;
maskSVG += "</svg>";
let mask = $("<div></div>");
return mask;
let mask = buildMask();
shapesList.each(function (i) {
let shape = $(this);
let shapeMask = mask.clone();
shapeMask.offset({ left: i + (dims.x - c), top: dims.y });
let z = shape.css("z-index");
z -= 1;
shapeMask.css("z-index", z);
//do something magical to define a mask using shapeMask and shape
//probably something like shape.applyMask(shapeMask);
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‎Aug 06, 2024
10:25 PM
None of the apps are workiing for me. All of Adobe's apps are locking up. Betas, Pre-releases, standard versions back to 2020. Nothing is working.
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‎Aug 06, 2024
10:23 PM
I have the exact same problem with all of my Windows based Adobe Apps. I think it was due to the standard Tuesday updates that Microsloth forces on us. Nothing is working.
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‎Aug 06, 2024
05:05 PM
When I launch Illustrator (beta) (prerelease) (2023) (2022), it shows the loading screen then gets kinda slow--mouse movement begans to get jittery then the launch window turns black and there is something about legal notice check the adobe about screen and then my entire computer becomes unresponsive. I can't type, use the mouse, use the USB connected keyboard (instead of bluetooth). Absolutely nothing. I can't even use the hardware reset button to reset it, I have to shut it off and restart. I literally have Illustrator running 24-7 and never quit out of it except when I have to update or Microsoft sneaks one in on me and restarts my PC like it did last night. So I tried to view Windows updates and only some security definitions got loaded last night. I have looked up how to launch illustrator in safe mode but every time it simply says, "now when it crashes is will automatically load in safe mode" which is 100% baloney. I have even stopped all non-essential apps and services and even started windows in Safe Mode and still it locks my PC completely. Anybody know what could be happening here?
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‎Jul 20, 2024
04:37 PM
Though I appreciate your advice, I find it entrely unsatisfying. Imagine asking for help with your car only to be told that you shouldn't be using your car in that manner. You should find some other car and use it, then switch back when you get where you are going. [begin rant -- trigger warning don't read if you are unable to handle someone expressing raw dissent about a product you love] Why would Acrobat provide tools for editing PDFs if you aren't supposed to edit PDFs? And since the actual PDF that I am editing is a completed Police Report that I only need to highlight fields with color boxes, the limited controls and terrible output provided by Acrobat itself makes Acrobat useless for a situation like this. One has to ask what is Acrobat for if it's not to edit the content of a PDF document and why would they offer the Edit PDF functionality if not? Also, with regards to editing the document source file, clearly it's a government form that I do not have access to the source file so that's not a possiblity. Not only that but when presenting evidende in court, altering the source document in ways other than higlighting and redacting is frowned upon. Again, I just wanted crisp field bakgrounds as a separate layer that I could append to the protected source. Looking at the meta-data for the file, it was created in a program that I hve never heard of and do not have access to. While I appreciate the idea that converting this document into a fillable form would generally be a good idea, I have to ask, "Have you ever tried to do convert a form of this nature to a working form using Acrtobat?" It's not pretty, Roboform was so profoundly better, but in standard Adobe fashion, they consumed them and killed it off almost entirely to avoid any sort of competition with Acrobat. But that's a side rant. Acrobat does a terrible job of guessing fields. There are more than 100 fields in this form. It is poorly laid out violates every common sense best practice for forms. I hope to never see it again once I am done. I had considered scanning the completed Police Report and editing the bitmap in Photoshop to highlight the errors in the form, but that somehow felt like a bad idea. I figured that using the Shape Builder tool in Illustrator, I could pretty easily create background shapes for the fields I needed then use the vector shape layer alone to combine with the actual form to present the highlighted fields in a visually pleasing way not available in Acrobat. Converting this file to MS Word turned out to be a nightmare since it used about 1000 individually placed text boxes, often one for each character in a label. NIghtmareish. Also, I find it strange you would suggest InDesign rather than Illustrator. Illustrator can quickly and easily make seemless shapes that perfectly fit every field. InDesign might help make a better form, but the text boxes won't be configured in any logical way such that you would have centered text in a box, for example. Everything would have to ge manually adjusted just to get the shapes of the fields. Nightmareish. One of these days, I will find a project that uses Acrobat in a way that helps me to understand the enthusiasm for it. Right now, I turn down jobs every week where someone has a PDF that they absolutely hate and need fixed. I guess this is a problem with monopolies and predatory companies like Adobe. Just ignore my senseless rants. I will mark your answer as the correct answer and hope you don't take anything I said personally. I do appreciate your response, I was just hoping for a different answer than the one I get every time I ask a question about PDF documents in Acrobat.
