‎Dec 24, 2024
01:14 PM
I got bug fix 24.0.7 so glad to see that. If Adobe Animate does get updated for 2025 somethings I would certainly like to see is that they continue to make Animate look more like Illustrator and integrate some of the AI features that they have been adding to Photoshop and Illustrator and maybe update the History panel so that it acts more like the the ones in Photoshop and Illustrator. Adding of more filter effects and 3D like features would be good and some integration more with Character Animator. I certainly enjoy using it for creating my GIF and MP4 animations as I have more control in the Appilcation with the Timeline than in Photoshop for the more cartoon like illustrations.
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‎Aug 06, 2023
05:48 PM
Image Trace Panel has in Version 27.8 now reverted back to the older version for me and I do not see the new panel any more. It's very confusing as some online help links shows the old version and others show the newer version. And instuctions still are talking about Adobe Color Themes Panel. Which is now Adobe Color online. Not sure why the older version has returned. Yet all the other panels in Illustrator are up to date? Why the sudden downgrade, as now the Document Library colors will not work in the Panel?
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‎Jan 21, 2023
07:57 PM
Thanks Dave that's what I figured. As a thought maybe the tool in future could be just called "Material Drop tool" with the 3D removed. And then could be used in a simlar way to the paint bucket tool but just for materials to fill in a selection and create a smart filter or layer mask on the layer.
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‎Jan 20, 2023
06:19 PM
Yes it is working again for me too. I was just wondering however is the panel supose to work with the 3D Material Drop tool? When I select the tool the Loaded Material is Default and the Load Selected and Drop down link in the Options panel remain disabled. I only ask because with other tools like gradients or custom shapes you can access the shape or gradient from the Tool's options menu or panel. So in this case I would think it would be the same for Materials?
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‎Dec 17, 2022
01:56 PM
Happy to report in Version 24.1 Landscape Mixer Presets appear to be working as normal now. In this case I did not do anything I just wait for the update and now when I click on the various Presets they each are working like they should and alter the image. I realize the filter is still in Beta, but hopefully in the future it will remain stable. Thank You!
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‎Oct 26, 2022
01:42 PM
Hi Podsville, No I only have version 24 installed, but I guess when it moved the preset over it kept the version 23 folder which I was checking and comparing against. The 23 version that I had was above 23.3.2 so my version of landscape mixer was already having issues after that. In your version of 23 do you have a file called - in both the sae_landscape_depth and sag_landscape_depth folders? Or is the name slighly different? I'm only wondering since I wonder if the v3 and v2 in the name may could refer to Version 3 or version 2 and maybe you have a version 1?
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‎Oct 26, 2022
11:03 AM
Hi Podsville, Good for you for testing that. Hopefully Jeffrey Tranberry will get back to us. Looking deeper into the PluginData folder for both folder 23 and 24. I see some folders specifically for landscape mixer in Versions 23 and 24 so I am thinking one of them is not connecting correctly in Photoshop in the latest version. I'm wondering in the working verssion on 23.3.2, could there possibly an extra file or one of them must be coded slighly differently but I'm not sure which one? To break it down I do not think that it is PluginData\presets\internal.LandscapeMixer folder as that only contains the thumbnail .jpg images which clearly show up in the Neural Filter dialog box OK. So that would leave files in one of the three other folders found in PluginData\ sae_landscape_depth (2 files) - and manifest.json sag_landscape_depth (2 files) - and manifest.json sag_landscape_vectors (8 files) - these seven depth_(autmun, spring, summer, sunset, to_day, to_night, winter) .dat files appear to be related to the silders which are opperating correctly. Though I do not see a .dat file specifcally for strength slider though it does appear to be working correctly. The only other file is the manifest.json file. Not sure if perhaps the files were named differently in an older version of 23 or maybe there is another folder involved that I cannot see? However I do not think that all the folders in the PluginData folder are corrupt as other Neural filters like Smart Portrait and Color Transfer are working correctly. So clearly some coding has changed in one of the mentioned files for Landscape Mixer or a hidden file. But that is all I can figure out. So someone needs to send a fix or down grade for this filter to work again in the latest version.
