‎Nov 25, 2020
10:05 AM
Thanks again all. I just tried importing an assortment of the offending transcodes to ProRes and all import fine in PP 14.6. The only minor bug is that Premiere gets the pixel aspect ratio wrong on all the clips. It thinks 1.3333, but of course reintrepreting the footage in PP to 1.0 corrects the error. Though not a big deal, it still baffles me. Invisor clearly shows the pixel aspect ratio is 1.0 for these clips. This has happened in the past and apparently Premiere seems to find something in the files leftover from the original HDV, but I've never been able to figure out what 🙂
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‎Nov 25, 2020
10:03 AM
Hi Andy. We use Premiere and FCPX for different projects. But basically we are Mac based and have found (generally) that transcoding the older archived HDV (1440x1080i) footage works best when editing projects that are primarily footage in 1920x1080p format. Of course there are differnt schools of thought. However, we are always open to other suggestions 🙂
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‎Nov 25, 2020
09:53 AM
Thanks again all. I just tried importing an assortment of the offending transcodes to ProRes and all import fine in PP 14.6. The only minor bug is that Premiere gets the pixel aspect ratio wrong on all the clips. It thinks 1.3333, but of course reintrepreting the footage in PP to 1.0 corrects the error. Though not a big deal, it still baffles me. Invisor clearly shows the pixel aspect ratio is 1.0 for these clips. This has happened in the past and apparently Premiere seems to find something in the files leftover from the original HDV, but I've never been able to figure out what 🙂
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‎Nov 05, 2020
08:47 AM
Thanks Tom. Haven't had a chance to do any more tests, but I can likely wait till 14.6 is out, with work-a-rounds for now. This is extremely helpful to know. I wasn't looking forward to transoding all those clips again. I'll do a test when 14.6 is out and post an update. Take care and thanks again!!
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‎Nov 02, 2020
03:40 PM
Oh this is interesting. Thanks Tom. Will try that later this week. I did quickly try and take the same file and converted it to different flavors of stock ProRes and stock Uncompressed 10bit, Premiere would still not import. Even changed the audio to 16bit. No dice. AME won't import it, but I tried Shutter Encoders stock ProResLT and Premiere imported it. Maybe this is just a tiny bug in the current Premiere and 14.6 will fix it. I'm not in a big hurry, but would need to potentially re-encode 1000s of clips if it's not a Premiere bug. Again, thanks again Tom. Will post another update later.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
03:00 PM
OK, next time I will try and remember to upload to dropbox. I'm guessing that Google Drive would be OK too. Take care!
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‎Nov 02, 2020
09:52 AM
Thanks mgrenadier! Yep, it's driving me crazy 🙂 So appreciate your time and thoughts. I will do some of these tests later this week and post back. Crazy to me that HDV shot projects from the same camera and settings transcoded with the exact same settings and some import and some don't. Keen to see what other projects don't import as well and test as you suggested.
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‎Oct 31, 2020
02:45 PM
Thank you Ann, I'll try to remember that, but for something that would need to be downloaded and tested, would embeding a clip actual be helpful in that situation. Sorry, maybe there is something I'm missing. I do understand the security part though.
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‎Oct 31, 2020
02:43 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for checking MyerPj!
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‎Oct 31, 2020
02:42 PM
Weird indeed. Excellent tip, thanks for checking! It's the stock ProResLT preset with these tweaks in the "Quality" settings: Resize filter: Lanczos2, Retiming quality Good. And in audio using the stock 48khz, but sample size is 24bits. I've only checked three major projects so far in Premiere. Those clips were all transcoded the same way, and one project (w/hundreds of clips) imported fine and played fine in Premiere. I'll test the others next week.
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‎Oct 30, 2020
01:58 PM
I've finally broke down and transcoded all our old HDV interlaced footage to ProRes in Compressor (I find it does a much better job deinterlacing than AME). Some projects import fine into Premiere, but other projects do not. All HDV was trancoded the exact same way with the identical preset. The clips that won't import are not just one clip here or there, but an entire project of clips. I either get the message "File format not supported" or "We were unable to open the file on disk". Oh how I wish Premiere could offer more help. Error codes or something 🙂 I used Invisor to compare the specs from HDV to ProRes clips that imported fine to a couple that would not import. All the main specs are identical. So I'm really scratching my head here. Also all the offending clips (the handful I tested) open and play fine in VLC and Quicktime. They also import and play fine in FCPX. 2020 iMac, 10.15.7 Catalina, with the latest Premiere, Compressor, FCPX etc. I've attached a 1 second clip.
