‎Oct 29, 2024
12:14 PM
26.0.0 Remove tool progress bar issue appears fixed for small areas content-aware strokes, and seems even more performant for large areas. Initial use make take a few seconds, but is remove tool is instantaneous thereafter. It's working very well now in the content-aware mode. Fixed! Thank you devs.
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‎Aug 24, 2024
11:39 PM
Incorrect, before the generative AI was added into the remove tool – short strokes of remove tool typically rendered instantaneously with no progress bar. It was NOT dependent on connection speed because it rendered locally off the image data. This is what ppdix was refering to. Please read the original description carefully. Go back a few versions and test it out and you'll see the remove tool does not show a progress bar if the rendering occurs under a half second or so. Currently, on beta the remove tool has an option to use generative AI for the remove tool and that is understandably going to need the progress bar. HOWEVER, the situation mentioned here is about the current version of Photoshop which still only has local content-aware rendering, and the option in beta to use local data over generative AI. In either case, the progress bar should not appear if the render happens near instantaneously. The progress bar just flashing for a milisecond is extremely distracting. Imagine if the paint brush did that – it would be absurd.
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‎Aug 18, 2024
09:36 PM
I just tried it on the latest beta and current version. Looks like the progress bar pops even when the remove tool is instantaneous, and it usually is instant for short to medium strokes. From the beta UI, it seems like product is wedging the generative AI features on a tool that is (or once was) most useful for small areas. I'd prefer Adobe create different tool for this, and left the formerly remarkable remove tool alone. At a minum, there must be some time threshold to keep the bar hidden, as it is right now it's just a gray and blue flash. p.s. Call me crazy but it looks to me like the remove tool may even finish rendering before the ui can display the progress bar.
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‎Nov 26, 2023
08:14 PM
Actually, I have two Adobe Suite accounts that I use. My personal paid account for my home laptop and another account provided by work. Unfortunately my work provided account does not allow any beta installations and this is the one account I really need to turn off these "badges".
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‎Nov 24, 2023
12:11 PM
Hi I just saw this, and I think the answer you are may be looking for is How to turn off artboards on new documents, rather than having to delete an already existing one. For new documents, you can select "Photo" as the "Document Type" (note I use the "legacy" new document dialog) Set your dimensions, resolution, color mode and depth, background contents, etc. The "Document Type" will change to "Custom", but the document type will still be a Photo. I recommend to click "Save Preset…" and name the preset to keep it handy. Click OK and your new document will not have an artboard.
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‎Nov 21, 2023
12:05 AM
Personally, I wouldn't mind relocating the smart object icon as well. I don't know why the solution has to be to put the icon ON the thumbnail. It could be to the side, below, beneath, or very small and next to the thumbnail. It could even be some kind of treatment to the edges. The purpose of a thumbnail is to preview. And for any of us that work on mobile devices and the imagery that goes on them, these icons or "badges" obscure a tremendous portion of the thumbnail in portrait aspect ratios. My workflow requires that I can quickly assess a layer before I go digging into it.
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‎Nov 04, 2023
04:14 PM
Thank you @Trevor.Dennis !
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‎Nov 04, 2023
10:31 AM
I agree with you, We don't need these badges at all. I've never had an issue of identifying the layer mask from the vector mask because of their arrangement and appearance. So these badges create more of a problem (by covering useful info the thumbnail) than the perceived problem they are supposed to fix. Only a first time new user would have any issue, but it would drive them crazy too after they learned which mask is which. But for this post, I just wanted to report the bug before the beta goes live that the option to turn the icons off does not stick on relaunch.
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‎Nov 03, 2023
10:03 PM
Mac M1 Pro Sonoma running Photoshop Beta 25.2.0 See video When option-dragging a color stop to copy the stop to a new position, the color stop copies but snaps back to the original location. The original location will then have a copy at the same location. It's been this way for years. I know there's a work around by clicking the stop and then clicking in a new location, but the option-drag was useful. https://youtube.com/shorts/MWPSag6UxpM?si=O4C4lXnq8Ko0yxGC
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‎Nov 03, 2023
09:14 PM
PS Beta 25.2 on Apple M1 Pro running Sonoma: The "Show layer mask badges" in the layer panel option resets to ON once Photoshop is closed and relaunched. (and I really need it to stay off )
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‎Nov 02, 2023
10:49 PM
1 Upvote
The option to turn them off is only in the beta version of Photoshop. It works but unfortunately it resets back to on each time Photoshop beta is reopened. This is really awful for my workflow.
