‎Oct 14, 2024
08:49 AM
OK thanks. I didn't know about including the shadow of the object in the selection. That helped but it still wasn't as good as PS. Nice to know if I can't get the result I want in LrC, I can go over to PS and probably get what I want.
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‎Oct 14, 2024
08:43 AM
The Photoshop remove tool worked flawlessly. Maybe I just have to go into PS to remove objects?
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‎Oct 14, 2024
08:33 AM
LrC 14.0, MacOS 14.7 Tried to use the Remove Object with the new version and it just keeps trying to replace the object with something else similar. What am I missing?
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‎Oct 06, 2024
07:36 AM
I am wondereing how to reset all my Develop Presets back to the default set that comes with LrC and start over. I have installed so many presets over the years of using Lightroom and I'd like to go back to a clean slate and install just the ones I use now. Is that easy or just too much work?
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‎Nov 23, 2023
07:52 AM
Can I cancel my monthly plan to switch to an annual plan without losing anything?
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‎Nov 18, 2023
09:48 AM
It had something to do with the "monochrome" profile that a preset used. Changed the profile and it is now working correctly.
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‎Nov 18, 2023
07:54 AM
I have created a collection that is synced to my lightroom cloud account and I have a photo that looks fine in LRC that appears way over exposed when viewed from the cloud collection. See attached. Ideas?
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‎Nov 08, 2023
06:08 AM
I'm not sure how I did this in LrC 13.0.1 on my Mac but I've gotten it out of sync with my iPhone and In my LrC preferences for Lightroom Sync (see attached), It says I have 1247 photos synced and I have an external hard drive and folder specified for the sync location. My iphone shows 1258 photos sync'd (the discrepency of 11 files is not the big issue). shows 1258 photos sync'd like my iphone does. BUT inside LrC, I only see 182 photos in my LR Mobile folder. It includes the latest photos so I now the sync is working. What I want to do is start from scratch and get this sync'd up again because I might have deleted photos from the LR Mobile folder directly inside of LrC. What's the best way to start this process over?
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‎Jul 28, 2023
11:54 AM
I'm on the latest versions of LrC, PS, and PS Beta. When I press Cmd-E to edit a photo in PS Beta, LrC will wait for some period of time like it's hung. PS Beta starts but no photo is opened. Then LrC finally puts up a pop up (See attached) saying it couldn't open the file. When I click OK, the file opens in PS Beta. I have uninstalled and reinstalled both LrC and PS Beta. Suggestions?
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‎May 15, 2023
05:10 PM
I need to replace my 2019 Intel based MacBook Pro with a new most likely M2 based MacBook Pro. What has been the experience here for users of the Apple based CPUs and RAM needed? Do I need an M2 Max or is the Pro enough? 16GB of RAM on my Intel based MacBook is not enough. My laptop is slow slow slow. My old 2015 iMac with 32GB of RAM ran LrC/PS better. Is 16GB on the Apple CPU architecture better than Intel? Do I really need 32GB? Any feedback on real experience is appreciated.
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‎Apr 16, 2023
06:33 AM
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‎Apr 15, 2023
06:35 AM
Any ideas why LrC is showing my external photo storage drive twice? See attached. The last 2 imports I've done show up on the 2nd instance of the drive and only the import folders show up. Ideas?
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‎Mar 24, 2023
11:41 AM
I am in the process of finally shutting down my trusted 2015 27" iMac. Since there is no 27" iMac replacement, I purchased the 5K LG monitor which arrived today. I have it connected to my 16" 2019 Macbook Pro at least for now. I have added lots of plugins and presets etc in LR Classic on my iMac. I want to get that same setup over on my Macbook Pro. Both computers are running MacOS 12.6.3 and LR Classic 12.2.1 which should simplify things. I assume I can copy what I need from my old iMac to my newer Macbook Pro - correct? Where do I start? Thanks!!
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‎Jan 19, 2021
08:43 AM
No, actually all 3 of my brothers and I use Lightroom. 3 of us the subscription based LR and one has standalone LR on his Mac.
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‎Jan 18, 2021
10:48 AM
This isn't a LrC question per se but I'm not sure where else to ask and I thought there might be someone in this forum who has solved this problem already. My 3 brothers and I are looking for a cloud-based Digital Asset Manager/Photo Database where can all contribute photos and make them available to our extended families for viewing. We are all Lightroom users and love the capabilities. In fact, what we really would like is a multi-user Lightroom. We all want to be able to: upload/download photos create hierarchies of categories ideally create collections like LR does or have good tagging/keywording capabilities easy search engine We've looked at Flickr but it has too many limitations. Google Photos doesn't support tagging. Smugmug is not really suited to this either. Has anyone else been trying to do something like this and have a good solution? I'd love to hear about it! Thanks.
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‎Oct 15, 2020
11:52 AM
OK, thanks for hanging with me through this very enlightening discussion. Returning to my original photo example, which was 4269x2846 pixels, no matter what I fill in for the Resolution field, the size of the exported photo is 4269x2846 and thus the Resolution (PPI) is meaningless. I think I have that one straight now. Where PPI does come into play is in printing. My understanding is generally, you need 240PPI to ensure you get a good quality print. So in my example, if I wanted to print an 10x8, I would get 356PPI on the short side, i.e. 2846/8=356, which should give me a great print. (See screen shot from LR below). But if I wanted to print a 20x16, my PPI would drop to 2846/16=178PPI which might show so degradation in the print. Am I getting this right so far? The question then becomes what to do. I can either recognize that the biggest I could print and maintain approx. 240PPI print is print a 15x12 which would be roughly 237PPI. Or, I could having LR upsize the photo by filling in a Print Resolution value of 240 when I try to pring a 20x16. Or finally take the photo to Photoshop and have it upsize the photo using it's smart technology and then print that. Does this make sense like I hope it does?
