4 hours ago
Try putting a raw on the Desktop and importing it with the Add option, so the file remains on the Desktop in the LR catalog. Can Denoise write the DNG to the Desktop without error?
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Mar 08, 2025
That link goes to another post from me on 7/12/2023 in this same thread:
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Mar 08, 2025
1 Upvote
[This post contains formatting and embedded images that don't appear in email. View the post in your Web browser.] "Can it be done in nicer way?" That general method is the only way. But you can make it a lot more concise: local prop = LrBinding.makePropertyTable (context)
for i, val in pairs (collection) do
prop ["box" .. i] = false
table.insert (rowView, f:group_box {width = 450,
f:row {
f:checkbox {value = LrView.bind {"box" .. i}},
f:static_text {title = val.state}}})
f:scrolled_view {bind_to_object = prop,
width = 950, height = 500, f:column (rowView)} Later code can refer to the checkbox values using prop ["box" .. i].
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Mar 07, 2025
08:45 PM
1 Upvote
@p.n.p: "It works only in very small areas, something that we could easily fix using the clone tool. Anything beyond that, it doesn't detect image data properly and produces random results or, basically replicates the very area you are trying to fix." 1. Uncheck Detect Objects -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos. 2. See this short article for how to remove objects more reliably: Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot). With nearly every one of the many dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Mar 07, 2025
04:53 PM
@planeman320: "On numerous occasions the remove tool leaves a ghost of what has been 'removed'." That typically happens when you apply Remove on top of an AI mask (Sky, Subject, Background, etc.). Do the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the mask. If that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot) and a screenshot showing the ghost object. With nearly every one of the many dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Mar 07, 2025
04:41 PM
A longstanding bug in Windows LR limits the presets, keywords, collections, and folder panels to 1500 - 3200 lines (depending on your display settings). When LR tries to display more lines than that, it starts doing all sorts of screwy things: That could account for some of what you are seeing -- when you try to import a group, I think by default it will be expanded rather than collapsed, so LR may then try to display too many lines, and you might not see the newly imported presets. I've never seen any limits imposed on groups, though, so if/when you see the error message again, send a screenshot.
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Mar 07, 2025
09:41 AM
It's definitely a network issue of some sort of-- that's the only time that error is issued. The anti-malware rules throughout the network are constantly updated without you doing anything. If your cell phone can do hot spotting, try that as a diagnostic.
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Mar 07, 2025
08:16 AM
@planeman320: "Initially main problem being that once you have selected the area to remove the system then creates an area at least twice the size if not more rerquiring constant adaption." Uncheck Detect Objects -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos. I find it's faster overall never to use it. "Generative Remove Failed. We've encountered an issue and can't complete your request at this time. Please try again later." This quite unhelpful error message is shown when LR is unable to contact Adobe's servers, and it usually occurs when firewalls and anti-malware / anti-virus utilities incorrectly block some network requests from LR. Try these troubleshooting steps: - Temporarily disable all the firewall / anti-malware on your computer. If that solves the problem, then add a specific exclusion for LR to the firewall's rules. - Connect to another network, preferably one serviced by a different ISP. E.g. a Wifi connection of a neighbor, a coffee shop, work, or your phone's hotspot. Sometimes the routers in these networks block LR's requests, especially in authoritarian countries like China.
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Mar 07, 2025
07:17 AM
"I think (but not certain) that @johnrellis also has a plugin for this purpose." Right, the Any Source plugin provides a similar mechanism for continually mirroring the contents of a LR Classic smart collection as a normal collection, which then gets automatically synced with LR Cloud. The two plugins have different feature sets and other functionality, but they generally work the same for syncing.
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Mar 06, 2025
07:48 PM
[This post contains formatting and embedded images that don't appear in email. View the post in your Web browser.] Adobe never finished the implementation of video in LR Classic after LR 4, and I quite doubt they'll put in any more effort. While waiting for them to improve this, you could use the Any Video Peset plugin:
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Mar 06, 2025
07:37 PM
There are indeed standards governing basic metadata in video: Quicktime, MP4, and XMP (which Adobe defined). But Adobe never finished LR's implementation of video back in LR 4, and LR makes no attempt to write any metadata from the catalog into exported videos. I very much doubt that Adobe will ever put more effort into LR Classic video. While waiting from them to do that before the next ice age, you could use the Run Any Command plugin and the free Exiftool utility to create a post-process action for video export that writes capture date and any other desired metadata into the video.
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Mar 06, 2025
05:37 PM
@Junior Rocha; "when you export a JPG, the file does not include any information about what was done to it, nor what presets were used or any other information about the image editing." That's incorrect. By default, exported files contain all the Develop settings applied to a photo. You can verify this by running the free Exiftool utility with the options "exiftool -a -G". You can disable the inclusion of the settings by unchecking the option Catalog Settings > Metadata > Include Develop Settings In Metadata.