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‎May 08, 2020
01:48 PM
1 Upvote
Ironically I cleaned my cache and preferences because Premiere was taking longer and longer to load. Premiere is loading much faster. And the byproduct seemed to help keep some tasks in Premiere from causing my laptop to get as hot.
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‎May 05, 2020
12:43 PM
Love it. Thanks for the comic relief!
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‎May 05, 2020
10:34 AM
Makes sense, but just makes the "badges" seem kind of senseless. I guess it's the thought that counts 🙂
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‎May 05, 2020
10:31 AM
Thanks Philip. I just didn't remember in past versions of Premiere having this more severe heat on my laptop. And inconsistent. I can play the same simple edited time line 4 times through (unrendered) and the laptop doesn't heat up much, then later, on another play (with only a couple minor tweaks) of the time line, fans and core heat is nearly maxed out. Maybe something has changed with how the never versions of Premiere handle things? Makes me think laptops really weren't designed for heavy lifting, with so much crammed into such a small space.
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‎May 03, 2020
01:09 PM
1 Upvote
I've dug around the web a bit, but can't seem to find this heat related answer, directly connected to Premiere. Since I'm editing from home at the moment, I've been editing on my Macbook Pro (15' 2018, 2.2 GHz i7, 16gb ddr4, Radeon Pro 555x 4gb running Mojave 10.4.6 and Premiere (ver just before 14.1, so 14?) Sorry I upgraded to 14.1 on Friday before I shut everything down out of frustration. Simply playing the timeline (HD with pan and scan photos and simple animated text on a 1 second project) frequently causes the fans to spin like mad. They go from 2100 rpm to 5000+. All six cores are close to maxed out and I could fry an egg on the back end of the laptop. I have looked at activity monitor a bit, but I'm not 100% sure what I should be looking for. Can't remember the numbers, but in some cases Premiere is using a lot of cpu memory, but other times not as much. Thur and Friday all my bin icons were struggling to show (ie just gray squares) on booting up and switching from color to graphics window views. I've had this heat problem happen with Adobe Media Encoder over several generations on both my laptop and an older MacPro, encoding just two HD projects to Vimeo 1080p. I found a workaround for AME, but can't seem to find one for Premiere. Also, if I stop playing the timeline and minimize Premiere the laptop normally starts cooling off and the fans go down. Sometimes the only solution is to shut Premiere down completely. No other app (other than AME does this). Thoughts? Thanks ahead of time for the help!
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‎May 03, 2020
12:42 PM
I logged into the support community for the first time in many months. Suddenly 12 "badge" notification emails arrived. Either I'm very special or everyone is. Well, at least I can pretend 😉
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‎Jun 24, 2019
12:16 PM
Here's the final scoop. I had tried opening Premiere on another account on the same edit suite MacPro. All clips ingested and played fine. So I guessed maybe I needed to do something more than just trashing prefs, which I neglected to mention I had done before. All is working fine after I ran another app from Digital Rebellion, Housekeeper. Below is a screen grab from the app. Still not sure if the HDV clips caused the problem or something else.
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‎Jun 23, 2019
04:22 PM
I've also taken the same offending clips and imported them successfully into a new project on a MacBook Pro running the same/latest version of Premiere. They play with no issues, but still can't get them to work on the main edit suite. Will try encoding them in AME to ProRes and see if they will work.
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‎Jun 20, 2019
12:38 PM
Hi. I'm importing archival HDV interlaced footage (.mov wrapper on backup RAID) into Premiere with some strange challenges. In Media Browser some HDV files do not show a poster frame just the Quicktime icon. Trying to import these files or double-click to play in the viewer, I get the error message, "The file has an unsupported compression type." The problem is that Premiere is reading/ingesting most of the HDV files no problem (all recorded on the same Sony HDV camera and originally digitized in FCP7; playable with no difficulty). I thought the troubling HDV clips might be corrupted so I ran them through Digital Rebellions "Corrupt Clip Finder" with no issues. I can play all the troubling clips in Quicktime. I even compared the file specs between a "good" clip and the supposed unsupported clip in Invisor. The clips are identical in specifications. Premiere also starts to get unstable and has crashed two times since working with the HDV footage today. MacPro w/Kona LHi in external Thunderbolt enclosure, 10.12.6 Sierra, Premiere CC 13.1, FirmTek RAID w/8tb free space. Thanks for the help!
