‎Nov 01, 2024
12:20 AM
Try Rebelle 7 pro for the Mac. It's a really good alternative. If Fresco was available on MacOS I would use that - Adobe has foolishly forced us to find alternatives that will gradually turn us away from the Adobe eco-system.
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‎Jun 02, 2023
03:37 AM
I have seen this too. It seems to happen randomly - it is really annoying
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‎Mar 20, 2023
06:33 AM
I usually do a clean install of windows and all programs around once or twice a year to reduce temporary file and registry gunk, Like you say, it's much faster than chasing tails...despite this, the problem still persists, it's not my PC, it's the adobe servers. Edit: and only happens after I use my Macbook when I return after being away from my studio.
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‎Mar 20, 2023
06:16 AM
Thanks for offering.
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‎Mar 20, 2023
06:06 AM
Hi Kglad, I don't need help with my PC, I know Windows inside out...I am tired of Adobe not getting their act together on this issue. This shouldn't happen with a high end product. There are always alternative products. I just want to get on with my work and not faff around with this nonsense.
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‎Mar 20, 2023
12:58 AM
1 Upvote
You'll never guess what happened today.....this is such a pain and I can really do without this in my workflow, there are also issues with connecting to the CC which requires multiple logouts and logins to try to get things flowing again on my PC, note: this never happens on the Macbook. I have been told Affinity is a good 'buy and forget option' without this cloud login nonsense.
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‎Feb 10, 2023
05:48 AM
Uuum...ok. I do remember some lag on my large files....and even when I export to .png on smaller 2k files. I noticed that D3D12 wasn't enabled on a new PS install. After I downloaded the latest Nvidia drivers and enabled it, PS ran much faster.
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‎Feb 09, 2023
06:09 AM
Sounds like a Hard drive issue.
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‎Feb 07, 2023
11:28 AM
Until the next time....I remember doing this workaround a while back after a desperate google search. When I used the MacBook again and came back to the studio, it happens again, without fail. Thanks for the reminder though. Adobe engineers are well qualified for this to never happen.
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‎Feb 07, 2023
09:02 AM
I get the same situation if I use my MacBook away from the studio for a meeting. My Win10 desktop PC is my primary workstation and I never use Photoshop on both computers at the same time. Guaranteed, every time I go back to use my desktop PC, CC starts a minor hissy asking me to log in, no problem, I log in....and then after a few sessions, while having to log in every time I have to de-active my current PC for EXACTLY THE SAME PC. If we are allowed to use the license on two computers but not at the same time why is this happening? It only happens on the Windows PC version of CC, To stop this I have to uninstall CC on the MacBook. I thought AI was suppost to be smart. If PS wasn't used for my digital art...Adobe software would be history and a distant memory in my workflow.
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‎Oct 22, 2022
11:54 PM
I actually went back to the last version and was surprised at how different the new UI is. The dark mode was completely neutral and unobtrusive in Bridge2022 - my guess is Adobe has to change things or refresh a product because of the subscription fee, it has to be seen as moving (backward or forwards). I am pleased they addressed the scaling and annoyed they felt they had to break UI as that wasn't broken. Or maybe they had the junior team making UI decisions. I dunno, I am hoping for a proper dark mode, until then, it's back to a version with clunky scaling that isn't distracting to my workflow. I thought Adobe understood the creative process and working environments.......guess not!
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‎Oct 22, 2022
09:45 AM
Yep! I agree too. Why is there any light-grey in dark mode? It doesn't make sense and it's very distracting. At least the scaling is better on my 4k + 2k monitor set-up.
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‎Oct 21, 2022
11:54 PM
1 Upvote
Firstly, thank you Adobe for fixing the scaling - it used to drive me nuts with a dual monitor set-up (4k + 2k). I like to work in a dimmed light controlled environment. Is there any way to change the menu bar (top, below the application title) and scroll bars from white to dark grey - I have Bridge set to dark mode and these elements are really interfering with my workflow as they visually jump out. I process a lot of images with PS on the 4k monitor and Bridge on the 2k monitor. It would be so good if dark mode actually put all the UI in a dark tone so as to not distract from work. Thanks
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‎Aug 11, 2022
09:04 AM
I don't mind it, but, I believe this is the first with a real human image, as opposed to an illustration. Personally, I would rather have an abstract image with an open interpretation. I quite liked the simplicity of CS5.
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‎Apr 05, 2022
11:16 PM
That looks annoying. How is your scratch disk setup? It's always best to have it on a separate drive away from the OS and Photoshop. I know the specs have changed for the PSCC2020, have you tried an earlier version of PS for testing/troubleshooting? The bottleneck might be your graphics card, try disabling it in the preferences to see if that is the issue and put the monitor refresh rate down to 60Mhz ( temporarily ). The problem with cloud-based software is they'll eventually make your computer obsolete for using their software, for that reason I always have CS5.5 and CC2019 installed for back-up as I know they are solid and perfect for producing my large format digital paintings ( 250cm wide@200ppi ). I have noticed a definite slow down with PS2022, they keep making changes that mess things up, even the transform tool has annoying glitches. I would step back a few versions and compare the performance. I hope this helps.
