Feb 28, 2023
10:02 AM
1 Upvote
I am so tired with the unending stream of updates and often wonder the same question. I blame it all on subscription pricing. Adobe feels they must keep pushing updates to justify the monthly fee. It does not matter to them if the changes are of any value/benefit. If they returned to one time purchase, they would be forced to make the update compelling enough for people to WANT to purchase it.
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Feb 12, 2023
01:44 PM
Thank you for the reply. There may not be any settings to easily turn this off but the functionality must be happening via executable files buried somewhere in the OS. I’m hoping someone has an understanding of these files so I can delete them all.
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Feb 12, 2023
11:02 AM
I like how MacOS Ventura allows me to turn off background activity that I wasn’t aware existed. I’ve turned off everything Adobe including “auto update” in the Creative Cloud app. Yet I’m still receiving notifications about available updates. I realize I can turn off the notifications, but what I want is to turn off the fact the apps are checking for updates. How can I do this?
I’d like to put an end to any and all background activities so my machine is devoting all its power only to my work. I’m content to manually run the updater 2 or 3 times per year. I just don’t want it wasting resources to check for updates I have no intention of applying. Thank you.
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Feb 09, 2023
03:20 PM
I have not updated PhotoShop since 2017 so I was shocked to see the “command Z” undo has been changed to multiple undos going back 5, 10 or more steps. This seems to me as an unwanted change since the history palette already offers this service with text descriptions of exactly what is being undone. I have always used command z as a before/after toggle to evaluate the edit I just made. I’ve tried for several months to adjust to the “command z” / “shift command z” functionality of the new version but it just far too awkward. Is there any way I can restore the undo to a simple before after toggle? Thank you, --rick
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Feb 02, 2023
12:20 PM
FYI to anyone else dealing with this problem - the solution turns out to have been a preference setting for "Spring-loaded Tool Shortcuts". De-selecting this preference restores proper functionality.
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Feb 02, 2023
12:01 PM
Thank you for your reply, my original post describes the problem: When I launch PhotoShop, the first thing I always do is hit the Tab key to hide pallets. I’ve done this for at least a decade but it no longer works. It’s worth pointing out that I stopped updating my apps in 2017 and only recently began doing updates again, so this may not be a recent problem. I’ve been unable to identify what is wrong but I’ve learned it is not exclusive to the Tab key. Any single key such a “m” for marque, “b” for brush, “v” for selection and so on. They all refuse to work when the app is first launched. ============== I did have "spring-loaded shortcuts" active and turning it off seems to solve the problem. It appears to be a combination of these two setting which is causing the problem. I had incorrectly assumed "spring loaded tools" was the feature which offers additional tools, sush as, click and hold the brush to reach the pencil tool. But I googled the subject and discovered spring loaded is something different that I have no use for. I will keep it turned off and would like to suggest this feature be off by default. Doing so would have saved me a year of frustration.
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Feb 01, 2023
06:28 AM
1 Upvote
I encountered a bug where deselecting “Auto show the Home Screen” in preferences will prevent keyboard shortcuts for tools from working. I’m using the latest PhotoShop 24.1.1 but I know this has existed in 2022 version. It may go back further since I recently jumped from CC 2017 where it worked correctly to CC 2022. I’m using a 16 inch MacBook Pro M1 max and running Mac OS Ventura although I was running Mac OS Monterey with CC 2022 where the problem also existed.
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Feb 01, 2023
03:59 AM
Thank you for the advice. I did as you said and the program worked as expected. The problem returned as soon as I changed settings to how I use them. I went through the settings one at a time and identified the problem as “Auto show the Home Screen”. I have no use for the Home Screen on any app and always turn it off. PhotoShop seems to be the only program where these is causing functionality problems. How can I notify adobe about this bug so they can fix it?
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Jan 30, 2023
03:17 PM
When I launch PhotoShop, the first thing I always do is hit the Tab key to hide pallets. I’ve done this for at least a decade but it no longer works. It’s worth pointing out that I stopped updating my apps in 2017 and only recently began doing updates again, so this may not be a recent problem. I’ve been unable to identify what is wrong but I’ve learned it is not exclusive to the Tab key. Any single key such a “m” for marque, “b” for brush, “v” for selection and so on. They all refuse to work when the app is first launched. Please help me identify what has gone wrong and how I can fix it. I appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thank you.
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Jan 24, 2023
08:36 AM
I received the following message when launching Bridge. New Startup Script Found The Bridge extension photoshop has been added to Bridge. Do you want to enable it now? I’ve searched the forum and found messages which indicate this will allow Bridge to work with Photoshop. What concerns me is that Bridge has always worked with Photoshop. At least to the point I can click an image and open it in Photoshop, which is about all I need it to do. I’m always reluctant to add new stuff when I’m totally content with what it already does. My question is: How can I tell what new functionality will this add and having already selected “no” what would I need to do to enable it after the fact if I want this functionality. Thank you.
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Jan 13, 2023
07:03 AM
I've used an image field in a form to allow people to place their logo on the page. The logo will be placed against a color background and the logos will have a transparent background to allow the background color to show through. This works fine if the logo is a GIF but PNG files show a white box even though the logo background is transparent. Are we doing something wrong or is this a known limitation in how the forms function? Thank you.