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‎Jul 17, 2024
02:42 PM
I am posting this here after working with a file for the last several hours. I have wasted an entire day on this project and I cannot believe that this can be so difficult. I downloaded the Police Collision Report used by the Police in Georgia when reporting a traffic accident. I got the file directly from the GADOT website in .pdf format. It is one of about 10 different documents that I downloaded. I need to create colored boxes and custom-numbered annotations behind a lot of the fields in this form. The form uses Arial, Arial Bold, and Times New Roman. When I open the file in Acrobat Pro, everything looks as good as can be expected. I can choose the Edit PDF tool and modify the field labels throughout the form. Buit because of the limited graphics features on Acrobat, I am going to have to create these custom annotations in Illustrator. Of the 10 documents that I downloaded, this the only document that has a problem opening in Illustrator. All of the other documents work great, I can edit the text, use the path tools to ensure that my shapes are always perfectly aligned with no overlapping. I can use Graphic Styles to ensure that things look consistent and Character Styles for my text. Effortless. And then I can save the file and still open it in Acrobat and everything is great. However, this one file simply does not let me have access to the text. It's all TOFU boxes. And the odd thing is that Page 2 of this document is the exact document that I downloaded separately and it works fine on its own. In this document, tofu, tofu, tofu. To give you an idea how many things I have tried, here's the list. I can guarantee that I have tried more than I am going to list, but this is enough to express my dismay and perhaps provide some insight into what the problem is. First, I verified that I had Arial and Arial Bold, TimesNewRoman, and TimesNewRoman Bold installed. I opened the file in Acrobat Pro and performed a Save As Other.... to create a new PDF from Acrobat. Did not help. I printed the file to my Windows Adobe PDF printer and verified that I had embedded the fonts in the printer profile before printing. It simply created outlines for all text in the final output. I even tried to use Illustrator's RETYPE beta feature and I think it would have worked but I had to manually match the font on over 500 different elements--took too long, still not working. I tried saving the file in different PDF configurations from PDFA to PDFX nothing helped. I tried printing the document to an image, then opening the document and had Acrobat OCR the text. From there, I saved as a pdf document and the problem remained. I have tried using a different typeface for the entire document in Acrobat (which wasn't easy) and still justr tofu. I have created other documents as PDF documents and they open fine. I have run Preflight on the document to determine if there are nay problems and everything looks good. I have tried non-adobe PDF editors and nothing worked. I have tried repairing the document-no help. I hve tried downloading a second copy--still no help. I have uninstalled the fonts in question, restarted and opened the file expecting it would prompt me to replace the fonts in Illustrator--nope. I have re-installed the fonts in question and restarted with no help either. I have used a non-beta version of Illustrator--no luck. I have posted a similar request to the Illustrator forums and of course, the all sent me here. Here is a link to the document from the DOT website:DOT-523.pdf Here is a link to another document from the same location that works: CrashReporting/overlay.pdf Again, all I need is to be able to open the DOT-523.PDF document in Illustrator to make same layout changes that cannot be done in Acrobat. I need this file to act like all of the other files from the same site that work fine in Illustrator. Thanks in advance for any support. I promise I have spent the last 5 hours at least searching for a solution, following various sets of well-intentioned plans, suffering through nasty comments by Acrobat fans about Illustrator, nasty comments about Acrobat from Illustrator fans, and nothing has worked.
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‎Jul 08, 2024
09:54 AM
Before I realized that I wanted to comment on several items I have called out in Illustrator, I bookmarked all 60 items that I wanted to highlight or focus on. Now I realize that I really wanted to add comments. Is there any easy way to convert Bookmarks to Comments so that I can add the correct value to each form field I have bookmarked. Ideally, I would have a custom comment form that would contain the Field Name, the Correct Contents, and a Link to the Resource used to justify the change. Is there anything like this possible?