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‎Oct 26, 2023
02:12 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you Ged for the lightning quick response! I appreciate it. –Jeff
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‎Oct 26, 2023
02:01 AM
I just updated Photoshop and noticed that there was an icon added to the layer mask thumbnails. This icon obscures the lower-right, and sometimes the complete bottom half of the thumbnail. (see attached). Is there a way to turn this icon off? I work with many outsourced images with multiple layers and it really helps to view the thumbnails in their entireity during editing. Making the thumbnail larger can help, but that would limit the number of layers I could view at any time. If anyone knows a way to also turn off the vector mask thumbnail icon I would like that too.
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‎Oct 26, 2023
01:33 AM
Unfortunately now, the layer mask icon obscures a good part of the thumbnail at the small size. It was very useful to me to see all of the thumbnail when scanning through layers. I would hope there would be a way to turn this off, and the vector mask icon as well.
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‎Apr 27, 2022
06:45 PM
That worked – so easy to do. Thank you so much!
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‎Apr 14, 2022
08:15 PM
I think everyone is aware of that – but it's not really a fix as running Rosetta on an M1 has issues. Namely, certificates may appear as improperly signed. Fingers crossed that Adobe will at least bring back Air Drop.
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‎Nov 18, 2020
04:28 PM
Note: I can option-click and drag it, but the click does nothing and that was difficult to discover. It worked with just a click before 22.
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‎Nov 18, 2020
04:26 PM
Photoshop 22.0.1 on Mac OSX Catalina
New bug with recent update: normally during free transform, option-clicking would set a reference point at the cursor location. This was working with Photoshop 21.
I DO have the reference point visible and I can set it by dragging or any of the corners or centers with the tool bar.
But the option click was best for my work flow.
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‎Feb 19, 2020
03:40 PM
No it is still broken. Here is the video: https://youtu.be/4XT2chWt5Zs
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‎Feb 19, 2020
03:14 PM
No, after update to 21.1.0 the issue is still broken on Mac Catalina. No change at all. Would you like a video? Image is not available Image is not available Image is not available
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‎Feb 19, 2020
11:02 AM
Jeff, thank you for updating. I appreciate it.
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‎Nov 21, 2019
06:13 PM
Jeffrey's post will only deactivate the click to commit transform. The double click to select text will still work, unfortunately. The ghosts of PS 19 still linger.
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‎Nov 19, 2019
06:32 PM
Hi Kukurykus, Just installed Photoshop 2020 and the "OnCanvasClickToCommit 0" in the PSUserConfig.txt does not disable double click to edit text. It does disable Click to Commit – which is nice. Do you know how to disable double click to edit text in 2020. It's been driving my team crazy for a year now.
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‎Apr 11, 2018
11:47 AM
"I do not develop for the web and have absolutely not reason to want Device Preview or Adobe XD." Jack, Please realize that Photoshop is a primary tool for multiple disciplines (e.g. game design, ui design, product development, concept art) that develop for mobile devices. Adobe cannot segment out core visualization tools without hampering these individuals' workflow by requiring switching to another application to view updates on device or being reliant on 3rd party applications. Reverting to earlier versions of Photoshop is not an option, as mobile application artists and developers appreciate all of Adobe's feature improvements and versioning.
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‎Apr 06, 2018
11:24 AM
I would be simple enough, I imagine, for Bridge to display the filename on multiple lines in much the same way the OSX finder renders the filename – no matter what the thumbnail size.
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‎Apr 04, 2018
12:40 PM
This was an unfortunate omission from PS 2018 – even though there are 3rd party applications that mimic this feature. However, 3rd party applications are subject to tardy updates and the possibility of being discontinued. Since Photoshop is the requisite tool for mobile application and graphic design – then the facility to preview those designs, instantly, is mandatory to an efficient workflow (especially in a environment of tight deadlines and hovering design directors). For those who are writing, in defense of discontinuing this feature, that Photoshop was never intended as a UI design tool, please realize that was only true around 1990. Since then Photoshop has been intentionally developed and refined into a essential tool for multiple design disciplines. Please bring this feature back as it is central to workflows, including photographers who need to preview the appearance of images on devices during the editing phases.
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‎Mar 12, 2018
10:21 PM
Thank you Pete! I appreciate the notice on the update. The image document level transformations are now working well (flip, rotate, image size). However, an unlinked layer mask is not be affected if its parent group is transformed. Is that correct? Thank you
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‎Mar 06, 2018
02:32 PM
Hannah, Thanks again for your time and quick response. Additionally, unlinked layer masks no longer scale with their parent folder. This is a different behavior than before as unlinking decoupled the layer mask from its layer. Everything within the folder should scale as a unit.
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‎Mar 06, 2018
02:09 PM
I can also confirm this error, I just lost an hour of work because I resized, saved and reopened. The mask was completely off. It is really easy to miss on subtle masks. Please express the urgency of this bug.
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‎Jan 04, 2018
03:37 PM
This is not answering the question. Why is it tagged as the correct answer?
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