John Hepworth
John Hepworth
‎Jan 29, 2025
02:08 PM
um, IF clean is a euphemism... whatever trail of internet bread crumbs led me to cleaner, it was because something suggested that the fix for acrobat being unable to deinstall might be using cleaner... My point is that something like 'Are you sure you want to delete your apps' might be a useful guardrail
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‎Jan 29, 2025
02:00 PM
Oh Adobe... So freaking ACROBAT got all jangxy and then couldn't even de-install itself. Doodlee do, and somewhere either here or other, I get directed towards Cleaner... ... and it's uninstalled ALL my apps? I can't even surf to this web site without having to click to close or tell it if I want french or english (hint: remember) but somehow I can delete all my apps without so much of a 'are you sure you want to delete all your apps that you might want to use to keep the lights on and feed your children?' The amount of shark jumping ... So as I'll be installing for the rest of the day, can you at least comp my account 3 months to a lifetime of subscription fees? I'm going from product evangelist to thinking perhaps it's time to rid my "tech stack" of mud houses...
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‎Jan 04, 2025
07:35 PM
My puppet has all sorts of handles but I can't see them in the rigging panel any thoughts? thanks!!
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‎Nov 13, 2024
10:28 AM
Yes, a whole combination of issues has me seriously reconsidereing Premiere...
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‎Nov 12, 2024
12:30 PM
THIS solved it for me -- Why Adobe, why so many bizarre little roadblocks...?
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‎Oct 10, 2024
08:37 AM
Has this been resolved at all? The way I noticed it was that I'm going through a long clip, dropping selects into the timeline, using a shortcut to reactivate the source monitor and my in and out points are gone...so I have to match frame from the clip I just put into the timeline. I have to say the level of bugginess I'm experiencing trying to finish a project on a tight deadline has me really packing my bags on Premiere...stop adding features if the fundamentals are not rock solid. Weirdness with multicams , etc. etc....if you can't trust that your work is safe, it's an incredible added stress. With Creative Cloud we are literally SHOVELLING money at you. 150 years ago AVID was rock solid...I am SO ready to drop this.
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‎Oct 08, 2024
07:35 AM
I have a bunch of interviews shot with 3 cameras. I synched them, nested the video, then enabled multicamera. (Which by the way seems a strange and convoluted process) Deep into the editing, I wanted to apply LUTs to the underlying source clips but after doing so, the audio of my multicam clips seemed fine but the video had slipped. Am I doing something deeply stupid? Like what is the actual hierachy of nested clips and can you make any changes once they are nested without risking the integrity of your top level edits? any help appreciated. Alternatively -- is there a simple 'flattening' workflow to commit the edits to their source clips? I kind of want to make sure that I can at least 'lock in' the edits I've done so far, without risking throwing the whole thing into disarray. thanks John
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‎Apr 02, 2024
10:41 AM
The situation I find myself in is that I have a lot of flying videos of talking heads. The client wants talking head number one to talk longer. So all my other talking heads have to start flying later...so I'd like to be able to add however much time to the head of each of them so all their key frames when they start flying don't need to be moved. Am I misunderstanding your workflow? Because what I'd like is to be able to only move the keyframes of my talking heads pre-flight earlier by however extra long talking head number one is talking? The workaround I am imagining/about to try is pre-composing my flying heads and then duplicating it, then having the pre-flight section on one of them start earlier...
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‎Dec 08, 2022
11:23 AM
Thanks. When you duplicate a scene multiple times, do you end up renumbering the older versions? like second version: Dsty_4.3-1 * newest Dsty_4.3-2 * original third version Dsty_4.3-1 * newest Dsty_4.3-2 * second version Dsty_4.3-3 * original, renamed from Dsty_4.3-2 and the situation that prompted my question today was that I'm replacing a shot that was called: sc 9_thworp_WS_branch_impacts_catwalk_20220831_ vers4.mov and I *think* I want to be able to track that the source of my new version was from a project dated 20220831, but it will now be in a project dated 20221208 so for the time being I'm keeping a spreadsheet where I have TYPE DATE PROJECT NAME SEQUENCE SOURCES OUTPUTS NOTES DB_sc 9_WS_branch_impacts_catwalk_20221208.aep sc 9_thworp_WS_branch_impacts_catwalk_20221208 DB_sc 9_WS_branch_impacts_catwalk_20220830.aep Which may be overkill, but in my animation I've got essentially a 3d 'set' that over the course of the project has been modified 'to camera' sometimes - so my fear is discovering down the road that I've had some glaring inconsistency in an old iteration and need to be able to track back where the mistake originated to be able to weed it out of all the subsequent shots...
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‎Dec 08, 2022
11:05 AM
Thanks! I came across this: app.project.activeItem.id from a 2013 post and there was also this post from premium beat about opening assets in original project using 'edit original' - though now it seems to just open my clips in Quicktime... I think I'll just have to get (more) disciplined with a naming convention protocol like Rick's...mine is *close* but perhaps can be even more rigourous. thanks John
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‎Dec 08, 2022
10:01 AM
Is there a property somewhere that AE generates that is a unique identifier for projects or compositions? I’m trying to devise as foolproof a system as possible to always be able to track back to the composition and project from which I’ve generated a shot. So pretty much every day I backup my current project and update the date So my project will be called something like: Project_scene_shot_date And my composition with be Scene#_shot_take#_date I track the names in a spreadsheet so in theory I can always find the project name for any give shot. But it feels sloppy and easy to make a mistake...like the way when you duplicate a comp, AE still has the original open in the timeline, so if you're not careful, you're editing the version you want to keep as a backup rather than the 'new' take. thanks John
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‎Sep 30, 2022
08:18 AM
That made me look up how cosine works...which funnily enough has been a semi-goal for awhile "relearn high school math"... oh the rabbit holes these expressions open up!
