‎Aug 07, 2018
03:49 AM
Sorry that it does not work for you. The issue is getting worse and worse on my side, even after trying all the solutions provided by Wacom. I have to kill the process almost 30 times a day to be able to work properly..
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‎Jun 13, 2018
06:19 AM
Aaand.... the problem is back with the latest 6.3.30-2 Wacom Driver, yay!... My only solution so far is to kill the WacomTabletDriver process in the Activity Monitor. It seems to work pretty well for now.
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‎Jul 05, 2017
02:32 AM
1 Upvote
Indesign is insanely slow when working on a server. Not other solution than make a package and work locally..
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‎Jan 16, 2017
04:56 AM
1 Upvote
UPDATE! Do not install the latest version of the driver released this month: 6.3.20-4 Here is what Wacom answered me about the newest driver when I asked if I could finally update, as I am still using 6.3.15-3: " Thank you for your message. We would have hoped that driver 6.3.20-4 would be without any further issues, but unfortunately it still contains a few bugs. For now I'd still recommend to wait a little bit longer. We have received confirmation that these final bugs will be fixed in driver 6.3.21 which will be released very soon. "
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‎Dec 22, 2016
01:01 AM
Rolling back to 6.3.15-3 seems to fix all the issues if you remove all Wacom files (drivers AND preferences files ) carefully before.
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‎Dec 19, 2016
06:24 AM
Here is Wacom answer when I told them my 'issues' about their new driver 6.3.19-6... Unfortunately there are a few issues in the 6.3.19 driver, all of these will be resolved in the upcoming 6.3.20 driver. For now I highly recommend to fully uninstall all of the driver software according to the attached .pdf file, and installing the driver below afterwards. Make sure install the driver on the main hard drive with the OS. - http://cdn.wacom.com/u/productsupport/drivers/mac/professional/WacomTablet_6.3.15-3.dmg Let's hope we don't have to wait again 3 months for this new driver to come out...
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‎Dec 18, 2016
08:49 AM
Yeah.. I did the error of thinking that their brand new driver would fix everything. .....Nope! All the modifier keys just DON'T work when using the pen. A complete nightmare. I went back to an old driver, the 6.3.15-3 and I am still having the sticky keys problem but at least they are working randomly..
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‎Nov 29, 2016
01:57 AM
I am also affected by the issue and did not find any working solutions for now.. Wacom said there are ' working on it ' since three months.
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‎Nov 23, 2016
06:58 AM
Hi everyone, I could not find the answer to my issue anywhere else so I am now trying here. To make it simple, all drivers for Intuos Pro (old and new) are unusable with CC apps in macOS for me and a few others : https://www.reddit.com/r/wacom/comments/4nv4ep/osx_keys_stuck_when_hovering_intuos_pro_pen/ Wacom ! please fix the stuck key driver issue on MacOS - Intuos Pro Large - fresh MacOS install - YouTube Photoshop and other CC apps: - Cmd, Ctrl, Shift, Alt are randomly triggered or not detected when pressed - Zoom and Eye dropper are randomly trigger - Almost impossible to use the Pen or Brush tool as random keys are trigger and interrupt the process Finder: - Random double click that causes intempestive opening of files just by clicking once on them - Cmd, Ctrl, Shift, Alt are randomly triggered or not detected when pressed ( Clicking on a folder will open a new Finder tab in the background, Clicking on the Dock will open the Application folder instead of the app, Selecting multiple files will either not work, stop half-way or open all of them.. ) Keynote, Pages, all iWork apps: - Impossibility to select text by dragging All those issues start when I start a CC app or Chrome. The Wacom driver somehow bug when 'heavy apps' are on. We already tried clean reinstall of several old and new drivers, clean the SMC, PRAM, repair disk permissions, reinstall CC, remove all custom prefs in Wacom On-Screen Controls... Wacom nor Apple did not help us for the last month so I am trying Photoshop Discussion.. The only workaround we find is to press Space whenever the weird behavior is happening. If you have a magic solution, I am listening :')
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‎Nov 15, 2016
02:36 AM
1 Upvote
I am in contact with Wacom and Apple since months on this issue, we are several people to experience it at the office. Nothing can fix it except starting from scratch with a new user account, this is not a solution or a fix, just a bad workaround that Wacom advised us. I just tried the link you sent, by using the old 6.3.15-3 driver + removing all the Panels in the On-Screen Controls, but it is making the behavior worse, with some new undetected clicks..
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‎Nov 14, 2016
08:30 AM
I am currently using the last driver from Wacom : 6.3.18-4 which is supposed to resolved the sticky keys and double click issues. Even after a clean reinstall, the issues are still there..
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‎Nov 11, 2016
02:15 AM
I am encountering similar issues with my Intuos Pro on Macbook Pro Late 2013 macOS 10.12.1 The Cmd, Shift, Alt, Space are RANDOMLY triggered and pressed when using the tablet. I constantly have to press the Space bar to somehow ‘reset’ the behavior. I am doing this every minute, every day since Sierra is out. I already tried 10 clean reinstall of previous / new Wacom drivers. Reset SMC, PRAM, repair disk permissions etc...
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‎Jun 19, 2016
04:44 AM
The problem is still here, every day... When will we have a fix? You're working on it since more than two months now...
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‎May 19, 2016
02:18 AM
STILL experiencing this ****......
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‎Apr 26, 2016
03:15 AM
It is driving me crazy everyday. And I can't even find a proper workaround as Full screen doesn't work properly with two displays, I am forced to use Application Frame mode...
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‎Jan 14, 2016
09:13 AM
Okay thanks!
It is really annoying and hope it will be fixed soon.
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‎Jan 14, 2016
08:00 AM
1 Upvote
This issue is definitively not solved: http://feedback.photoshop.com/photosh... Since a while now, it is impossible for me to select multiple Shape layers within the Layers panel with my tablet, pressing the Cmd Key when I am using my Intuos Pro. Everything works great with a mouse or a trackpad. My Wacom drivers are updated, I am using the last version of Photoshop on OSX 10.11.2 I have no clue what's happening as it only concerns Shape layers !!
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‎Dec 21, 2015
04:17 AM
Guys, this issue is not solved at all. It appears to happen when trying to select both shapes and normal layers.
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‎Dec 21, 2015
02:43 AM
The issue is considered solved but is not ! Should we reopen a new topic ?
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‎Dec 21, 2015
02:43 AM
The issue is considered solved but is not ! Should we reopen a new topic ?
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‎Dec 17, 2015
02:24 AM
So, I just update to Photoshop CC 2015.1.1 which is supposed to correct the issue. (Using control/command to switch to Move tool invokes auto-select)
I am STILL having the issue !!! It's unbelievable...
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‎Dec 08, 2015
03:03 AM
This incredibly annoying problem seems to be linked to Wacom drivers as I have the issue when using my Intuos tablet, but not with a mouse..
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