Thomas Böttiger
Thomas Böttiger
Feb 21, 2025
02:11 PM
1 Upvote
So I tried a bit more: opening existing SVGs, editing them and saving as SVG 1.1 works. Whereas saving existing SVGs as SVG 1.0 does not. Using fresh AI files and saving from there as SVG 1.0 works. So basically roundtripping with SVG 1.0 is boken.
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Feb 21, 2025
06:52 AM
I found that it works fine if you keep the original AI around, make changes there and then export as SVG. You might even create a new AI and copy&paste the SVG content. But reusing an SVG by opening and editing results in a broken file after exporting...
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Feb 17, 2025
11:19 AM
After updating to Illustrator 29.3 the error disappeared. Step 6 in the above mentioned process did not work, as Illustrator considered the file as damaged and could not reopen it after I saved it as SVG 1.0. Buter now everything is fine again. 🙂
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Feb 07, 2025
03:17 AM
I have the same isue, but when exporting as SVG 1.0 (SVG 1.1 is rendered incompletely by the editor) from AI 29.2.1. The issue does not exist with previous versions (29.1). An example is attached.
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Feb 10, 2023
11:34 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the answer, Stefan. It is February 2023 and even the newest installer of FM 17 does not work, hence even the newest release of FM17 cannot be installed on an M1 machine. Thats a shame, as other non-Adobe apps run quite nicely...
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Feb 22, 2020
02:59 AM
There is one solution that might help, whichever VM you are using: Windows eats RAM for breakfast. Assign 16GB to Windows if you can afford it.
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Jan 28, 2019
04:17 AM
Klaus Köbel just phoned me and told me the same thing. I was thinking along the lines of InDesign extensions, so that was my expectation of using HTML just to design a template that the developers can bind their functions to. But I am not a programmer, just a techwriter doing some UI design, so I will pass that information to the people responsible.
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Jan 28, 2019
04:14 AM
Sorry, I should have called them "pods" (like the one for formatting text).
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Jan 28, 2019
03:22 AM
Adobe Postulates on the FM 2019 product page: “ Interactive HTML5 dialogs for plug-ins Make the customer experience richer by using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to make interactive plug-in dialog boxes.” Now that I need to create a few dialog boxes (panels?), I‘d like to have a look at the requirements, limitations, and resources. Where can I find them?
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Sep 06, 2017
08:45 AM
I did already by using the link above. So something must have happened to your inbox some hours ago. If not, how can I reach you? My email address is [personal information removed by moderator] TIA
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Sep 05, 2017
11:54 PM
Good morning, Dov! Sorry for keeping you waiting, but I got a brandnew PDF yesterday, produced with the CMS "Schema ST4" (newest version) - and it shows the same symptoms: looking perfect in Adobe Acrobat on the Mac, but displaying only blank pages when opened with Adobe Reader on iOS. Instead of attaching the PDF, I would prefer to send you a Dropbox link in a private message (the contents of this PDF is confidential technical information).
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Aug 20, 2017
03:18 PM
Sorry for keeping you waiting: can I come back to you in two weeks when I get home? I'm currently on vacation and cannot reach the server to publish a demo (I do not want to send the original files as these are from a customer (NDA)).
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Aug 20, 2017
12:22 AM
Wow. I got so used to missing the drap&drop feature in InDesign, I never bothered to check if there is option for turning in it on. Guys, you helped me a lot. I asked one question and got two solutions. Fine day today, ain't it?
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Aug 20, 2017
12:18 AM
That's great. I was using GREP for formatting but nver thought of lists...
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Aug 20, 2017
12:12 AM
Hi Dov, thanks for getting back to me so fast - on a weekend! The PDF was uploaded to a FTP server and then downloaded via Transmit and opened in Acrobat on macOS: The same file downloaded from the server in Transmit for iOS looks like this: And then opened in Acrobat (iOS) on the iPad look like this (always the same page 37): The first page, however, is displayed correctly. The rest is blank, although all page numbers are shown. Very strange.
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Aug 19, 2017
03:17 PM
For technical documentation, images are mostly accompanied by a legend describing the item in the image. This helps to keep the image free of language morsels that impede translation. The legend mostly takes the form of a numbered list: object 1 object 2 and so on. But since this leaves a lot of white space to the right of the legend, legends are mostly arranged as multi-columns: 1 object 1 2 object 2 3 object 3 4 object 4 To get the result of horizontal numbering, tables are used (as above). This makes handling the legends rather cumbersome, as changing the order involves a lot of copy and paste. I know it is possible to to that with lists and the split-column-mode, but that results in vertically numbered lists: 1 object 1 3 object 3 2 object 2 4 object 4 This is easier to handle (when using lists, not tables as above), but harder to read, as any reader normally assumes the next item is placed to the right, not below. Is there a way to teach lists the order shown in the first table, where the next item follows to the right and then below?
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Aug 19, 2017
02:53 AM
Either way I try to open a PDF created by Schmea ST 4 (that open correctly on Acrobat in Windows or macOS), they are not displayed correctly on iOS (iPad or iPhone). Only the first page is shown. Opening them from Dropbox or any server (FTP) does not make a difference until I export them as PDF again but without the bookmarks. PDF created with Indesign work fine on all platforms though. Any ideas?
