Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
Mar 11, 2025
Sorry that you are having trouble with your DCP. I sent you a link via PM. Have you checked that link to the free tool yet? Hope to assist, @Dpmatlosz.
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Mar 11, 2025
1 Upvote
Hi Ruby,
It sounds like you are not extracting edits, just deleting them. See if this article assists you: @Stan Jones may have more advice, I hope.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 11, 2025
Hi KidFlava,
I'm Kevin the moderator here. Does this occur with just this footage type or with other footage too? If you have more info, the team would appreciate it. See, How do I write a bug report? I hope they can help you soon.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 11, 2025
What kind of footage is it, @byfabb? Give the team full details. See, How do I write a bug report?. I hope we can help you shortly. Sorry for the hassle.
Cheers, Kevin
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Mar 11, 2025
I think it could be your prefs. Just locate them and place them on the desktop while you do the reset preferences test. Hope you can try that out.
Cheers, Kevin
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Mar 11, 2025
Weird. When you click on any item in the Project panel, source patching should automatically be enabled for that media type, @arthurbusco. I could not reproduce your issue on my Mac here. As Ian asked, see if you can manually set source patching for A1 and V1 then.
You should not need to load a clip into the Source Monitor to "wake up" source patching, even though it is the "standard" way to mark clips, create subclips and/or perform a three point insert or overwrite edit.
If you are, indeed, finding that automatic source patching is not working, and you are on the current version, you might consider other troubleshooting steps, like resetting preferences or deleting the media cache. I find the best way to do that is to press Shift at launch for the reset options dialog box. Do so in that dialog box. Note that you will lose customizations when trashing your preferences.
No, currently there's no way to leave source patching enabled for V1 and A1 in a persistent manor. I do like the idea, though, and have suggested it to the team in the past, but automatic source patching should work. You can request that feature, if you desire. If automatic source patching is not working, though, something is amiss. I have seen this problem before, but it's difficult to reproduce here. Like I suggested, it could be that your preferences went haywire or you are selecting an audio only or video clip from a dubious source. Personally, I avoid .mp3s for any professional work.
When I was an editing instructor, I made sure that my students knew the pitfalls of dragging and dropping clips into the Timeline haphazardly. The technique should be called "Drag - Check Source Patching _ and then-Drop." That's how other NLEs behave as well. You really, really have to be aware of making sure source patching is set right before making the edit. As a funny aside, may who have taught themselves editing don't even know what an Insert edit is, nor how to create an Insert edit by dragging/checking/and dropping! 🙂
I hope the information helps you. If not, be sure to lay out the fine details so that engineering can figure out what's going on here. Trust me, it's not normal. I hope we can help you.
Take Care, Kevin
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Mar 11, 2025
Hey Ben,
Welcome to the forum. Have you checked if the SRT file is saved with UTF-8 encoding. That might be an issue. Let us know.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
09:29 PM
@WhiteLotusPRS wrote:
I cannot save my projects in premier rush.
It's odd that your project would not save to your device. It should save there automatically as you work.
@WhiteLotusPRS wrote:
It won't load to the cloud. I cant access it on other devices.
Sorry that you weren't aware but sync was removed around a year ago for most people and for enterprises and educational facilities more recently, @WhiteLotusPRS. I know, I don't like it either. It doesn't even work here anymore.
@WhiteLotusPRS wrote: says "no network connection. Only projects you have previously opened on this device will be available."
The "No network connection" warning is a bug. Internet connection is no longer necessary since sync is no longer functioning. I apologize for that.
@WhiteLotusPRS wrote:
I can't even save it on my device....and I just lost a project I was working on. I have iPad iPhone and Mac.
I'm curious as to why the project did not save to your local device, however, I have heard of a few cases to be honest. Was this on the Mac or the iPhone? Can you try a new test project with different media?
If you are on iPhone and Mac, I invite you to check out Project Violet. You can see the direction that Adobe is going with this newer app. It doesn't provide sync either but has some nice newer features. Worth a look. It's free right now.
Let me know if you have more questions.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
06:17 PM
More info about your computer system or mobile device and the media may help us.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
06:15 PM
1 Upvote
Hi @Serendipitous_view5FC7,
Thanks for the question and welcome to the forum. I would press Shift at Launch and try options in the Reset Options dialog box, especially resetting preferences and deleting the media cache. Keep in mind that you may lose customizations by doing so. I hope the advice helps.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
02:55 PM
OK, thanks for highlighting what's going on, which sounds like RAM consumption due to a corrupt project. This can happen for a variety of reasons, usually updating older projects across major new versions, like 23.x > 24.x > 25.x pathways, etc. You need to rebuild these kinds of projects which tend to be ongoing ones that don't have a stopping point. Eventually, you can blow a fuse!
