‎Aug 21, 2023
07:27 AM
I know this is very old, but ENTER doesn't seem to do anything after highlighting the layer. So when I then hit Backspace it just deletes the layer. What am I missing?
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‎Jan 24, 2018
01:24 PM
Having the same problem. I reinstalled XD yesterday and rebooted. It worked then, but when I tried to open it today, it's back to the same thing. Blank white screen comes up, then closes. I uninstalled and reinstalled again. Still won't start. I get EventID 1001 in the Windows Application Logs.
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‎Mar 23, 2017
03:38 PM
Sorry. If you click the image and download it, you can view it full size and read all the values at each keyframe/head position. As mentioned, I am a novice. I have no idea how to nest the scaling and then do positioning (wish I did). 😕 I have "made it work," so the problem is more or less solved. I just had to add extra keyframes to pull the graphics back where I wanted them. Just an odd issue to deal with. Thanks!
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‎Mar 23, 2017
02:25 PM
Okay, here's what it's doing. I hadn't noticed this before, but if I tab over to my last keyframe, it says it's set to 965, but the position of the graphic is way to the left of that. Just a notch past the actual keyframe still says 965, but it's in the right place. You can see the problem takes place at position 3. That's where it arbitrarily goes past the most extreme keyframe I set in position 2. Then it finally gets back to "home" (965) in the final position. It's even worse if the Spatial Interpolation is set to Auto Bezier. It goes all the way past the "p".
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‎Mar 23, 2017
09:04 AM
Hmmm. Still doesn't work. Blows right past the most extreme position I set and then bounces back. 😕
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‎Mar 23, 2017
08:06 AM
Sorry. Where do I set that? Is that a global setting or per clip?
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‎Mar 23, 2017
07:17 AM
I am a Premiere novice, to say the least, but I know enough to put together some halfway decent pieces. I'm currently toying with motion, position and scaling, and I'm having some trouble reigning Premiere in. Hypothetical situation: Say I want to move a graphic from an X position of 100 to 200. I set a starting keyframe at 100 and an ending keyframe at 200. Easy enough, and this usuaully works fine. Now, to give it a little "life" I add in another keyframe between those two and closer to the 200 keyframe that is 215. So, it'll go to 215 and kinda bounce back to 200. Here's where Premiere starts dropping in the "phantom" keyframes. It doesn't add ACTUAL keyframes, but it will drop in positions for the graphic way outside of the keyframes I set up. like add in a position of 230 between the 215 and 200 keyframes. Obviously, that totally screws up the animation aimed for. I'm assuming Premiere is trying to do some sort of easing or something, but it's just making things worse. Any ideas how I can prevent this? Thanks!
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‎Dec 13, 2016
07:20 AM
1 Upvote
Yep. Sad, but true. 😕
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‎Dec 13, 2016
06:49 AM
Oh, no. I totally get what you're saying. I'm saying Adobe shrugging and moving on and even putting out new major releases that still don't work is not reasonable. They need to fix their software that people pay good money for on a SUBSCRIPTION. It's not optional for them to fix these issues. If people are having to roll back to old versions because Adobe can't get their crap straight, then those people should also get some discounts on their subscription fee because they're not getting what they're paying for.
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‎Dec 13, 2016
06:41 AM
Interesting. I had searched google, but wasn't quite hitting what I was looking for and some things I found were referring to old CS versions. I guess google doesn't show much from these forums, at least not high in the search list. Going back to an old version is not a reasonable option. While it may work, it's not what I pay a hefty subscription premium for.
