Michael Domino
Michael Domino
‎Oct 30, 2024
07:25 AM
Hi Anubhav - Thank you for your reply... I found out that my keyboard short cut 'cmd+S' is missing since I updated to Illustrator 29.0...(!) This means that I apparently only saved the document when using 'save-as' og when I occasionally closed the file and clicked the 'save' button in the dialog. Then when the programme had a crash nothing was saved as I thought... I'm on Ventura 13.6.9/Illustrator 29.0 I really think this was what went wrong this time... Can't believe I didn't notice, but I have been working with Illustrator since before the Illustrator 88 and somethings are just muscle memory... ++michael
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‎Oct 29, 2024
04:35 AM
....it seems as if the file is not saved until it has been closed as well?
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‎Oct 29, 2024
04:23 AM
I have - a few times - lately lost files that were open during an Illustrator crash. The other times I thought I just might not have saved the file, but this time I am sure that I saved it to my computer. Now - after a crash the file is gone as if it was never there. Missing from "recent documents" Instead I have found an empty file called "print.ai" - It was also present the last time this happened. Both recent times it was fairly complicated files with many layers and some Astute Grahics effects. I have the Auto Data Recovery feature on, but the file did not turn op when I restarted AI..... I also have Time Machine backup, but it doesnt show up here either.... Damned! ++m
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‎Feb 22, 2024
01:52 AM
Both in Photoshop 25.5.5 and Photoshop Beta 25.6.0 the Generative fill option is unavailable. I am on OS Ventura 13.6.4. I have tried logging out and in again to my Creative Cloud account - what else can I do? ++m
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‎Aug 24, 2023
04:29 AM
Ahh I found it - thank you very much :·) ++m
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‎Aug 24, 2023
04:17 AM
No, sorry but it is not. I can find the 'default keyboard shortcuts' in a folder (MacHD-Apps-Adobe illustrator - presets-en_GB - Keybooard shortcuts) - but not my custom made set MD2023... ++m
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‎Aug 24, 2023
02:21 AM
I have created a set of keybord shortcuts in Illustrator 2023 (27.6.1) - My system is Ventura 13.4.1 I often find that some of my custom shortcuts stop working or go missing. I have created a custom set called 'MD2023', but some of the shortcuts disappeares from time to time. I would like to keep a safe copy of these settings and to be able to 'reinstall' them again - Also I am working on more than one copy of Adobe Illustrator, and I would like the ability to update/sync manually from time to time. The custom shortcut set MD2023 is not in the folder called "Keyboard shortcuts", which I would have expected: Does anybody know a fix to this? Thank You for your time. ++michael
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‎Jul 09, 2023
01:24 PM
Vielen Dank – es sieht fortgeschritten aus. Ich werde versuchen, es mir anzusehen 🙂 (Lustigerweise handelt es sich um ein Buch über die deutsche Grammatik, die ich einmal gelernt, aber wieder vergessen habe :·) ++michael
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‎Jul 09, 2023
01:18 PM
wow - thats an elegant solution - I appreciate the effort you put into helping out - I will try this as well - Than You very much :·) ++michael
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‎Jul 09, 2023
01:15 PM
Thank you so much Brad - I will try this for sure and let you know if i made it :·) ++m
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‎Jul 06, 2023
09:43 AM
Hello, I am setting up a schoolbook, where some of the content is dialog with tabs like the attached picture. Can I set it up so I dont have to manually tab lines like #3 - Is it possible? Thank you for your time ++michael
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‎May 04, 2023
03:35 AM
I am starting the setup of a schoolbook, in which I need to make page numbering a bit different than I am use to: I need ordinary pagenumbering for the first pages, but then I get to "Lesson 1"and here we want for example page 18, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3 etc. and then follow up with "Lesson 2" page 19, 19.1, 19.2 etc... Is there a smart way to do this, or should I create different master pages, and make it manually eventually Thank you for your time ++michael
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‎Feb 26, 2021
02:44 AM
Thankyou :·) I guess, I just use the tools in a slightly different way - It´s not the first time :·) ++m
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‎Feb 26, 2021
01:57 AM
Thank you for your replies - I have ticked the "pick colour from...", but in this case it is the same behavior ;–) @Kurt Gold : you are right, I guess it is considered nomal behavior, but still, I think it would be useful. If I draw fx a shoe with my penciltool, and I want to draw the sole underneath in a different colour, I draw a shape that goes outside my first path, click my shortcut to the shapebuilder tool, hold the "alt" and removes the excess part. Then I need to shift tool to something else (mostly of course back to the drawing tool) - before I can colour the new path with a click from the swatches palette. I some cases I use the knife tool to cut the shapes and then I can just click as I would expect it. Like I said - it is no big deal - It just took me a while to work out why I needed the extra clicks :·) Best regards ++michael
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‎Feb 25, 2021
06:20 AM
When I have my "Shapebuilder" tool selected, as I have a lot, I cannot apply colour to my objects just by clicking in my swatches palette as I can with any other tool (according to my little unscientific research :·) It's not a big deal, but I wonder why that is? ++michael
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‎Feb 18, 2021
06:40 AM
Ahh - thankyou - now it works :·) - I hadn't saved the script properly. !
