‎May 23, 2014
02:27 PM
It appears it reads whatever points you have rather than what the other person has.
I believe that you are correct. You show 41,600 points on this computer. Hunt PS - even after 3 mins. of waiting, Block Quotes are still not responding on FireFox/Win7 - oh wait, it just did... It seems that it was hidden, above the text block, but without a scroll bar to get to it. Neat - NOT!
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‎May 23, 2014
02:21 PM
1 Upvote
Station, I have countered that idea for some time, but... now I am not so sure that I do not agree with you. It now seems that Adobe wants us to answer questions, or fix problems on Twitter - with 144 characters, or fewer. Hunt - just so discouraged now!
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‎May 23, 2014
02:11 PM
Though you do not need another "me too," I feel the same way. My participation is way, way down, and will likely be so in the future. I find the new forums to be all work, and little fun. It is so hard to get work done any longer. Perhaps for a first-time poster with a question, or problem, things ARE better, but for me, a contributor, I am horribly frustrated. Hunt
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‎May 23, 2014
02:08 PM
While I do ask questions, I am mainly helping others here. I usually scan the number of posts to a thread and the most recent poster to see if there's new activity, and jump to the most recent post (thanks for reminding me of that John W). If the lack of this information means I have to go clicking into every thread I'm watching.... it's not going to happen, or at least it's eating into the time/effort I might give to the forum.
John, I agree completely! I have yet to find one thing that I like about the Jive 7 forums (I know that we did not really have a choice), but am plodding along. I also find that the new forum is about 1/100 th the speed of the old one... For a bit here, I thought that the Block Quotes feature was not working. When I went to use it, the quoted text disappeared completely. It took 2 mins. for it to pop back up, in quotes. Guess that I probably need to retire from these forums, or perhaps just learn to participate on FaceBook? Hunt
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‎May 20, 2014
03:10 PM
You are most welcome, and glad that the article and the grids have helped. Happy editing, Hunt
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‎May 06, 2014
07:46 AM
John T., Welcome back... and that will teach you to be away for more than a few seconds Yes, I feel that I have been abducted by aliens, and dropped onto a landscape, which is unfamiliar to me - everything up is really down, and everything down is really up. Here I thought that I would just sit out the transition, and pick right up, where I left off, but was very wrong. I am just glad that my InBox is digital, and not analog, as it would have crushed my desk under the weight of all those e-mails! Thanks, Hunt
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‎May 06, 2014
07:43 AM
John C., Thank you, as always. That link was exactly what I was looking for, but could not find. Much appreciated, Hunt
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‎May 05, 2014
04:47 PM
Where Do I Go to Access My Profile? I have got to turn OFF E-Mail notifications, as I have gotten over 3,000 since the "new & improved Jive" went live. I know that it's just hidden, on say page 300 somewhere (like posting this question!), but I cannot find it. TIA, Hunt
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‎Apr 28, 2014
09:01 AM
Peru Bob, Not just a quote. You have to read the whole thread. It appears that the OP also needs to read their own thread. They obviously are not, or if so, there is a major reading comprehension issue going on. Hunt
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‎Apr 28, 2014
07:05 AM
Pat, While I am not familiar with the ADE Forum, I understand what you are saying. Some product forums ARE backwaters, and of little to no use for a user in need. I wonder what the best course of action, in a case like this, really is? Hunt
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‎Apr 08, 2014
09:01 AM
Welcome to the forum. As Claudio mentions, this is not the correct forum. However, if you can tell us which Adobe program you intend to use, such as Adobe Photoshop, a MOD can Move your post to that forum, where you will get quick and helpful responses. Just let us know the program, so that your post gets Moved to the proper place, and you get assistance. Good luck, Hunt
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‎Apr 04, 2014
08:35 AM
Fru Singson, If you can let us know which of the Elements programs you are referring to, either Photoshop Elements, or Premiere Elements, then a MOD can Move it to the correct forum. Good luck, and let us know a bit more, please. Hunt
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‎Apr 04, 2014
08:33 AM
Silvy78, If you can tell us which Adobe program you are using, a MOD can Move your post to that forum, if you have not already posted there. Good luck, and let us know more, please. Hunt
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‎Apr 04, 2014
08:28 AM
Welcome to the forum. Also, if you can tell us which Adobe program you are using, a MOD can Move the post to the appropriate forum. Good luck, and let us know more, please. Hunt
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‎Mar 29, 2014
05:42 PM
I'm new to Premiere, what can I use it for? Um-m, maybe checking whether large programs will fit on the HDD... ? Hunt
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‎Mar 29, 2014
05:40 PM
OK, I can play this game: stop start will not work ,best is to dump the lot and usu mx6 it does work That was a recent post, in it entirity. Title is "usless adobe." Hunt
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‎Mar 24, 2014
06:46 AM
1 Upvote
Welcome to the forum. Ambient noise is tough to remove, as others have stated, however it might be possible to attenuate it enough. This article gives some tips and suggestions: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/572518?tstart=0 You will also note that the Magix program, that Neale recommended is mentioned. Good luck, Hunt
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‎Mar 15, 2014
04:14 PM
Jacob, Thank you for your assistance. I was thinking of Moving the post, but there are options of which forum to Move to, as you point out. Rather than choose the wrong one, and both confuse the OP, plus likely cause another MOD to make a second, or third Move, I believe that your suggestion is the best for the OP. Normally, I would now Lock this thread here, but in case the OP needs to drop back by, to get clarification, or additional instructions for the other, product-specific forums, I believe that it should be left open. It can be Locked at any time, and hopefully AFTER the OP has gotten answers. I like your Reply. Again, I appreciate your help, Hunt