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‎Mar 25, 2019
12:57 PM
Here's the first part of the crash log: Date/Time: 2019-03-25 13:32:42 -0600 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.12.6 (Build 16G1815) Architecture: x86_64 Report Version: 25 Data Source: Stackshots Command: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 Path: /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 Version: 13.0.3 (13.0.3) Parent: launchd [1] PID: 1987 Event: hang Duration: 4.09s (process was unresponsive for 112 seconds before sampling) Steps: 41 (100ms sampling interval) Hardware model: MacPro6,1 Active cpus: 8 Fan speed: 790 rpm -------------------------------------------------- Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting -------------------------------------------------- Heaviest stack for the main thread of the target process: 40 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21045) [0x7fff990bb235] 40 main + 1634 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 + 31378) [0x100007a92] 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1558016) [0x102cd9600] 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1551200) [0x102cd7b60] 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1219358) [0x102c86b1e] 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1268552) [0x102c92b48] 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1232134) [0x102c89d06] 40 ??? (<49437130-168B-3930-BED5-CF778D745DC5> + 2496942) [0x112c4c9ae] 40 ??? (<49437130-168B-3930-BED5-CF778D745DC5> + 2561484) [0x112c5c5cc] 40 ??? (<4F3452EA-2B54-34E4-B465-5F019C7773B7> + 155134) [0x11d707dfe] 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 855729) [0x1086b5eb1] 40 ??? (<975940B3-E7FC-3072-81AA-6221C6BF349D> + 36746) [0x104778f8a] 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 211074) [0x107d19882] 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 200939) [0x107d170eb] 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 201017) [0x107d17139] 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 201017) [0x107d17139] 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 201032) [0x107d17148] 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 15415) [0x1085e8c37] 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 7470) [0x1085e6d2e] 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 7220) [0x1085e6c34] 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 10590) [0x1085e795e] 40 ??? (<59F2A15E-B605-3470-96E6-F09772FBFDD3> + 17572) [0x1508bc4a4] 40 ??? (<769246FD-1200-3F0E-BEBA-356AE0C06562> + 16884) [0x11113e1f4] 40 ??? (<769246FD-1200-3F0E-BEBA-356AE0C06562> + 72364) [0x11114baac] 40 dvacore::threads::(anonymous namespace)::ThreadedWorkQueue::Flush() + 480 (dvacore + 1436272) [0x100362a70] 40 boost::thread::join_noexcept() + 101 (boost_threads + 8005) [0x10003df45] 40 boost::condition_variable::wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>&) + 65 (boost_threads + 8657) [0x10003e1d1] 40 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105458) [0x7fff991e9bf2] *40 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 38973) [0xffffff7f8124283d] Process: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 (Premiere Pro CC) [1987] Path: /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 Architecture: x86_64 Parent: launchd [1] UID: 501 Task size: 2420.14 MB CPU Time: <0.001 Note: Suspended for 1 sample Note: Terminated (zombie) for 1 sample Note: Unresponsive for 112 seconds before sampling Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted Thread 0x4fb4 DispatchQueue <multiple> 41 samples (1-41) priority 31-46 (base 31-46) cpu time <0.001 <DispatchQueue 1, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [176], IO tier 0, priority 46 (46)> 40 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21045) [0x7fff990bb235] 1-40 40 main + 1634 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 + 31378) [0x100007a92] 1-40 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1558016) [0x102cd9600] 1-40 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1551200) [0x102cd7b60] 1-40 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1219358) [0x102c86b1e] 1-40 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1268552) [0x102c92b48] 1-40 40 ??? (<CD7E886A-EE40-3ADA-AC09-1685EAFF5669> + 1232134) [0x102c89d06] 1-40 40 ??? (<49437130-168B-3930-BED5-CF778D745DC5> + 2496942) [0x112c4c9ae] 1-40 40 ??? (<49437130-168B-3930-BED5-CF778D745DC5> + 2561484) [0x112c5c5cc] 1-40 40 ??? (<4F3452EA-2B54-34E4-B465-5F019C7773B7> + 155134) [0x11d707dfe] 