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Community Expert
5 hours ago
Hi, @jodmcc49, I just happened to relook at your original message and you state you're on Catalina OS?
There's a problem there. As shown on https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/system-requirements.html
Here's a screenshot:
Sorry I didn't notice that earlier.
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10 hours ago
Hi, @jodmcc49, Good information and screenshots. Always helpful.
But we have to back up a bit. Acrobat has no scanning capability whatsoever. Rather, Apple provides a link from its scanning application, Image Capture, to other applications, such as Photoshop or Acrobat. This is different from what PCs have, which is software called Twain that provides a link between applications and the scanner's software. There's a big difference because just about any scanner's software is better than Image Capture. I've been on Macs since '86 and have used scanners since around '90. When you compare what Image Capture can do versus what your scanner's software can do, you'll probably never look at Image Capture again.
So, the next question is, how do I digitize my documents, photos, or anything else I need to scan? The answer is simple: Use your scanner's software. Here's a basic process.
Scan with your scanner’s software, save your scans in the TIF format, and leave the files on your desktop (or wherever convenient). Then, you can drag the files onto the Acrobat icon in the Dock. If you save the files as TIF images, Acrobat will automatically OCR them; there's nothing else you have to do. If you drag more than one file onto the Acrobat icon, Acrobat will ask you if you want all of these files merged into one document or to remain separate. (If you save in any other format, the auto OCR dynamic will not happen, and you'll need to add to your workload by adding an OCR step to your activities.)
Some extra tips and bits of information: A full-page, 300 ppi, 8-bit TIF file will be about 8 MB. (16-bit will be about 16 MB); once they are processed into a PDF, they will drop down to about 100-150 kb, so do not worry about the size. Assuming that you've done a pre-scan to set the Levels settings to get a clean image and you're doing a stack of pages from the same source, there's no need to do subsequent pre-scans. The first scan will be “document.tif.” The 2nd document will be “document (2).tif,” the third will be “document (3).tif.”, etc. When you process those in Acrobat, the first scanned page will end at the end of the PDF as the last page. You can either fix this in the "Organize Pages" or, before processing in Acrobat, change the name in the Finder for “document.tif” to “document (1).tif."*
* There's no way around this because it is up to Finder or Explorer to name it, not the scanning software. FWIW, I use this latter approach.
Lastly, if you want to get into the details of this and learn how to get the best-quality scan and, thereby, the best-quality OCR, check out this blog I wrote for Adobe a number of years ago.
Good luck.
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Mar 07, 2025
11:07 AM
1 Upvote
I did several years ago and was provided a polite "We're looking into it." Whatever that means. But yes, you are correct, this has to be made by Grammarly, not Adobe.
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Mar 07, 2025
10:36 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, @A.Herden, While I completely understand your frustration, giving up is not a "correct answer." I'm not sure if you gave yourself that designation or it was given by someone else, but as a Moderator, I need to make sure that only statements that lead to actual solutions are designated as a real Correct Answer is marked as such. FWIW, I would LOVE for Grammarly to be a plugin in ID. But giving up will not create such a plugin.
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Mar 07, 2025
09:06 AM
Hi, @rachael_2728, you'll need to check with your scanner's software for an answer. Acrobat has no scanning capability whatsoever. Instead, it uses software called "Twain" that breaches the link between the scanning software and any other application that wishes to use it. I can provide no guidance on what to look for because I have no idea what scanner you have and probably have never encountered the scanner's software. Sorry I cannot help you more, but hopefully you now know who to contact for support.
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Mar 07, 2025
08:21 AM
Hi, @annes28242237, were you able to find your files?
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Mar 06, 2025
10:51 AM
Hi, @annes28242237, I'm sorry about this but Bridge is not meant to be used with ANY cloud service or server. Bridge was designed to be used only on local drives. That means any location on your computer or any drive directly connected to your computer (e.g., hard drives, flash drives*, etc.). I have no way of knowing where your file went, but you SHOULD be looking via the Finder or Explorer (your post does not mention your OS).
Good luck,
* Flash drives should not be used for any computer application work. They should be limited to the transfer of files. The same goes for camera cards.
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Mar 03, 2025
11:04 AM
Ah, @TheLuminous8623, that will help one of the Windows-based support folks help you. I'm one of the Mac-based help folks, and I have no background in that.
Someone will come along soon to help, thanks for the extra information; that will help them help you.
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Mar 03, 2025
10:15 AM
Hi, @TheLuminous8623, I'm not sure I understand, what do you mean "…record Bridge as I move through the pages…?"
Bridge has no recording capability. Are you trying to capture the procession of the images with a third-party screencapture application? What are you referring to?
