Guy Burns
Guy Burns
‎Jan 14, 2025
10:52 PM
Nice one! I always forget about Quick Mask…
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‎Jan 14, 2025
08:13 AM
Thanks for all the input, everyone. Looks like that Vector Motion thing is the way to go, but I haven't got that. I have solved the problem though, with help from people here and on the Physics forum. In case anyone ever comes this way looking for the maths behind this stuff, here are my notes. To re-align an image with itself when the Anchor Point is changed Let the original location be at (PX1, PY1, S, R, AX1, PY1) New location is at (PX2, PY2, S, R, AX2, PY2) To re-align the image, set these values: PX2 = PX1 + (AX2 - AX1) • S/100 PY2 = PY1 + (AY2 - AY1) • S/100 To align two images so that they move together under Motion Call the images Background and Fred. Background is going to zoom and pan. Fred, a layer that has the same dimensions as Background, has been scaled and moved, and is going to be anchored to Background during transformations. Both images need to have their Anchor Point set at a common point. For example, if Fred’s foot is touching the ground, the point of contact with the ground will be the common Anchor Point. Call this point Foot for both Background and Fred. 1. Select Background in the timeline and click on Effect Controls > Motion. A bullseye will appear in the centre of the screen. 2. Note the Anchor parameters (AX1, AY1) 3. Adjust the Anchor parameters to move Foot to the Bullseye. 4. Note the new Anchor parameters (AX2, AY2) 5. Re-align Background by entering new Position parameters: PX2 = PX1 + (AX2 - AX1) • S/100 PY2 = PY1 + (AY2 - AY1) • S/100 6. For the layer Fred, click on Motion to set up the bullseye. 7. Adjust the Anchor parameters to move Foot to the Bullseye. 8. Set the Position parameters for Fred to the same as those for Background. Background and Fred should now be aligned, anchored to Fred’s foot.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
05:56 AM
Ques: Is there any way to automate that last step, the save as Tiff Zip? – but in a way that does not lock up PS.
By @Guy Burns
When I previously tested actions and scripted saves, they always saved in the foreground. It appears that background saving is only triggered by user input.
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‎Apr 09, 2024
08:36 AM
AE is too complicated for my liking, and I rarely have to use it anyway. But I need to make use of it now, and some questions have popped up. Ques 1 In general, do effects applied to clips/nests in Premiere, travel with those clips to AE when replaced with an AE Composition? Or in all cases, is it just the clips that arrives in AE? Ques 2 If I have interpreted clips in Premiere as Upper Field First, will that information travel to AE? Ques 3 What about "De-interlace" when applied to clips in a Premiere timeline? Does that info come through?
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‎Apr 09, 2024
05:45 AM
Thanks for the reply, Richard, but there are dropped frames. It took me quite a while to find them by comparing the original capture with the version inside Premiere, one frame at a time, slowly stepping through. Very difficult to detect when you're only looking for one every second. I'm used to seeing half a dozen every second when going from NTSC to 23.976. So it's turned out that theory and practice match in this case.
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‎Apr 08, 2024
09:50 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks, Neil, for the suggestion. No need for any more responses for the moment, as I think this is more of an AE question, so I'll post over there.
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‎Mar 02, 2024
06:22 AM
Macs, running under OSX 10.9.5 and 10.6.8. I have a few capture devices and VideoGlide software. Also a PC borrowed from a friend, but I'd rather use Mac.
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‎Feb 25, 2024
04:36 AM
1 Upvote
I have tons of old interlaced footage.
Used Topaz AI to convert to Prores in 720p and did a grand job.
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‎Sep 09, 2023
07:57 AM
1 Upvote
I can call a halt to this thread. The OKI website has two distinct download for the printer drivers: a package for everything; and separate downloads. I had chosen the package, but after all the experimenting above, I removed the printer and drivers and started again, installing just the Postscript printer driver and none of the other options. Blacks are now black, and as sharp as my HP1200L. Other colour problems have been corrected as well. So, it may have been the printer driver. But, more likely, it was the default use of AirPrint, imposed by Apple, which has less features than the proper Print Driver. To fix this problem: After installing, remove the OKI Printer from the list of printers under Printers & Scanners. Use the "-" sign. Click on the "+"sign to add a printer and the OKI should appear. Under the Use option, select OKI C834 PS (instead of AirPrint). A new panel will appear and the printer will turn on automatically while the new printer driver is set up.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
02:02 PM
Should Adobe decide for the user which color is best and in what degree its custamizable ?.. I don't think so. A black background could be very nice to have.. and i don't know what reason they have not to implement it. if it doesn't help, it won't hurt. In the end its nothing more then fullscreen mode which u can resize and scroll by hand.. Sounds ideal to me..
