Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Mar 11, 2024
06:31 AM
I use a Mac. Looks like you're using Windows...
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‎Mar 10, 2024
03:32 PM
I'm happy to report here it seems the most recent version of Bridge has addressed the issues I personally had with other post 2022 versions of the software. If you haven't yet tried it, you can keep the older version installed by unchecking the checkbox that would otherwise remove the old version. I still have both versions installed pending further testing but for now, problem solved!
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‎Feb 15, 2024
12:57 PM
And I'm sure they will eventually kill the product because no one is using it. Gee I wonder why. Bridge is currently a POS. How the hell to they expect us to view images in a folder and decide which ones to open in PS?
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‎Jan 16, 2024
03:41 PM
Yeah all they need to do is take the 2022 version and fix it so I could open an image with the current version of photoshop and it would be a win. Adobe better be careful, programs like capture one would be very capable of replacing photoshop with just a few addtional features for me. The fact that Adobe F'd up bridge over two years ago and hasn't addressed the issues says they couldn't give a damn about their user base.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
12:40 PM
I agree 100% and to excacerbate the issue, the latest version of photoshop is not compatible with the older (good) version of Bridge. As soon as the change was made to Bridge with those god-aweful multiple scroll bars I wrote a complaint to Adobe and of course it fell on deaf ears. Bridge is a very important part of my workflow but I won't upgrade bridge or photoshop until Adobe fixes bridge. Thanks for your post above I was wondering if bridge was still a shitt-show and sounds like it is.
[Abuse removed by moderator]
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‎Sep 20, 2022
06:18 PM
1 Upvote
I guess Adobe doesn't want to listen to their customers. Every other software package follows sym links! Adobe is about like Microsoft and Office- if it wasn't for Photoshop they wouldn't exist.
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‎Jul 24, 2021
02:12 PM
Adobe needs to be sensitive to workflows and quit forcing users down a road I don't want to take. This copy "feature" is a complete aggrivation and counter productive to an easy workflow. I know it's easy to get rid of the copy in the filename but only if it's in a directory that doesn't already contain the same file that I'm trying to overwrite. Why can't it be smart and save a copy only if the file already exists in that directory vs. creating a copy regardless if you're saving a jpg and ask to overwrite or not as a save all with overwrite or ask on every save. Capture One is coming on strong and has a great UI. Every time I have go fart around with removing & renaming files it makes me do more in Capture One.
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‎Jun 27, 2021
10:02 AM
If you have a layers and you click on the layer you wan to edit then back to the image to move that selected layer it changes the layer to the top layer. This is horrible - is there a way to revert back to the previous release?
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