‎Apr 15, 2020
08:25 AM
I would like to be able to zoom in a continuous fashion from fit view to whatever, instead of chunking bigger, smaller, then bigger again in multiples.
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‎Dec 20, 2018
10:36 AM
Not sure why the sort list is so short. Seems it may be useful sometimes to sort by Title too, or any number of fields.But what I really want is for Adobe to add a sort hook to the SDK, so plugin authors can add sorting capabilities that may not have been thought of yet...
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‎Feb 17, 2018
05:46 PM
EnableToneCurve is not present in the develop settings, i.e. if you call
it returns "all" the develop settings, including the enable/disable settings, with the exception of the above-mentioned.
Note: EnableGradientBasedCorrections *is* present in the settings, but is missing from the documentation.
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‎Oct 13, 2017
10:40 AM
At present, a plugin can only set the stack position when adding a photo to the catalog. I would also like to be able to alter stack-position after the fact, for a variety of reasons, including plugin synchronization of proprietary xmp-like info, i.e. if plugin has saved proprietary xmp-like file, which includes stack position, that info can be applied to the catalog by plugin, including stack-position.
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‎Oct 24, 2016
01:01 PM
Sometimes, I apply an auto-toning preset to a photo, and it seems to work just fine, first time, as evidenced by the UI: * auto-toned values are displayed. * auto-tone "button" is disabled, as it should be. so far so good, *BUT* plugin is still reading bupkis values, here is an excerpt from a plugin's log file: 2013-07-21 15:11:39 com.robcole.OttoToner INFO Basic settings did not settle as expected - current values: 2013-07-21 15:11:39 com.robcole.OttoToner INFO Exposure: -999999, Contrast: -999999, Highlights: -999999, Shadows: -999999, Whites: -999999, Blacks: -999999, Clarity: 3 2013-07-21 15:11:39 com.robcole.OttoToner ERROR ****** ERROR #1: Original/auto-tone not settling - PV2012 settings have not settled (after a fairly long wait). Note: values for basic settings being returned by photo:getDevelopSettings() are the -999999 values which mean "Lr thinking/computing new values" even though Lr has already thought about it and come up with the new values. Worth noting: values for develop settings are being checked *after* returning from catalog with-do method in which the preset was applied, and there was no error applying the preset - clearly a bug in Lr, from a SDK perspective. Also note: this behavior is only occasional, but when it happens on a photo, it may keep happening for a while to that photo (but not necessarily to others), yet sometimes Lr will straighten itself out and stop doing it on those photos (e.g. after an Lr restart).
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‎Mar 03, 2016
10:58 AM
Presently there is no way to search for "brown hair" without matching everything that has "brown" or "hair" in it. - is there?
This seems like a glaring shortcoming - am I missing something?
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‎Mar 03, 2016
10:49 AM
if you search for photos whose filenames end with G, it'll match not only JPG and JPEG extensions, but also
since commas are treated as separator instead of data.
I'm used to spaces being treated as separators, but comma too?
If not a handling option, at least some documentation or something..
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‎Dec 28, 2015
11:24 AM
I want my stackage in collections the same as my stackage in folders.
I'd be perfectly happy to handle this via plugin, if the requisite functions were added to SDK, although I imagine some people would prefer this option in Lightroom, natively.
Bonus points to anybody who can come up with the SQL required to accomplish this, then I could just add it to SQLiteroom, as a work-around solution.
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‎Jan 22, 2015
08:05 PM
Thanks Scott! - that's good to hear..
I recently automated it (dumb collections auto-updated when smart collections change), so consider downloading the latest version. If you have any other ideas for improvement, do tell.. (preferably by contacting me outside the forum: http://www.robcole.com/Rob/ContactMe).
Thanks again,
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‎Jan 22, 2015
05:11 PM
Thanks Dan, for elaborating the procedure in Windows.
Now we just need somebody to do the same for Mac ;-}.
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‎Jan 22, 2015
04:05 PM
Try a link:
1. Move existing folder to preferred location.
2. in Windows command shell, execute
mklink /j "{current-location}" "{preferred-location}"
(on Mac, it's the ln command, executed in 'Terminal' window)
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‎Jan 22, 2015
01:01 PM
Thanks Jeffrey.
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‎Jan 22, 2015
12:50 PM
I didn't realize Adobe was withdrawing 32-bit support and misunderstood your post - please disregard my last post. Thanks for the clarification. ~R.
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‎Jan 22, 2015
12:08 PM
KevetS wrote:
Seems those using 32bit systems won't benefit from any new LR 6 features.
That may not be entirely true.
KevetS wrote:
Seems, where LR is concerned, 64bit's where it's at!
