Ex-photo printer
Ex-photo printer
Dec 05, 2024
07:08 AM
I have to ask you. How much did you pay for your cell phone? How often do you replace it? People don't mind paying $1000 to $1500 for a phone that they replace every 3-5 years. But having to change a desktop computer that will cost the same or less every 8 to 15 years? We get responses like yours. Sorry, your computer, like mine has reached the end of its usefull life. Mine is close to 15 years old. It's time to let it go.
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Mar 22, 2024
12:05 PM
I used it for about an hour yesterday, mostly with a Wacom tablet and pen. Had no problems, even when I tried to get it to stick by holding the space bar down and quickly panning the image around. Before I had to move it rather slowly, and release the space bar before relocating the pen. So, looks good. I'll be doing much more work next week. I'll let you know if I have any problems.
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Nov 02, 2023
12:08 PM
I suggested this once before. But why can't you go visit a couple of people that are having this problem, so you can see it first hand, in a real world setting? Surely Adobe can afford some travel expenses. I'm also quite sure that there are a lot of people that would be glad to have you come and run whatever tests you wanted on their machine. Now, here is what happens on my Cyberpowerpc computer, running windows 10. I open an image in PS. It doesn't matter what kind of image, or it's file size. Change to full screen, of leave it in a window. Doesn't matter. Zoom in, so image is much bigger than screen. Press and hold space bar, left click and move image. Before, I could release mouse button while continuing to hold space bar, move curser, left click again, and repeat as needed to move anywhere on the image. But now, sometimes right away, sometimes after a couple of clicks, the hand tool will not release when I let go of the mouse. I must hit the left click 2 or 3 times to release it. Or recently I have noticed it will usually release it if I hit the space bar a couple of times. If I am very careful to release the space bar first, then release the left click, it will always release the hand tool. Now with my Wacom tablet, used to be I could hold space bar, raise pen slightly, move to another spot, place pen on tablet, drag image. Repeat as needed. Now I have to be very careful to release space bar every time .
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Oct 14, 2023
04:44 PM
Something just occurred to me. I'm not sure where you are located. But would it be possible for you or other Adobe employees to personally visit some people that are having this issue? You say you are having trouble reproducing it. Test some machines in the real world?
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Sep 19, 2023
04:33 PM
1 Upvote
If you'll notice, you are commenting on a bug report thread. Yes, everyone knows it's a bug. Why Adobe hasn't fixed it yet is unknown to us. But there are somethings that seem to make the sticky hand problem go away. Resetting the Preferences several times, then closing and relaunching PS each time seemed to fix it for my mouse and Wacom tablet. This was on PS25. YMMV.
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Sep 19, 2023
09:14 AM
1 Upvote
This is interesting. I have spent about 2 hours setting everything I could find on Wacom settings, and Windows pen and mouse settings. Nothing helped with PS version 25.0 The sticky hand tool did not change. Then I tried this. Reset preferance in PS 25.0 several times. After 3 times, it finally reset. And low and behold, my Wacom tablet seems to work fine. Took a bit to get all of my preferances back to where I want them. But I'll keep my fingers crossed. It will probably be a few days before I do any real work. I'll update later as to how it holds up.
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Sep 14, 2023
06:54 AM
Hmm. Well just hit another wall. Using my Wacom tablet, (Intuos PTH-651), it will not reasease at all. Have to hit mouse left button first. Back to 24.0 for me.
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Sep 14, 2023
06:41 AM
Well, I just downloaded and installed version 25.0.0 (this is Sept. 2023 release). I noticed that on the info pages about bug fixes, and known issues, this problem is NOT mentioned anywhere. Anyway, I tried this version out. I guess you could say that it is semi fixed. When using hand tool, one of two things happens. 1. Release left mouse button first, then space bar, hand tool sticks until I hit left click again. 2. Release space bar first, and then left mouse button, it releases, and all is fine. I'm going to try to live with that for a while. Still have 24.0 installed just in case.
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Sep 04, 2023
09:35 AM
Roll back to version 24.0. That is the only sure fire way to stop it. They did send out an email a couple of weeks ago saying a fix was in the works. But no sign of it yet.
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Aug 29, 2023
08:20 AM
Well, very strangly, it has suddenly, all by itself, decided not to show this dialog box anymore. Now, if I go File > Open, or double left click in the work space, it goes directly to the Explorer window. Same with Cntlr-Shift-S. Weird.
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Aug 29, 2023
07:47 AM
No. I did that. It is this box. It also shows up when I want to save an image.
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Aug 29, 2023
07:05 AM
I know I have done it before, but I can not remember how to make PS 24.6 skip over the Open Dialog box, and go directly to an Explorer window. It's a setting somewhere....But where?
