‎Mar 01, 2025
09:07 AM
1 Upvote
It is pretty clear that Adobe is staffed by amateurs. Not to mention the liars that claimed they'd have ARM native versions in June 2024. It is now March 2025 and we still have nothing more than an emulated beta. A competent team of programmers could easily have ported Illustrator for Windows to ARM by now. Especially given that Illustrator for Mac is already ARM-native. As with all Adobe apps the code is mostly cross-platform, so I really don't get how it can possibly take this long. Also, any competent management team should have seen the increasing momentum for Windows on ARM years back and started planning accordingly, having their apps ready on day 1. It is embarassing that the Affinity apps beat Adobe to Windows on ARM by a large margin. At this rate we may arrive at Adobe being over a year late. Maybe if they thought about something other than Artificial Intelligence for a change they could actually deliver something valuable like Illustrator and InDesign for ARM...
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‎Oct 16, 2024
12:06 AM
The beta just showed up on my Surface Pro 11 in Denmark. Finally! Sad to see it still emulated, though. Really lazy of Adobe to be so slow in supporting ARM. Affinity managed it on day one... And starting it up, this is what you get: Really, Adobe? Even basics such as DPI scaling is apparently a challenge for you... Restarting it again makes it display properly, though.
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‎Oct 15, 2024
05:55 AM
And you still appear to think that you have no users outside the US. We typically pay more for your software, yet get a worse experience. There is no legitimate technical reason to limit the beta to the US. Every user who has posted here clearly has no trouble running an English build, so language is not an issue. And I sure hope your software has no problems running on a localized Windows. You announced that Illustrator and InDesign would be available for ARM in July. It is now October and they are not available. A region-limited emulated beta version does not count. You announced that native ARM versions would be available in July. You lied. There is no other way to see this. You have had Illustrator and InDesign running on Mac ARM for years, now. How come you were able to support Mac ARM, yet have taken 5+ years to support Windows ARM. I assume the code is largely cross-platform, so most of the hard work to support ARM has already been done. What exactly is the problem here?
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‎Oct 15, 2024
05:49 AM
Why would you not just run the native InDesign for Mac in that situation?
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‎Aug 28, 2024
05:04 AM
@Anshul_Saini Of course I looked under beta apps, I'm not stupid. Why the hell would you limit it to English locales?? As should be evident from this writing, I'm perfectly fluent in English. I don't need you to make decisions on what software I can or cannot use. And I sure hope that your software is able to run on whatever locale it happens to run on! Otherwise, your programmers need to go back to school. So you need to get rid of this limit ASAP. I pay a small fortune for this software - you do NOT get to decide whether I can download it because my locale happens to be different. There is a large world outside the US! And we mostly all speak English as a second language.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
12:32 AM
@Srishti Bali Also, a further lie. You claimed that these versions would be ARM-native, as Photoshop currently is. But now you write that they run through emulation. Why would a new version be needed for that? The existing release version would be able to run emulated, if you didn't actually block it. The beta should be ARM native, as you promised.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
12:17 AM
1 Upvote
@Srishti Bali As with Illustrator this beta is not visible on my Surface Pro 11. Why do you claim it is released when it is not? However, both versions are available on x86 machines. So they are available on my account, just not on the ARM devices where they are needed...
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‎Aug 26, 2024
09:12 AM
@Srishti Bali Care to comment on why most users can't see the beta you claim to have released? Otherwise, the only conclusion is that you lied about launching Illustrator and InDesign for ARM in July. Which you kind of did anyway, because you did not state it would be launched as a beta. You've had years to test and develop for Windows on ARM, you should just have been able to launch the product - as was promised. Affinity managed to launch their entire suite on day one after all...
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‎Aug 20, 2024
05:30 AM
I don't see Illustrator or InDesign available as beta apps. Please stop doing silly regional or other restrictions - my system (Surface Pro 11 with Snapdragon Elite) is in Danish, but I'm perfectly capable of using AI in English. That's for me to decide, not you!
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