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‎Jul 19, 2023
03:30 AM
Thanks Steve, solved.
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‎Jul 10, 2023
01:12 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I spent a couple of hours with Shutter Encoder, which not only can rewrap, but it can also merge files into one big file. Worked well. With my Oppo, when I tested fast forward and then reverse (imagining during a presentation, that something has gone haywire, and I have to find the 'haywire' spot), the Oppo went stupid, jumping all over the place. On the other hand, my el-cheapo LG player handled forward/reverse perfectly – but if I jumped to next chapter on the remote, it jumped to the next video file on the USB stick. Looks like as long as I don't have to move about within the video, Shutter Encoder might prove useful. Then I came across MakeMKV. Very nice. I could drag the BDMV folder onto the interface, select a destination, press Make MKV, and away it went. Amazing. Even more impressive, was the fact that my Oppo could now pick up the chapter breaks. I could jump between chapters with the Oppo, but not with the LG player. Ques: the 28GB MKV file looks like one file to me. How does the Oppo blu-ray player know there are chapters inside?
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‎May 08, 2023
12:12 AM
1 Upvote
You can save a master (oops word cops) copy and make h.264 from that. I take it the video is not 16000 x 15000.
Try Shutter Encoder to transcode, it's a very cool software. (Donation-ware and worth it)
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‎Feb 02, 2023
05:20 PM
This is correct. Thank you both for flagging and answering. Big help.
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‎Sep 26, 2022
10:41 PM
Thank you so much, I tried literally everything in this blog, before resorting to PlumePack. And that was the only thing that worked for me. Took about 4 hours to copy a 10 min sequence, but it worked! Seems like it gets rid of any bugs that Premiere can't handle.
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‎Nov 02, 2021
07:59 PM
I am trying to find out how to use a second computer to encode Premiere sequences, when I came across Watch Folders in a 2020 blog about how to do just this. Aha! But no, it says in my AME manual: Premiere Pro and After Effects project files are not recognized, as there is no mechanism to select an individual Premiere Pro sequence or After Effects composition from inside the project file. Is there any way for my system – CS6 under a 2013 iMac - to use Watch Folders so that a second computer can encode? i.e. could I subscribe to an updated AME on the second computer? What version of AME? Thanks
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jul 25, 2021
10:03 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 25, 2021
10:03 PM
1 Upvote
Are the clear areas transparent? If so, you can combine them, but you don't want to flatten the image, just merge the layers. Hard to tell exactly what you're doing without seeing a screen shot. Is the black background the background layer or black on each of the layers? Can you post some screen shots?
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‎Jun 16, 2021
05:07 AM
You have recorded brush strokes as step in Photoshop action? You can play action os transparent layer, it will do the same thing on any pixel based layer unless it is Smart Object because it can not paint on that layer.
Each action step is story for itself but each step has some requirements like pixel based layer in the Layers panel selected as in your case. Step to paint on layer will be executed on any selected pixel based layer like Background layer, transparent layer, layer with pixel content... Pixels on layer must be unlocked, that is default behaviour when you create new layer, if you see error message post it here.
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‎Jun 03, 2021
07:54 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like I'll edit the brightness before I photomerge. I might give the warp idea a go as well.
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‎May 26, 2021
11:25 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, that's the way to do it, using four layers: Layer 4… Matte (making the sky transparent, plus any gradients) Layer 3… Mountain Image (with Track Matte Key, matted using Layer 4) Layer 2… Rolling credits (transparent PSD with text and images) Layer 1… Mountain Image.