The workaround is to create a new project and import the contents of the legacy project into the new one. I hope that advice helps you.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
02:48 PM
What media then?
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Mar 10, 2025
02:45 PM
HI @krissie_2977,
Welcome to the forum and thanks for the message. I hope you had a nice weekend.
Are you on the desktop version or mobile? If desktop, I would advise transcoding the footage in Shutter Encoder as a test. Go for the H.264 option to see if that works as a test. I think what you're experiencing is media related. Rush was developed before a lot of these newer formats were prevalent in the community. Let me know if the advice works.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
02:35 PM
Hey there, Yves,
I hear you. Unfortunately, I don't have any answers for you right now. Adobe does not usually announce dates for new versions or hardware support ahead of time. I'm only a mod here for this user-to-user forum. Sorry about that.
Adobe does tend to announce roadmaps ahead for video products at the annual NAB conference (which is upcoming shortly), so I would look to then for what the team may have in mind for Rush users, especially now that the EDU community world-wide is heavily reliant on computers like these.
I can also point you to the posts I have been making as of late to try out Project Violet in the Apple App Store. Though it's a mobile app, at least you can take a look at some of the things Adobe has been up to. Try it out if you have an iPhone or iPad.
I apologize once more for a frustrating answer to your question. Other than what I've written here, that's all I've got. Thanks so much for asking.
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Mar 10, 2025
02:10 PM
Hey there, @Roman25778219o52p,
Thanks for the note. Welcome to the forum. I'm Kevin from Adobe Support, a mod here.
I watched your movie and it looks like you are experiencing performance issues. If it worked in the not to distant past with the same media and other projects, I think you're right. Something else is amiss.
Whenever I see weird behavior, I press Shift at Launch to get the Reset Options dialog box. Choose to Reset Preferences (bearing in mind that it deletes customizations), and delete the media cache. You can also try the other options related to plug-ins if you have any installed.
I really hope the advice helps. If not, post full details according to our guide. Copy and pasting the format of that guide helps shortcut a few processes for the team. See, How do I write a bug report?
Feel free to PM me a copy of your project file and I will try to reproduce the error you're having.
As a fellow Mac head and native Cupertino-ian, I hope to help you. 🙂
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
01:50 PM
Hello @dinesh_1729,
Thanks for the post and welcome to the forum. Can the team get more info please? How do I write a bug report? I hope the situation can be resolved by giving the team that info. Please include information about the media you are editing with. I hope we can help you shortly.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
01:41 PM
Hi @Divine_vibrancy0390,
Thanks for the question. I'm Kevin from Adobe Support, a moderator here.
Can the team get more information, please? See, How do I write a bug report? I hope we can help you. Sorry for the issue.
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Mar 10, 2025
01:11 PM
Thanks @Michael Grenadier! It's the first step in compiling them. Now I am determining which ones need to be archived, which need to be updated, and some which need consolidating. The FAQs on "color" for example, because as time goes on, the info becomes obsolete. The most dificult part of the FAQ index is to determine which FAQs are not here and need to be created. I will run some analytics to determine any holes. It's going to be a work in progress, so to speak. Thanks again for your support on this FAQ index. It's appreciated!
Cheers, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
01:00 PM
Hey there, @angaelica,
Thanks for the post and welcome to the forum. Yes, I've seen users experience crashes in Premiere Pro when transcribing large projects and Productions. Do all the projects in the Production experience the issue, or just this project? If the latter, consider creating a new project and importing the contents of the previous project into the new one.
To prevent issues like this, consider keep the project file sizes smaller and transcribing smaller batches of text on your specific computer. Larger projects doing a lot of transcribing might require more RAM, for example. The specific media type you are using might also compound the issue if it is highly compressed media at larger frame sized. You can watch this out by checking the Activity Monitor (macOS) or Task Manager (Windows) to observe RAM consumption during transcription. You can also try transcribing smaller portions of your project to identify if specific clips or sequences trigger the issue. You can also try launching Premiere Pro with the Shift key pressed to launch the Reset Options dialog box, This allows you to reset preferences, delete the media cache, etc. in order to further troubleshoot your system. It's a good idea to do, especially if your colleagues have computers that are functioning as expected. Just a quick reminder to save your work frequently and maintain backups of your projects (in addition to Auto-Saves) to safeguard against unexpected crashes or system issues. I hope the advice helps you. Let us know what happens after trying these troubleshooting steps.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
12:25 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the post. Much appreciated. I tried reproducing your issue but could not. You can try resetting preferences, but keep in mind, that it deletes any customizations you have. Press Shift at launch for the reset options dialog box. You can do it from there. I hope that resolves your issue. Let us know. Sorry for the problem.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
12:15 PM
Thanks for the context on Media Composer, Alex. I apologize for that generalization. I'm wrong.