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‎Apr 04, 2022
06:27 AM
I have this issue occasionally, and it recently started again. So I went to my Adobe account and deleted all the active sessions ( there was at least 15 active relating to my computer ( not hacked )) and so far so good. If you have a second copy of Photoshop on a separate computer, you are allowed two installs that DO NOT run at the same time, temporarily disable one of them. For me, so far no sign-outs. I cannot rule out that it will happen again though. I hope this helps this annoying bug/problem.
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‎Jun 03, 2021
10:57 PM
Just a thought, how's your scratch disk set up on your laptop, even if you have loads of RAM, Photoshop will take as much as it can get ( it has always been like this ) on my aging Art Workstation (Asus P9x79, i7 3820-3.6GHz, DDR3 32gb RAM, Nvidia 1070 8gb, dedicated 60gb SSD scratch disk ) PS runs fine and I can load up my 120x240cm @200 ppi digital paintings in around 10 seconds and there is no lag at all while digitally painting. I am also wondering if it is a Win10 permissions issue, try installing PS outside of the protected C:\Program Files environment and see if that makes a difference, or maybe reseting PS settings might make a difference. I find it odd that high end systems struggle with PS2021, which leans me towards some kind of configuration issue in either Win10 or PS, or a combination of both causing a slow down. This is the problem with subscription/cloud software, instead of the 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' philosophy, the developers tinker with the code so people paying feel like they are paying for something new each update, which sometimes breaks the program on some set ups.
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‎May 15, 2021
10:59 PM
Thanks, brigancook I think adobe recently changed the min specs for PS too - this is one of my concerns with cloud-based software - eventually they will have a spec where you need to do a hardware upgrade.
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‎May 15, 2021
01:10 PM
I was jesting about the intern comment.....also, I had a PS update today and the rendering now works in cc2021. I still lost two hours yesterday.
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‎May 14, 2021
11:45 PM
1 Upvote
I think it's because they keep tinkering and changing features for the sake of it. Yesterday I tried to render video, it did not work at all ( spinning wheel for two hours ). So I used 2020 and the render took 30 seconds. Maybe Adobe has interns making the code now.
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‎Apr 13, 2021
02:02 PM
Use the Grammarly filter. It helps you.
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‎Apr 13, 2021
01:50 PM
Check the min requirements for PS, this is the danger with cloud programs - you could be forced out of the loop when the program updates.. Check your computer specs, if compatible, you could download the latest Win10 .iso and try an 'in-place Win10 update' ( it just updates Windows and keeps your personal files ) within win10, I have recently tried this with an aging (10 years) system and all works fine. BUT, it does depend on your computer, I self-built my computer with high-end specs back then to be sure it has a longer life.
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‎Apr 13, 2021
01:31 PM
Like others have mentioned.....in order to help we need more information about your set-up, we cannot read minds yet, so you need to tell us ( maybe in 2030 when Mr Musk finalizes 'Neurolink' ). Obvious question....Do you have enough RAM ? there are new specs that require a minimum of 8GB of system RAM and 2GB of VRAM ( graphics card ).
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‎Feb 17, 2021
09:15 AM
@Dynamic_help0D4DThank you for the heads up!! That is definitely a valid solution. Thanks for sharing the tip!
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‎Feb 17, 2021
03:22 AM
The best bet is to go back a version or keep v.2020 and v.2021 working simultaneously. That's is what I have had to do to maintain a smooth workflow.
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‎Dec 17, 2020
04:36 AM
.....but, when using a Wacom tablet with transparency enabled for subtle drawing that is a hassle. I have gone back a version that has the pixel line tool active, who would have thought such a basic tool has a high importance in the workflow.
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‎Oct 29, 2020
09:10 AM
Yes, this works, but, it adds extra steps to a really basic tool. Changing things for change sake makes no sense to me. I just want to create a line without faffing around with strokes etc.
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‎Jun 18, 2019
08:17 AM
No Joy. When I try to move the file over to the desktop from the CF card or try to modify the CRr file there is an error saying Item Not Found this is no longer located in L:\.......... Verify items location and try again....but the file sizes are still recognised - it is very odd. I have retaken the photos ( studio shots of my paintings ) so I might just reformat the card.
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‎Jun 18, 2019
04:21 AM
Just had a look at the CF Card on my Workstation.....the CRr files are still there with file sizes - nothing will open them though.
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‎Jun 17, 2019
05:46 AM
Hi, thank you for the replies. I have since deleted the files as they were unreadable. It was weird though....thinking about it, if I was using my studio computer I would have Bridge connect direct via USB to the CF card in the 400D camera. It's entirely possible there could have been some kind of read/write error. If I follow the same connection now all my .CR2 files on the CF card inside the camera show up as 0byte with a direct link, if I access the .CR2 files outside of Bridge they will open in PS without issues. I have included a screenshot of the 0byte situation.
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