Edward Caruso Photography
Edward Caruso Photography
‎Mar 06, 2025
07:26 AM
Any update on this? Will the user be able to select a color for the border of the selected thumbanil or mask? Makes no sense that the border is black on a layer mask than can be all or mostly the same color. Again it wasn't like this on previous versions of PS (at least on Intel Macs)
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‎Mar 06, 2025
07:16 AM
Thank you for letting us know that you are back working as expected.
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager
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‎Feb 14, 2025
07:01 AM
1 Upvote
This is still a problem and it comes from the Generative Expand feature in firefly itself... Sadly, i can't use Firefly's brilliant API until this is fixed or brought to a better state. It seems that Adobe is trying to create a soft mask to make the transition between the generated content and the original less obvious but the colour difference is still there. If you print any of these artworks you will 100% see a very nasty variance!
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‎Jan 07, 2025
12:35 PM
My panels monitor is 190x1200 But still a user selectable color would make sense. I mean the blue share button was forced on us, so let us have some usability back in the layers panel (and yes I tried the neutral color mode on/off to see if it fixed the layers panel issue)
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‎Jan 22, 2024
12:59 PM
2024... still waiting
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‎May 16, 2022
03:04 PM
You can now sync presets to the cloud: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/sync-presets.html
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‎Aug 17, 2021
05:48 AM
The changes to Warp in Photoshop 22.5.0 seem disappointing to me.
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‎Oct 25, 2020
02:25 PM
Now ... since this has been requested about 10 years ago: any chance we see something like that soon?
BTW: something along those lines has been requested quite often:
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‎Jun 29, 2020
12:23 PM
Another screenshot to illustrate how useless the interpolation quality makes the rotation for certain Patterns. Left the unrotated pattern, middle the rotated pattern, right a rotated Smart Object of the Pattern. And why is the angle value for the Pattern rotation negative compared to the rotation angle value of a Smart Object?
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‎Mar 26, 2019
05:30 PM
Look a few posts above yours, scripting is the way to go.
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‎Jan 30, 2019
10:54 AM
Thanks. I'm sure this will come up again with someone, maybe even me, since sometimes that gets turned off for no apparent reason. Mostly it's not a problem—99.9% of the time here— but occasionally, there's a hiccup when PS tries to decide if my GPU is any good or not.
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‎Apr 27, 2018
10:05 AM
Anne, there is one other issue. The current Transform process updates only the screen preview and not the full image bit map. When you commit the transform adjustments the full image bit map data is recalculated using an interpolation process. Depending on the size of the image it can take seconds. If this was happening real-time per your request you would have to wait after every single adjustment for the screen preview to update before applying the next adjustment. Even with low-resolution image files this would slow you down much more than just a single double-click. If you find yourself using the same transforms on multiple images you might try creating an Action and apply it with the Batch processor.
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‎Mar 05, 2018
04:15 PM
I'm experiencing the same 'lag' issue, for the first time ever. However I'm still using PS CS6, and have had nothing to do with PS CC 2018. The lag with the spot healing brush began after upgrading my MacPro (with 20 GB ram) from OS 10.7.5 (Mountain Lion) to OS 10.11.6 (El Capitan). I use a Wacom Intuos 4 tablet. Given all the comments on this thread blaming PS CC 2018, your thoughts would be very welcome. Is there a fix for the problem? Thanks, Bob
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‎Nov 09, 2016
06:12 PM
The New document dialog is so ugly and fuzzy that I can hardly read the text in there. What's going on here? Fuzzy text in a dialog? Are we going back to the '90s? I hear that I can get rid of it... temporarily. Not sure that I understand that twist. Come on, guys, I've no time to lose on this. You cannot expect that such an ugly and fuzzy and confusing dialog (at least on a mac pro) will go unnoticed? You're not trying to tell me that you put out this horror and didn't know it was an absolute no go? Guys, the scare the bejesus out of me.
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‎May 20, 2016
11:46 PM
good In that circumstance download Issue Royale apk. Clashroyale for Computer House house windows 8, Residence house windows 8.1, nice.
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‎May 15, 2016
10:41 AM
This was implement before CS6. I set shortcut for duplicate dialog. Using this shortcut with "CTRL + ALT + SHIFT" modificators doesn't shows dialog. I used it in CS5 a lot 🙂
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‎Mar 02, 2014
07:45 PM
I can get to work on new created paths, I can't get it to work on existing ? I followed the tutorial on this page; http://blogs.adobe.com/richardcurtis/... and I can't get it to work
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‎Oct 19, 2017
07:08 AM
I have had the exact same thing happen randomly. I found this solution after digging through my clone stamp settings panel. In the above screen shot, notice the option "clipped" is checked. Click that option off (no check mark) and see if it starts working again. It did for me. Hope it helps! I have been puzzled by this for a while now!
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‎Sep 15, 2014
06:19 AM
i wonder... in older version, we can hold down cmd key, and use pen tool to select any other path or shape, or cmd+click (in pen tool mode) to select path or shape, but in this cc 2014, it cant be done... is this also bug?
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‎May 03, 2013
06:27 AM
So does Adobe plan to fix the issue or will we just have to accept their buggy software? I'm REALLY starting to regret upgrading now..
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‎Apr 16, 2012
09:00 AM
Yes! Thanks so much for implementing this.
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‎Mar 13, 2012
07:45 PM
I've been a loyal user since Photoshop 3. I've tended to upgrade at every other major version release, because I haven't seen the value in upgrading at every version. Now we hear that Adobe isn't happy with that, so they want to charge full price if users don't think there's enough features in the product to justify an upgrade. I'm mad as H@ll at that idea. I've spent thousands of dollars on Photoshop, and this is the thanks I get?
Adobe doesn't see the unintended consequences of their action. It might spur more competition to snatch angry users away, and even an open-source movement to spring up.
If Adobe did what was done for Lightroom and offer it at about half the price of the previous version going forward, that might be a good way to ask users to stay on the upgrade treadmill without punishing them unjustifiably if they decide to skip a version. Or, make the time between version upgrades longer and put enough decent improvements in them to make it worth the price.
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‎Jun 08, 2011
01:23 AM
Hey thanks, Jeffrey of taking action on this matter!
I'm aware of this workaround to hit enter but as Edward said it's very annoying to hit enter all the time as I also use a lot of keyboard to give commands to Photoshop.
For exaple I adjust Selective Color values with keyboard by jumping from field to field with tabulator key and then using arrows to adjust. Then I have an action to hide/reveal all other layers than background to compare non-editted image to editted with layers. Additional Enter to hit hundreds of times a day is not nice ;/
I hope you can fix the problem! I would be grateful!
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‎Mar 17, 2011
08:13 AM
Thanks Jesper, that resolved my problem as well. I've been looking around forums for days. I have Photoshop 12.0.2 and 10.6.6 Mac OS.
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