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‎Jun 20, 2024
04:35 AM
I needed to provide comments on a police report and every time I tried to do it with Acrobat, it struggled to select the correct text or fields. It was a complete mess. No matter which type of annotation I selected or whether I edited the properties of every comment (there were more than 100) to leave the author field and subject field blank, it just ignored me when it comes to summarizing the comments. And because every comment had this header with a pedantic icon that I didn't want, with Author: field that I didn't want, with the time and the subject--all of which I didn't want, it became quickly impossible to rely on Acrtobat in any capacity for annotations. No problem, I'll export the original form to HTML and manage comments myself using Javascript and my own comment library. The HTML that Adobe produced from the original document is terrible. Not only is it functionally terrible, but it looks nothing like the original. It's not even recognizable as the same document. So when I started to think about it, surely Adobe can do better than this. Why are the messing up HTML? Then it dawned on me that they are just protecting their interest. If you could easily produce your forms in HTML rather than relying on Acrobat, they would lose customers. So they hobble their export engines and pretend that we should just accept this lower standard if we want to use industry standard HTML and CSS for our work. I figure it's either that or gross incompetene. Does anyone have any insight into why Adobe would do this that isn't as nefarious as it seems? I'd like to believe Adobe is better than that, but I'm seriously beginning to wonder. So Acrobat Fan Boys, help me out here.
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‎Jun 15, 2024
03:24 AM
I have collected dozens of useful scripts over the years and I am constantly having to find the scritps again and again every time Illustrator gets updated. I have probably five different versions running on my machine because I don't want to be shut out of a working version that I have a project in. It may be unreasonable or susperstitious, but it's the way it is. How do you manage to keep your scripts available in each new version? Do you move your scripts folder? Do you store them in a non-standard centralized location that is easy to navigate to? Do you just struggle through trying to remember if the script was last used in pre-release, beta, the last public build? Is there any way to make this easier? I'm on Windows and every time I start up Illustrator, I have to restore my workspace, find my scripts and copy them to the latest version of Illustrator which isn't always intuitive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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‎Jun 03, 2024
12:20 AM
I had scanned a transparency with a series of vertical lines on it. I needed to get the exact size of the lines so I wanted to crop the image and straighten it. When I did this, I was finally able to get it to look straight enough. When I clicked on the Arrow key or Command-Alt-Shift-Click to drag my canvas around to get a better look, suddenly everything is undone. If I cropped the image (not straightened) before I press enter to accept the crop, selecting the arrow performs the crop like it should The same needs to be true when you straighten an image from the crop tool. Rather than undoing the half hour I spent getting it aligned correctly, just accept the crop and apply it when I click the arrow or try to zoom in or out using my keyboard.
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‎Mar 21, 2024
11:01 PM
Could you explain how to not transform, but just modify the dimensions of the text box. For example, when I draw a rectangle using the Rectangle Tool, I can easily click the Width property in the Properties Panel and type a new width. Then press Tab. Then type a new height. This modifies the width and height of the rectangle. If I had intended to apply a transform to the rectangle, I would have chosen the Transform Effect and entered my transform dimensions. There is no transform effect added to my rectangle, it actually changed dimensions. When I do the same thing with area type, it scales the contents rather than resizing the area of the type container as I expected. Again, if I wanted to transform the Text Area element, I would have selected the Transform Effect and entered my transforms. Instead, I just wanted to modify the area that represents the bounds for my Text Area element. Surely, there has to be a way to explicitly declare the width and height of a Text Area element without scaling the contents and without dragging the handles. Can you suggest how to do this?
