‎Feb 17, 2025
12:03 PM
downloaded the .dmg but the app won't install. oh well.
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‎Feb 17, 2025
08:54 AM
I just upgraded my computer to a used iMac M1, and wondering if my purchased copy of Premier Elements 15 will function properly. I wasn't able to locate a compatability chart. Thank you.
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‎Jan 22, 2025
05:49 PM
Thank you for taking the time to look into this, I appreciate it. Your reply explains why none of CA adjustment tools worked. I'll have to bone-up on my masking skills as others have suggested to minimize the unwanted effect. Though, next time I'll expose at f/4 or f5.6 and see if that improves things. Thanks again.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
12:05 AM
I've been using PS for decades, this sounds a little advanced for my 72 year old noggin... but I'll work at it. I posted a PSD doc in a reply to LAMY2017 above, if you are inclined to tinker briefly. Many, many thanks.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
12:01 AM
The goal is a B&W image. The problem area is where the shoulders meet the green grass in the background. The Nikon Z 50mm 1.8 S is exceptionally sharp, and perhaps that is part of the problem. *The uploader gives this error msg when attaching a NEF file. "The attachment's jan18 - a0007.nef content type (image/x-nikon-nef) does not match its file extension and has been removed" So, attached is a PSD with no adjustments from ACR or in PS.
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‎Jan 20, 2025
08:27 PM
I forgot, the unwanted artifacts are more apparent in the B&W conversions than in color. I've used the ACR B&W conversion function, and also reducing the saturation in PS with no improvement. Same results.
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‎Jan 20, 2025
08:23 PM
Thanks for responding. The pics I sent are small sections of the 26MB image. I haven't had much practice using the defringe capabilities, guess it's something I should learn and master. I can drop the raw file here, if you wish. ?
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‎Jan 20, 2025
09:14 AM
I've notice this effect in pics using either my Nikon D500 or Z6 with a Z50mm 1.8 S lens. My images are all recorded raw, and with whatever negliable sharpening Nikon applies to raw files. I can feed the raw file into Nikon NX Studio or Adobe Camera Raw and then PS but, regardless of the workflow... the same unwanted shadowing appears. This appears before I apply any sharpening in the apps. The transition area that is out-of-focus acquires a slight darkening border of sorts. I've adjusted various lens correction sliders in all apps to no effect. So, I don't know if it this issue is chromatic aberration or something else. In the past I've made selections of the troublesome areas and cloned in tones from similar areas. The end result doesn't always work, and seems like a crude hack anyway. In the attached detail pics, the issue may not appear objectionable, but it is in viewing the entire image as a whole. Any ideas? I use the latest MACOS on a iMac24, and PS 26.2.0
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‎Oct 10, 2024
11:25 AM
sorry to learn that you, too, are having frustration with this useless feature. no update that I am aware of. 😞
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‎Aug 17, 2024
07:14 PM
Thank you for the suggestion, but I don't have Acrobat, not do I typically have other apps open while using PS. This oddity is unhelpful. Adobe are you listening?
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‎Aug 17, 2024
07:11 PM
it has not been resolved to my knowledge. what an unhelpful feature. 😞
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‎May 03, 2024
06:29 PM
yup... I experienced the same issue again the other day, so it continues. I wish there were a way to toggle this not-so-smart feature off. Adobe tech... are you out there?????
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‎Oct 01, 2023
01:29 PM
btw... this is not a huge problem, just a minor inconvenience as I need to escape-out of the selection and begin again.
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‎Sep 30, 2023
12:17 PM
UPDATE: so it happened again this morning. In this instance, I am adding to an existing selection and after moving the Polygonal lasso tool to the bottom of the screen, and then vertically to complete the selection... an arrow replaces the normal polygonal lasso. (This always occurs when moving the lasso tool vertically.) In the attached pic... the arrowhead is much broader than the Mac OS cursor. I have no other apps in the background other than Creative Cloud. It has always been my practice to permanently toggle off all Siri and Spotlight options, hot corners, accessibilty shortcuts, etc. Apart from Adobe apps and Wacom, there are no other non-Apple apps or browsers. I have no anti-virus, utilities, social media, games, etc. It's is a dedicated photo editing workstation. I now suspect this is an Adobe issue, perhaps Ventura related.
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‎Sep 24, 2023
11:55 AM
1 Upvote
This morning I've been using the Polygonal Lasso to make a selection in several images to purposively get this odd cursor to appear... but thus, far no luck. The next time it happen, I will post a screen capture. Thanks.
