Jeremy AB
Jeremy AB
‎Mar 27, 2023
11:43 AM
I found a solution not listed here. I don't have the strobe but I have the flickering tools and flickering Share button. I'm coming over from this thread which Adobe now closed: After updating to the lastest version for 2022 which was released last week, I disabled font auto-activation for Photoshop in RightFont. So if you are using RightFont or maybe even another font amanager, try distabling font autoactivation and see if that helps. I don't know if the problem is with Photoshop or RightFont but hopefully it can be eventually fixed.
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‎Jan 10, 2023
08:16 AM
1 Upvote
Hi. Are you running Ventura? I've seen this with Ventura and InDesign 2022 files, along with ZIP, PDF, PSD and DOCX. It only seems to happen with files I download from Safari, not with files I create myself and if I try opening the file a second time the error is gone.
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‎Nov 04, 2022
09:17 AM
1 Upvote
I have 2022 at home and Ventura and I see the problem so far in Illustrator and InDesign.
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‎Aug 04, 2022
08:30 AM
What's even mroe frustrating is that occsionally the problem goes away and everything is fine. My friend and I both noticed around the same time that the problem was gone last week. We don't even work together - different cities. Makes me wonder if it's a server issue with Adobe. Of course, the problem didn't take long to come back. So now any document I open with a missing font lags when opening, and I have to manually find each font on Adobe Fonts and activate them individually.
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‎Jul 29, 2022
02:47 PM
It sounds like a similar problem I was having here. Does it still happen with FEX disabled? When exactly does it happen... as you open the document and the plugin pops up on it's own because there are missing fonts? In my case, I came to the conclusion that it was any document I open with missing fonts. I don't use FEX, I use RightFont. My friend had the same issue and she uses FontAgent.
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‎Jun 27, 2022
08:49 AM
Same here.
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‎Jun 24, 2022
03:16 PM
Thanks but it doesn't really fix the problem. I want my windows to fill up the available space, not part of it. If I adjust the script to 100% size, it doesn't take the panels into account and the window expands underneath them.
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‎Jun 24, 2022
01:01 PM
Add your voice to the bug report here:
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‎Jun 24, 2022
11:06 AM
Nothing has helped. Both my work computer and home computer (both running the same versions on Monterey) do the same thing. And my friend who's Mac is running Catalina does the same thing. If there's a font missing, opening that file, or switching to an open document with missing fonts, will cause InDesign to freeze for 10+ seconds.
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‎Jun 24, 2022
11:03 AM
This nuisance happens to me all the time too... on my work computer and my home computer. The second, third etc documents that are open make the window taller than the screen, and sometimes even shorter. Clicking the green + window button will zoom it to the right size but it just keeps happening every time there's more than 1 document open. Using the frame is not an option.
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‎May 05, 2022
08:20 AM
I was hoping the recent 17.2.1 would fix this problem but it has not. InDesign still freezes when opening a document with missing fonts. My coworker is complaining about it too.
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‎Apr 07, 2022
01:50 PM
Is that screenshot a PDF you exported from InDesign? I've seen something similar before. If you are using facing pages, then export to PDF with a large enough bleed, it will include parts of the page next to it. Reduce your bleed or turn off facing pages.
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‎Apr 06, 2022
08:24 PM
1 Upvote
The font Outfit doesn't show up in InDesign but it does in other apps.
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‎Apr 01, 2022
10:41 AM
1 Upvote
Ya, like the time about a month ago when Adobe Fonts just stopped syncing completely for a day or 2. I couldn't work on any projects that needed fonts enabled. Even the little bits of time I've wasted here and there in the past week, waited upwards of 10 minutes for fonts to sync, or quit/restart etc hoping it would get the fonts to enable through InDesign only to give up and find them manually on the website. What is my subscription fee paying for?
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‎Apr 01, 2022
09:59 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks, I had already fiugured it out. I could use Migrate Settings in the Edit menu.
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‎Apr 01, 2022
08:30 AM
I didn't uninstall, I rolled back from 17.2 to 17.1 and it never asked me about my preferences. I've seen it ask when I uninstall.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
02:40 PM
What the... why did rolling back remove all my settings?
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‎Mar 31, 2022
02:33 PM
Same here. Time to rollback.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
08:43 AM
1 Upvote
It happened again last night. I opened a document created on another computer (same version of InDesign) which used 5 Adobe fonts. InDesign would then freeze for a minute or 2 right after it opened, and then it would display the font missing dialog. No mention of Adobe Fonts, and none of the fonts activated. I tried closing and opening the document a few times. The same behviour continued, except one time I noticed in the Font dialog that the button for "Enable Adobe Fonts" was there for a split second and then dissappeared. The only way I got it to work properly was to quit InDesign AND the Creative Cloud app. Opened both again, and then my file... no freeze, and a moment later the fonts enabled. So this seems to fix it for awhile but eventually it happens again.
