‎Nov 21, 2024
01:38 PM
1 Upvote
The use of "your software" was a rhetorical device; I was addressing Adobe, not implying that you, personally, have some ownership of the software. Apologies for making inferences about your comments re: the "1% or 2% of the user base", though. Everything else, I stand behind.
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‎Nov 21, 2024
01:09 PM
I'd like to point out that the software is called Premiere "Pro", not "Premiere YouTuber Edition". You're absolutely correct that the vast majority of Premiere customers are not using for anything even resembling "Pro". That being said, like, if you want your software to be considered "Pro", for use by actual professionals, then maybe you want to add actual professional features instead of low-quality genAI stuff, where the point is literally to put actual professionals out of work...? Of the two features, which would you consider to be more "Pro"? The ability to generate low-effort memes and low-quality stock footage using text prompts? Or robust colour correction features that use professional color checker cards in order to simplify getting an accurate colour balance? I should also point out that the MBR plugin was developed by one dude. Nobody is expecting Adobe to pull a team of several hundred people from their coveted genAI teams to spend several years implementing this feature. Adobe is a $220 Billion company. It's VERY fair to expect more from them than a single person can deliver.
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‎Nov 21, 2024
11:31 AM
If a feature ain't coattail-riding on the gen AI bubble, Adobe ain't interested in implementing it
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‎Nov 11, 2024
02:51 PM
To be fair, in spite of all of the hype, AI is pretty useless. Typing "AI fix link media bugs" into some sort of prompt isn't likely to help much, especially given how complex these apps are. That being said, given the outrageous amount Adobe charges for their apps, they absolutely should be testing them properly before pushing broken updates.
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‎Jul 08, 2024
11:29 AM
@Elwoodjblues1 +1 That's what we use, as well. It works well, for the most part. Highly recommend it for Premiere users!
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‎Jul 08, 2024
11:14 AM
@jackthegiantslayerThey're probably too busy fOcUsiNG oN pErFoRMaNCe aNd sTAbiLiTy i.e. creating AI features that will put their users out of work and rolling in giant piles of subscriber money, Scrooge McDuck-style.
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‎Apr 25, 2023
01:46 PM
@R Neil Haugen You and I have been back and forth on this several times in other threads. I have no interest in doing a full recap what we've already discussed, but in summary: the new Export Panel design and UI isn't a case of "poh-tay-toe/poe-tah-toe"; it makes a huge pile of intentional design errors that fly in the face of accepted UI design standards and best practices. The layout and design is amateurishly, unambigiously bad, shockingly so. Some people like broccoli; some people hate broccoli. That's a valid difference of opinion that is worth discussing and exploring. I'm sure you'd be able to find a handful of folks out there who absolutely LOVE broccoli smeared in raw chicken juice, but for a whole host of very obvious reasons, eating broccoli that's been smeared in raw chicken juice is an unambiguously bad idea. Some people might be of the "opinion" that broccoli smeared in raw chicken juice is great!, but they are wrong. Regardless, this is a post about a bugfix for the persistent undocked-panel issue that Adobe has somehow still not addressed. they don't appear to be listening at all, or they simply are not interested in what we are saying. @Heathenlamb Unfortunately, you've hit the nail on the head there. Adobe hasn't bothered listening to its users since they moved to the subscription model. They don't have to work to convince users to buy the latest version of the software, so there's literally no incentive for them to take user feedback into account.
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‎Apr 24, 2023
11:26 AM
Let's get this out of the way before we talk bug fixes: the UI for the updated Export Panel sucks, and is objectively terrible by a whole host of metrics. There are a ton of posts about this, so I'm not going to bother re-hashing the exact same critiques here. For the love of all things holy, if you're not going to actually fix this abomination of a UI, at least fix the "feature" where the entire Export Panel UI is locked if you have an undocked panel open when you switch to the Export Panel. In order to get the app to work again, you have to switch back to the Edit UI using the tab at the top, close your undocked panels, then switch back to the Export Panel. One of your undocked panels covering the Export tab at the top of the screen? LOLOLOL GUESS YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK, SUCKER! You have to force quit the entire program and re-start it. SMDH
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‎Apr 04, 2023
01:43 PM
Thanks, @Dan Ebberts! That did the trick!
