‎Feb 04, 2025
02:48 AM
got a different error message so I'm adding to the post.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
02:45 AM
1 Upvote
resetting doesn't work for me, nor did re-installing, rebooting, Beta version..etc. Just stopped working, period.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
02:34 AM
Generative Fill has stopped working on my MacBook Pro without any changes on my end. Here’s what happens: After a long, slow analysis, a general error message briefly appears, then disappears. See attached screenshots. Steps I’ve tried: Rebooting (macOS 15.1.1 Sequoia) Uninstalling/reinstalling Photoshop and PS Beta (Generative AI no longer works in either) Switched cache disks as another thread suggested Tried on my GF's laptop, same error. Resetting preferences When running generator, I've noticed new tips appear in the dialogue window. This means, Adobe has been revising this feature.
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‎Mar 30, 2021
12:24 PM
I had the same issue with Red footage scaling, then precompd and solved it! Thanks so much!
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‎Oct 10, 2018
07:20 AM
Painting out the existing bells with the stamp tool done works well. As for the replacement, I've been testing stock clips of bells in motion, cutting them out and replacing them. If this looks believable, then I plan to source some real bells and shoot them against green screen.
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‎Oct 09, 2018
10:06 AM
I've got this static video clip of motionless church bells. I'd like to animate the bells to appear that they are swinging. Please see attached frame grab.
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‎Feb 27, 2013
03:29 PM
The export completed and looks great. I choose a bitrate of 3. There are however existing issues..... The FTP upload crashed PP. Prior to exporting from the Media window, I did a successful FTP test. While I understand that Magic Bullet takes time to render, I am experiencing a dramatically slower process having switched over to PP from Final Cut. The editing process in PP is great and there is much to love about it but I can't accept a 4 hour export in comparison to 1.5 hours. To much valuable time is lost here. Is there a way to simply export a Master copy of the timeline where the quality is lossless. This way, I could have Quicktime create the delivery format for me. I have tried a compression of "NONE" with a 10 second clip and the exported clip would NOT playback. I tried different version of Quicktime as well.
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‎Feb 27, 2013
02:00 PM
4 Hours later, I am still waiting on the export of a 10 minute HD timeline. The clips all have Magic Bullet on them but that's about all. There must be a quicker workflow for this ? My Final Cut workflow was the following... Export a 5-10 minute ProRes HD Sequence takes about 5 minutes! I then open theProRes mov file and convert to H264 with a smaller dimension. I use quicktime player to make this conversion. This takes me no more than 1 hour. Total export and conversion with Apple's Final Cut averages about 1 hour and 20 minutes.
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‎Feb 27, 2013
10:56 AM
Specs of the animated logo are.. 1920x1080 H.264 Color Profile HD(1-1-1) Total Bit rate: 32,179 I spoke with tech support today and they created a ARRI sequence for my Canon DSLR footage. We then lowered the bitrate to 5 and the exported playback appears smooth with very little dropped frames. A few frames are still being dropped but not enough to visually affect the film from a viewing standpoint. *This may have solved this issue but I won't know until exporting the entire timeline. From the media export window, if I raise the bitrate above 10, clips with camera movement, keyframes or animation experience heavily drop frames during playback. Its odd b/c those same effects playback very smooth in MOV files that were exported from Final Cut Pro.
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‎Feb 26, 2013
04:45 PM
In particular, I"m noticing lag on a clip that I keyframed the "Motion' of and my animated logo which is a MOV ProRes HQ file. This clip was created in AE. I have used my logo in many projects under Final Cut and after exporting my timeline, no lagging. In the timeline, the animated logo and the keyframed clip playback perfectly. I am only seeing this lag after I export Media and playback on my laptop and or desktop. The laptop hasn't experienced any playback issues until I introduced it to an mp4 file from PP6. I should also mention that all of the clips in the timeline are 1080 DSLR footage. Thanks to everyone for their helpful ideas! Joe, I have tried the HD 1080p 23.976 preset found under the H.264 format and the film playsback fine except for the aforementioned clips above.
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‎Feb 26, 2013
11:50 AM
What file type and codec did you export for viewing on your TV? Quicktime...H264. MOV What are you using to play back on the TV, and what is telling you the fps is changing? Playback via my laptop using Quicktime player. Get Info gives me the bitrate and fps. Does the file play smoothly if re-imported into Premiere? Havent' tried that yet. Whatever fps setting you use on export should not vary or be altered. I agree! I've been using the same export technique for years with FCP and no issues. * I did bump up the bitrate to the max on the video tab. There are 2 sliders and I maxed out both. This won't be an internet file so size doesn't matter in the case.
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‎Feb 26, 2013
10:09 AM
1080 23.976fps DSLR footage Coming from Final Cut Pro, I would export a ProRes 1080 mov file for my TV. This would give me a high quality playback. I have experimented with several export options in PP 6 and noticed choppy playback on my TV. Upon closer inspection, the FPS appears to be changing with each frame. What settings do I need for a constant 24fps with a high bitrate ?
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