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‎Dec 12, 2016
01:01 PM
My friend and I use AI daily to produce vector artwork. We have completely different PCs in completely different environments, yet we both have problems with AI's performance. I have an i7 5820k processor, 32GB or RAM, 2TBs (2x1TB) of SSDs in RAID 0, and Nvidia GTX 970 graphics all running on Windows 10 Pro 64bit. I should not have performance problems like this. (He has an i7 based laptop with 16GB of RAM and a 512GB SSD.) I do have GPU performance enabled. When we first open files, things go fairly well, but the longer they are open, the worse it gets. It's slow, sometimes becoming unresponsive, and sometimes never becomes responsive again. The interface will stop responding, yet sometimes I can still save even though it doesn't appear to be saving. I can then kill the task and start it back up. Rinse and repeat. Today, for example, I left a file open when I went to lunch. When I got back, I couldn't do anything. I had to close the program, which took about a minute to finally close, during which time my entire PC becomes sluggish until the program closes. If I open a file and immediately close the program, it closes fairly quickly. The longer it's open the worse it gets. Which seems like a memory leak or something, but if I check my memory usage, it's not even half used. Being that the two of us have such different set ups, it kinda points to AI being the problem, but even after a couple of updates, it still does it and we don't see a lot of talk of it on the web. Is anyone else seeing this??? Thanks!
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‎Dec 02, 2015
10:30 AM
I'm using Windows 7. My problem was having VNC installed which puts in a "Mirror Driver" display in Device Manager. I disabled it and now AI works with my graphics card just fine. Make sure when you look in Device Manager there are no other display adapters that may be confusing AI.
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‎Sep 22, 2015
08:49 AM
Same problem. This is a brand new install of Windows 7 with a GTX 970. All drivers are up to date as well as Adobe CC. I had the problem before I formatted and reinstalled Windows as well. I didn't format for this reason, just noticed the problem still exists. I had Windows 10 installed in between the two Windows 7 installs (the reason I now have Windows 7 again - 10 was driver bug central). I don't recall if the problem existed on Windows 10. In the AI settings it says there are "Multiple Graphics Cards detected" when I only have one. It does see that it's NVidia, but it doesn't detect the model correctly. I remember when this was first introduced in CC, it did show my card correctly. So, I feel like this is a problem introduced by an AI update.
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‎Jun 28, 2012
12:06 PM
Let me see if I can adequately describe what I'm attempting to do... We have 18x12 drawings we'd like to print. Our plotter uses a 36" roll of paper. So, when we print these 18x12 drawings, we waste 18" of paper with each print. So, I have developed a set of actions that will take two open files, combine them on a canvas and print them filling the entire 36x12 area. This part works fine and I could live with it as-is. But, I'd like to see if I can get a little more complex by adding the ability to just point Photoshop to a folder and have it open two files at a time, print them, and then grab the next two until all files in the folder were processed. Do any of you scripting gurus have any tricks I can try? Thanks! Matt
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‎Jun 02, 2012
12:37 PM
Okay...so I saw what you did. COmmented out the ZoomOut() or ZoomIn() and I assume thatmeans to paste the whole thing into both buttons. Which I did and it works GREAT. Thank you sooo much!!! I will pass this on to the other folks looking for a solution to the missing zoom menu.
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‎Jun 02, 2012
12:23 PM
Thank you so much for the reply!!! From what I can gather from Configurator, I can drop a button onto the panel to run a script. I paste the script into the text box. Would I paste this entire script into the text boxes for BOTH buttons and then call zoomIn() or zoomOut() at the bottom of each text box. Or is there some way I should consolodate the code and just call zoomIn() or zoomOut() with the button. I'm not very familiar with Configurator, so I'm not sure how I would put the code in a common location and access it with Configurator buttons. Thanks again!!!
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‎Jun 02, 2012
08:29 AM
I have dabbled with javascript in the past, but I'm a total newb at scripting Photoshop. What I need is a script I can use to zoom in at specific intervals and another to zoom out at the same intervals. I plan to use these two scripts in conjunction with Configurator to make a couple buttons for doing the tasks. Example... Current zoom is 30%. The Zoom In Script has a an array of zoom levels: 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%, 200%, 300%, 400%. The script would detect current zoome level and find the next higher zoom level, 50%, and set the window to that new zoom. Likewise, Zoom Out would do the same operation selecting the next lower zoom level, 25%. This is all in an effort to get back some of the functionality moving from CS5 to CS6. I used the zoom menu at the top of the screen a LOT to move to preset zoom levels when drawing on my Wacom Cintiq. This Configurator panel would give most of that functionality back. Can one of you coding gurus help me with that? Or at least give me a hint as to how to manipulate zoom percentage in Photoshop using javascript? Thanks!!! Matt
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