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‎Apr 04, 2023
12:47 PM
So this doesn't seem like it should be an overly complex thing to set up, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. I'm still kind of a novice when it comes to expressions... I have a crane-like object rigged up, carrying a payload that sways back and forth a bit to simulate the inertia of a large, heavy object. I'd like to add a "shadow" underneath the payload object; it needs to match the x-axis movement of the "payload", but ignore the y- (and z-) axis motion. The tricky part is that the "payload" is parented to a "hook", which is parented to the head of the crane, which is parented to part 1 of the crane arm, which is parented to part 2 of the crane arm, etc. etc. The "payload" itself has no keyframes and no moving properties itself -- the motion is driven entirely by the various other layers parented througout the chain. My workaround is to brute force it, throwing everything into a subcomp that I track using Mocha, then strip out all movement other than the x-axis, but there must be a better way to do this. Any suggestions?
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‎Mar 07, 2023
05:04 PM
Has anyone tried to export something while they have an undocked panel open, by the way? I love how the entire UI is locked and you can't actually do anything until you switch back to the Edit UI, close the undocked panel and switch back to the Export UI.
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‎Mar 07, 2023
04:58 PM
I'd like to reiterate that, contrary to certain peoples' fallacious arguments, the new Export Panel objectively sucks. It's not a matter of opinion that it sucks; it's an objective fact that it sucks, based on very clear, observable criteria. This isn't a case of "some people like broccoli; some people hate broccoli ¯\_(ツ)_/¯". The new UI farts in the face of extremely basic, established UX design principles and best practices. Like, this kind of thing might be undertandable coming from a first-year design student at a local community college, but from one of the richest companies in the ENTIRE WORLD?! It's an embarassment.
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‎Feb 08, 2023
12:45 PM
I mean, there are people out there who still fanatically insist that Elon Musk is "smart" and a "good business man", so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Something can be objectively terrible, and people will still inexplicably line up to rave about how amazing it is. I did read through your posts before replying. TBH -- and I'm perfectly willing to admit that I misinterpreted this -- the tenor of your comments seemed to lean towards "hey, just do all of this extra stuff and you'll eventually get used to it!" This has nothing to do with "accepting that others love what doesn't make sense to you". This is, from a 100% purely objective standpoint, terrible design. Shockingly terrible. The easiest way to make a UX work across setups ranging from tiny 1280x800 screens to 49" 5120 x 1440 ultrawides to multi-monitor 7640 x 2160 setups? Have a pop-up dialogue box that maintains its general aspect ratio across all screens. No sober, experienced UX designer thinks it's a good idea to build an interface that hides mosts commonly used functions, and takes over the entire area of your screen when the expected use-cases range from 16:9 to 32:9. Who reasonably thinks that this is a good idea?! SMDH
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‎Feb 08, 2023
11:26 AM
Look, @ R Neil Haugen, I know you've gotta tow the Adobe line here, but come on. Objectively speaking, which of these export UI: a) is more intuitive and user friendly b) is a better use of space c) has a layout that is actually well thought out There is no world in which anyone can reasonably claim that the new Export interface is in any way, shape or form "better" than the previous version
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‎Feb 08, 2023
09:57 AM
We've been running CC2021 for a few years now, as it's been relatively stable and bug-free. Adobe forced us to "upgrade" by shutting down the speech-to-text servers for captioning, and, as expected, CC2023 is riddled with bugs and contains some absolutely hilariously poorly-thought-out UX issues. **long, slow clap** The issue we're currently wrestling with is that drone footage from our DJIs won't export. Playback is smooth on the timeline, but when exporting through either AME or Premiere, the clips appear frozen, or extremely choppy (like, 0.5 or 1 fps). Drone footage is UHD 59.94fps h265. The exact same footage located on the exact same drive plays back properly in every standalone video player we have (including on phones). It plays back and exports properly in Pr v15 (CC2021). This is NOT an issue surrounding "high hardware requirements for h265" or "long GOP decoding requirements" or "the efficiency of DJI's encoder". This is a straight-up Premiere fart-up. Please advise on how we can get Premiere Pro to actually do the one job it is expected to do: export professional-grade video content. Re-encoding all of our drone footage to an intermediate codec is not a solution. Disabling hardware encoding for all of our exports is not a solution (and doesn't solve the issue, anyway). This is a common problem on several of our machines (both newer and older than mine), but let's just use the specs for my personal workstation -- Windows 10 Pro v 22H2 Premiere "Pro" 23.1.0 Ryzen 3800x 64GB RAM GTX 1080
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‎Jan 24, 2023
06:51 AM
LOLOLOL @ the official Adobe response: "We also know that the performance and stability of the app should be our #1 priority and that is where our focus is right now." Suuuuure it is, Adobe. Sure it is. 😂😂😂😂
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‎Jul 26, 2022
10:46 AM
For anyone still running into this problem years later, here's the "fix": GutoAmorim • Community Beginner , Aug 12, 2019 (FIX) Solution here straight from 2006. Any way to reset Open Dialogue box that's off screen? - Ars Technica OpenForumSee Bryan's solution:- Alt+Space (opens window options menu)- Click in Move- Use keyboard arrows to move the dialog box (if you don't know where it is, keep trying different directions).My dialog box was way off to the left side I moved pressing Shift and finally saw it. It was a "Import" dialog box. Source:
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‎Apr 17, 2022
09:39 AM
1 Upvote
@tvn32295250 I feel for you, man. Adobe support was of absolutely no help to me either back when I first posted this. "cLoUd cOmpUtiNG teH bESt sO cOnVEniEnT 4 OUr STonK pRiCes i mEaN oUr uSErS" -- Adobe, 2020 (and also 2022) Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing the Creative Cloud app? I don't think that worked for me, but might be worth a shot. Please treat this as absolutely last-resort advice because it's a MASSIVE pain in the ass (and may not even work), but from what I remember, I had to uninstall everything, run the Adobe Cleaner tool and reinstall everything. My honest advice for how to best deal with Adobe's broken cloud/subscription nonsense? Switch to Resolve. Stop giving Adobe your money. With a subscription model, they have zero incentive to release stable, fast, innovative programs. They can completely phone it in and release awful, bug-riddled nonsense, and they get your money just the same. Hopefully you get to read this post before the mods blast it into oblivion! 😄
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‎Sep 21, 2021
06:24 PM
Perfect, this is exactly what I was looking for!
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‎Sep 21, 2021
06:06 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks, guys! I've been slammed trying to get a series out the door, so I haven't had time to test out any of these solutions; going to try to play around with them later this week. I appreciate the help! @Mathias Moehl @Mylenium @Dan Ebberts
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‎Aug 15, 2021
04:31 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to best explain this; hopefully, I'll be able to describe what I'm looking to do without getting too confusing. I've been beating my head against the wall with this off and on for years, now. Every once in awhile, I go down a rabbit hole online and start searching for answers, but haven't had any luck. Here's what I'm looking to do: I'm essentially looking to make easily customizable gradient ramps, so I (or other users, if I'm creating a template or MOGRT) can change a single colour value, and adjust a series of gradient ramps throughout the comp. So, let's say I've got a BG layer with a gradient ramp on it. To keep it simple, the start colour is FF0000, and the end colour is 660000 -- pure red, ramping to a darker version of that red. I know I can easily pickwhip both the start and the end colour values to separate Color Controllers on a "Master Color" layer (let's call the controls "Primary" and "Secondary"); from there, if I pickwhip the colour values of various other elements throughout the project to the "Master Color" layer, and easily change the colours throughout the project. If the branding changes from red to green, I just have to modify the "Master Color" > "Primary" and "Secondary" controls to be green, and a darker shade of green, and boom, all of a sudden the BG, text elements, highlights, etc. all change to green instead of red. The tricky part is that I'd like to automate and simplify this, so I can add a bunch of different colour variations throughout the project, and have them all update by changing a single colour value. So, for example, within my project, I have pure red set as the starting point on "Master Color" > "Primary". In the project, I have a few elements that use a moderately darker shade of that "Primary" red, a few that use a moderately lighter shade of that "Primary" red color, and a few elements that use significantly darker and lighter shades of the "Primary" color. Maybe I have a few contrasting highlight elements that use the same general shade as the "Primary" red, but shift the hue into the yellow or purple range. That winds up being a lot of colour controls, if they all have to be broken out individually, and, frankly, relying on clients or template end-users to pick a nice selection of colours is maybe a bit of a stretch. SO, what I'm hoping is that there's a way to create expressions that all reference a single colour controller, and either add or subtract values from the individual HSL values. Hypothetically, I'd add an expression to the Start Color of my gradient ramp that takes the unadjusted values from "Master Color" > "Primary"; the End Color value would have an expression that is, like, H + 0, S + 0, L - 30 (automatically creating a darker shade of the "Master Color" > "Primary" colour value); my contrasting elements would have a Fill effect with an expression linked to "Master Color" > "Primary", with, like, H + 50, S + 0, L + 0 (automatically creating a colour with a different hue of "Master Color" > "Primary" colour value); my highlight elements would have a Fill effect with an expression linked to "Master Color" > "Primary", with, say, H + 0, S - 40, L + 0 (automatically creating a colour with a lighter shade of "Master Color" > "Primary" colour value). Users just have to modify a single colour, and the entire colour scheme is updated across the project. I think I might almost have the answer using this expression, which seems to break out HSL into individual values, where I can modify the "+ 0" values to create what I'm looking for, but I can't quite figure out how to set the initial value by grabbing the colour values from a separate "Master Color" control layer somewhere else in the project. Also, if someone could explain what the different breakouts in the array modify, that would be awesome. I think hsl[0] modifies the Hue, hsl[1] the Saturation, and hsl[2] the Lightness (?), but I don't really get what hsl[3] does? hsl = rgbToHsl(value); assemble = [hsl[0] + 0, hsl[1] + 0, hsl[2] + 0, hsl[3]]; hslToRgb(assemble) Hopefully that's not too confusing and in-the-weeds. If anything doesn't make sense, please let me know! Thanks in advance, all of you expressions masters out there!
