‎Nov 16, 2024
05:13 PM
I am also having a similar issue. It happened on all my computers since updating to the latest version. All my PSDs have the Photoshop icon for the icon, which I don't like. I've tried resetting the extension and changing the defaults but it always falls back to the Photoshop icon. Everything appears fine in the registry and when inspecting the extension with a third-party app. It just always pulls the wrong icon and calls it a "PSD File" instead of "Adobe Photoshop Image". Something is wrong with the file type association.
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‎Apr 26, 2024
11:07 PM
The concept of premultiplied transparency can be complicated to understand, but from what I can gather from that rabbit hole, and inspecting the results and settings like in your screenshot above, this seems like a similar problem, but not exactly the same one. Especially in my second image with the letter border. How else could that aliasing outside the black stroke be explained? This looks like something that would happen if I had done an inner stroke, but this is just a plain black stroke being drawn outside the letter. The aliasing is even mirroring the gradient in certain spots. Color Quantizer reports various sections of color with alpha set to 0 well outside the art. Why is that?
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‎Apr 25, 2024
09:56 PM
This aliasing issue may not be exclusive to Save for Web after all. In another graphic I worked on, I exported using the modern Export As and while the aliasing was not noticeable at first, when it gets processed or scaled by something else, the same aliasing present in Save for Web is noticeable. In this case, here is a closeup of the thumbnail produced by Discord. This is the same aliasing more easily noticed in Save for Web. Where did this come from? It was certainly not in my source PSD or in the PNG file I exported. Curiously, even the example image, if I were to save as a PNG, would exhibit aliasing upon export, even though it would just be a PNG image free of shape layers at that point. Something is going on with the core rendering or exporting in Photoshop because this is producing messy images all over.
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‎Apr 22, 2024
03:30 PM
The new Export function doesn't do color reduction and also scales Layer Styles when scaling up or down, affecting the appearance of the image. It's not made to do all the specific color handling the old tool can do because this is not something many people have to do anymore. I recall the last change they made to this was taking out the masking option several years ago. And this bug is surely a more recent regression or I would have encountered it years ago.
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‎Apr 22, 2024
02:09 PM
Well, not just red but the surrounding color. It could alias with a gradient color, which is what was happening in my project. As I mentioned, this export method is essential when it comes to downscaling and color-reducing art from a higher resolution to a target size for pixel art. Sometimes that art will contain shapes or other layers which produce these unwanted artifacts. Here is another project I worked on prior where the issue was more prevalent. I have this logo I'm trying to downscale and color reduce, but with a very specific transparent cutout in the center done as a hard edge, and anti-aliased on white on the outside. I've disabled transparency to enhance the defect. The part I have circled is how all of the inside should have appeared after downscaling, but due to this bug, nearly all of it is aliased. Particularly around the lower yellow circle where the edges almost seems to emit aliasing due to proximity. Nearest neighbor scaling is not what I'm looking for in this case because I need the art to be smooth, even though the issue is not present in this state. I eventually ended up manually cleaning up the aliasing from the first one after exporting because it was close enough to what I needed.
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‎Apr 21, 2024
10:42 PM
It might depend on how the shape is drawn and possibly the scale size. I prepared a sample file similar to the example image in the first post. Trying to output this at about 200x200 should produce aliasing in Save for Web even on the original image.
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‎Apr 21, 2024
10:23 PM
It depends on the use case. In my example, I have some art built at a higher resolution that I'm trying to scale down while retaining sharp edges and limited colors. Nearest Neighbor in that case may produce rather inaccurate shapes on the art due to the nature of the scaling algorithm. I'm not sure if this used to be the case before because I've had this workflow for several years now.
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‎Apr 21, 2024
07:58 PM
This issue has been giving me issues for quite a long time and I've finally tracked down the issue. When exporting images in Photoshop using the legacy Save for Web interface, which is particularly useful for pixel art, if there are shape layers, when scaling the image down, unintended aliasing appears around the edges of the shapes, particularly in areas where the rectangular bounds seem to overlap. This produces noticable, visual artifacts that should never be there. This is happening on Photoshop 25.6.0 on Windows 11. Here are the steps to reproduce: Create a new document, fairly large at about 2000x2000. Draw a red triangle on one side of the canvas. Create a circle somewhere else on the canvas, away from the triangle. Go to the Save for Web dialog. Scale the image down. Even as little as 1 pixel makes a difference but it's more noticable if it's scaled down more, like down to 200x200 The original image on the left or top will have a slight red ring around the white circle. A possible workaround is if the layers are exported separately instead of at the same time. Another possible workaround is if the red triangle layer is above the white circle, but this isn't always possible depending on the art. Rasterizing the layers does not work, but it does change how the aliasing turns out. Attached is an example of how the image comes out if I set it to an indexed PNG-8 image with transparency and matting disabled. There's a clear red ring around the white circle that shouldn't be there.
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‎Apr 21, 2024
04:03 PM
Bit of a long title, but that's what going on here. I think this has to do with when new colors were added to label layers with.
I am on Photoshop 25.6.0 on Windows 11.
Here's what I did:
In the Layers panel, change the search to "Kind" to "Color".
Change the color to search to "Fuchsia".
