Jun 22, 2023
06:04 PM
Keep AI out of it, or start a different type of photoshop. By @leannewhatever Not going to happen.
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Jun 22, 2023
04:45 PM
1 Upvote
Well now you have found a means to supply a problematic NEF to Adobe. Let's see if any other Z9 users can do the same. Over and out.
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Jun 22, 2023
04:26 PM
All of my other lossless Z9 NEFs properly load. By @Horshack Well, something is then hosed with this one NEF! If again it is just the one as you suggest, that you can't open. No I can't open it either. So again, OTHER NEFs shot the same way open? It appears you're saying yes, they do. What is clear is the URL provided specifies one condition where some NEFs are not supported. What makes this one compressed NEF different from the others that can be accessed? At least you have one (and more might be useful) uploaded so Adobe can access them and see what's going on.
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Jun 22, 2023
04:12 PM
Not all NEFs (or other flavors) of raws are supported by Adobe. So again, if this works with the lossy version AND your NEF falls into the unsupported group as outlined, there's nothing wrong here and nothing you can do other than use a supported NEF (or file a feature request for the others, which isn't going to get much traction).
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Jun 22, 2023
03:48 PM
The kind of compression might be the issue. See: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/camera-raw-plug-supported-cameras.html see note
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Jun 22, 2023
03:41 PM
I can't open it either. But can using RawDigger and it sure looks odd: Is the issue only with this one document? It is compressed, not knowing all the iterations of Nikon's raw options, that alone could be the issue, so try with a camera setting for a 'normal' raw and let us know if it opens.
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Jun 22, 2023
03:31 PM
1 Upvote
Can you upload one of the problematic raws to something like Dropbox?
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Jun 22, 2023
03:29 PM
1 Upvote
Quit Photoshop if running. Relaunch Photoshop and open the file that you want to print. Press the Spacebar on your keyboard before you click File > Print. This process resets printer preferences that have been written into the image. See: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/troubleshoot-printing-problems.html
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Jun 22, 2023
12:32 PM
1 Upvote
what new features? Since the beginning of this post requesting Shake Reduction way back in April 2022? You have a lot; I mean a LOT of release notes to read through! In just the last two releases, start here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/photoshop-24-5-is-now-available/td-p/13809492 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/photoshop-24-6-amp-photoshop-on-the-ipad-4-7-is-now-available/td-p/13880657
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Jun 22, 2023
11:53 AM
It is always a good idea to save your brushes, actions etc. https://helpx.adobe.com/substance-3d-painter/painting/presets/photoshop-brush-presets-abr/exporting-brush-presets-from-photoshop.html Do the uninstall and save preferences.
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Jun 22, 2023
11:51 AM
We have paid for developing and are paying still for it and it is gone! Then roll back to an older version; no one forced you to update the product. Oh, you want new features too??? It's gone. It isn't coming back in that form. Maybe something much better based on AI? Until then, these are your options: Rollback. Stop subscribing (throw the baby out with the bath water). Work with the current version and all the lovely new features you're paying for to develop.
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Jun 22, 2023
11:23 AM
Do you have Photoshop 2023 installed OR just Photoshop Elements (a different product)? Again, when the 'link' between Lightroom Classic and Photoshop has issues, one of the first things to try is this: 1. Use the Adobe Creative Cloud application to uninstall both Photoshop and Lightroom Classic and when asked, keep preferences. 2. Install Photoshop first, then Lightroom Classic. The order of the product installed is what is very important here. Better?
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Jun 22, 2023
11:19 AM
1 Upvote
The ColorSync radio button is supposed to automatically be grayed out (and correctly selected) based upon which option you pick. For Photoshop (Application Manages Color), the radio button should be on ColorSync. So that is correct. Note, there is a bug in Ventura where this auto selection isn't always correctly set but it should work correctly on Monterrey.
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Jun 22, 2023
08:53 AM
You'll need to use something like Dropbox (free) to upload a raw for others to download.
