‎Oct 20, 2023
11:31 AM
Why is this happenning again!. It's driving me mad! When I select edit in Adobe Photoshop 2024 by right clicking on the image in Lightroom it opens Photoshop but doesnt open the image. The only way i can get to to open is to select open as smart object in Photoshop. However when i close it in PS wether I click save or dont save i get the following error message. Now if I click save it doesnt bounce back in to LR like it should do. Instead it puts a tiff file in the folder i was working in on my mac where it was in the first place. I then have to go to finder, find the file then right click open with and select LR This happend before and i had to go back to an old version of PS but then it seemed to get fixed in an update but now its doing it again! Chris
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‎Aug 02, 2023
01:47 PM
Ok so i just went back to previous version of photoshop (24.6.0) and it all seems to be working the way it should again
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‎Aug 02, 2023
11:23 AM
1 Upvote
When i click edit in photoshop it opens photoshop but not my file and no matter what i try (restart, open close progs etc) it doesnt work. The only way i can get it to open in PS is to open in PS as smart object. Then i convert it from a smart object and work on it the when i finish i flatten the image and get this error message: The command select is not available You click ok and it flattens it anyway so not as much of an issue but i would like to know how to sort this. Then when i close the file and press save i get this error message - Error 21: undefined is not an object. I click ok and then it puts up the same error message. I click ok again and then it closes the image but instead of it going back to LR like it should do it saves it in the same folder as my original raw file on my computer but i then have to import this tiff in to LR to see it alongside the others. Please can anyone offer a solution. I dont know if this is an issue with LR, PS or Cam Raw. im running - lightroom 12.4, camera raw 15.4, photoshop 24.7.0, apple ventura 13.4.1 (c) Thank you Chris
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‎Jul 04, 2023
05:08 AM
1 Upvote
Here we go again! Why does photoshop do this?
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‎Feb 01, 2023
03:26 PM
I have the settings folder on the left which is the one LR is using and has all of my current bits in. Then for some reason I have another settings folder on the right and dont know why. This seems to have some old presets in that I havent used for ages. Can I delete this file? So I removed all of the template files from my watermark folder. put them in a seperate folder on the desktop then moved them back in and then re started LR but my watermark folder in the export box is still empty?
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‎Feb 01, 2023
12:37 PM
I seem to have found them in a folder I just dont know how to re populate my watermark list inside the export box in lightroom ?
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‎Feb 01, 2023
08:20 AM
Thank you so much this is a massive help and im nearly there Luckily my local adjustment presets are there and are now back in my LR I found 3 x xmp files in the settings tab and have worked out how to get them back in so thats my global adjustments back. I have also found all my watermark template files but cant seem to work out how to suck them back in to LR? I just wonder what it will do next time i turn it off and on again. Fingers crossed it remembers
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‎Feb 01, 2023
03:02 AM
Hi store presets with this catalog was ticked and when it was show Lightroom develop presets takes me to my current Lightroom catalog backup and show all other lr presets takes me to lr settings within that catalog. if i un tick that - show lr develop presets takes me to a settings tab with lots of index files and show all other lr presets takes me to a Lightroom folder in my library- library- application support- adobe-Lightroom chris
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‎Feb 01, 2023
01:55 AM
Last night on two occasions when i closed down LR and asked it to back up it froze on me during the back up catalog process. On both occasions I had to force quit and when I re opened it gave me an error message someothing like the catalog file is broken, click here to fix it. When i did that it said cant fix, try again, which I did but it couldnt fix it. In the end I managed to click on a catalog saved in my backups from earlier in the day and now it seems to be ok. However I realised that when i turned it on today my global presets are there however the folder I created which I think was called favouries which was some of my favourites and a few that I had created are missing. My watermarks are all missing and my local presets that I hade made are all missing. Is there a way I can find these and get them back as this is extremely frustrating. I did try restoring the catalog from yesterday when I think everything was ok but then it wont see all the images ive imported or played with in the last day and even when it loaded that the prests and watermarks were still missing
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‎Jan 27, 2023
02:47 AM
Hi Caroline I dont seem to be having issues anywhere as bad as when I originally posted my blocky images. I just opened the same puppy images and tried it again. You will see on my original examples that the edge looks like a set of stairs however when i did it today i only seemed to get one step on the whole image. As I am drawing round the subject I still get weird zig zag lines intersecting the edge im drawing on which i did before but that wasnt necessarily the problem. the problem was the set of stairs it left behind on the edge i was refining Chris
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‎Mar 10, 2022
10:59 AM
Thank you. I did just re install the previous version before the latest and thought it had fixed it as it was fine for one image but then when I edited the next one it happened again.
I did see this post on the forum where someone had the same issue as me which said they fixed it by doing this:
"Resolved: Okay.... so I'm pretty sure i deleted the preferences when I unintsalled... but I just held command + option + shift while opening the app for us mac users to manually reset the Photoshop settings file and that fixed it. for the Windwos users out there it is: ctrl + alt + shift."
I tried this but unfortunately it didn't work for me
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‎Mar 08, 2022
02:28 PM
I'm having the same issues. I tried the reset but it didnt fix it Please tell me if I am missing something or if this is a bug in the new february update ? When using the refine edge tool I have started getting these square pixelated edges and this never used to happen. All of my settings are the same as i have always used. all sliders set to 0 object aware selected not color aware decontaminate colours is not selected. im using apple M1 Max with 64GBmemory Photoshop is current version and up to date as of today 8/3/22
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‎Mar 08, 2022
01:56 PM
Hi Guys
Please tell me if I am missing something or if this is a bug in the new february update ?
When using the refine edge tool I have started getting these square pixelated edges and this never used to happen. All of my settings are the same as i have always used.
all sliders set to 0
object aware selected not color aware
decontaminate colours is not selected.
im using apple M1 Max with 64GBmemory
Photoshop is current version and up to date as of today 8/3/22
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‎Dec 26, 2016
11:45 AM
What has happened to the thumbnails / film strip at the bottom. Now i cant see the top of each picture which is where my image numbers and file details are. It has been like this since the last update - anyone else have the same issue and is there a way to resolve it ?
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