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Mar 06, 2025
05:19 PM
@defaultstdw4391cpox: "When using the remove tool to remove a branch, it often leaves either a lighter or darker background color where the branch used to be, so it "removes the branch but leaves the shape of the branch." If you applied Remove on top of an AI mask (e.g. Sky or Subject mask), do the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the mask. If you didn't apply Remove to an AI mask, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we can see the issue precisely.
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Mar 06, 2025
05:17 PM
@JBedfordPhoto: "it struggles adapting to noise / grain inherent in higher ISO photos." A fair number of people have complained about that. See here for some ways to cope with it:
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Mar 05, 2025
09:30 PM
[This post contains formatting and embedded images that don't appear in email. View the post in your Web browser.] I've observed that when LR is running in German, and you restart LR while in the Map module, you're much more likely to trip over the years-old-bug where the Map module fails to display correctly. I see these symptoms in German but not in English. But when I restart LR from the Library module and then go to the Map module, in German and English I always get a functioning Map module. In my LR 14.2 / Mac OS 15.2, when I restart LR in German, I always see this error initially: "Unable to connect to Adobe servers. The map module is not working." After 2 - 30 seconds, sometimes the correct map is displayed anyway. But sometimes the main panel is blank: And sometimes it shows this error: "Oops! An error has occurred. Google Maps was not loaded correctly on this page. You can find technical details in the JavaScript console"
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Mar 05, 2025
08:39 PM
Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with this thread: There have been a number of reports that the Map module has stopped working in LR 14.2, with blank maps, several in German and one in French.
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Mar 05, 2025
08:37 PM
Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with this thread: There have been a number of reports that the Map module has stopped working in LR 14.2, with blank maps, several in German and one in French.
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Mar 05, 2025
08:37 PM
Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with this thread: There have been a number of reports that the Map module has stopped working in LR 14.2, with blank maps, several in German and one in French.
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Mar 05, 2025
08:37 PM
Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with this thread: There have been a number of reports that the Map module has stopped working in LR 14.2, with blank maps, several in German and one in French.
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Mar 05, 2025
08:19 PM
1 Upvote
Importing via USB cable gets fussier and fussier as the years go by -- neither Apple nor Adobe prioritize it. Try importing using a card reader instead. If you don't have one, they cost $10 on Amazon.
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Mar 05, 2025
08:11 PM
@Maria del Roc387735172z1b: "it is not the GPU, because I even deactivate it and continue doing the same." It might well be related to the GPU, since LR's AI masking commands ignore Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor. Please do the menu command Help > System Info and copy the entire output here so we can see the particular hardware and software versions.
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Mar 05, 2025
12:43 PM
@dcooper7: "Does anyone know of a workaround that allows this information to be visible while editing in the Develop Module, without switching to the Library Module? Any plugins, external tools, or tweaks that could help?" See here for how to edit LR's preference file to display the 35mm equivalent (when it's recorded in EXIF metadata by the camera -- many cameras don't): The internal identifier for that field is "com.adobe.focalLength35mm".
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Mar 05, 2025
12:17 PM
@GoldingD: "And if you connect that laptop to a power source as opposed to running off the battery, does in perform in LrC better? It might be throttling down (power), especially the CPU, and GPU." Good observation. The System Info indicates there's a second AMD GPU, likely integrated with the AMD CPU: Adaptador nº 1: Fornecedor : 10de Adaptador nº 2: Fornecedor : 1002 When on battery, the laptop could very possibly be using the AMD integrated graphics GPU rather than the much faster Nvidia GPU (which is power hungry). Adobe recommends disabling the second GPU when there are suspected problems; see step 5:
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Mar 05, 2025
12:09 PM
1 Upvote
@Archibald the Grim: "Operating system: Mac OS 13 Version: 13.7.4 [22H420] Metal: AMD Radeon Pro 560 I highlight all image on LRC > Right Click >Photo Merge>panorama - nothing happens. I closed the application I reopen the application. I highlight all images on LRC > Right Click >Photo Merge>panorama and the 9 images then merge into the expected panorama." Your symptoms suggest a memory or resource leak in the driver for the graphics processor. You've got a an eight-year-old graphics processor, with a driver that's likely at least two years old. (In Mac, drivers are bundled with the operating system, and Apple stopped all but security updates to Mac OS 13 after Mac OS 14 was released.) The LR and Camera Raw teams have been aggressively improving performance by utilizing the GPU, and in the process have stumbled over many, many bugs in graphics drivers (such bugs are why Nvidia and AMD release new drivers at least once a month). The only way to update to a new graphics driver is to update Mac OS (currently Mac OS 15.3.1).