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‎Oct 14, 2020
04:44 AM
@richardplondonin your second example of exporting to 3000 x 2000px at 100ppi, will this not result in a file that has less detail the first export at 400ppi? Or is the ppi meaningless here as @dj_paige said in his reply? i.e. Exporting a 3000 x 2000px file - assuming the photo had at least that resolution to start with - results in the SAME detail in the 3000 x 2000px result REGARDLESS of the ppi specified? Am I getting closer?
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‎Oct 14, 2020
04:38 AM
@dj_paigedo you mean PPI is meaningless in the Export Resize to Fit settings or meaningless in general? My understanding is PPI is important far more in printing than screen viewing. If I want to be sure I'm going to get a good quality print, I need to have at least 240 PPI. Once you start going below 240, you'll notice a degradation in the quality of the print. Is that right or no?
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‎Oct 13, 2020
08:21 AM
As I mentioned, Resize to Fit was not checked. I didn't turn it on and then off. It was just off. I changed the Resolution value by double clicking it and pressing Delete. Then did the export. I care because when I give someone a photo to print, doesn't the resolution matter? For example, in LR itself if I use the Print module, it will show me at my desired print size, e.g. 11x14, the ppi value is X; in this case with this file, it says 259dpi at 11x14. If I wanted to print larger, the dpi might drop below 240. e.g. a 17x24 size the dpi is only 178 which might not provide the best quality print. Maybe I have to create different files for different size prints. Still trying to figure it all out but it seems like a single file might not be the right approach.
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‎Oct 13, 2020
07:45 AM
Todd, I have not checked Resize to Fit. See below. I've even deleted the Resolution value. But the resulting print comes up with the dimensions in my earlier post, i.e. 240x240 Resolution. LR must default to 240 if you don't specify. What am I missing?
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‎Oct 13, 2020
06:33 AM
I don't have anything checked in the Image Sizing box at all. I chose no dimensions but LR filled in the 240 resolution. See below. Doesn't this mean that if I try to print this file, the max resolution I get is 240 pixels/inch?
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‎Oct 13, 2020
06:17 AM
In the Export dialog for LR Classic 9.4, one of the sections is Image Sizing. In that section, there is a field for Resolution. This seems to default to 240 pixels/inch. I know I change it and LR will adjust the exported image appropriately. But if a photo has higher than 240 pixels/inch resolution, I don't really want LR downsizing it to 240. Is there a way to tell it to export the file in inherent resolution of the file inside of LR?
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‎Nov 26, 2019
05:33 AM
I'm pretty sure this is not possible but I'd like it to be. I want to create custom File Renaming rule that can be used on Export or Publish service that gets the Collection name as a field that can be inserted into the file name. I know I can do Folder which is close to what I want but not quite. I have several collections I publish to my website with the Envira Lightroom addon. I want the files renamed as they upload to have the Collection name as the starting text for each photo. Anyone know if it can be done or where do you support feature requests? Thanks.
{Thread renamed by moderator}
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‎Nov 13, 2019
05:18 AM
I am working on an update to my Wordpress website via a staging/development copy. I use the Envira Gallery plugin and addons including the Lightroom addon to publish directly from LR to my website. This works fine to my production site. When I tried to create a 2nd publish manager to link to my staging/development site, I get a 108 error below. I have asked Envira Support but haven't heard from them yet. Just wondered if anyone in the LR community has run into this and maybe has a fix?
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‎Sep 15, 2019
06:07 AM
I'm a little confused on sync'ing photos in LR with Adobe cloud. I've used LR since V1 so I don't think of myself as a novice but today, I created a sync'd collection in LR to share some photos. On, it said I was getting close to the 20GB limit. I deleted several shared collections to clean up so things which helped. But I still had over 3000 photos online. Inside of LR Classic, under the Catalog section and All Synced Photos, it showed the same 3000+ number. Most of these are NOT in a synced collection. How did they get there? If I removed them with the Remove from All Synced Photographs command, they stay in my catalog - correct? So puzzled.
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‎Jul 12, 2019
09:58 AM
Thanks for the link to other thread. Apparently many people have asked for this but it still doesn't exist.
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‎Jul 12, 2019
06:19 AM
1 Upvote
I tried to do the Insert Menu Item in an action but when I select Export/Quick Export as JPG, nothing goes into the action. Not possible?
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‎Jul 08, 2019
07:43 AM
Well I figured out how to make it work in the document I intend to use. The Frame Tool seems to only work on single merged background. Here is the background all on one layer with 3 frames defined. See the layers below. This now works.
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‎Jul 08, 2019
07:25 AM
The color fill layer in the test document was simply to make it easier to see if everything was working. See below. It would not be kept in my final document.
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‎Jul 08, 2019
07:00 AM
I am trying to create a template doc that allows me to quickly replace a picture that has a picture frame around it to show what a photo looks like framed. Here are the layers I have in my test document: This works but when I drag another photo into this document, highlight the bridge photo in Layer 2 Frame above and hit Delete, it deletes the layer about it too (11 x 14 Frame). Why are these linked and how to do I get it unlinked so I can change photos quickly? Thanks.
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