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‎May 03, 2021
07:16 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for all the feedback. I read through it all, ready to try again this morning. Last night before posting, I must have tried a dozen times to keep the Background in place (a true, locked Background) while aligning the top layer (B, one of about 10 layers). I re-arranged layers, unlocked all of them, locked all of them (except B), and various other combinations of trying to align B with the Background. The only thing I didn't try was to quit PS and start again. Something must have gone haywire with my PS last night, because this morning when I fired up, the alignment worked correctly. But, I did notice that the alignment unlocks and renames the Background layer, and doesn't return it to a true Background. That itself suggests that last night PS was unlocking the Background in preparation for aligning, and then inadvertently moving both because of temporary insanity. Thanks again. Next time I have a problem with PS, I'll try quitting.
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‎Apr 19, 2021
03:06 AM
That's because you have a stereo interface, and the third channel you've allocated says 1...
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‎Mar 28, 2021
04:27 AM
Moved to Photoshop forum.
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‎Dec 23, 2020
07:50 AM
1 Upvote
dave_feasey: Seven years later! Brilliant answer. Simple and to the point. Good thinking. Thank you!!
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‎Nov 30, 2020
05:15 AM
1 Upvote
Goodness, gracious me, Bojan – you've solved it. As simple as dragging the source selection to any-sized image in another tab. Something I'll remember till the end of my Photoshop days. Thanks heaps.
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‎Nov 20, 2020
01:28 AM
This may be able to do it. I suggest you ask the developer directly by writing in the Comment section.
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‎Nov 11, 2020
07:43 AM
If you have clean frames and you want to have the best results invest in Twixtor Pro. Load your 16 fps footage in a 24 fps comp and turn off the footage layer visibility, add a solid, apply Twixtor Pro to the solid and pick the footage as the source, then let Twixtor do its magic by predicting the vector motion between frames and generating the best possible result. You will achieve far better results than you can get using any other technique. Your frame blending expression is kind of faking 3:2 Pulldown with interlaced video using standard telecine transfers.
Any warp stabilizing you do is going to work better if you use the original footage in a comp with the same frame rate, then render a suitable DI that you can use in a 24 fps comp using Twixtor.
I would still do all my editing in Premiere Pro, but I would edit in a 16fps Sequence, including the Warp Stabilizing because Premiere Pro does a great job at that, then either render a DI for use in AE with Twixtor or give Twixtor for Premiere Pro a try. I own Twixtor for AE but I'm assuming that Twixtor for Premiere Pro works just as well.
Don't expect fast render times. I'm not sure doing any of this work in AE is going to give you any significant improvement in the final quality.
BTW, I thought Australia was a PAL country with 50Hz power and 25 fps TV.
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‎Nov 10, 2020
05:51 PM
Im using CS6 under OSX 10.9. From other threads about large project file sizes, it appears the cause is Warp Stabilizer which stores the stabilizing data in the project file. The workaround suggested is to export the stabilized clips to ProRes and reimport them. I have a project where large file size may become a problem, so before I start applying Warp Stabilizer, I though I'd get a few hints on the best way to proceed. The project involves a 35-min home movie from the late 1960s. The scan first goes into After Effects (to adjust the frame rate from 16 to 24fps, by blending every second frame 50:50 with the next). It then enters Premiere, where I have cut it into about 300 clips, each clip edited for colour and contrast. I'm pretty sure I have not applied Warp Stabilizer to any of the clips in Premiere, but the project (153MB) is three times the size of a much larger project (140-minutes, a thousand stills, and a few dozen videos). The file size surprised me, and that's why I'm here. Ques 1 Can I search for clips that have Warp Stabilizer (or any other effect) applied? Ques 2 Turning off Warp Stabilizer on another project that uses Warp Stabilizer, doesn't seem to reduce the file size. Is that how Premiere operates – the stabilizing data is stored whether the effect is turned on or off? Ques 3 What other effects increase file size? Ques 4 Is it desirable to stabilize across scene changes? Won't the scene change bugger up the stabilizing? I've been thinking it would be best to stabilize the whole film inside AE, but then I reconsidered. Ques 5 For a clip that has frame blending applied (in my case, in AE), will stabilizing work? Or will the blended frames (either in AE or in Premiere) cause the stabilizing to go haywire? Thanks for any suggestions.
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‎Oct 09, 2020
08:02 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try nesting, otherwise it will be a manual re-calculate.
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‎Sep 18, 2020
01:53 AM
Thanks for the suggestion of Split Channels. I'll start playing around to see if it's of use, but I'm really aiming for a non-destructive technique and one that I don't have to create more files.
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