‎Dec 29, 2024
01:35 PM
Larry, thank you for your input, unfortunately Ism not saving photos I have edited, I am trying to import photos from my DSLR's card to a specific location on an external HD. In PS Elements 2025, I can go to, on my iMac, PSE/preferences/files and change the lication and when I click OK, and get out and come back the new location has been sabed HOWEVER, wen I go to PSE / cameraOrCardReader and change the location and cluck OK amd lravevznd come back the location is the default location and NOT the new location I had entered hope this was clear It is frustrating that I have to enter the new loaction everytime Michsel
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‎Dec 28, 2024
04:27 PM
did both only files location sticks
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‎Dec 28, 2024
12:06 PM
I have tried to change the location where my imported photos on my iMac are stored. I have gone to Preferences/Camera or Card Reader/Save files in/Browse. I hve changed the location to where I put all my photos on an External HD. Click OK. However, the new location doesn't stick. I have to continually change from the default "User/regmikewall/Pictures to my desired location. Why is this happening? How can I permanently change the location. Thanks in advance for your help Michael
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‎Sep 14, 2024
05:56 AM
Jeff, Thank you for your reply, I tried that and I can now access Patterns as an Adjustment Layer. I did find a work around Go the window, click on Patterns Add a new layer click on the new layer Go the the pattern tab, click on the pattern yoiu want A pattern Fill Layer replaces the new layer Thanks again for your help Michael
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‎Sep 14, 2024
05:51 AM
Michael ♥ ReggÃ
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‎Sep 13, 2024
12:27 PM
I am working on an iMac running Sonoma OS 14.6.1, using Creative Cloud PScc Version 25.12.0. I am trying to add a pattern for my background replacement for a portrait. When I try to add The Pattern Adjustment layer when I click on the adjustment layer icon at the bottom right of PS, it is greyed out, all the other adjustmernt layers are black. Anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it. Thank you in advance for your help. Michael
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‎Mar 29, 2024
11:48 AM
Michelle Understand, I am only interested in being abot to have the softness / feather spread dilineated so one know that the brush is doing.... Thank you for your comment Michael
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‎Mar 29, 2024
06:49 AM
Thought I posted this already; however, was asked to post this here First of all I am on an iMac, OS 14.1.2 using PS cc v 25.6 This is a pet peeve of mine. Don't know if this is an issue with the Windows version. It would be extremely useful for PS to have the same brush functionality when changing the feathering of the brush. In LR and ACR when you have selected a brush and you change the feathering with the "Shift+[" or "Shift+]" you see the internal ring change size and you can see the brush on your layer so you know exactly where the feathering is. This can not be done in PS v 25.5.6 or PS Beta, the only way is to use "Ctrl+Opt" to show the brush and when you let go you have only one circle and when you change the feathering with he "Shift+[" or "Shift+]" only see the circle get larger or smaller just like using "[" or "]" to change the size of the brush. Please Please add this feature, if it can be in LR and ACR then it can be and should be in PS Thanks you in advance for considering this feature, if implimented it will make all of PS Brush uses very happy.
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‎Mar 28, 2024
09:06 AM
First of all I am on an iMac, OS 14.1.2 using PS cc v 25.6 This is a pet peeve of mine. Don't know if this is an issue with the Windows version. It would be extremely useful for PS to have the same brush functionality when changing the feathering of the brush. In LR and ACR when you have selected a brush and you change the feathering with the "Shift+[" or "Shift+]" you see the internal ring change size and you can see the brush on your layer so you know exactly where the feathering is. This can not be done in PS v 25.5.6 or PS Beta, the only way is to use "Ctrl+Opt" to show the brush and when you let go you have only one circle and when you change the feathering with he "Shift+[" or "Shift+]" only see the circle get larger or smaller just like using "[" or "]" to change the size of the brush. Please Please add this feature, if it can be in LR and ACR then it can be and should be in PS Thanks you in advance for considering this feature, if implimented it will make all of PS Brush uses very happy. Michael
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‎Mar 25, 2024
07:05 AM
I would be a nice addition if PS had the same brush features as ACR & LR, it would be visually helpful to see what is being brushed and what isn't Thanks to all who responded (Jeff, Conrad, Michael
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‎Mar 25, 2024
06:59 AM
Conrad Thank you very helpful, Michael
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‎Mar 24, 2024
01:02 PM
Muhammad Thank you, have worked with Adobe TS, preferences, tools all have been reset, still same issue, Like D Fosse said, I may be confusing LRc and LR with PScc. will have to live with it .... just not very user friendly..... Michael
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‎Mar 24, 2024
09:22 AM
Jeff, I am probably confusing something else, your hint is helpful. My issue is that I have an instructor who has a PC and his brush is totally different, it shows the two rings. Oh Well, thanks for your help Michael
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‎Mar 24, 2024
06:55 AM
Jeff, thank you for your reply; however, I was able to see the change in feathering (a visual way to see where the feathering will start - two circles inside one is where the feathering started and the other one is where the brush stops) prior a one of the updates for AI, Now i I can't. Very difficult to now know where the feathering is...... When I use the [ to make brush smaller and ] to make the brush larger it works as it use to; however, when I use "shift" [ to decease the feathering or "shift" ] to increase the feather, the circle (which is fuzzy on the circumference) goes from fuzzy to sharp and changes size (if I make the brush with no feather the circle decreases to "say" 1/2" in diameter and If I increase the feather the circle grows to say 1 1/2" in diameter with a very fuzzy circle) This is different..... than before....... No way to visually see the effect of the brush and where is feathers out to.... Again thank you for your Michael