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‎Mar 11, 2014
11:00 AM
Claudio, I think that you are correct, as that is about the timing, that I recall too. Before the Translate widget, we did get a lot of Adobe product questions here, but most were posted in English - not anymore, or so it seems. I hope that the OP will let us know exactly which Adobe product is involved (still betting InDesign) is being used, so that we can Move the thread to the appropriate forum, and get them a quick answer to the question. I have also sent a PM (translated), asking for that info. Thanks, Hunt
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‎Mar 11, 2014
08:57 AM
I have also sent a PM to the OP, in hopes of getting the product identification, and also some info on the link that led them to Forum Comments. We shall see. Hunt
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‎Mar 11, 2014
08:55 AM
John T, I am guessing that this is an InDesign question, because of the reference to "page," but I could be wrong there. A Move will be easy, as soon as we have that product info - something that happens in this forum daily. I also hope that we can get a handle on how some many non-English Adobe users end up here. While the erroneous posts here are not all non-English speakers, so very many are. I do not think that any of us have found out why - what link they are following to get HERE. We may never know. Thanks, Hunt
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‎Mar 11, 2014
08:13 AM
Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately, this forum is for discussing the Adobe Forums, themselves. If you can tell us what Adobe product you are using, a MOD can Move it to the appropriate Adobe product forum. Also, as many users seem to end up here, instead of the correct Adobe product forum, can you tell us the link that you followed, to get here? Thank you, Hunt Translated: Bienvenue sur le forum. Malheureusement, ce forum est pour discuter les Forums Adobe, eux-mêmes. Si vous pouvez nous dire quel produit Adobe que vous utilisez, un MOD peut le déplacer vers le forum approprié du produit Adobe. Aussi, comme beaucoup d'utilisateurs semble se retrouver ici, au lieu du bon forum de produit Adobe, pouvez-vous nous dire le lien que vous avez suivi, pour arriver ici ? Merci Hunt
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‎Mar 10, 2014
09:21 AM
What browser are you using? What are the browser's Security Settings? If so, try setting those lower. Do you have any Firewalls set up? If so, try turning them off. Do you have any active, real-time scanning anti-virus, anti-malware, or anti-anything software running? If so, try turning them off. Just in case, what is the exact URL, from which you are trying to download? Good luck, Hunt
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‎Mar 09, 2014
09:14 AM
MinnesotaDad, I have never encountered such an issue. Since you are going to Encore, to author a DVD-Video, I would do the following: Set the Video Export, just as you have done. Set the Audio Export to PCM/WAV, instead of DD (which should have produced an AC3, and not the .AAC, that you have gotten) Set the Multiplexer to None, so that it *should* produce an MPEG-2 DVD Video file, and a separate WAV file Encode If that does get you the two separate Streams, the Video and the Audio, just Import the Video into Encore as a Timeline, and the WAV as an Asset. When Imported, drag the WAV to the Timeline with the MPEG-2 DVD, where it should snap into place. It is almost as though AME is not registering the Video Stream from PrPro. You don't have the Video Track(s) turned OFF, do you? If that is still not working, I would try the ADL (Adobe Dynamic Link) to Encore, to test that process, as it might get you what you need, though with Encore's Transcoding. This would be a workaround, of sorts, to get the Project out of the door. Just thinking here, trying to come up with something that will work for you. Good luck, Hunt PS - well-written post, BTW. Lot's of good information there. Wish that more folk would post as well.
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‎Mar 08, 2014
10:12 AM
Welcome to the forum. Can you tell us the URL, from which you are attempting to download? What OS version are your running? What is your Web browser version? What is its Security Setting set to? Do you have any firewalls (hardware or software) in place? Do you have any active, real-time scanning anti-virus, anti-malware or anti-anything running? Do you get any error messages? If not, how long have you let the download run for - the files are huge, and depending on your Internet connection, can take a very, very long time? Good luck, and let us know more please. Hunt
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‎Mar 08, 2014
09:50 AM
Noel, Yes. Be afraid - very afraid! Hunt
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‎Mar 04, 2014
08:01 PM
Unfortunately, no one in power will hear you, or see your post. Some users see an advantage with the CC model, while others do not. I am in the "do not" camp, but then I have retired, after making a good living with Adobe software for two decades. As Station_Two states, Adobe has made up their minds, and it's CS6, or the CC model. No options. Many long-time users have voiced your opinion in many different venues, but those voices have not counted, and likely never will. An unnamed CFO has spoken. Sorry, Hunt
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‎Mar 04, 2014
04:36 PM
The 17" display was a consideration for me too. However, I had been using the 17" Sager, and as my eyes are getting older and more tired, I stuck with it. Now, with 1 - SSD and 2 - HDD's, plus that big screen, the ADK is NOT a lightweight laptop, but I knew that going in. Fortunately, I use it as a "portable," and would not want to run through an airport with it swinging around my shoulder. Also, I think that it might mash a traytable on an airplane. That is a drawback (along with short battery life - I plug into AC) of a laptop for editing Video, or even Images in Ps. I see threads about people editing Video on a 13" iMac thingie. Obviously they have younger eyes. Hunt
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‎Mar 04, 2014
09:22 AM
I'll have to check out PrE 11, but I think that it has the same Rotational capabilities as PrPro has, where you can have the Rotation occur many times, say by plugging in 3x in the attributes area. Steve probably knows this, without looking, and will beat me to the answer... Good luck, Hunt
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‎Mar 02, 2014
10:20 AM
You are most welcome. Happy editing, Hunt
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