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‎Feb 27, 2024
09:01 PM
Seriously? This happened as of the last update....because I updated. Sorry if I didn't make that clear in my post. Today it happened again with the Beta Version where a box appeared on my screen showing card 3 of 3 and the texct: Proceed to video. With a single button to proceed to video. No close button-escape didn't work. No back or forward arrows to go to other cards. One button option only. No way to get rid of the window by dragging it. Just sitting there covering up half of my layers panel. Eventually, I clicked the button and it immediately started a loud video with the same guerilla tutorial tactic that is nothing short of horrible when you are working late and someone's trying to sleep. I just don't get it. It may be a bug, but it is so inconsiderate it's hard to believe. But to answer your question, yes, I have the latest build freshly updated and haven't had this problem until now. I will post a bug report, but I have a feeling this is a feature, not a bug. @Ged_Traynor
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‎Feb 24, 2024
03:03 PM
I just launched Photoshop for the first time in a while. I use Photoshop Beta every day most of the day. I had to restart my PC so I accidentally just let Windows launch the default Photoshop App. Immediately after drawing the interface on the screen, a loud voice comes out of my speakers saying, "Hi my name is Carly, let me show you how to..." What project manager made the decision that Adobe should run ads for its features immediately with full video and audio when you startup Photoshop? How did that get approved and why don't they care what people want? I get it, you are proud of a new feature, but for crying out loud, I do this every day, I don't need some popup guerilla advertisement greeting me at 3 am when I accidentally launch Photoshop. Are they trying to push people away? Or do they just not care enough to even consider what their users want? Regardless, is there a way to stop this terrible behavior from happening in the future? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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‎Jan 14, 2024
04:48 PM
Just another quick update. So I added the function declaration to the JS Document Strings and then called the function in the same window. When I closed the window, the function call happened and my pages were reordered perfectly. Thanks to you. However, I never saved the document. When I selected Create Custom Tool or Command, I got an error message saying I had to disable New Acrobat. So I select Disable New Acrobat from the menu and I'm told that I have to restart the app. Click restart and it asks if I want to save my document. I click NO, do not save document because I wanted to do it differently. It closes my documents and quits out of Acrobat. END OF STORY So I relaunch Acrobat and load my document expecting to see the original page order, but nope. It's the altered page order that I said NOT to save. Not only that, but I'm still in New Acrobat mode. Am I doing something wrong here? It really feels like Acrobat just refuses to do the most basic things like closing a document without saving changes or changing to regular old Acrobat DC from New Acrobat.
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‎Jan 14, 2024
04:34 PM
When I open the debugger for console access, it asks if I want enable the debugger and I click YES. Then I view Scripts and Console (which shows two boxes presumably one for each though they aren't labeled). It appears that the script box wants predefined scripts because of the UI having a selection rectangle in it. No scripts present. neither button below the first panel does anything. The second box appears to be the console. I can type in that box by clicking the pencil icon. But nothing happens when I press enter. I can even define a function and call it, but it's just text--nothing active. The only other options are buttons with no labels at the top of the Debugger window. One is an arrow--pressing it does nothing. The next is a green circle--pressing it does nothing as well. The next is a red X -- you guessed it- does nothing when pressed. Next, there are three buttons that appear to be related to breakpoints -- nothing. The callstack selection control shows nothing. In the Inspect portion of the Debugger, you can select various options like BreakPoints, Call Stack, Global and Local Variables. None of which do anything at all. Below it is a window that must be the "watched" content from the Inspect context. It says Variable and looks selectable. Does nothing. The pencil, new page and trash buttons do nothing. This is true whether I add fiunctions to the document strings or not. This is the JS debugger open in Acrobat. I have entered several lines with function declarations and function calls but cannot get them to work or give errors at all. I was able to reorder my pages which was the ultimate goal, but now I have realized that Acrobat won't print 2UP without adding arbitrary and unavoidable margins to your document. So now, I am going to try to script the creation of a new document that is letter size and automate copying pages from my existing PDF to the new PDF in a manner that puts them 2UP left to right. If But the thought of doing that without a working debugger or at least a functioning console seems pretty bleak. Still, I reallly appreciate your help and taking the time to look into this. I hope I am doing something wrong.