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Jul 06, 2023
11:27 AM
I've been using it all morning, with no problem with the hand tool, after doing these things. Hope it stays this way.
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Jul 06, 2023
06:40 AM
Well, I was not expecting any improvement. But this DID work for me. So far. I have only tried it on one image. And it is early in the day. I will get back later. Keeping my fingers crossed. I did first try the 24.7 Beta. Without doing these steps, it also had the sticky hand tool. But after doing these steps, it goes away. Very odd. But it works for me.
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Jun 23, 2023
10:10 AM
Where can I find the settings for this, and I'll try it next week.
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Jun 23, 2023
09:23 AM
1 Upvote
I'm not a programmer, so this my not be the way to go. I don't know. But something happened between 25.4.1 and 25.5. Why not go back to 25.4, then one at a time add in the new code from 25.5 or .6. When the bug shows up, you'll know which part has caused the hand tool bug. If you have to, change one thing at a time and release it as an update. Let the world tell you when it shows up.
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Jun 21, 2023
06:56 AM
Just now got a notice 25.6 was ready to download. Oh, great! They fixed the sticky hand tool! NOT!!!! It is just as bad as it was in 25.5 Come on, guy! Get it together and fix this already!
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Jun 21, 2023
06:14 AM
I also began seeing this sticky hand tool as soon as I updated to 24.5 a few weeks ago. I tried all of the suggested fixes. Nothing worked for me. I reverted back to 24.4.1, and it works just like it should. Windows 10, Wacom Intous tablet.
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Jun 07, 2023
04:44 AM
I rolled back to 24.0, and it works just fine.
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Jun 05, 2023
06:13 AM
These fixes do not always work. I tried. Did nothing. Rolling back to previous version is the only thing that cured it for me.
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Jun 01, 2023
07:24 AM
1 Upvote
I tried both of the work-arounds talked about. Neither one worked for me. Rolled back one cersion, and all works fine. Guess I'll play around with the new AI stuff later.
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Mar 08, 2022
11:39 AM
Thanks. I'll check that out when I have time. I've used them before, for older versions of Photoshop. Before everything went to Creative Cloud. It's not a major problem if I can't get them back on this computer. I may try Flex again later in the year, when they get a stable OS.
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Mar 08, 2022
10:37 AM
Not for the current versions. But in the past, it always gave me options to download older versions. Now it does not even do that. They just do not show at all.
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Mar 08, 2022
09:55 AM
I have an older Toshiba Satallite laptop. It used to show all of my available CC apps. I tried to install and run Googles Chrome OS Flex. It ran OK from the thumb drive. But when I tried to install it, it did not want to boot, so I reinstalled Windows 10. Now, I can not get CC to load Photoshop and Lightroom. When I open CC, it shows several apps, but not the ones I need. Namely Photoshop and Lightroom. I've tried different versions of Windows 10 (as LR & PS would not run on the newest version), completely deleted all partitions on the hard drive, formatted the drive, and ran Adobe's removel tool. And made sure I was not logged into CC on more than one other computer. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
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Dec 05, 2021
05:28 AM
1 Upvote
To fix Wacom tablets not working correctly in Photoshop: create a .txt file containing only “UseSystemStylus 0” (without the quotes) and name it “PSUserConfig” (without quotes). Then place it in the following folder : For Windows : C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 \Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Settings (Or select your Photoshop Version if it’s an other one).
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Nov 17, 2021
07:10 AM
This does not do what I am talking about. As outher people have said, we would like the brush to act like it used to, and stay selected when you move to next image. Yes, the settings for the brush will stay if you unclick "Reset Sliders Automatically." But you still must hit K or move over and click on Brush for...every...single...image! If you are editing many similar images, this gets tediuos.
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Oct 29, 2021
06:47 AM
Yes. That is what I used to do. But that is not the problem now. The slider will stay at what I had selected. But the Brush tool does not stay selected as the desired masking method.
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Oct 28, 2021
09:52 AM
I did that, and it seems to keep what I set the brush to. But it does not keep the Brush as a selected way to make the mask when I go to the next image. When I go to the next image, I again must hit "k" or move orer and click on Brush. Hundreds of extra moves I did not have to do before the update. I can live with it if I must. But it would be nice not to have to.
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Oct 28, 2021
09:12 AM
On previous versions, when using Brush tool, it would stay locked with size and whatever effect I had selected. Usually Exposure up or down. That way, I could move to the next image of the same group shot, and burn or dodge the same area. Now I need to hit "k" or move over and click on Brush for every image.Is there any way in the new update, to lock the brush? I did figure out that the Effect will stay as selected, if I save it as a preset
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Jan 19, 2021
09:55 AM
DUH!!! Never mind. Stupid mistake! I had the external HD unplugged. It could not read the original file. Problem solved.
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