Zeno Bokor
Zeno Bokor
‎Feb 16, 2012
01:51 PM
For the same reason that i'm identified as a Community Professional here: somebody noticed that i'm one so i got the designation in the forums. Also, just because they're here in their free time doesn't mean that it isn't related to their work: it's one thing when a random user asks someone for their computer logs and it's another thing entirely when that random user is marked as an Adobe Employee.
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‎Feb 16, 2012
06:44 AM
The Help Files was where the whole point system was first implemented so why wouldn't there be points awarded in those threads?:P Points are awarded as in any normal thread marked as a question, by the OP or by the moderators, it's just that the thread is also mirrored on the Help Files.
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‎Feb 16, 2012
05:21 AM
Yep, nowadays when somebody posts a question on the help files their question is turned into a forum thread started by "Community Help" and their question is put as the first post in that thread. This way the question (and all the answers) are present in both the help files and the forum.
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‎Feb 16, 2012
05:17 AM
Don't know the company policy on this but my understanding of it is that while yes, there are Adobe Employees who read the forums this isn't the best place to contact them as most of them are doing it in their free time. (Just about) Every situation that would require an Adobe Employee to answer a question/problem could be better resolved someplace else: problems with customer support? adobecare email; feature request/bug report? there's a designated page for that for each product; problem with serial number or somesuch? contact customer service, etc.
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‎Feb 14, 2012
11:24 PM
That's the limitation of the hard drives, not the interface. Traditional hard drives still aren't fast enough to tax the good old P-ATA 133 interface
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‎Feb 13, 2012
01:08 PM
I'd also go for some gaming mice but not because of the weight but because on most of them you can change the resolution of the mouse on the fly using small buttons located somewhere on the mouse. Changing the resolution of the mouse basically changes the sensitivity of the pointer, the lower the resolution the slower the pointer will travel so you can work on small details easier. The most important thing however for a mouse is to be comfortable to use so whatever mouse you go for make sure that you test it out in a store before you buy it.
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‎Feb 09, 2012
01:13 PM
1 Upvote
Verheem, Marian, could you please both stop this? just agree to disagree and get on with the topic of the thread because all you'll both achieve by continuing this is getting the thread, which neither of you started, locked. If you have a bone to pick with eachother then please take it somewhere else.
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‎Feb 05, 2012
02:07 AM
My point is that even if you use shapes, at 500%+ zoom level it will still >look< jagged. If the jaggedness of the OP simply comes from the zoom level then there's nothing to be done about this because it's not a problem, if you stop looking at the image through a microscope then the "problem" will go away.
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‎Feb 05, 2012
01:08 AM
I don't see anyone mentioning this but the picture posted by the OP is zoomed in at over 500% (you can see the Pixel Grid) and there's nothing wrong with lines looking jagged at such zoom levels, that's just how Photoshop shows images/vectors at high zoom levels. As long as the image looks good at the 100% zoom level you're golden.
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‎Apr 01, 2011
11:45 AM
The latest update to the Help Client should have added a silent update feature. You can also disable the automatic updates by going to Preferences->Updater Settings.
Also note that those updates that the Help Client asks are for the help files that are stored on your hard drive and those are only used when you tell the Help Client to display/search only the local help or if you're not connected to the internet. If you're not planning to use the help files offline then simply tell the Help Client to not download them in the first place by going to Preferences->Download Preferences
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‎Jan 29, 2011
11:16 AM
You can change the resolution of your document from Image->Image Size, try setting it to 72. If that doesn't work then please post a screenshot of the Character panel
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‎Jan 20, 2011
11:59 AM
You don't add fonts to Photshop, you add them to Windows: http://www.adobe.com/type/browser/fontinstall/instructions_english.html
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‎Jan 20, 2011
12:18 AM
Things are never that simple in the computer industry, it's not like in the past where you could see a broken gear, replace it and then all would be fine. There are a tone of inter-dependencies and a lot of bugs or outright missing stuff in all the implementations. Also, this error message is very generic so just because you also got it doesn't mean that you have the same problem as everyone else which is also why you won't find a clear cut answer to this problem (and probably never will). Your best bet is to try out all the solutions offered up and pray that one of them works for you.
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‎Nov 28, 2010
02:49 AM
1 Upvote
If it's just vertical/horizontal then make guides around the entire object, select the Slice tool, click on Slices from Guides then select the Slice Select tool, select the slice containing your rectangle and click on Divide. If you have View->Snap to->Slices selected then you'll be able to quickly make selections with the Rectangular Marquee tool that will snap to the slices that you just made.
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‎Nov 28, 2010
12:55 AM
7? getting it evenly divided in an even number of sections would be hard, but in uneven numbers? there's no way to do it other than getting a pen and paper and start drawing to figure out the exact position and size of each section.