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Feb 26, 2025
03:50 PM
Hi, @RJF9919, There is one big thing you need to know: Acrobat has no scanning capability whatsoever. Rather, it uses an extension called Twain that links your scanner's software with Acrobat. So, when you are scanning with Acrobat, you are using your scanner's software.
What you are describing is one of several long-standing bugs on PCs that Adobe has never been able to fix. I'm on a Mac, and I do not try to scan through Acrobat for different reasons. Nonetheless, I suggest you try doing what I do and see if that approach works for you. [Consider this the "I want to get the job done" approach as opposed to "This is how it's supposed to work, and I'm going to take all day to make sure it's working the way it's supposed to.]
Use the software that comes with your scanner. Since I have no idea what make or model it is, I can't be specific with what to do, but have your scanned pages left in a convenient folder. Always scan documents in the TIF format. What you'll see in that folder is something like scan.tif, scan(2).tif, scan(2).tif. etc.
Next open all of these files with Acrobat and you'll get a message asking if you want to create one document or many (individual) documents. (You choose).
If you save all of the documents into the TIF format, Acrobat will then automatically OCR them. If you save them as JPG or PNG, it will convert the document into a PDF but will not automatically OCR them. If you saved the document as TIF, it will.
One other issue: your first page (scan.tif) will show up as the last page of the document because, alphabetically, it will show up after all of the other documents. You can either manually drag this to the front in 'Organize Pages," or you can rename it before you start by renaming it scan(1).tif
Admittedly, this involves more steps than you'd do otherwise, but you'll complete it much faster because Adobe doesn't know how to fix this.
Lastly, here's a blog I wrote for Adobe a number of years ago, it might give you some ideas for scanning.
Good luck!
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Feb 25, 2025
09:34 AM
1 Upvote
@rickburress, I do not disagree.
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Feb 25, 2025
09:31 AM
Hi @Hansenphoto, yes you can, but there are minor conditions.
The catch here is that you need to arrange your Workspaces. My essential workspace is "Gary's Workspace," and I've always had that at the front of the list. What you need to do, though, is to arrange your two (or more) desired Workspaces in order for at least the first five.
To do this, go to the end of the workspace list and look for Edit Workspaces
Once there, you can change the order by dragging them up or down. Look for the blue line because that's where the workspace will land. Below, I'm moving the Metadata Workspace to below Output.
Lastly, open up the Keyboard Shortcuts near the bottom of the Edit menu.
In the bottom region, on the left, you'll see an area where you can select the thing you wish to change the key command or create one. You'll see that there is no Workspace names here, only by their order of appearance; hence the need to make sure the order is the one you want.
You will see that the basic intended key commands are set to Fn keys. I do not like dealing with Fn keys, so I changed them to "Shift-Command-Option-1." To do this, I clicked on the default , and that highlights that command and displays an "x" adjacent to the command. If you click on the "x," you will delete the command. If this closes up, just click in the region, and you'll see the blue/black highlight, but it will be empty. Enter the key command you want and then proceed to any others.
Now, close the window and you're done.
Let me know if this works for you or not, or if you have any other questions.
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Feb 23, 2025
09:30 AM
Hi, @ESSAAR; you are jumping into a thread that is over a year old and introducing issues with which I have no knowledge of what you're talking about.
If you've already talked to Adobe and have been told that you require Asian language fonts and that the original author/owners have permitted you to make alterations in a PDF, then there's not much else I can add.
Earlier in this thread, I listed a blog post I wrote about getting as good a quality scan as possible. I suggest you read that. Also, be aware that even the best quality scan will NOT make converting an entire document into editable text easy for subsequent editing, and certainly not extensive editing. I have no idea how mixing Asian fonts into the mix will work. I've only worked with the English language and standard fonts.
All the best of luck!
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Feb 23, 2025
09:16 AM
Hi, @PeterFacey, as long as you realize the minimum requirements for 24.005.20414 is a 64-bit Windows 11 or Windows 10 (version 1809 or later) operating system, an Intel or AMD processor at 1.5GHz or faster, 2GB of RAM, and at least 4.5GB of available hard disk space.
After any OS gets into End of Life designation and Windows 7, there's nothing that anyone can do to fix an issue. In fact, MICROSOFT ceased to support Windows 7 on January 14, 2020.
Unfortunately, there's not much that can be done. Sorry
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Feb 21, 2025
02:19 PM
Hi, @rebecca_1000, can you please share some screenshots of what you're clicking on and trying to do. It should be working.
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Feb 21, 2025
12:10 PM
Thank you, @vermer_5961, I should have added that I'm on an M1 Mac. What others see with other processors will vary.
Does this happen to all images? Have you tried this in other folders? And lastly, where is this folder located? External drive, on your Desktop? Where?