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‎Sep 23, 2023
09:23 AM
Sometimes when using the Polygonal Lasso tool to make an extended selection across the artboard, the cursor changes to a thick arrow making precise selections challenging. I've used PS for many years, and have never experienced this until this latest version (or maybe 2022, I don't remember). I use PS on an almost daily basis and would love to disable the feature if there is a setting for it. Photoshop 2023, version 24.7.0. iMac 24 inch, M1 Ventura 13.4 16GB ram
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‎Jun 29, 2023
09:33 AM
Thank you... another good tip. I suspect you are correct that there is no actual stretching of the text, and that my mind expects to see it... so I see it. As dumb as it sounds, I have contemplated this for several days and can think of no reason how the technology of the 1940s could inadvertently stretch text on a tiny bottlecap. But, whatever the case, following the tips mentioned above will give the shape a bit more dimension, which is something I strive for with Illustrator designs. Thanks again.
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‎Jun 29, 2023
09:23 AM
thanks. I think this will do the trick.
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‎Jun 26, 2023
04:28 PM
Hi Monika, thanks for responding. This is for a pop art series based on vintage bottlecaps. Attached is the original soda bottlecap, and then my recreations in jpgs 1 and 2. To me, the very top-height of the uppercase letters appear to be stretched outward ever so slightly, and that is the effect I hope to accomplish. Subtle. My version 2 uses rings of shadows and highlights to obscure the fact that the text is flat... but the end result looks more like the lid on a jar of pasta sauce. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.
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‎Jun 26, 2023
11:17 AM
1 Upvote
I am designing a circular object where uppercase text appears around the top edge of the object. Imagine the lid of a jar from a bird's eye view. In order to avoid having the text appear flat, I want the top edge of all text to bend down just a little, as if beginning to wrap downward to the side of the circular shape... just a tiny bit of warping. It would be a subtle touch to help establish dimension and realism. I can’t figure out how to do this with an expanded circular text object. Any ideas?
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‎Apr 30, 2023
11:48 AM
That did it, thank you.
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‎Apr 30, 2023
11:32 AM
Hi everyone, Working on an Illustrator document that contains some 300 words, the text fill color is set to light gray. I designed the piece so that some of the characters are filled with a different fill color in order to make a large shape within the arrangement of words. I made the mistake of not assigning a global color. Is there a way to select all occurrences of a text fill color, and then replace with a different color, globally? All text is on the same layer. Thoughts?
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‎Jul 31, 2022
07:41 AM
1 Upvote
Yes! That's it. I was totally stumped. I will check out your tuts. very appreciative. 🙂
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‎Jul 31, 2022
07:11 AM
I have seen this expanding radial element in many designs, but I don't know what is called so that I can search for a tutorial. What is it, or better yet... kindly direct me a tutorial. Thanks.
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‎Jun 09, 2022
09:37 PM
At the end of a chat session with Adobe Support, with no luck in resolving the issue with AE 17.0 on a Catalina iMac, the agent sent a weblink to install release version 18.0 (2021). *The current version of AE (2022) is incompatable with my older machine. Release 18.0 did the trick. All is well, and kudos to Adobe Support.
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‎Jun 09, 2022
12:00 PM
this is the icon attached to my October 2021 project file. I am not entirely sure what version I was using before... does the icon help identify the AE release version? txs.
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‎Jun 09, 2022
11:39 AM
thanks, but didn't see any options under File > Project Settings > Video Rendering Effects. It all worked before the recent 2020 reinstallation. Any further thoughts? *my graphics card is older, and entry-level.
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‎Jun 09, 2022
09:15 AM
Been awhile since I used AE (2020) and getting things confused with other programs. Just completed a reinstall of AE 2020 via Adobe chat assist. I'm at the beginning stage of laying out simple text, no special effects at this point, no 3D, and using the Standard Workspace. I have 2 layers. One where an intial phrase appears, then a few seconds later where more text completes the sentence. ISSUE: When I press the spacebar to preview things, a smaller pop-up monitor appears to the right, and bottom of the Composition Panel, and I cannot see much of the playback. This hasn't happened in earlier projects with the same app version and system (iMac Catalina). In the past, the preview took place front-and-center, in the Composition Panel. I am overlooking a setting somewhere, but where? Thanks.
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‎May 03, 2022
01:49 AM
Same issue with cmd-spacebar-dragging, not zooming in Illustrator. It works perfectly in PS 2022, but not AI 2022... for me. Apparently my older iMac doesn't have a compatible GPU. So, why does zooming with cmd-spacebar work in PS, but not in AI? Is there another settting somewhere? thanks.
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‎May 02, 2022
08:20 AM
I came across this illustration published in the Washington Post about 1 year ago, and am intrigued by the complexity of the overlapping arrows. I've had no success in reproducing it with my intermediate skillset using shapebuilder. Using the scissor tool is a bit tedious, and requires some finessing. Is this something drawn with pen and paper, or can it be done in Illustrator? Suggestions? (iStock illustration, artist name not listed)
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