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‎Sep 30, 2022
07:45 AM
Maestro! I'm going to pore over it to see if I can make sense of it - already I was able to semi brute force a result by making a controller with sliders for each segments rotation...while I was still doing the initial position manually, it let me play with the pitch yaw and roll until I got a semi passable result. But your project is far more interesting... thanks!
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‎Sep 29, 2022
11:39 AM
Thanks again! It looks like a VERY elegant approach...that I don't quite understand all the pieces of. All the best John
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‎Sep 29, 2022
11:15 AM
I got part of the way. At least far enough that the expression didn't have syntax errors... I've attached the sequence if you have time to look -- the catwalks are basically just rectangular prisms. I didn't try the rotation - probably why my catwalks just 'stacked' thanks again
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‎Sep 29, 2022
10:45 AM
Thanks That may be beyond my pay grade unfortunately... but I'm going to try it... In the meantime I tried to brute force it. I can sort of see where the trigonometry comes in as I had to calculate my x and y displacements after positioning the first one manually... The best I have come up with is to have an original 'neutral' element duplicate it orient it along z 20 degrees (so my catwalks go 'up') slide it along x raise it along y then rotate on y so it curves inwards then repeat with the added step of parenting the previous layers to the 'new' one after I duplicated it and oriented it... but I'm off to learn how to set up sliders and controllers! Thanks!
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‎Sep 29, 2022
09:12 AM
I'm trying to make a spiral out of a catwalk element. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to do this with expressions. I made a chain, using pos=thisComp.layer(index-1).position; [pos[0]+2700,pos[1],pos[2]] then manually added 20 degrees of y rotation working backwards from the end to the start. then I parented the layers from the end to the start, and then adjusted the orientation of the start element. I think what I want is some kind of expression that 1) moves the layer into position at the end of the chain 2) rotates it So is there a way to craft an expression for step 1 than slides the layer into position along the RELATIVE x axis? i.e given that I want my spiral to rise? thanks! John
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‎Sep 10, 2022
07:56 AM
Is there a way for the selected tracks in the timeline to override the source tracks patching? i.e to just be able to select where you want the video and not have to line up the patching?
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‎Sep 06, 2022
10:35 AM
Thanks! Another thing I learned since posting this is how each view can have it's own view options - which seems pretty useful. And that you can open another viewer if you want more than 4 views. Sort of a follow up question : is there a way to have more than 3 custom views? I've been using different cameras as a kind of work around... thanks !
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‎Jun 07, 2022
08:01 AM
Is there a way to selectively hide layer handles? I'm trying to get a handle on a composition that has layer bloat...
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‎Feb 10, 2022
10:50 AM
Thanks! I'll try that. I remember it happening months ago, and then I'd not run into it for awhile, so it became one of those frustrating things 'have I figured this out already?' John
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‎Feb 08, 2022
01:57 PM
I'm animating a lot of flying pages of text. My process has been to make a symbol of a page using a PNG about 2200X1700 pixels. Then I animate the symbol, generally things like zooming from 0 to full screen etc. At some scales, the symbols go blank - like the computer can't figure out what to do at small scales. Is this some basic workflow issue I don't know about? Like - should I make my stage bigger? or are my PNGs TOO big kind of thing? Any advice would be appreciated! John
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‎Nov 25, 2021
08:15 AM
Hi I'm trying to simulte a waterpaint style and lately tried painting my character in Illustrator and then importing and rigging it in animate (using EDAPT Power tools...) The project is only 7 megs, but the vectors seem fairly complicated and I'm wondering if this is causing everything to be very sluggish? I'm wondering if I should convert the vectors into bitmap in animate, or replace them with bitmaps from Illustrator? Or actually paint on paper and scan it and then cut it into symbols?! Or perhaps my document size was/is just too big? It was 2000x3000 (ish) Any advice appreciated! Basically need guidance on general principles for performance etc. John
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‎Oct 20, 2021
02:28 PM
Hi This is hopefully dead simple, but where is the control to close the motion graph in the timeline? thanks! John Hepworth
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‎Jun 25, 2021
12:03 PM
1 Upvote
Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm having something similar. My old Animate 2018 seemed to handle this kind of thing better, but the updated one seems way more lossy.
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‎Jun 25, 2021
10:44 AM
I've just upgraded and am not sure what output settings I need to tweak to get a PNG image sequence to be full resolution. I'm animating a lot of pages of text, which were always legible in my old version of Animate, but now are illegible. thanks John Hepworth
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‎Mar 12, 2021
11:18 AM
Has this issue been properly resolved? The workaround I'm playing with is to treat 'Scene 1' - as an export tool. I make all my individual scenes as symbols with multiple layers etc, and then just drop it into an empty scene 1 when I want to export.
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