1-40 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 855729) [0x1086b5eb1] 1-40 40 ??? (<975940B3-E7FC-3072-81AA-6221C6BF349D> + 36746) [0x104778f8a] 1-40 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 211074) [0x107d19882] 1-40 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 200939) [0x107d170eb] 1-40 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 201017) [0x107d17139] 1-40 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 201017) [0x107d17139] 1-40 40 ??? (<6793E1B9-5D10-39EC-9EC9-DFD1A189B680> + 201032) [0x107d17148] 1-40 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 15415) [0x1085e8c37] 1-40 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 7470) [0x1085e6d2e] 1-40 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 7220) [0x1085e6c34] 1-40 40 ??? (<BFD3D8B3-7DB0-3855-9C14-BC2FF60A6DB1> + 10590) [0x1085e795e] 1-40 40 ??? (<59F2A15E-B605-3470-96E6-F09772FBFDD3> + 17572) [0x1508bc4a4] 1-40 40 ??? (<769246FD-1200-3F0E-BEBA-356AE0C06562> + 16884) [0x11113e1f4] 1-40 40 ??? (<769246FD-1200-3F0E-BEBA-356AE0C06562> + 72364) [0x11114baac] 1-40 40 dvacore::threads::(anonymous namespace)::ThreadedWorkQueue::Flush() + 480 (dvacore + 1436272) [0x100362a70] 1-40 40 boost::thread::join_noexcept() + 101 (boost_threads + 8005) [0x10003df45] 1-40 40 boost::condition_variable::wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>&) + 65 (boost_threads + 8657) [0x10003e1d1] 1-40 40 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105458) [0x7fff991e9bf2] 1-40 *40 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 38973) [0xffffff7f8124283d] 1-40 <DispatchQueue 0, thread QoS unspecified, priority 31 (31)> *1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 632175) [0xffffff800029a56f] 41 *1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2093886) [0xffffff80003ff33e] 41 *1 ast_taken + 233 (kernel + 929369) [0xffffff80002e2e59] 41 *1 bsd_ast + 1079 (kernel + 5788487) [0xffffff8000785347] 41 *1 postsig_locked + 1018 (kernel + 5787194) [0xffffff8000784e3a] 41 *1 exit_with_reason + 608 (kernel + 5679904) [0xffffff800076ab20] 41 *1 task_terminate_internal + 359 (kernel + 1123143) [0xffffff8000312347] 41 *1 ipc_space_terminate + 188 (kernel + 890988) [0xffffff80002d986c] 41 *1 ipc_right_terminate + 755 (kernel + 876211) [0xffffff80002d5eb3] 41 *1 mach_msg_send_from_kernel_proper + 150 (kernel + 978614) [0xffffff80002eeeb6] 41 *1 ipc_kmsg_send + 225 (kernel + 831457) [0xffffff80002cafe1] 41 *1 ipc_kobject_server + 335 (kernel + 976799) [0xffffff80002ee79f] 41 *1 iokit_notify + 151 (kernel + 1796119) [0xffffff80003b6817] 41 *1 iokit_client_died + 228 (kernel + 7236148) [0xffffff80008e6a34] 41 *1 com_aja_iokit_ntv2_user_client::clientDied() + 497 (AJANTV2 + 216577) [0xffffff7f80f98e01] 41 *1 delay_for_interval + 107 (kernel + 940939) [0xffffff80002e5b8b] 41 *1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1057518) [0xffffff80003022ee] 41 *1 ??? (kernel + 1062091) [0xffffff80003034cb] 41 *1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2072574) [0xffffff80003f9ffe] (suspended) 41
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‎Mar 25, 2019
12:54 PM
While doing even basic editing in Premiere, scrubbing the timeline, scrubbing through clips in a bin, sometimes Premiere will become unresponsive. Scrubbing the timeline the viewer is black, not showing what is on the timeline. Icon view in bins will not scrub any clips mousing through them. They are frozen. Hitting the space bar in the timeline audio plays, but still no visuals appear in the viewer. Double clicking any clip in a bin will not load it into the preview window. So I choose "File", "Close project" (or even "Close all projects") and project/s close no problem. Back the initial Premiere screen to select a project to open. If I open the project again, nothing changes. The only way I can get Premiere up and running again is to completely close Premiere. It hangs and I have to force quit. Then open holding the "Option" key down to trash prefs. All is right again, often for days with no problems. Is this currently normal behaviour from time to time in Premiere? Thanks for any feedback. I had this happen several years ago more frequently editing ProRes footage and years before that editing AVCHD. In this case all the footage is ProRes 10bit, 4:2:2, 1920x1080p, 29.97 fps. Mac running 10.12.6 Sierra, Premiere Pro 13.0.3, 12 gb ram, AMD FirePro D300 2048 mb, Kona LHe, FirmTek 5 drive RAID with 7tb free, connected via eSATA from a FirmTek eSATA card in a Sonnet thunderbolt enclosure.