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‎Nov 23, 2010
11:53 PM
The Quick Selection tool is a combination of a brush and the selection tools so just clicking outside the selection won't deselect, whether you hold down Alt or not. If you want to deselect then press Ctrl+D
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‎Oct 18, 2010
11:59 AM
If the name of the file that you want to save has dots in it (".") and you don't specifically put the extension at the end, Windows will usually assume that the stuff after the dot is the extension. If this is the case then all you have to do is rename the file and add ".TIF" at the end.
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‎Oct 06, 2010
12:12 PM
Check the shortcuts section of the German help files and you'll find the corresponding ones: http://help.adobe.com/de_DE/photoshop/cs/using/WS7D245964-27B4-403e-82D5-DDD1CB19A82Ba.html
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‎Sep 07, 2010
09:02 AM
No, they cannot as this is software, not hardware. As long as the whole program is installed on our computers it's possible to break the DRM. The only way to make software unbreakable is to have it all online which won't happen anytime soon. Think of it this way, copy protection is like a lock on a box. As long as we get to store the box in our homes and do anything we want to it we'll be able to break the lock, no matter how big or sophisticated it is. And because this is software, once anybody has broken the lock the floodgates will be opened.
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‎Sep 05, 2010
11:51 AM
You have the Pen tool set to draw inverse paths, check the Options bar and make sure that it's set to Add to path area: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshop/cs/using/WSfd1234e1c4b69f30ea53e41001031ab64-7395a.html
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‎Sep 03, 2010
01:12 AM
1 Upvote
Or press "/" as that toggles between unlocking a layer and relocking it with the last used lock settings.
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‎Aug 31, 2010
07:47 AM
Theoretically no as it's against the Adobe.com terms of use which you agreed to when you made your account. That said, i don't have a problem with it as long as it's on-topic and it's not done too often.
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‎Aug 29, 2010
12:50 AM
That error means that you probably didn't install the plug-in in Photoshop, just the scripts from Bridge.
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‎Aug 24, 2010
03:45 AM
You could try using File->Scripts->Script Events Manager to run an action that disables it whenever you open a document but that's about it.
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‎Aug 18, 2010
04:55 AM
how many bugs are there related to 10bit support in the drivers/OS/PS? This question is really nit-picking. Every piece of software, no matter what, has bugs. That wasn't my point, my point is that you have to take the bugs inherent in the drivers+OS+PS to figure out exactly how mature the implementation is. Saying that the drivers support 10bits means about as much as saying that it supports the OpenGL Drawing features from Photoshop and look how many video card related threads are around here. All Photoshop needs for OpenGL Drawing are OpenGL 2.0 and Shader Model 3.0 both of which have been available since the Geforce 6xxx/Radeon X1xxx series but it's still one of the most comon problems around here.
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‎Aug 18, 2010
03:43 AM
Yes, but this is all very early in it's development yet. There are still questions like, what resolutions are supported? how is it handled with multi-monitors? what operating systems implement this? how many bugs are there related to 10bit support in the drivers/OS/PS?
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‎Aug 18, 2010
12:10 AM
XP-64 isn't supported because it, and especially the drivers made for it are full of bugs, not because it doesn't have some feature that Photoshop needs. What that means is that Photoshop might or might not work but don't expect much help or a fix from Adobe if it doesn't work.
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‎Aug 17, 2010
11:48 AM
dishlerb wrote: I have Win XP Pro 64 and none of the solutions have worked for me. [...] I was told it would work fine with my OS. By who? XP-64 isn't a supported operating system.
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‎Aug 14, 2010
11:59 PM
As i said, it's most likely a coincidence that the same processor family was involved or do you really think that there are that many people will shell out a couple hundred on a Photoshop upgrade while using ancient hardware? Running CS5 on a Athlon XP today would be like upgrading to Photoshop 7 while still using a 100Mhz Pentium1 back in 2002. Also, if this truly were a processor error then the Core2Duo processors would also be affected as the C2Q is just two C2D dies glued together. As for the testing, i don't know what systems adobe has to test with as i don't work for them but there were a few thousand people in the CS5 beta and there were people who using both Core 2 Quads and the beta or RC of windows7. If you'll check the thread more closely you'll notice that the OP figured out that a file called MSVCR90.dll was causing this which is connected to MS Visual C++ stuff. Did you also check your Event Viewer to see what file caused your error before saying that it's a CPU malfunction?
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‎Aug 14, 2010
12:02 PM
If it were the processor then this wouldn't be reported only by ~5 people. This is how a processor related error thread looks like: Photoshop CS5 - Aplication error - (0xc000001d). That's when dealing with a 7-10 year old processor and that wasn't the only thread that appeared about that error.
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