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‎Mar 23, 2024
02:12 PM
My brush in PSCC v 25.5.1 on my iMac only shows one ring, as I change the feathr to max the circle get grainy, when I increas the hardness, the circle get sharper. I DON'T HAVE TWO CIRCLES to show the feathering. I am on an iMac running Sonoma v 14.1.2. How do I get the two circles back?? Is this a know issue?? Thank you in advance for your help? Michael
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‎Feb 07, 2024
01:42 PM
1. Hover over your page header and click on the "page header" dropwdown, then click "customize 2. In the pop-up on the left where it has the "page header" dropdown click it, then click on "page title" 3. In the font dropdown you should be able to change it to the available fonts or add a font Hope this helps
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‎Dec 17, 2023
07:01 AM
Johan Thank you, I did create profiles in ACR filter, you could be right about the desktop version of Lr 7.1.2. Thanks for your feedback... Michael
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‎Dec 16, 2023
02:57 PM
Ok, I think I solved the riddle, the .xmp files i was using didn't work, so I thought, well to get the profiles into LrC yuou have to use ACR filter in PS, since the import function in ACR doesn't send the profiles to LrC... So I went to ACR app after I imported the profiles into ACR filter. I clicked on the folder, said export, them I imported the folder into Lr 7.1.2 using the File/Import Profiles & presets function that worked. thank you for your inputs. Michael
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‎Dec 16, 2023
02:26 PM
Johan tried to import by going to profiles, clicking the "...." picking import profiles. - first I clicked on the folder with the .xmp files in it, clicked the import button, said 10 profiles were imported, nothing happened, quit Lr 7.1.2, restarted and still nothing, then I clicked the 10 .xmp files, clicked import profiles, said 10 profiles were imported, can't find them, stopped and restarted Lr 7.1.2 still nothing, can't find them anywhrere. not in User profiles or the list of profile folders.... What am I missing, sorry that I am such a pain... Michael
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‎Dec 16, 2023
01:49 PM
1 Upvote
I generated profiles from ACR filter in PS CC 25.3.1, they showed up in ACR 6.1 and LrC 13.1; however, they don't show up in Lr 7.1.2. So My question is why is this happening? AND is there an alternate method to load profiles into Lr 7.1.2 Thanks in advance for your help Michael
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‎Sep 20, 2023
05:49 AM
Kevin, appreciate all your help, you really helped me out..... Michael
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‎Sep 20, 2023
05:48 AM
1 Upvote
Understand; however, see the attached image, it did include the foreground as well. I just deleted it and all was well. Also found that when I converted to layers, the layers were in a group, so I ungrouped the layers so they would apply to the background layer. Black is the forground color see second image
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‎Sep 19, 2023
03:47 PM
Thank you will give this a try in the morning when I get back on the computer, you have been a great help. Question - when I click the +/all I get the foreground color, can I just delete it since it really doesn't have anything to do with the BW Tone Modifier elements, am I right in this assessment
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‎Sep 19, 2023
02:49 PM
Also the black and BW tone Modifier elements are not grouped per a message on top of the two elements
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‎Sep 19, 2023
02:47 PM
Ok, when I did drag and drop the "BW tone Modifier" element (did not include the "Black Forground element(think that is right) to the picture I got the blue outline of a rectangle with a blue X in the middle on top of my color image. I guess I am being very dense today, how do I get the smart object to apply to the color image. When I double click the white layer about the color image in the layers palette, I get a cloud symbol in the lower right corner, when i then double click the white square I get the three layes I make into BW Tone Modifier. I am so confused, thank you for being so patient with me,,,,
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‎Sep 19, 2023
02:22 PM
Kevin, sorry to be so dense, have never worked with libraries before and when I clicked on all I get the attached image 01, when I double click on the BW Tone Modifier I get image 02, when I click on the smart object I get image 03. The "BW tone Modifier" is not being applied to the the color image. I have tried dragging and dropping the BW Tone Modifier to the color image and I get he blue square with diagnols which indicate a smart object, I know I am missing something What am I doing wrong,
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‎Sep 19, 2023
01:18 PM
Kevin, thank you for your response, When I click on the + which of the selections do I use?
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‎Sep 19, 2023
12:51 PM
I have an iMac with an M1 Chip running OS 13.5.2 with PSCC 2024. I created a folder in My Library called BW process, tried to add an element to that new folder, the window with dotted lines around it said to drag and drop.... I tried that and the window does not turn blue like I saw on a video. see attached image. I have shut down the computer, restarted it several time, no change. Any Ideas? Thanks in advance for your help Micha el
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‎Aug 04, 2023
10:08 AM
Ok, nice to know, thanks for the info. How long has this been happening?
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‎Aug 04, 2023
09:11 AM
I am using an iMac with OS 13.4.1 and M1 Chip I have tried to create a preset in ACR 15.4.1, I select user presets, the LUT to be used, click on create and the window disappears; howver when I go the the user presets it is not there. I then tried the same think with a new preset group, same result How do I find the newly created preset? thanks in advance for your help Michael
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