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‎May 07, 2012
08:36 AM
Eccchhhhh. Even more wasted space. I think I'm gone, not that it matters.
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‎Apr 26, 2012
02:21 PM
scout123456 wrote: I have had this problem for about 3 weeks now. Firefox support suggested checking the add-ons through safe-mode to see if an add-on was causing the problem. That didn't help. They also suggested downloading the new Firefox 12 (I was using Firefox 11/Windows7). That didn't help either. I tried clearing the cache. No help. I noticed on the Firefox forum site that someone asked a question regarding the 'two click' back page problem, 4 months ago. I have now noticed that this is happening on one site, MSNBC, but not on the other news sites I frequent or anyplace else. Now I just double click when I'm on that news site. It was happening before on the CBS News site and fine on the MSNBC. Try and figure that one out... It's very annoying. I've had this problem with some news sites (CNEWS), but not others (BBC) as well. We can still blame Jive though.
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‎May 02, 2011
03:10 PM
PjonesCET wrote: Bestversion of Acrobat ever, ever was 5.01 with the included Form and eprint features. They screwed it up in 5.5 and been down hill since. I didn't see 5.5, but I was massively unimpressed with 6.0 & it looks as though later versions continue to be cumbersome, bloated & buggy. (In all fairness, I have not spent a lot of time using the later versions & there are undoubtedly useful new tools, but our company's use of PDF's is pretty 'meat & potatoes', so the earlier version 4.05 continues to be used here for production work.)
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‎May 02, 2011
01:07 PM
~graffiti wrote: Seems that trying to get Jive to update this version would be like trying to get Adobe to update features Acrobat 4. Hey! Some of us would appreciate new features for Acrobat 4, you know!
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‎Apr 12, 2011
11:02 AM
pwillener wrote: <snip> As I wrote in the other topic, the best way to discourage spammers is to have their droppings removed as soon as possible. Seems like the Spam report thread is gone now, for some reason. Maybe Adobe has figured out a way to stop the spam.
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‎Apr 08, 2011
01:31 PM
the_wine_snob wrote: Noel, The text formatting was altered some time ago (six mos.?). The statment was that some spammers were using certain formatting options to sneak messages onto the forums. There are several posts from the time that these options were removed. Several posters did some test replies, and it seems that a few of the formatting options differed browser to browser, but basically, most options were removed. I'd love to see them added back, but assume that the threat still exists. Hunt And yet.... despite all the functionality which has been removed to thwart spammers, there are now daily spam attacks in the Lounge. It is humourously pathetic.
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‎Mar 29, 2011
06:58 AM
dave milbut wrote: i think there's a company called webcrossing who makes some forum software... hmm, i can't remember what it's called though. it's all so hazy now. like a pleasant dream as it fades when you waken. I so miss that. And ya know, I don't recall the old forums having quite the issue with spammers that this place seems to. Maybe it's just the bursts of Spam in the ersatz Lounge in the last few days. Wait! Do I detect an improvement??? No line breaks! Oh, all is forgiven Jive! Only two years. Or is it three? Anyway.... Adobe don't give a rat's bottom about these fora!
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‎Dec 09, 2010
09:02 AM
Userbak610 wrote: Apparently it already exists! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=110274565674651 Shocking! Cool! I'll have to join as soon as I get home.
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‎Dec 08, 2010
03:24 PM
dave milbut wrote: welcome to the club. Saaaaaaayyyyyy....... maybe someone should create an "I Hate Jive Softwareâ„¢" Facebook Page. Maybe even some of the moderators here would join!
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‎Dec 08, 2010
06:59 AM
Jerry Mann wrote: Have to get this off my chest. I think the entire Forums layout is bad. I had to search forever to figure out how to post in the Adobe forum. I thought I was logged in, as at the top right it said "Welcome, Jerry Mann." But apparently that is not good enough for the Forums page: you have to log in separately in the upper left of page. And it was not clear that I had to do this.The courtesy of a note that says, "Log in to Adobe Forums to post a reply!" would be very much appreciated, but way too much to ask for, obviously. Riduculous. And furthermore, spell check should automatically highlight mispellings, not have to search for the button to turn it on. AND furthermore, I tried to "Submit product feedback" (bottom of page) and this took me to Jive's site, but there was NO WAY to comment there. Wonderful. The Jive software has been delighting people for over two years now; many hundreds were so delighted they left and never came back! In addition to those, the powers-that-be also banned a good number (many of them very knowledgable contributors) and though these banned folks could, of course, come back under new names, most have chosen not to do so. Though many, detailed complaints have been made about this out-of-date and buggy software that Adobe somehow seems to feel it must use (and Jive somehow seems to feel it has no obligation to fix), problems (like random line breaks) just don't seem to get fixed.
