Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 22, 2024
01:30 PM
Glad this is being looked into. Sad it's looking like a tough one to fix. I finally upgraded to 25.5 after the brush/colour dynamics bug was fixed. But alas, this sticky hand bug happens on ever 2nd or 3rd click. Back to 23.2.2 I go again :}
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‎Jan 28, 2024
05:22 PM
I am using windows 10 - it seems to happen with any brush. Most notably with the default round soft. Color Dynamics on creates the lines, color dynamics off removes the artifacting.
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‎Jan 28, 2024
04:44 PM
Yup this is happening now in 25.4 live version. Just updated today. Big mistake. Have to revert. Nice one adobe.
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‎Jan 28, 2024
04:18 PM
1 Upvote
I just updated to version 25.4 hoping for better interface performance from earlier versions since I heard about updated Nvidia support. But no. I get this bug now as described. Clicking with hand tool to pan, it sticks even after letting go of the mouse button. The same does NOT happen when using my Wacom pen to pan. I tried all the solutions in this thread and none have worked (disabling GPU compositing caused photoshop to crash any time a canvas is on screen) Guess I'm going back to the older version with it's own bugs. But at least I'm used to those ones.
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‎Jul 11, 2022
03:51 AM
yes please add this option
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‎Jul 11, 2022
03:47 AM
2022 and still no better apparently. This is insane
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‎Feb 24, 2021
01:06 PM
And to make matters WAY worse I just realised I can't install a version older than 21.2.5 anymore. What? I'm basically screwed?
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‎Feb 24, 2021
12:44 PM
Where does one give feedback to Adobe? I've been having extremely bad interface lag for a long time that forced me to use old versions of photoshop, but I assumed it was something with my system or windows install so I waited. This week I upgraded to a completely new system, fresh install of everything, not one piece of the same hardware or anything. It's a beefy machine too - 5900x, 64gb 3200mhz ram, RTX 3090 and 5tb of high speed SSD. But even these specs are apparently not good enough to run the photoshop interface anymore. I am STILL having the same buggy, glitchy and laggy interface issues I had before. They are made worse if I turn off flick pan (which I have always had off ever since it was introduced and it was no issue) but even with default settings photoshop can barely deal with it's interface. I'm not sure if it had to do with a large amount of layers but yesterday my document eventually would not let me pan around at all, the canvas would glitch out to some weird spot on the screen and would always glitch back to that spot if I tried to pan with the hand tool. I had to quit and restart to fix. This happened multiple times. I paint so there are a lot of fast actions so it's extra noticeable. If I hide the UI pressing TAB and go to full screen edgeless mode it runs a little better when it's the canvas only, but that's not a realistic workspace for me. At this point I'm desperately trying to find an alternative software so I can stop using Photoshop, as I spend the majority of my life in these programs and this poor performance is making it extremely unpleasant. I used to love photoshop, now I am starting to loathe it and I'm not sure what to do anymore.
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‎Oct 21, 2020
04:17 PM
I can't seem to edit my original post. I have narrowed it down further - I had an idea to play with the settings that modify interface utility. I always have animated zoom and flick panning turned off, ever since those 'features' were introduced. I turned flick panning back on again, and it totally smoothed out the performance. So it would seem that turning off flick panning breaks my photoshop - this is pretty frustrating. Any ideas why this is? I haven't used it long enough just now to know if it fixes the crashing problem, I will have to see about that.
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‎Oct 21, 2020
04:07 PM
Hey all, I've had this issue going on for many months now and I'd hoped it would resolve in the latest version I just updated to, but it's still there. There is really bad issue with document and interface interaction, causing extreme lag when panning and zooming the image, and also often ending up causing a program crash. I am fairly certain it has to do with the GPU integration, as if I turn that off it goes away (tho running without GPU has it's own lag and problems) I've managed to narrow it down to something about the document canvas interacting with the UI. If I zoom out so it's small in the center of the screen, it will pan around smoothly. But as soon as the document intersects the document window, or any UI element it lags out badly. If I go to full screen mode it is smooth until it goes under any UI panel - if I press tab to hide all UI elements it then works very smoothly. This is driving me crazy as I have not been able to work in a version newer than CC 2019, and I really need some of the new features in my workflow. I'm running on Windows 10, 32gb ram, RTX 2070, i7 8700. I updated the Nvidia drivers, to no avail. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated - My only other one is to do a full system re-install, but I would greatly like to avoid that if possible.
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‎Nov 07, 2019
09:50 PM
Hey Mack, thanks for replying. The same issue seems to happen in illustrator, though I haven't tried to view 16 bit images in there (if it even can do it). I've been meaning to install lightroom to see what it does, but my thinking is it will display fine. I don't have any other programs to try out right now, but it definitely appears to only be in photoshop. Display is calibrated with a Spyder Pro, but also doesn't seem to be an issue anyway as it can obviously display smooth gradients when viewing in the Camera Raw filter and Adobe Bridge.
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‎Nov 07, 2019
05:17 PM
you must have accidentally clicked on 'other versions' and 'install' on the latest version at some point, rather than just updating. This is a feature for people (like me) who need to have different versions installed for certain reasons. If you find your documents opening in the latest version perfectly fine right now, you should be fine to uninstall the older version that you don't want. To avoid it in the future, just make sure you click on an 'update' button, not an 'install' button I think.
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‎Nov 07, 2019
05:14 PM
Hello! Banding at low value ranges is driving me crazy. I have recently realised that even if I am working in a 16 bit document and I create a gradient from black to a dark grey, banding shows up drastically in the normal document workspace view in Photoshop. This happens no matter which colour space I have the document set to (Adobe RGB, sRGB etc etc) However, if I open that same gradient layer in the Camera Raw filter, the gradient is perfectly smooth in the Camera Raw filter's preview viewport. I also know that the gradient is actually smooth because if I save a 16 bit tiff and open it in other viewers, e.g. Adobe Bridge (viewed at 100%, not preview) the gradient is also smooth. What is it about the normal document workspace in Photoshop that doesn't allow for high bit depth viewing? This has been consistent when I noticed it in version CC2018 and still in CC2020. P.S. - I notice that when I create a the dark gradient in a 16 bit image it shows in the workspace very banded, but if I then convert that 16 bit to 8 bit, it becomes mostly smooth. (not as smooth as when viewing the 16bit gradient in the Camera Raw filter) though if that gradient is created in an 8 bit document it's nastily banded (as if dithering is turned off on the gradient tool, but it is turned on.) Thank you for your time, Simon Cowell
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