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‎Jan 14, 2024
02:18 PM
I have created a document in InDesign that I made 5.5x8.5 with full bleeds. Now I want to print it 2 up on an 8.5x11 page after reording the pages in Acrobat. So in InDesign, I generate the PDF with no bleeds, exactly 5.5x8.5. I run my script to reorder the pages like I want. Then I print the document to PDF using the Adobe PDF printer. I create a custom page size of 5.5x8.5 to accomodate the source PDF Then I click MULTIPLE. What is messed up is it asks for orientation. Do they mean orientation of my source document which is portrait or the resulting 2 up document which is landscape? So the closest I can get shows the preview image with one page on the left, one page on the right (both pages are portrait but make up a spread that is landscape). I am careful to print at full size, but there is still a white border around each page. I never asked for a border, my source document is the perfect size to fill up half a page and I am printing 2up on the page, why is there a border? I am so close to having this process worked out that it's wild. When I get this done, I know of so many people who will benefit from it. All I need to do now is eliminate the borders when printing 2 up in Adobe Acrobat while printing to PDF. Thanks for any help.
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‎Jan 14, 2024
02:10 PM
I got it to work by invoking the function call after the definition. Is there a way to ensure that it only happens once. There doesn't seem to be any indication about when it will happen after I define the document string. So I quickly deleted the script after it ran successfully. Thanks for any suggestions.
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‎Jan 14, 2024
01:53 PM
Thanks a ton. This is great but what on Earth is going on with the javascript portion of Acrobat? I select Use JavaScript and a panel opens with 4 options: Debugger Document Javascript Strings All Javascript Strings Document Actions I figured since I only want to run this script one time, I'd run it from the console in the Debugger. NOPE. I figured that I would add it to the Document Strings and was able to Add It, but not execute it I went back to Debugger to see if it would show up under available scripts...no luck, still can't execute it. So I look at All Javascript Strings and I can see my previous function was added, still no way to execute it. So I try Document Actions and it is a set of triggers-none of which work for me because presumably, I will print this a few hundred times and only want this run right now. What am I missing? How do I run my function defined in Document Strings this one time? Thanks for your help.
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‎Jan 14, 2024
11:56 AM
1 Upvote
I have 5 versions of the same book, but the last version was accidentally saved inside the 4th version. I figured I could just move it to the same level as the fourth version and update links. After a couple of hours of total choas and not getting links to update, I decided no problem I'll make a new book. I had all of the chapters of the book and the frontmatter and backmatter saved in one folder. All of the artwork was in a folder inside the parent like this: ================================== Version 1 ---->00 frontmatter.indb ---->01 ch1-name.indb ---->02 ch2-name.indb ---->03 backmatter.indb ---->Bookname, ed1.indb Version 2 ---->00 frontmatter.indb ---->01 ch1-name.indb ---->02 ch2-name.indb ---->03 backmatter.indb ---->Bookname, ed2.indb Version 3 ---->00 frontmatter.indb ---->01 ch1-name.indb ---->02 ch2-name.indb ---->03 backmatter.indb ---->Bookname, ed3.indb Version 4 ---->00 frontmatter.indb ---->01 ch1-name.indb ---->02 ch2-name.indb ---->03 backmatter.indb ---->Bookname, ed4.indb Version 5 ---->00 frontmatter.indb ---->01 ch1-name.indb ---->02 ch2-name.indb ---->03 backmatter.indb ---->Bookname, ed5.indb Artwork =================================== This allowed me to centralize my artwork and just keep addition editions as necessary. But when I go into the folder for Version 5 and try to create a new book, Bookname, ed.5.1.indb and then add the chapters in the Book Panel, it asks me to save each chapter. I don't want to resave each chapter, I just want to use the existing documents. Why is it asking me to save? The document is right there.
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‎Jan 13, 2024
10:36 PM
I have a 100 page cookbook that I need to print 2 up side by side on an 8.5x11 in page. Since this is not a booklet, using the Print As Booklet option won't work. I created the output in InDesign and printed the pagesto a PDF. I would like to now reorder the pages using this method: 4,1 2,3 8,5 6,7 etc. This will allow me to print 2 up double sided and original page 1 will be married up with original page 2 and so on for the entire document. A javascript loop might look something like: let pages=document.pages; let pagecount=pages.length; for (var p=3;p<pagecount;p+=4) { let fourthPage=pages.splice(p,1); pages.splice(p-3,0,fourthPage); } Basicallly it would extract every fourth page and insert it at the front of those 4 pages resulting in a new page order. Please tell me someone can help with this. It seems like such a simple request. Any help would be appreciated.
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