Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 07, 2021
12:12 PM
Just added this app to my iPhone 6s+. Wanted to work on photos in camera roll. It does not load the roll. All I get is a black screen. Not sure how long it takes to load roll. I waited several minutes. No change. thanks
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‎Jul 18, 2020
07:05 PM
This is crazy. I open Bridge, it loads onto the dock. I select my drive, there seems to have been some sort of connection but than it fails to respond. I can not open any files in drive. I check force quit list and see that Bridge is not responding. So I force quit. Try again same thing. I see I have updates in creative cloud, maybe I need to update first. I try to update--get alert that I am 3 mos past due. FALSE. I can see each monthly payment. Than it looks like it allowed me to update. Not even sure. Still won't respond. Do a force close. Won't close. Won't open. WORSE, has my computer locked up and prevents me from shutting down. As an attempt to break this hold I tried to uninstall bridge. It does not look like I was successful. Again not sure. Only know it is still refusing to let go of my computer. And Bridge is still in the dock. I tried to contact support. No easy way for that. No phone number that I can find. Is chat really available? Last chat I did took 2 hours most waiting for the chat. Similar problem with payment. Don't know if that is the hang up with Bridge. Thanks Spencertoo12
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‎Jul 18, 2020
04:53 PM
Not able to update bridge or open. Locked out it looks like. Than I noticed alets from Adobe claiming I have not paid for the past 3 mos. Yet I see payments posted in my checking account for months in queston. Having trouble locating those alerts again. What can we do to fix this? This is not the first time this has happened. Thanks Spencertoo12
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‎May 28, 2017
01:21 PM
I recently purchased a Mac with Sierra. Downloaded Creative Cloud. Received a security alert from Safari regarding the AdobeAAMDetect plugin. Safari states that this plugin does not support the highest level of security for Safari plugins. Safari also states that websites using this plugin may be able to access personal documents and data. I did not know what this plugin was, how it got there or why. I turned it off to be on the safe side. I than began to research it. Part of the concern expressed by a web developer was that the AdobeAAMDetect plugin may be injecting a plugin into every page that is browsed. This attempt may be blocked by the site being browsed and result in a "Blocked plugin" message. This attempt to inject into browsed sites is viewed as an invasion of privacy and possible violation of another sites security along with risking security of the visiter associated with AdobeAAMDetect plugin. A few people have challenged this as a type of malicious use. My personal privacy concerns would be what access to personal data and documents does Adobe have and why? And if you are plugging into to other sites less secure than you does that create an opportunity for malicious malware to gain access through your plug in to me? This plugin has a lot of complaints against it along with concerns. The problem is, it sounds like this plug in is necessary if I want to use my creative cloud membership. I also see a lot of complaints and concerns about this plugin on Adobe forum. Many people want to remove it. Some are willing to forfeit their Adobe applications. I reviewed Safari's suggestions, to protect security they would block it. Use verses security. For those of us that are not using Creative Cloud all the time, what if I if there is a way to turn it off and on as needed? Like I said I turned it off. I did not try to remove it. I just wanted to be safe. I did turn it back on just to see how if it would allow access to Creative Cloud. Not sure if my application are available for use but the Creative Cloud icon is greyed out when plugin is turned off. It remained grey even after plugin was turned on. I signed in and the seemed to activate creative Cloud and icon available again. So does Turing plugin on and off effect the function of Creative Cloud? Look forward to hearing from you.
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