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‎May 24, 2018
06:03 AM
Thanks Kevin will do. Also, thank you eikonoklastes for the suggestion. I think I remember that Prelude initially came into being as a result of BBC and/or CNN requests. I use Prelude all the time for ingesting and more recently to set up transcoding and renaming clips, except for a few times it was too buggy. I'll check into the keyword possibilities, but will likely wait till something more powerful and user friendly is integrated. There seems to be a move to integrate more into one application in our industry, like grading, audio, better titling... in Premiere. which I think is wise and so helpful for small nonprofit communications depts
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‎May 07, 2018
08:17 AM
I thought I would add that I was doing another test this morning and simply hitting the plus sign in the Captions panel to create a new caption/subtitle, boom, serious error crash. No reason given in the Adobe popup, just "requires...Premiere Pro CC to shut down...". I haven't had a serious error crash in well over a year. (Mac Sierra 10.12.6, Premiere 12.1.1) I don't think I will be using Captions for now. I think I remember seeing a plugin from FX Factory specifically for subtitles. Maybe that's one option in addition to going back to the Essential Graphics panel.
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‎May 07, 2018
07:59 AM
This morning I had the first serious error crash (no details) in a very long time with the same version (12.1.1) of Premiere on Mac running Sierra (10.12.6) as you have. I had just opened the program and with the Captions panel open just hit the plus sign to create a new caption/subtitle. Immediate serious error crash. Note: I'm also posting this on a thread I created about Captions last week, since it's related.
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‎May 04, 2018
12:21 PM
Same problem here, regardless of the font choice. On the latest Premiere CC 12.1.1 (Build 10) on Mac.
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‎Apr 24, 2018
07:25 AM
In our seasoned world of nonlinear editing I would think that setting up keywords, favourites or similar for interview clips or b-roll would be very well refined. Apparently not, but maybe I'm just missing finding a grand solution in my google searching. OR maybe people are doing this in their asset management software? As a side note, I would love to hear some thoughts on this, as we are looking at a cost effective asset management software that could integrate well with Premiere. BUT back to my thoughts on keywords in Premiere. I should be able to set up stock keywords, for example, that are common in the video work I do to use in every video project. Certainly some keywords would be unique to a project, BUT I should only have to type in the keywords ONCE. Then simply connect or attach the related clips to that keyword. Maybe I've missed this in Premiere. But the only solution I can see is using the metadata and keep typing in the same keywords for every interview clip. Huge margin for error and so slow. I've given up on using metadata for this purpose for now and am simply making notes/highlighting on the interview transcripts THEN using multiple temp timelines to organize the different interview bits. I guess I could call it keyword timelines OK, enough of my rant. Would love to hear your response, critique, etc.
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‎Apr 23, 2018
09:55 AM
Thank you for responding! No, actually I was using the search command at the top left of the bin. I realize it only searches that bin, so I created one bin with all the interviews. In the menu (Edit>Find) I do not have "Keyword" as an option in the dropdown. However, my main challenge is trying to find out the best way to organize many interviews so I can easily search by keyword or subject. Each interviewee is being asked multiple questions that will be used in a number of different videos. I want keywords or subjects attached to each clip so I can easily find them when I get to that video project. Sometimes I would need to search on multiple keywords like: "donor, thank, emotive" I had originally thought about just dividing the interviewees answers into sub-clips for each keyword/subject, then placing those in bins labeled with that keyword/subject. For future purposes I had guessed doing it in metadata (XMP) for the actual file would be better long term. (Using the Schema/XMP abilities within Premiere)
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‎Apr 23, 2018
09:32 AM
Ironically the first time I open any project the search bar is greyed, then I "close all projects" (even though no other projects are open), reopen the project and it seems to consistently work for me...I can then search. Yes, definitely a bug going all the way back to CS6 apparently. I never used this search function till now.
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‎Apr 20, 2018
01:29 PM
We have just interviewed several dozen people for a number of different videos to be edited over the next 8 months. Not something we normally do. I was trying to figure out the best way to organize, tag, keyword the various subjects addressed in each interview. I found some good comments on this forum and elsewhere on the web. But not the best solution. I think I'm missing something. https://forums.adobe.com/message/8548767#8548767 https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/power-of-metadata-in-premiere-pro/ I've created my own internal Schema in meta logging for these projects/footage. So just a meta tag that is "Keywords" using text. So I have added keywords like: female, male, donor, thank, emotive, member, etc. All this to help me search quickly in Premiere. I see two problems with this approach, so maybe I have indeed missed something. 1. these key words have to be typed in each time, so there is a greater margin for error, as opposed to having fixed keywords that I can just select for each interview clip. 2. The search is not on a full word. Like searching for "male" also includes "female". What am I missing and what would be a better workflow for organizing many interviews by keyword/subject? Thanks!
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