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‎Feb 23, 2025
03:42 AM
I think have seen in the past somewhere on my Win 10 PC a list of my other pc's and laptops that has Photoshop downloaded and where I can switch On and Off (from the PC in use) in order to limit it's usage to the legimate two machines. Can anyone remind me where I might have seen this?
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‎Oct 23, 2021
09:24 AM
Photoshop CC22.5.1 on windows 10 64bit: Creative Cloud indicates that I am fully up to date to 22.5.1 but the only version that is in use, shown in Help/About Photoshop is version 22.1.0. I cannot find a way to use 22.5.1 - where am I going wrong?
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‎Dec 15, 2020
09:43 AM
Thank you for your response - you are correct about the availability to use the current and one version back. I have been trying to download the version I want on your suggested 'ProDesignTools'. The site is rather complicated and I have been working on it for several days because I assumed I was not going about it in the correct way, it just does not allow me to download a previous version so it would appear to be absolutely impossible for me to now work with a previous version that I paid for, does seem unreasonable?! Ive been working with Photoshop since the days when it was installed with about a dozen floppy discs, I'm 93 years old now and just too old to keep learning different approaches to do the same thing. Please Adobe, let me get back to a version I was comfortable with - please? Thanks for your effort to help tho.
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‎Dec 15, 2020
09:28 AM
Thank you for your response - you are correct about the current and one version back so it is absolutely impossible for me to now work with a previous version that I paid for, does seem unreasonable?!
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‎Dec 14, 2020
08:30 AM
I am trying to revert back to CC2019 (or any other), this did not remain on my Win10 PC with current auto updates, I have been trying for days to resolve this, the recommended approach is through Creative Cloud App but that only works if it is still on your PC. So, how can I get back to another version please?
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‎Jan 18, 2020
11:32 AM
Further to my 'missing folders' post perhaps I should add that I'm with Windows 10. Also I have done System Restore, to no effect.
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‎Jan 18, 2020
11:29 AM
I have lost all my PM7 folders - one moment they were there, the next moment gone. I've spent two days seaching for them with no luck - I had a recent backup but have lost important recent files from the missing folders. I do have InDesign but I've had Pagemaker from the beginning and have been very happy to stick with it! Has anyone any ideas about the recovery of these folders and their files - please?
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‎Jan 02, 2020
02:04 AM
Just found this to work in cc2020 too - wonderful and thanks!
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‎Jan 16, 2016
10:41 AM
Thank you - I have tried to do that, in fact I've spent 3 days with this and, although I have downloaded 8.1 (which is required for the Nikon D750 NEF files) when I go to Help/Updates I always get the message that 'the server is not responding'. I'll get on to Adobe tomorrow!
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‎Jan 16, 2016
09:57 AM
I have just installed CS6 to my new pc (Win 10) - no problem with that and I have downloaded ACR 8.1 but cannot get Bridge to accept it and therefore it will not read my NEF images - any help out there - please?
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‎Jul 26, 2012
02:00 AM
My problem is nothing like as serious as others - I am a photographer and my work involves very few, if any, layers - it's just that, compared to CS5, a folder of thumbnails are very slow to draw in Bridge.
I'd have thought that as you cannot duplicate the problem others are having it could be a good idea to have a site visit where you might gather all the info you need to resolve the problem?
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‎Jul 25, 2012
11:30 AM
Doesn't it mean something to you guys at Adobe if it all works well with cs5 but most certainly not with cs6 on the very same system - call up cs5 and it is excellent - call up cs6 and .................. !
This should give you something to work on?
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