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Feb 21, 2025
12:06 PM
Hi, @d4801, since multiple things have been discussed, can you please be more specific as to which item(s) were unsuccessful for you? Can you elaborate on what you are doing that isn't working?
It's not possible for anyone to help you unless you give us more to work with.
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Feb 21, 2025
10:22 AM
Have you tried going into Camera Raw Preferences and changing the graphic processor setting?
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Feb 20, 2025
11:44 AM
Despite claims to the contrary, Bridge does not "keep" manual sorts. It's not surprising for users to see manual sorts undone.
if you want a special sort to remain, it's best to rename all of the files in that folder with a sorting name (e.g., image-234.jpg). Then, you can always revert back to this new order by sorting by name.
good luck
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Feb 20, 2025
11:38 AM
Also, where are the files located? On your computer or an external drive?
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Feb 20, 2025
09:24 AM
For the record, everything Erik has said for Windows does apply to the Mac as well.
One small addition (and this applies to the Mac, but I am not sure about PCs): if you trash a folder, all of its contents are trashed as well. So, if you are looking for a file and see a folder, look in the folder because the individual file will be separate from the folder. However, if you delete every file in a folder AND THEN delete the folder, they will show up in the Trash can/bin as two separate items adjacent to each other.
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Feb 20, 2025
09:14 AM
Hi, @Wilk_67; the operative word in all this is to take your time and save often. I just created a short video that shows what to look for. If I have time in the next couple of days, I might make an update to show a few more tricks to make this work, but this should suffice for now. Good luck!
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Feb 18, 2025
09:08 AM
Hi, @Martin23380985b9km. You do not state what you are doing with the raw files where you're seeing this. Can you please elaborate? For example, you open a folder of raw images, open up some of the raw images in ACR, and then what? Are the adjustments not showing up in the same folder? Are you moving the files from that folder to another folder? If so, are you making sure the XMP (sidecar file) is moved with the original file(s)? What camera's raw files are these, or have you converted them into DNGs?
Please provide the full details of what you are doing and seeing. Screenshots would be welcome as well.
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Feb 13, 2025
10:20 AM
Hi, @Mountaineer1965, what is your OS? (My answer is conditional on what your OS is).
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Feb 12, 2025
05:02 PM
Hi, @ERobicheaux, glad that worked.
For what it's worth, when the obvious things that a program does not work, there are several possible reasons: 1) it is a bug. But a bug this obvious would never get out of the door. 2) Hardware incompatibility. Your machine is too old to function with that release that is failing. 3) There is a glitch in your system (this is the most common reason). 4) The user is pushing the boundaries of the software. For example, software designed to be used with hundreds of files at the same time is overwhelmed with thousands of files. 5) The user is not using the software correctly. Or 6) has reasonable or unreasonable expectations of what the software can do.
There are other things, but with the many years I've been helping folks, these are the most common.
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Feb 12, 2025
03:40 PM
Hi, @ERobicheaux, have you tried Resetting Bridge's Preferences?
Quit Bridge (if running). Just before clicking on Bridge in the Dock or double-clicking the application for the Mac, press Command-Option-Shift. For PCs, press Control-Alt-Shift. Then open Bridge BUT KEEP your fingers on those keys until you see a window pop up. From the window, choose “Reset Preferences," "Entire Thumbnail Cache,” and/or "Reset Standard Workspaces.” In your case, choose "Reset Preferences."
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Feb 11, 2025
02:10 PM
Just checking for Apple's Privacy & Security having been followed.
Next: is this with all folders or only this folder? If it's only this folder, have you gone over to the Tools menu, down to Cache, and Purge Cache for THAT folder?
Have you reset your Preferences?
Quit Bridge (if running). Just before clicking on Bridge in the Dock or double-clicking the application for the Mac, press Command-Option-Shift. For PCs, press Control-Alt-Shift. Then open Bridge, BUT KEEP your fingers on those keys until you see a window pop up. From the window, choose “Reset Preferences," "Entire Thumbnail Cache,” and/or "Reset Standard Workspaces.” In your case, choose "Reset Preferences."
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Feb 11, 2025
12:49 PM
Hi, @Mystical_Harmony5ECE, I was hoping your screenshot showed the Path, but it was cut off too soon.
Where are these files? Are they on a connected drive or on the Desktop?
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Feb 10, 2025
09:45 AM
Hi, @marya6431116, is there any chance you can upload the original PDF? Your screenshots are great, but unfortunately, they only lead to possible issues. With the original, we can take better aim. Thank you
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Feb 05, 2025
09:30 AM
I have no clue as to why or how what you did solved the problem, but I'm delighted it's solved.
Thanks for letting us know the problem is gone.
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