No argument. Rob
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‎Jan 22, 2015
12:06 PM
TallButHappy wrote:
Glad to see I'm not alone in wanting this.
The script is perfect for me, so I'm not really wanting, but for the sake of people who aren't comfortable using the script, I do support native implementation. Rob
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‎Jan 22, 2015
11:40 AM
I'm still curious who changed what, or should I just chalk this up to "a miracle..".
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‎Jan 22, 2015
11:25 AM
jonathanb60200537 wrote:
I would like to sort my photos by "crop". I would like to select all verticals or horizontals or square for example.
Lr (natively) supports sorting and filtering by aspect ratio - is that not what you want?
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‎Jan 22, 2015
01:46 AM
1 Upvote
Hi TallButHappy, You may enjoy a script I wrote called "Reset Everything Except..." - free, here: robcole.com - MiscLrScripts Rob
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‎Jan 22, 2015
01:32 AM
1 Upvote
There's an excellent plugin for viewing focus points (http://www.lightroomfocuspointsplugin.com/), if you own a compatible camera, and Lr6 will almost certainly be available stand-alone.
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‎Jan 21, 2015
07:55 PM
How was the issue resolved - any idea?
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‎Jan 21, 2015
04:23 PM
Y'all might try Jeffrey Friedl's Facebook plugin until Adobe gets theirs straightened out..
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‎Jan 21, 2015
03:59 PM
This thread is the merging of multiple (arguably related) threads which have raw+jpeg handling as their subject. I think getting back to it's original intent (exclusively) is no longer an option (if it were going to be split, it would have been done years ago, when the possibility was first broached - arguably too much water under the bridge since then). That said, you could always try to create a new (more dedicated) thread and beg for it not to get merged, but I'm not sure how much value there would be in it - I think Adobe is fully aware of both aspects of the issue now (culling performance and raw+jpeg workflow) - I could be wrong..
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‎Jan 21, 2015
03:25 PM
In the future, please contact me "directly" (outside the forum) if you have problems with any of my plugins:
Anyway, you must not have used the correct function, which should have been:
'Make Dumb Copy of Smart Collections'
I don't see how that function could possibly have created any more smart collections - just regular collections with same contents as their smart counterpart.
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‎Jan 21, 2015
01:00 PM
Please let me know if there are problems with it or you have suggestions for it.., and let us know if it works well-enough as is.. - thanks.
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‎Jan 21, 2015
11:24 AM
I just added a feature to my Collection Agent plugin which maintains regular collections alongside smart collections which have the same contents but aren't smart. You should be able to Lr-mobile-sync those instead..
Let me know if it helps, or doesn't.. - free:
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‎Jan 20, 2015
09:33 PM
It's not sooo bad (treating raw & jpeg separately) if you stack them. Whichever is above hides the inactive version. Also, consider RawPlusJpeg plugin to help manage (it's free, and I wrote it).
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‎Jan 20, 2015
02:36 AM
Yup - @Lr4 (PV2012) there are 3 adjustments using Adobe's new "magic" algorithm: * Clarity * Highlights * Shadows I really don't know enough to fill in much in the way of details, except to say that when you use -highlights or +shadows, it "clarifies" the highlights and/or shadows a little bit, by way of the laplace-transform based algorithm Adobe developed. Jeff Schewe has pointed us to a white-paper about it in the past, but I dunno the link.. To me, it's akin to Topaz Detail and/or Topaz Adjust's "adaptive" enhancements - two Photoshop plugins I used regularly until Lr4 came out (Adobe's algorithm is very well done - in my opinion, better than Topaz labs, or any of the others doing similar things, e.g. PhaseOne, DxO, Nikon, ..). FWIW - this is one of the reasons some people were raising heck when Lr4 first came out - no way to brighten shadows using the basic sliders without getting the clarification effect.. That said, Eric Chan also has informed us that Lr3's fill light had a similar mathematical algorithm backing it, and so Lr4 was not new in that regard, just improved.. Rob
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‎Jan 19, 2015
12:33 PM
I'm not sure why this question doesn't warrant a confirmation - I don't have an Android phone or tablet, but I'm still curious..
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‎Jan 19, 2015
12:26 PM
Richard - please let us know if/when the corrupt catalog is fixed, or whatever happens.. - thanks.
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‎Jan 17, 2015
03:02 PM
Hi Erik, You can pass url parameters too, e.g. local url = "mailto:asdf@qwerty.com?subject=Subject&body=Body" LrHttp.openUrlInBrowser( url ) But unless you know how to force html format (I dont), the body will be interpreted as plain text. Also, beware of url-encoding - I'm not sure whether pre-encoding is required or not. Rob
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