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‎Mar 29, 2022
02:08 PM
1 Upvote
What ended up working for me was installing the latest version of Photoshop. The filters don't work in Photoshop 2021 but they work in 2022.
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‎Mar 29, 2022
09:02 AM
I woudn't even bother with FontBook. If you recieved properly packaged files, they will be in a folder called Document Fonts. When you open the InDesign file there will be no need to load the fonts at all because InDesign will see the packaged fonts and make them available for that document only. See if that helps the next time.
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‎Mar 29, 2022
08:52 AM
Updating to the latest version last week seems to ahve motly fixed the problem. My coworker reported improvements too. But there is still a bit of funkiness that I can't quite seem to pin down. I'll have to test more, but it seems after awhile, Adobe fonts kind of stops working. When I open a file that uses Adobe Fonts, it says the fonts are missing but there is no option to active them and nothing happens. I don't know exactly what get it working again, but I try the following and eventually the fonts will start activating again: - quit and restart InDesign - quit and restart the Creative Cloud app - toggle the Adobe Fonts setting in Preferences > File handling (if it was enabled, disable it and vice versa)
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‎Mar 24, 2022
08:22 AM
@Laubender wrote: The first thing I would try is to reset the current workspace. Could be also a workspace issue when you migrated preferences from 17.1 to 17.2 with all your custom workspaces. Resetting didn't fix it. Also tried picking one of the other built-in workspaces and then collapsed some panels to icons - same result. If I drag the panel wider so it's the icon and the name (but still collapsed) then the panel pops up right next to that, but slowly decrease the width and the panel moves farther and farther away. See the screen recording below.
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‎Mar 23, 2022
09:04 PM
The 17.2 update finally addressed this issue. I now have 5 size settings for the UI size. Although the UI scaling has introduced a new bug for me... Next Adobe, please make InDesign a true dark-mode mac app, and bring the UI scaling to Photoshop too!
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‎Mar 23, 2022
09:00 PM
1 Upvote
I applied the 17.2 update today and it finally fixed UI scaling so now there are 5 proper scaling settings. However, now there is a new problem when you collapse a panel down to just it's icon. It is not a problem when UI scaling is on the lowest setting. When I move scaling to the second notch and restart the app, collapsed panels don't pop up in the right place when you click on them. I clicked on the FX icon but the panel shows up way off to the right The problem gets worse when you choose the next size setting and restart again. The panels now don't even show up on the screen at all! Clicked on FX but no panel shows up, presumably off screen I saw a similar issue with Illustrator, however in that app I simply restarted it and it was fixed. Not so with InDesign. macOS Monterey 12.3
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‎Mar 21, 2022
10:27 PM
Just noticed this one in the last week or 2 with InDesign 2022 - if I open a document that has a missing font, InDesign freezes for a few minutes. Then the font missing dialog comes up. It doesn't have to be an Adobe Font. But I also notice at this point, there is no option for it to activate any Adobe Fonts that are available. I have to quit and restart InDesign a few times and disabled/enable the Adobe Font setting before it finally activates the font. macOS Monterey 12.3 - although my coworker is running Catalina and reports the same thing.
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‎Mar 07, 2022
01:59 PM
With all due respect Bob, you need to take a huge pill. You are assuming a lot about InDesign users - we don't all think the same way as you. I've been using InDesign since version 2.0 and can count the number of times on one hand that I've exported a file as a PDF in order to print it. It's just a waste of time and an unnecessary extra step. I've actually counselled a few new employees on the benefits of NOT doing it this way. There are also extra benefits in my print shop environment to print right from InDesign, because it can add extra details to my press setups and save these setups for each file as they change per job and per press (for example, printing to plates that are different sizes, adjusting the positioning etc). Sorry Aaron, that so many so-called proessionals in this forum acted bitterly towards you. Glad that you found a solution.
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‎Feb 23, 2022
06:04 PM
LOL. The status page won't load either.
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‎Jan 29, 2022
04:52 PM
I've upgraded to Monterey and still the Creative Cloud app does not open automatically when I boot the computer.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
01:08 PM
1 Upvote
3 months later, 17.1 update released today and this is still not fixed. Bravo Adobe!
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