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Mar 05, 2025
11:49 AM
@AlexJz: "If I do the remove while HDR is on, going back to SDR mode, the replaced portions are almost complete dark. Reverse happens if I do the remove on the SDR version, switching to HDR yields pure white." I just did a quickie test and didn't observe that. In either direction, the Remove replacement remained well-blended in. I don't recall any posts about this before, but since HDR editing isn't widely used yet, you may be the first to report a bug or limitation. Please upload a sample raw and screenshots showing the precise Remove select you've made and any changes you've made to Basic panel sliders. Upload the raw to Wetransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive or similar free service and post the sharing link here.
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Mar 05, 2025
11:40 AM
[This post contains formatting and embedded images that don't appear in email. View the post in your Web browser.] @Tom de Kort "I tried to remove a tree on the right side. The generative remove yields unusable results: the sky is completely off." Many have observed here that the replacements made by Generative Remove sometimes don't match the photo's tone or noise, especially with smooth gradients like your sky. To get better matches, these techniques sometimes help: 1. Adobe recommends applying Denoise before Remove. This can reduce the noise, making it more likely the replacement will match. 2. The replacement patch supplied by Adobe Firefly has a maximum size of 2048 x 2048 pixels. If the selected area in the photo is larger than that, then the replacement patch gets upscaled (and blurry). Try removing smaller selections if possible. 3. Conversely, try making a larger selection, even including the entire background. Upscaling of the replacement sometimes won't be noticeable then. 4. Sometimes there's a distinctly visible boundary where the tone or noise don't match. You can often use the heal tool around the boundary to get better feathering and make it less noticeable -- apply Heal in small brush strokes. Or use a Brush mask with maximum feathering, dropping local Texture, Clarity, and Sharpness to their minimum values. Sometimes, making a very raggedy selection around the object makes the boundary less noticeable. 5. For grain/noise in particular, see this post for how to ameliorate the problem by adding the grain back or reducing the grain: ----------------- With your screenshot, I got pretty good results with step 3, selecting most of the sky except the sun's corona (which I assume you want to preserve):
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Mar 04, 2025
10:18 PM
"DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU (" That driver is 6 months old. Install the latest Studio driver from here: It may not be the cause of your issue, but updating the graphics driver is always a first step.
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Mar 04, 2025
12:55 PM
Intel Arc Graphics GPUs don't seem to be used by LR users as much as Nvidia, AMD, and Apple GPUs. To determine whether the issue is with the GPU, start Windows in Safe Mode With Networking, which will disable LR's use of the GPU -- does the problem still occur? (This is just a diagnostic step, not a permanent workaround.) For reasons known only to Adobe, LR's AI commands don't obey the setting of Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor, even though it's trivial to implement.
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Mar 04, 2025
12:39 PM
1 Upvote
@karl j.ebensberger: "Metal: AMD Radeon Pro 5500M" Mac OS 14.4.1 / AMD released a buggy graphics driver for the Radeon 500- and 5000-series graphics processors that screwed many LR users for many months: Many reported that updating to Mac OS 15 fixed their issues. But perhaps you're encountering another recently introduced bug. The Radeon Pro 5500M is a five-year-old graphics processor, and it's entirely possible that it's not a priority for Apple and AMD to fix bugs on older Intel / AMD Macs. On Windows, you'd be able to download the most recent driver directly from AMD, but that's not the Apple way. (I use Macs.) With the Mac OS 14.4.1 bug, many reported that setting Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off worked around the issue. Whether that causes an annoying slowth in performance will depend on your hardware and the kinds of edits you're doing.
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Mar 04, 2025
12:25 PM
@Michael Allen1452: "its not very good at is removing window glare on hard wood floors for real estate photography." Using your screenshot, I found that I had to select a large portion of the floor, including parts that weren't lightened by the window light and a little bit of the white floor boards, to get plausible replacements: I had to go through about 20 variations to find some good ones. Tip: When you're looking at variations, if you see a good one, create a snapshot to save it. You can then easily go back and review the saved snapshots to find the best one. The selected area is pretty large, and large replacements can often look blurry (the maximum replacement size is 2048 x 2048, and larger than that, LR will scale up the replacement). It's hard to tell from your low-resolution screenshot whether the replacements on a full-resolution image would be blurry -- attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot). I did find that the floor looks a little more natural, with straighter lines, if I modified the original large selection by using Subtract to subtract a swath between the two reflections: Very important: Making a single large selection and subtracting areas you don't want included gives better results than making multiple disconnected selections, due to a design bug in LR. See this article for why that is: Finally, I wonder if the "tech preview" (beta) Reflection Removal tool in PS, designed for window reflections, might do a good job on the floor: That only works on raws, so I couldn't try it with your screenshot.
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