It returns the correct layers.
Switch to another open document and switch back.
It will now be set to filter for "Gray" layers.
It seems the following colors to search get swapped out on switch:
Seafom changes to Magenta
Blue changes to Seafoam
Indigo changes to Fuchsia
Magenta changes to Violet
Fucshia changes to Gray
Violet changes to Blue
Gray changes to Indigo
So if you start with filtering for Magenta and Tab between documents, it will cycle from Magenta > Violet > Blue > Seafoam > Magenta. This cannot be intentional. The colors not mentioned worked just fine.
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‎Oct 18, 2022
10:04 PM
Sorry for the late reply but I'm just now following up on this. If the stroke gets stuck such as in the example video I provided, Object > Path > Outline Stroke does actually outline the stroke. However, on the original file I provided, it still won't work on the stroked letters.
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‎Aug 30, 2022
09:33 PM
In fact, observe these two seemingly identical Compound Paths. Because of how the one on the right was created, it won't Expand. But the one on the left will. Is this not a bug?
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‎Aug 30, 2022
09:25 PM
It's been more than 7 years since I reported this. And even on the current version of Illustrator, this happens. But it's true, this happens because it's a compound path, but it doesn't seem to be consistent. For example, if I convert a shape to a compound path, or make a simple donut shape Compound Path, expanding strokes works as expected. It's only when I try to Expand a Compound Path within a Compound Path where it just turns it into a group. This cannot be intentional because it just doesn't feel intuitive. I tried reproducing the steps in a recording and it was difficult to do so, but I kind of understand when it happens. It almost seems random since I swear I did the steps the same way, then when I went to record it, it didn't work. But please check out the recording. First, I turn both separate Ellipses into a Compound Path. Then I draw another ellipse over the big one to punch it out with the Shape Builder tool. Attempting to Expand the result turned it into a Group and did not Expand strokes. I undo and then turn it into a Group instead. Then I repeat the hole punch-out step. This time, Expand did work. And I know one time I tried this, it even added the stray circle to a group it was never even in, but I couldn't reproduce it. It's certainly odd.
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‎Nov 11, 2019
09:20 PM
Wow, I had no idea this report still received replies after all these years. Curiously, I dug up the problem file again and tried it on Illustrator 23.1 and the problem still persists. This group of compound paths refuse to Expand correctly and I'm still not really sure why. Ungrouping them all down until they're individual loose compound paths and doing Expand just groups them again. Here's the file again since the old link is dead.
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‎Dec 27, 2017
11:19 PM
I am having this issue as well. Really annoying. It was fine at the start too, and then it got problematic.
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‎Jun 15, 2015
11:07 PM
Just tried your file on CS5, but I seemingly got the same result as on CS6. When the strokes are outlined, the corners don't square off, which might not be the intended effect, I think. The interior is masking out the black shape, which is what I'd expect from a compound path. Here is the source file for "THE". My original intent was to get just the raw shapes of the effect, which Expand and Expand Appearance has always been able to do with little fuss. So when I do "Expand Appearance", then "Expand" (but not the fill because I don't want gradient meshes), then the inside darker gray vanishes because it can't expand. But really, the third post's solution did the trick because I eventually got what I wanted, but this behavior seems unusual.
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‎Jun 15, 2015
10:21 AM
I am looking at this file in CS6 and at the first step, "Expand" not "Expand Appearance" is an option and doing that results in the expected behavior. The stroke is outlined in both samples. Does Expand never expand the strokes in your example? I don't have CC to test and see if it's exactly reproduceable. I'll need to test your file on my CS5 version to see if I can follow along and get expected behavior. And I'll certainly look into how it even happens to begin with, at least in CS5.
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‎Jun 13, 2015
07:48 PM
That did seem to work, but I don't know why. I've always worked with Compound Paths because they make styling with the Appearance panel much simpler. Even if it's a centered stroke that's underneath the type layer. I tried to recreate how I got into this "stuck" position, but the bottom text behaves as it's intended, despite having the same properties in the Layers panel and Appearance panel, unless there's something I'm forgetting. I can expand the bottom one and get expanded strokes, but not the one at the top. How are they different enough to warrant this behavior?
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‎Jun 13, 2015
03:13 PM
This annoying problem tends to happen when I create really complex effects in the Appearance panel. Now, I have this compound path that has a stroke, but I can't expand the stroke to a fill like any other shape. I've even isolated it onto its own document and still the problem persists. What did I mess up and how can I turn these strokes to outlines? I am on Illustrator CS5 (from the CS5.5 suite) on Windows 8.1. I've never encountered this problem before and apparently no one else has either. Expand only makes the compound path a group each time. The stroke align seems to have something to do with it, but it's essential that I outline it in the "center" mode.
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‎May 08, 2013
08:57 PM
1 Upvote
I don't like the fact that you'd be infinitely paying for it whereas before you'd pay the price and get to keep using it. It's very hard to justify the price for ALL the tools monthly, especially when most users probably use no more than 5 applications. And of course, the college student argument that it's nearly impossible to justify such a high month-to-month infinite cost starting out. I got my Design Premium Suite for $320. If I had been subscribed at $30 a month, I'd have payed $540, which means I would have lost the subscription months ago.
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