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‎Feb 18, 2021
04:03 AM
I often need to make a gradient from two colours in my drawing or from my swatches. I know how to do it from the gradient panel, but I think it is a lot of "clickwork", if you do it as often as I do. I would like to be able to select colour from two different objects and then with at click make a gradient from these two to drop onto a third object. (Sounds simple :·) I came across an old script, that should do something like this, but it was not up to date. (https://github.com/mhulse/illy-grad) Does anyone know of such a script? Thank you for your time ++michael
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‎Jul 15, 2020
12:04 PM
Hi Nikunj Thank you / a useful workaround 🙂 it works. I hope it's a bug that gets fixed so I don't have to change all my presets 🙂 ++m
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‎Jul 15, 2020
02:33 AM
Hi - I have a problem when using Wacom Cintiq 16 with Photoshop 21.0.2 - As of yesterday all my brushstrokes starts with an unwanted blob - like on the attached screenshot.
The software:
Mac Mini / Catalina 10.15.5
Photoshop 21.2.0
Wacom Cintiq 16 - latest driver
I have removed an reinstalled all the Wacom drivers/software, but the problem remains. (The problem is the same no matter which pen I use "Grip" or "Pro 2").
I have reinstalled PS and reset the preferences
I have installed PS 20.0.9 to test and there is no problem.
Does anybody have an idea how to solve this?
Thank you for your time.
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‎Jun 08, 2020
07:40 AM
Hej Monika - Ohh Yes - Thank You very much - that has definetely something to do with it :·) I have AG Dynamic Sketch Plugin installed, and this still gives me different behavior on the two machines. Maybe it is an issue with the plugin - It works just fine with the native brush. Thanks again :·) ++m
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‎Jun 08, 2020
04:16 AM
Hi - I hope somebody can help me out with this: I have made a custom editable stroke that is both pressure sensitive and has a bit of "roughen" effect to it. On my iMac (Catalina 10.15.4) with AI 24.1.3, I automatically draw any new stroke with the previous settings (including the roughen-effect) or I can select any one previous stroke to "pick-up" the settings for the new one. - including the roughen-settings. (I can even apply the effect by using the colour picker on an old stroke to apply it to a new stroke). Here's the thing - When I open the same document on my MiniMac/Cintiq with the same versions of both OS and AI, it does not seem to remember the roughen settings and apply it to the new strokes (regardless of it being selected or not). Does anybody knows how to fix this? Thank you for your time. ++Michael
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‎Apr 03, 2020
12:52 AM
Thank you - I set them to "TAB" and "Q", but same idea :·) ++michael
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‎Apr 03, 2020
12:52 AM
Thank you - I set them to "TAB" and "Q", but same idea :·) ++michael
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‎Mar 30, 2020
11:46 PM
Thank you - i will try this 🙂
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‎Mar 30, 2020
03:01 AM
Hi :·) I do a lot freehand work in illustrator - and I use the blop brush tool for some of this. Is it possible to make a keyboard shortcut/command so that when I draw whith the blob brush tool in Illustrator, I can easily switch back and forth between the eraser tool and the blob brush tool. Ideally if I could hold down the alt/option key and get the eraser tool temporarily as with the eyedropper tool in PS. Any help would be greatly appreciated :·) ++michael
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‎Jul 11, 2019
02:10 PM
You are right about the round caps, but it makes no difference to the snapping issue - just that it is even more evident with the round caps - if I draw with the "normal" stroke it just gives other problems with the fitting - if it snapped perfectly, the edge would not stick out 🙂 - and I would have to draw with different strokes depending on whether the endpoint is visible or not ... ++Michael
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‎Jul 04, 2019
11:47 PM
Thank you for your answers :·) The pen tool is wonderful and I use it a lot for other types of drawing, but for these (schoolbook/colouring illustrations) the snapping to path with the pencil would be great... I think Kurt is right - it must be a future request. ++michael
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‎Jul 04, 2019
04:20 AM
Is there a way - a shortcut or any trick - to make the endpoint of a new path snap to anywhere on an an existing path? I want to be able to make a path with my pencil tool and have it snap to an existing path to avoid having to go back at select it with the direct selection tool and move it afterwards... I have installed the Dynamic Sketch Plugin from Astute, and it works OK in most situations, but I then need to make the new path a bit longer and the go back and cut it... I would be so much easier if I could just stop the new path exactly at an existing path. Any help appreciated :·) ++michael {Renamed by MOD}
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‎Mar 26, 2019
03:49 PM
Thanks! Very useful as well! ++michael
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