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Feb 16, 2014
11:44 PM
Thank you all for your kind replies and effort. I found the culprit: There must have been something rotten with my user account (perhaps my "oneDrive" connection?), because after adding another user account with admin priviledges, all runs fine now. I deleted the other user (as I said before, it's all running on a virtual machine, so my files are on the host) and opened the RH11 project as the new user: et voilà! Everything is perfect now. I will report that to Adobe. Thanks again for your help. Thomas
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Feb 11, 2014
11:46 PM
Hello moszapy1, did I understand you correctly: The path for "AppData" in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ Shell Folders" should be "C:\Users\boettiger\AppData\Roaming" where "boettiger" is the user name? If so, that is the case already and does not have any effect. The second part is also present and looks like this (see attachment):
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Feb 11, 2014
12:02 PM
Yes, mostly. I have a virtual machine running, so my downloads folder, desktop, movies, pictures and music point to the folders on the host machine. The rest is of the sort "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\..." UPDATE: I switched the setting to "not sharing" so that all paths in the Shell Folders now point to some "C:\Users\" directory. I opened a new project and tried to print - but still the same message is displayed "Microsoft Word cannot be found on your system."
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Feb 11, 2014
06:11 AM
Hello Peter, No. We have been exchanging a few e-mails and they pointed to some damaged registry, but none of the solutions they offered solved the problem. Eventually, they gave me the old *.dll, which was supposed to work with RH 9.0.2, but this crashed RH altogether. I have mailed them today again but have not received an answer yet. So we still have an open support ticket here...
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Jan 27, 2014
05:18 AM
I doubt this will work but please try right clicking on the layout and selecting Properties. Does that work? No. That does not make any diference. I will contact support. Thank you very much for your patience. I will keep you informed.
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Jan 27, 2014
04:18 AM
O sorry, that was a misunderstanding: After installing Word, I export some text as PDF to see if Word's plugin work. The problem in RH11 is, that as soon as I click "Generate" or "Settings" in the layout pane to generate the option "printed documentation" (which I had configured a few months ago using RH 10, I get the message that Word cannot be found. The same click using RH 10 produces the settings window where I can select the output options (doc or pdf etc.) When I set up a completely new project from one of the samples) and click on "printed documentation", the same message is displayed. I can however generate a Review PDF from RH 11.
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Jan 27, 2014
03:20 AM
Yes, I ran the Word installation to check if everything's there. The Acrobat XI plugin performed as it should.
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Jan 27, 2014
03:18 AM
A normal Word 2010 installation with a on a Windows 8.1 machine. Word version corrected by Thomas Böttiger
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Jan 25, 2014
10:15 AM
Well I hope this only an issue for me. But I will try when I got the time to uninstall and install (TCS 5 and both Word apps, as I need both)... What amazes me is the fact that RH 10 runs fine and RH 11 does not. Same files, same machine, same configuration. As I stated in the beginning, I am just a techwriter and neither an IT expert nor a programmer. It's just one of those things that spoil the weekend. 😉 Thank you for your help and enthusiasm to assist me even on a Saturday. Regards UPDATE: I did as Peter suggested. I uninstalled Word 2010 and Word 2013, both TCS 4 and TCS 5, then reinstalled Word 2010, reinstalled TCS 5 -- bur RH still cannot locate Word. I found some tips on Peter's website (, but to no avail. Updated by Thomas Böttiger Update 2: removed some silly words. And added a sentence. Further information: I installed a fresh virtual machine running Win 7, installed Word 2010, restartet, opened Word and closed it, installed Robohelp 11 from the TCS 5. Same result. RH 11 cannot find Word. Updated by Thomas Böttiger
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Jan 25, 2014
05:35 AM
UPDATE: I reinstalled Windows 8.1 from my virtual machine and updated it. Since TCS4 was installed already, I took the test and tried the exporting process to a printed documentation from RH 10. Evertything fine. PDF and Word were produced without hiccups. Then I installed TCS 5 again. "Word is not found on this system." So we have an issue with RH 11 here, I think. Producing a review PDF is no problem, though. I hope Adobe gets this fixed within the next two weeks. But this time I will keep TCS 4. Updated by Thomas Böttiger
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Jan 24, 2014
03:32 PM
Thanks for joining: I completely uninstalled TCS 5 and Word 2013. I even deleted those pesky files in the Adobe folder. Application Manager works now (it didn't do before) and the rest is fine and running. But RoboHelp cannot find Word. Still no difference. Now that I started editing the RH project I am working on, there is no way back to the TCS 4, I'm afraid. I will try adding Word 2013 tomorrow and see if that helps. This thing turns out to get frustrating. Now where should I keep my file? It worked quite well with TCS 4 btw. So I kept a custom made *.dot file close to the project and generated the Word file from that. But I cannot access those settings because RH blocks me out. So I suspect it has got to do something with the RH settings or the registry. And, yes, I am admin.
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Jan 24, 2014
04:08 AM
Thanks very much. Sure I can wait. I read something about editing the registry on his website, but I am running Windows 8.1, so the items he mentioned weren't there.
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Jan 24, 2014
03:44 AM
Not quite. Robohelp cannot find Word (neither 2010 nor 2013), whereas Captivate can. Both running after successfully installing TCS 5. I opened a word file in Word 2010, closed and started RH 11. It still cannot find Word (whichever version). Do I have to uninstall one version of Word so that there is no confusion?
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