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Jun 22, 2023
07:47 AM
1 Upvote
Try resetting the Camera Raw preferences: Hold down the Command key and select Photoshop > Preferences > Camera Raw (macOS*) or hold down the Ctrl key and select Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw (Windows). Click Yes in the dialog that asks "Delete the Camera Raw Preferences?" See also: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/using/camera-raw-settings.html *On Ventura, it is now called "Settings".
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Jun 22, 2023
07:45 AM
1 Upvote
Although Photoshop is available for Mac, it is also important that it was originally developed for Windows and then later adapted for Mac. No, you have it backward and outlined months earlier (May 29, 2023) from someone here who purchased the (Mac-only) version in May of 1990. Mac first, developed for Mac first. A few years later, Windows.
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Jun 21, 2023
06:09 AM
1 Upvote
First, try disabling GPU in the Photoshop preferences (Performance tab). Also try the Preferences > Technology Previews... and enable "Older GPU mode (pre 2016)" - Restart Photoshop.. Any better? If turning OFF GPU works, it's a GPU bug and you need to contact the manufacturer or find out if there's an updated driver for it. This is why disabling GPU is an option as more and more functionality moves to the GPU in newer versions of many Adobe products. Also see: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/photoshop-cc-gpu-card-faq.html https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/acr-gpu-faq.html If not, recalibrate and build a new ICC display profile, the old one might be corrupted. If you are using software/hardware for this task, be sure the software is set to build a matrix not LUT profile, Version 2 not Version 4 profile.
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Jun 21, 2023
06:08 AM
1 Upvote
First, try disabling GPU in the Photoshop preferences (Performance tab). Also try the Preferences > Technology Previews... and enable "Older GPU mode (pre 2016)" - Restart Photoshop.. Any better? If turning OFF GPU works, it's a GPU bug and you need to contact the manufacturer or find out if there's an updated driver for it. This is why disabling GPU is an option as more and more functionality moves to the GPU in newer versions of many Adobe products. Also see: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/photoshop-cc-gpu-card-faq.html https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/acr-gpu-faq.html If not, recalibrate and build a new ICC display profile, the old one might be corrupted. If you are using software/hardware for this task, be sure the software is set to build a matrix not LUT profile, Version 2 not Version 4 profile.
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Jun 21, 2023
06:05 AM
Yes, the converter works on a folder of images. Then save wherever you wish.
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Jun 20, 2023
07:06 PM
First, try disabling GPU in the preferences (Performance). Any better?
If not, recalibrate and build a new ICC display profile; the old one might be corrupted. If you are using software/hardware for this task, be sure the software is set to build a matrix, not LUT profile, Version 2, not Version 4 profile.
If turning OFF the GPU works, it's a GPU bug, and you need to contact the manufacturer or find out if there's an updated driver for it. This is why disabling GPU is an option as more and more functionality moves to the GPU in newer versions of many Adobe products. Disable third-party graphics accelerators. Third-party GPU overclocking utilities and haxies aren't supported.
Also see: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/kb/troubleshoot-gpu.html If the GPU and display profile isn't causing the problem, see: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/kb/lightroom-gives-error-preview-cache.html
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Jun 20, 2023
01:56 PM
Can you do so? 🤔 By @TheDigitalDog As I suspected and now confirmed.
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Jun 20, 2023
12:06 PM
1 Upvote
motion to adjourn my good sir haha 😉 By @twinbrush You don't need to make a motion, or get our permission to stop this CWOBaT (colossal waste of bandwidth and time). Just stick to your own promise to move on: the farewell you wrote earlier. Can you do so? 🤔
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Jun 20, 2023
09:07 AM
@c.pfaffenbichler That post absolutely was somewhat personal, By @twinbrush We rest our case....😘
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Jun 20, 2023
08:20 AM
Dude, honestly, what's with the attitude. It feels like you have an insecurity issue that you need to project on any and everyone that posts. Farewell this time? I certainly hope so....but im not optimistic By @twinbrush Dude I'm not going anywhere and didnt promise to do so!