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‎Oct 20, 2022
06:57 PM
Hi Jeff, Just to understand what folder am I deleting or renaming? Is it the entire PluginData folder? Currently my computer now has a folder for version 23 and version 24. I am now opperating version 24 of Photoshop so do I delete the PluginData folder in that version?
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‎Oct 19, 2022
10:23 AM
Yes the same thing also happened for me for 24.0. I tested it in the latest version and the upper presets are still broken and the Lanscape Mixer is still at Beta.
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‎Sep 13, 2022
10:22 AM
I certaintly wish I did have a suggestion, even as mentioned earlier when given the opportunity to update the filter this did not improve it. I hope that someone from Adobe will at least look at this post and give an update on the filter. Currently the best setting winter slider to cover some of the issue, but as mentioned no matter what preset image you use the image does not change and just looks like a colorful jumble.
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‎Sep 12, 2022
02:43 PM
1 Upvote
Currently I am using version 23.5.1 and still this filter presets are still broken.
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‎Aug 18, 2022
09:28 AM
So there was an update today to Photoshop. I then checked the Neural Filter Landscape Mixer and it allowed me to download a new version, However it still is creating the same error in the presets or using a custom image, so nothing as far as I can see has changed still the same color issue and all the presets are broken. Sliders still seem to me OK, but this does not solve the issue. Hope that this issue can be resolved soon.
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‎Aug 05, 2022
02:54 PM
Thanks good to know it's not just me with the filter issue. I have tried to submit a review note several times that I am not satified with the current results. I just wish on the forum, one of the Adobe employees would look into this or at least give an update that the issue is being looked at as I am sure it is affecting others as well. Before the update it was a great filter but now that the presets are acting weird you can't emulate certain effects based on chosen image and I need to do that for my project.
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‎Aug 05, 2022
01:52 PM
Thanks good to know its not just me with the filter issue. I have tried to submit a review note several times that I am not satified with the current results. I just wish on the forum, one of the abobe employees would look into this or at least give an update that the issue is being looked at as I am sure it is affecting others as well. Before the update it was a great filter but now that the presets are acting weird you can't emulate certain effects based on chosen image and I need to do that for my project.
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‎Jul 29, 2022
03:30 PM
And I'll also added it does not seem to mater if I used a custom image as well. So the issue appear to be in the upper preset area, but not in the lower sliders.
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‎Jul 29, 2022
03:21 PM
OK I did that I uninstalled Photoshop, restarted the computer. Re installed Photoshop, tried the filter again. Still the same issue, the presets are still broken.
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‎Jul 29, 2022
02:03 PM
Yes I tried that with the reset and did not help. I looked at the use Native Canvas in the preferences but it was already unchecked. I then reset the Photoshop prefernces and then restarted Photoshop but the same problem is there. The silders below the filter work fine. However it does not matter what preset is chosen. Whether sunset or winter or any preset the same settings to the filter always appear and are never different. For some reason the Preset choices are broken.
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‎Jul 28, 2022
10:05 AM
1 Upvote
Landscape Mixer for me is not working correctly as it did before. All the Presets act the same and everything looks like cotton candy or all seasons at once jumbled together. It was not like this before when I selected one Preset at a time. Like a winter scene or a sunset, now they all do the same thing. The sliders appear to be opperating correctly, but not the Preset Images. Hope this can be resolved soon as I need to use it for my project. I have version 23.4.2 on Windows 10.
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‎Jul 15, 2022
05:28 PM
Right now I think it is.
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‎Jul 12, 2022
09:34 PM
Landscape Mixer for me is not working correctly as it did before. All the Presets act the same and everything looks like cotton candy or all seasons at once jumbled together. It was not like this before when I selected one Preset at a time. Like a winter scene or a sunset, now they all do the same thing. The slider appear to be opperating correctly, but not the Preset. Hope this can be resolved soon as I need to use it for my project. I have version 23.4.1 on Windows 10
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‎Oct 29, 2021
10:38 AM
Hi there not sure if this is a bug or not but during the upload of the CC 2022 software I was reading the What's New features in Photoshop Feature summary | Photoshop desktop (October 2021 release) (
And it was mentioned that the new version was to have in the Export As the option of outputing an animated GIF. However I only find the static GIF option in version 5.5.9 with the ablity to output a static one frame gif. The only way I can still output animated GIFs is to use the Save for Web Legacy. So I am just wondering if this new feature for "Export As" is really there or not?