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Jan 06, 2023
03:35 PM
Thank you for your reply. I did search the forum but failed to find anything which matched my experience. Perhaps my search terms should have been different. I have no idea what Topaz is but comparing it to apple system preferences is apples to oranges. I never have a need to open multiple system prefs but often need to compare multiple photo collections. I’m not trying to be funny by adding to an everyday ask, this was a shock to me and a huge impact on my ability to do work. If everyone is asking this, there should be a notice at the top of the forum to head off these questions. In all caps “v13 IS SCREWED UP - PLEASE READ”. I appreciate your explanation of new workflows but I can not take this huge hit to daily productivity. Is there a way I can return to the previous version? I have zero interest in trying to deal with the problems of this version. Thank you.
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Jan 06, 2023
02:24 PM
after many months of not updating I installed the latest bridge v13.01 and EXTREMELY disappointed. It is no longer willing to open multiple folders in separate windows, command “W” no longer closes a window. Clicking the close window button will now quit the app requiring the app to relaunch EVERY time I open a new folder. I’ve been unable to find a preference setting to fix this. Am I missing something or is adobe this far out of touch with how people need the software to function? Please tell me there is a way to fix this, Thank you.
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Apr 29, 2022
06:11 AM
Thank you Amal for the suggestion. I did not have that preference selected. I did have checked "open cross-document links in the same window" under Documents. I selected the option you recommended and tried it with the other preference both on and off. It continues to exit full-screen mode every time I open a linked document. Might there be another preference setting that impacts this? I also wonder if this is a problem with my new laptop (apple 16 inch M1-max) and not acrobat. Thanks again and I appreciate any additional advice you may have.
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Apr 28, 2022
07:33 PM
I recently moved from acrobat pro v9 to the newest version of acrobat DC. I have a 30 page pdf I use for presentations where many pages include links to other pdfs. The 30 page pdf is set to open as full screen with the linked pdfs opening in a new window. When presenting this with v9, the primary document remained in full screen mode with the links opening in front of it. Unfortunately with DC, the primary document exits full screen mode whenever I click a liked document. This make for a very poor presentation. I'd appreciate any advice you may have on how to keep the document in full screen mode when accessing linked pdfs. Thank you.
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Feb 03, 2022
01:25 PM
Thank you for the suggestions. Reinstall did not help, it continued to crash frequently. BUT, the recent update to version 17.1 may have fixed it. I've been working for two days without a single crash. I'm disappointed how this seems to indicate adobe was aware of the problem but failed to share that info. It would have saved me tremendous effort and frustration if they had simply said "we know there is a problem and we're working on it".
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Jan 13, 2022
08:38 AM
inDesign v17.01 crashes frequently. There is nothing consistent about when it happens. It is typically during very simple task such as changing a objects color, editing text or copy/paste. It even crashes while sitting idle in the background during times I'm working in a different program. Rebooting my macbook does not help – it has even crashed minutes after rebooting when it is the only program running. The beach ball appears often (even for simple task) and usually leads to a crash but not always. It never produces a crash report even though I have checked the crash report app and confirmed reporting is turned on. I've viewed apple's console and it references "crashreporter" but no report was displayed. This is a brand new 16 inch M1 with a clean install of all programs (I did not use migration assistant). I've tried changing the GPU setting as suggested elsewhere but it makes no difference. I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have.
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Dec 16, 2021
01:34 PM
1 Upvote
Same problem here. Brand new M1 macbook pro with a clean install of CC ( I did not use migration assistant). Everything is all new yet it's been crashing often. I was blaming it on Monterey being buggy and expected 12.1 to solve the problem but it has not. InDesign crashes at least once per hour and when doing simple chores on simple documents. Most times it's just the spinning beach ball causing me to force quit after 5 or 10 minutes. Other times it is a full crash where its just suddenly gone.
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Dec 06, 2021
11:50 AM
Thanks again. These made no difference. Attributes had no effect and GPU/CPU looked identical. I do believe I've found a workaround. I reduced the text 50% to where the problem did not exist. I converted to outline AND used expand appearence. Then enlarged 200% and it was find. It did not work without also using expand appearence. But at least I now have a file I can send to the printer. Thank you.
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Dec 06, 2021
11:09 AM
Thanks for the reply. Yes, the problem continues in the pdf. I don't know how to tell if it is CPU or GPU. Do I find that in apple's system preferences or in adobe illustrator preferences?
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Dec 06, 2021
08:58 AM
I've attached a screen capture showing an unwanted outer glow problem. The glow effect is not smooth and this is only happening to the curved letters, straight letters seem fine. This is for a wall mural so the text is 12 inches tall. The problem changes as I change the size of the text and seems to go away when the text is about half this size. I've tried converting to outlines but the problem remains. I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to solve this. I'm using the latest version of illustrator on a brand new M1 laptop running macOS monterey. Thank you
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Nov 28, 2021
06:41 AM
1 Upvote
Using acrobat pro dc – selecting "save as" brings up a box titled "save a pdf". None of the options apply and I'm always forced to select "choose a different folder". This strikes me as a needless, and annoying, extra step. I've been unable to find a preference setting to disable the box. Please tell me if I can stop it from appearing. Thank you.
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May 28, 2021
04:52 PM
I've been using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro v11.0.10 for over 8 years now. I didn't like the newer version so I've been happy to stick with this version and its matching Distiller. It has been working fine until the other day when it suddenly claimed to be unregistered and reverted to demo mode. I had made no changes to my computer so I'm confused why this suddenly happened. All my other Adobe apps (inDesign, Photoshop, illustrator, Audition and more) continue to work fine. When I sign in to my account, I can not find how to authorize these to programs. I've searched this forum and found others with the same problem but all solutions were for Windows computers, I'm using a MacBook Pro. I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions you may have. Thank you.
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