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‎Dec 07, 2010
07:01 AM
But, But, But... That's not the American way! Less than .0001% of the population carries bombs onto airplanes. Yet ALL of us (including the pilots) now have to be screened as a result! Cheers... Rick Yeah, and that is rather stupid, IMO. What next? Body cavity searches? It's the next logical step, after all. That aside, truly, it is remarkable that the problems with the forum software remain more-or-less unfixed. One would think that, if nothing else, that Jive would be somewhat concerned about just how bad this forum makes their product look & do something about it. Guess they figure no one comes here.
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‎Dec 06, 2010
11:11 AM
Find another way to fix the spam. If you have to move away from this POS Jive, then do it. But put the features back! I (as well as many others in all likelihood) agree completely, but I'd have to say that after almost two years of this Jiveness, with all the dissatisfaction that has been expressed, with all the bugs (like the random line break) that are still there, it would seem as though Adobe Corp could care less. They are seemingly unable to fix - or to have fixed - the bugs in this software, nor do they seem to be interested in upgrading, or switching to something else.
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‎Dec 03, 2010
06:56 AM
Michelmnr wrote: copy and paste your suggestion, but not result? Oh, pooh.... I left out the "b" in 'Kamibambiraptor" .
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‎Dec 02, 2010
07:00 AM
Michelmnr wrote: There you are KB many brains makes questions answered! What kind of instrument is this? it reminds me the pipe of pan but somehow looks different. When I was in Malaysia in KL's City Market there was a guy playing the Angklung It was quite a large set up with three rows of bamboo tubes etc. an it was amazing what he could do with this, Youtube has plenty of pieces played like Hambourg Orchestra. Although this places drown the Angklung, if you don't know what it sounds you would not recognise it! Well I must be a little "Dipper" Than you as I have only 5 pts. So too I once again say thank you for those who helped Yes, that is a panpipe from Ecuador; originally it came in two rows, but I found that inconvenient & took them apart & put them back in one row. It's the one I taught myself to play on; I have somewhat better ones now.... There are some massive panpipes out there I've seen; I'd be curious about the three row set. (The problem with the rows is that it makes legato playing difficult, incidentally.) If you are curious, I have a number of videos myself on YouTube; roughly half piano, half panpipe. I won't post a link, but if you google "kamibamiraptor" you'll find plenty of hits.
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‎Dec 01, 2010
11:36 AM
Jacob Bugge wrote: When I click the Change Avatar button, I get to a page with the preset/user defined avatars, and it says Avatar Settings Choose an avatar by using the form below. Click on the avatar you want to use and choose "Save Settings". To do nothing and return to your settings page, click "Cancel". The one in use has a large green frame with the words Your avatar and (Delete). When I click another avatar, it gets a frame round it. Below that is the option of uploading a new avatar. If it looks the same for you, I am afraid it is a matter of delay, and I hope John/someone will look into it. John? Someone? Well, seems like I'm a bit of a dip! I guess what happened was I uploaded the new avatar & expected that, when it was approved, it would replace the old one. What seems to instead be the case is that the new avatar, when approved, became available amongst the options. So now I have my new avatar. The joy...... simply inexpressible. (Thank you Jacob! )
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‎Nov 29, 2010
03:00 PM
Kami Bambiraptor wrote: teedoffnewbie wrote: Yes thats the one I use. The ">>" button has several options, one of which is insert raw html. When I do this, it never works. I will test it right now: Here is some html: Nope, not there. Let me try..... Seeems to work for me (it's lost, though, if I edit); I notice that when you use the feature, the cursor goes outside the HTML box, so perhaps you either missed that, or you are using some HTML that doesn't work. I am only trying simple stuff!
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‎Nov 29, 2010
02:59 PM
teedoffnewbie wrote: Yes thats the one I use. The ">>" button has several options, one of which is insert raw html. When I do this, it never works. I will test it right now: Here is some html: Nope, not there. Let me try..... <img src=http://images1.cpcache.com/product/you-offensive-illegitimi+non+caborundum/42510531v1_225x225_Front.jpg>
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‎Nov 29, 2010
01:30 PM
teedoffnewbie wrote: Why cant I seem to be able to insert code with the insert raw html? I have tried many times and when I click submit, the html is gone. I always wind up using the "quote" feature to insert code. Am I doing something wrong? It really is annoying. Also, another annoying "quirk" of this forum is the fact that when I do start a discussion or even when I might answer one, When I type a few characters, the cursor does a hard enter automatically. I can be in the middle of a word and all of a sudden I am on the next line, which forces me to backspace so I can continue typing the word. Just little things like this that makes me wonder whats going on. I would think that little bugs like this should be worked out by the administrators of this site forum. I belong to quite a few forums, and this is the only one I have issues like this with. But, this is the best resource for Coldfusion, so I wish someone would address these issues. Thanks! There is an 'insert raw html' option (right next to the smiley) in the reply box. A quick test I just did on a simple piece of HTML worked, so hopefully it will work for whatever HTML you want to insert. The phantom line break has been around for almost two years now. Adobe is using a rather out-of-date version of Jive Clearspace; Jive doesn't seem terribly interested in fixing problems with it & Adobe can't seem to. Not impressive, but there it is.