Ah, that's right I remember cutting on Media Composer and using locators (I was orginally taught MC at an Avid boot camp and got hardcore, but then switched to FCP shortly after). I appreciate your added context, so, welcome to the forums and welcome to Premiere Pro. I hope I can be a guide for you, as I can relate to your journey.
Locators are marker-like but are a completely different system than those used by, say, the Premiere Pro or FCP gang. If you would like a marker system like that, the current one would need to be completely scrapped. What you want is definitely a feature request. I think adding that feature might be easier than creating something like "Locators" in MC, to be honest. If you are a news cutter and use clip markers that are added on the fly to assist you, I hope the team will respond to your request. Thanks for the workaround, by the way. Any other notes you would make as you discover your new workflow woud be helpful in new posts.
I would be happy to help you advocate for the feature you requested
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
11:40 AM
Hello @hadenb31583781,
I read your post. Welcome to the forum. The Rush forum is user-to-user based with my team (we are all experienced editors) and me moderating and helping if we can. We work for the @AdobeCare support team, if you are familiar with our work. I wish there was an "easy button" to solve this issue for all users, but it's not possible. I wish! I do understand the frustration, especally if you are a paid user.
Sorry, our video apps support staff is limited on weekends. It's been that way for as along as I've worked here, and I've been here for ages. Apologies on that one. General support should be available but this seems to be a tricky problem with multiple potential solutions and that requires our team. In the chat, ask to be connected to the "video queue" to ensure you're getting support from our specialists. They are available M-F 7AM to 7PM PST.
The HEVC codec is not supported for the "starter" (free) version of Rush, so the first thing you should check is your subscription level. If you have the Photography plan, for example, you are on the starter version, not the paid version. Many people on the Photography program think they are on the paid version. So, check your subscription level to get started with troubleshooting.
I realize it's an export problem, but I would want to know what kind of footage you are editing with, first of all. It could be problematic if it's not 8-bit 4:2:0 footage at 4K or 1080p, it might not work.
If it is not this kind of footage, and you have a paid subscription, have you tried transcoding the footage before editing with it? Adobe Express has a quick action that does just that. If on desktop, try Adobe Media Encoder. If that is not available, try the donation-ware, Shutter Encoder. Having the right footage is very important to Rush, as it was developed several years ago.
I would also want to know which export setting you are using. That would be great.
Are you editing on a desktop computer or a mobile device? It would help to get the specs on that device so we can compare them with system requirements, to make sure you have the right hardware.
The thread does have some useful steps in resolving the issue, for example, here's a newer one: I hope it works for you!
You're right, solutions could be clearer if the thread was edited and cleaned up. I hope to find the time to consolidate it and throw out all the rants.
I hope we can help solve your problem if you give us more information. Please start a new thread if would like to break out of this thread. Sorry for the frustration.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
11:20 AM
Can you give the "encode to .mp4" quick action a whirl on Adobe Express? Let me know if it works.
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Mar 10, 2025
11:18 AM
Can you try signing out of the app, then signing back in? That might work.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
11:14 AM
Thank you! I'll tell the team. Thanks for reporting back.
So happy to help my friends in the EU. I first visited there in 1986 and just returned from my 11th trip back in November. I went to the Bordeaux region and Spain for the first time!
Cheers, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
11:12 AM
HI @theosauerc,
Thanks for the question and welcome to the forum.
Working on different devices is no longer supported. That was removed over a year ago for most users. It was removed for enterprise and educational users in October. Sorry for the frustration.
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
11:10 AM
Hi @krissie_2977,
What kind of media are you editing with? Is it iPhone HDR footage? If so, switch off the "spatial audio" setting in your camera settings and try again. Let us know if it worked!
Thanks, Kevin
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Mar 10, 2025
11:08 AM
Thanks for the feature request!
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Mar 10, 2025
11:06 AM
Hi All,
The team offered the following potential solutions:
Sign out and back into Rush
Perform a hard reset on the iPad
If you don’t have any projects you need to save, we recommend reinstalling the Rush.
If none of those steps resolve the bug, it would be good to know what iPad model they have and what media is in their camera roll.
I hope the information is useful.
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Mar 10, 2025
09:43 AM
It's a good feature request, and one I've not seen it before, to be honest, @Alex.1. Adding clip markers on the fly during playback is not commonly done by pro editors in the past (raises hand, too), so other NLEs previous to Resolve did not bother to add the feature. Randy U's, Final Cut Pro was not able to perform the task to my knowledge (he also designed Premiere Pro, amongst many other apps like iMovie and Aperture). Maybe someone with a better knowledge of other legacy NLEs can comment.
Thanks again for raising the issue. I hope the team can implement this request ASAP. Upvoted!
Cheers, Kevin
Note that no feature request for clip markers during playback in the past..
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