Also it does not allow me to output with a transparency, while the Save for Web will.
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‎May 28, 2021
09:46 AM
Yes I tried this recently too and it worked for me. Very good to know. Seems odd that it and a similar file folder issue with LUTs location in Media Encoder has not been corrected yet.
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‎May 27, 2021
05:11 PM
1 Upvote
Its now 2021 and this issue has not been fixed. I can access the LUT files by choosing select and they do render, but currenlty I can only see the files that start with SL in the drop down menu that are in the Media Encoder in the creative folder there are other LUT files there but they add when selected and just say none. Nothihg from the Techincal or folder or legacy folder appear in the list either.
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‎Jan 25, 2019
04:31 PM
The file is being used by another company so I have sent you a message to the link
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‎Jan 25, 2019
03:53 PM
Yes in the animation they are motion tween layers. But only for part of the animation, but above them is a camera layer. The layers appear at they correct times and then on the last frame just disappear. The FLA was not a problem in 2018, it just became a problem with the 2019 version when I published the file with this program since now the advanced layers have a slightly different set up. In 2018 the js file and html file are fine. But the 2019 version the motion tween layers disappear at the end of the file. Removing the advanced layer setting removes the camera angle which I don't want. If you private message me I can send the files in a zip folder so you can compare before and after.
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‎Jan 25, 2019
03:11 PM
Yes I saw that and it works for one Canvas Animation. I wish that was easier to find in the Properties panel. Thanks for pointing it out. However, the problem is with the second animation too. I have to use a camera angle and so when I turn off the advanced layers I cannot use my camera. However in CC 2018 I did not need to do that and that JS works fine. But now that I converted it to CC 2019 the issue appear so how do I get around that? Can I selectively select any layers and make them non-advanced while others stay advanced?
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‎Jan 25, 2019
01:55 PM
Hi there I've been noticing an issue with Animate CC lately that I am not sure whether or not it is a bug in the publishing software. This issue did not happen to me with CC 2018. However when I tried to publish the exacts same (FLA) file Canvas with CC 2019, I noticed that it plays the whole animation properly frame by frame and then on the very last frame it drops some of the layers, they appear to be motion tween layers. However the motions tween is not for the entire layer (only a few frames) and not even at the end of the animation. At that point the layer has no motion tween so it should not drop. Camera tween is unaffected and works fine. I have tried various settings in the publish dialog box such as a export document as a texture, but it seems to make no difference. I have the files from 2018 version and they are fine, but once published with CC 2019 the issue happens. I think it could be something is different in the new JavaScript that is published, but I don't know what or where to look, its either internal or external link. Hope someone can help.
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‎Aug 24, 2018
07:00 PM
We'll I think for the most part it is correct and a good idea. However that does assume that you will only ever open the file with Adobe Illustrator and never with another type of software. Not all programs will open an AI.
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‎Aug 22, 2018
04:49 PM
Hi there! Not sure if this question has been answered anywhere else as I could not find the exact answer on the forums. I plan to batch convert many older WMF (Window Metafiles) files from a CD to either an AI or an EPS file using Illustrator so that I can preview them in Windows 10. It does not allow you to preview the WMF, but I can with an older Version on InDesign CS6 so initial viewing and organizing is not the concern. I just can't do that in InDesign CC. What I would like to know is in Illustrator CC 2018, what vector version would you recommend to convert the files to retain the "best" quality? AI or EPS?
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‎Jun 11, 2018
09:51 AM
Yes it does seem that when you don't save the file first before adding the components, then the bootstrap css remains. When you do save the file first and then add the bootstrap components in my case the css disappears. I will try this as a workaround for now. However hopefully your company can find a way to keep the file from unlocking and disappearing.
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