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‎Nov 26, 2010
12:16 PM
Michelmnr wrote: In response to many help I had on the forum I changed my avatar to a photo of myself to be less anonymous as I feel indebted to those who spent time for me. However after three weeks I'm more anonymous than ever! Perhaps this will prompt a fix. I designed my photo via Ph Shop to meet the upload requirement. Isn't this funny, someone told me that you can upload to Face Book in full format from your digital camera.If this is true I wonder why the Avatar is not able to function the same way? Heck, I uploaded a new avatar probably a year or so ago. Somehow it never seems to have gotten approved , but in my case, I just ain't cared enough to try to mention. Just figured it was someone, somewhere being either incompetent, or even petty, & why should I bother myself about it? (Love the random line breaks! )
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‎Nov 18, 2010
03:29 PM
adobe-admin wrote: Wish I knew. Looks like Jive lost the Adobe "theme" on a server restart. It appears to be working now. But I have one person still saying they see the un-themed layout. You've got class! (No sarcasm. )
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‎Nov 18, 2010
11:06 AM
Earlier this morning it seemed as though the style of the page toggled whenever I closed IE & then came back; it was consistent for about 8 trials (4 se ts of 2), but now the old page is back seemingly consistently. Someone somewhere is done a fine, professional, job of running these forums, I must say!
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‎Nov 18, 2010
10:05 AM
Bob_Peters wrote: for someone at Adobe to tell us just what the hell is going on What makes you think they know?
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‎Nov 18, 2010
07:42 AM
This time (third time on forum this morning) I have the clearspaceâ„¢ thingie back. Wonder what it will be next time? (I closed IE in each case before coming back to forum.) [Update: Closed out, came back: new screen. Closed out, came back: old screen. Closed out, came back: new screen. I see a pattern!] How wonderfully quirky! Is it a feature??
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‎Nov 18, 2010
07:17 AM
Using IE in both cases, when I first logged in, got the clearspace screen like you did, but back to normal now. Odd.
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‎Nov 18, 2010
07:01 AM
I see that there is a fabulous new look to this clearspaceâ„¢ community foru m. I got three random line breaks in one line when posting to the Lounge, but it seems as though it's not happening here. Anyway, wow. Great new look. More purple. So much better. (OK, there IS more space & it looks cleaner, but after all this time, who farkin' cares any more???)
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‎Nov 03, 2010
11:25 AM
For what it's worth, the line breaks annoy the snot out of me too. I've simply learned to use the backspace key. A LOT. And I don't see any value in complaining about something that obviously can't be fixed. I prefer to take the 'who-can-be-bothered?' approach now; so far as I'm concerned, if Adobe choses to continue to have their forum 'powered' by this out-of-date software, I am not going to do anything to make it look better. (Oh sheesh. No line breaks during my response. Here I was a-hoping it would happen, just because it would have been so appropriate. What lousy software: can't even mal-function when it's supposed to! )
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‎Nov 01, 2010
03:26 PM
Personally I don't find it odd at all. For example, Snap On makes excellent tools that are used by mechanics to repair cars. But they don't run an auto repair shop. Likewise, Sears Craftsman has a whole line of different Saws, Drill presses, Lathes and other woodworking tools. But they don't have a manufacturing shop that creates and sells hand made furniture that was created using these tools. Fair enough & point taken, but perhaps it can be agreed that if they are going to use someone else's wares, said wares should not be an embarassment to Adobe nor a pain to the users.
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‎Nov 01, 2010
01:42 PM
~graffiti wrote: Steve Sommers wrote: having a forum that consistantly throws javascript errors does not leave a great impression of your wares. They don't use their wares for the forums, they use someone elses wares. And using someone else's wares gives th e impression that there is something lacking in your own wares! (Or am I the only one somewhat puzzled by this oddity?) Extra line break kindly added by this non-updated, non-Adobe software.
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‎Oct 22, 2010
01:13 PM
Curt Y wrote: Will try some diffenrent fonts imapact comic book Message was edited by: Curt Y It seems like when I hit reply it returns font back to arial default. Yes, deceptively, when you are entering text in this handy reply box, you DO get the requested font at the requested size..... - it just doesn't make it to the actual post! (All this written in 'impact')
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‎Oct 22, 2010
01:10 PM
Dan Bracuk wrote: For a variety of reasons, I prefer public forums to private discussions. These forums have a Private Message feature but I have not found any way to opt out of them. The Edit Forums Profile page has nothing on the topic. Also, hiding our email address does not prevent others from sending us private messages. Is there a way to opt out that I couldn't find? If not, could one be put in? I'm not aware of a way to opt out, but that means little, as I don't run this site or anything. My opinion is that it's probably just as easy to ignore the personal message function altogether; it's easy enough to miss as it is (I had a message once for several weeks before noticing!) so for me, ignoring it would be a feasible option. I am fairly sure that if there IS a way to opt out that someone will let you know.
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