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Jun 20, 2023
07:41 AM
1 Upvote
@TheDigitalDog hahaha I rest my case 😄 By @twinbrush Yet you are still here, despite telling us : "Anyway, I think I'm absolutely done with this conversation.... I bid you a fond farewell." Not a case to rest! Some Adobe customers hate two things: Change and the way things are. As for "when you look through the forums there are so many things that customers have given feedback about that never get addressed", so many, like you, fail to follow the clear instructions about how to either file a bug report or a featur request and only post to 'vent' which as outlined, is pointless. “The only thing complaining does is convince other people that you are not in control.” Anonymous Farewell this time? 🤔
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Jun 20, 2023
07:27 AM
LR6 should run as a 64-bit application under Monterey and maybe Ventura (I never tried that) but installing it is the issue; you must boot into an OS that can support the 32-bit installer (the last being Mojave). That's a big problem for M1's because Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina and M1 Macs do not run 32-bit and can't boot into Mojave. IF your new Mac wasn't an M1 (Apple Silicon), you are OK but if it is, you're SOL, it isn 't going to install or run,
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Jun 20, 2023
07:25 AM
I am sure many here will agree that this issue is ridiculous!! I have two files open in PSD... and I drag my canvas to centre part of my artwork, then go to the other file and do same.... go back to previous file and it resets the layout instead of STAYING PUT!!!! Please fix this as it is messing up everyone's workflow!! By @Todd_Morgan I too cannot replicate, as you describe, this "issue" so you either need to give us more details or maybe try resetting your preferences.
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Jun 20, 2023
06:51 AM
You could try running the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to remove all traces of the Adobe software before reinstalling it (yet again): https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html And be sure to reinstall Photoshop first, then Lightroom, the order is important,
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Jun 20, 2023
06:43 AM
Try resetting your ACR preferences, better? Hold down the Command key and select Photoshop > Preferences > Camera Raw (MacOS*) or hold down the Ctrl key and select Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw (Windows). Click Yes in the dialog that asks "Delete the Camera Raw Preferences?" *On Ventura, it is now called "Settings".
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Jun 20, 2023
06:41 AM
1 Upvote
@TheDigitalDog Thanks for yet another very useful and productive comment assuming everyone that has an issue, is lazy or completely new to using the software. Exceptionally helpful. You'd think I was insulting your child, you seem to take this very personally for some reason. You've just highlighted the exact isue I was explaining. 'Adobe provided NEW functionality while providing OLD functionality to those who wish to use that old workflow.' If something works, there's little need for a new workflow. Obviously when a new feature comes in that's absolutely going to be the case and I'm all on for that. Don't think for one second I'm agains updates, if software can be improved, I'm game. There is little need for so many updates in a year, especially when they do cause issues for so many....its inevitable there are bugs in each update and that's just part and parcel of software development. Nope, wrong; tested (not by you, but some of us here). Well, nope, wrong, as someone that's been using Adobe software since back in 1996 those workdflows are tried and tested by me, industry experience as a professional designer and studio owner. Also aren't you making the assumption I'm not using and contributing to the beta software releases too? and this....No one forced anyone to update the software. Bud, that's such an immature comment to make. And to quote you again 'Nope, wrong'. Adobe do force users to update the software, if you don't using imageery previews form Adobe Stock doesn't work, extensions and utilities in updated versions of bridge don't work. The suite is all interlinked and updating one piece of software from the suite does require (9 times out of 10) updating the rest to minimise compatability issues. Anyway, I think I'm absolutely done with this conversation, as its not going to go anywhere other than a reply assuming I'm taking a personal swipe at you (which Im absolutely not) and trying to prove that I'm wrong, haven't bothered to read release notes and shouldn't have any kind of freedom of expression as a paying customer about any issues or grievances I might have haha I bid you a fond farewell. By @twinbrush Sorry all the facts provided have ruined your day sir. Farewell.
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