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‎Jan 24, 2021
12:07 PM
Excellent work as always, Adobe! There are three"solutions" to this bug: 1) Don't use subclips -- they're janky and super broken. 2) If for some reason you absolutely HAVE to use subclips (or have a client who insists on using them *cough*), don't use Audition -- the subclips will not translate to Audition properly. 3) If you find yourself forced to use subclips and want to use Adobe's audio editing software to, y'know, edit audio, you'll have to go through each and every subclip in the project one at a time at the bin level and convert them to Master Clips. Once they're Master Clips instead of subclips, they'll bounce to Audition properly. ----------- Go to the bin where your subclips are located Right-click on the subclip Choose Edit Subclip Click the Convert to Master Clip checkbox Click OK Rinse and repeat! Hopefully this helps someone else out there!
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‎Jan 24, 2021
11:46 AM
Is there an actual fix for this bug, yet? Am I missing something? The camera gizmo controls are standard press/hold to activate; no modifier keys are necessary for the gizmo controls. Adding markers requires the shift modifier: shift+number. I don't understand why these can't co-exist?
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‎Jan 22, 2021
04:32 PM
Can anyone tell me how to fix this? I've got a client who insists on doing rough edits himself, them passing them off to me for finishing. His projects are usually a complete and total mess, taking me hours to sort out before I can even start editing. His preferred workflow is to make subclips for everything -- and I mean EVERYTHING, even if it's a short master clip with just a single thought in it, he absolutely HAS to subclip it. I've tried to give him advice a ton of times re: best practices to make my life easier (and to save him a ton of money!), but he's very resistent to actually changing his workflow in any way. That's neither here nor there, though. The main problem I'm having is that Premiere and Audition refuse to work well together with his subclips. I clean up his edit as I would with any other project, bounce it to Audition using the standard workflow and settings (r-click on sequence > Edit in Audition > Sequence Entire Sequence None 9.0sec handles Transfer Settings Transfer Settings ☑ Pan & Volume ☑ Open in Audition The project opens up in Audition, the audio files conform, and everything looks fine. Except that every sinlge subclip is using the wrong portion of the audio. I'm sure there's a rhyme or reason to it on the backend, like Audition is reading the duration TC from the subclip and applying it to the master clip or something, but the end result is an unsuable mess in Audition -- instead of a clip playing the proper sound bite from the edit itself, Audition plays back a seemingly random piece of audio from the master clip. I've spent hours playing around with the various "edit in Audition" settings with no luck. I've tried opening the Pr. project directly in Audition instead of trying to bounce it to Audition from within Pr. Same thing happens. I've tried to project manage the sequences (consolidate and transcode with handles), but the operation fails due to some unspecified error where Premiere refuses to transcode the audio clips (I assume for whatever the same reason is that Audition 'effs everything up). I've done a Render and Replace with the audio on the timeline before bouncing to Audition. This works --everything opens up properly in Audition --- but there doesn't seem to be any way to R&R audio with handles, so I'm stuck with zero leeway to edit clips on the Audition multitrack timeline. Frankly, I'm not about to spend hours manually rearranging all of the clips on the Pr timeline, adding handles on either side of every piece of audio, because Adobe can't figure out how to make their programs actually work properly. I keep having this exact same problem with every project this guy sends me; I've never had this happen with any other client (and I've been doing this for a LONG time). In the past, I've ended up just doing a rough audio edit for each different interview subject/VO recording/nats audio track, exporting an individual mixdown for each, stacking all of the various track mixdowns in a multitrack session, doing a fine mix, exporting separate voice/nats/music mixdowns back into Premiere for any final timing adjustments. I'm not going to mince words here: that process 'effing SUCKSSSSSSSSSS. Anyone have any suggestions for fixes or workarounds? I'm completely out of ideas... Win10 Pro Pr 14.8.0 / Au Though this same problem has been happening to me with every version of Pr since at least Pr 13.1.5 / Au (the versions I was running when this guy first started bringing stuff to me). All footage stored on internal SSD drives - no NAS drives or DAS drives in play. No proxies, working with the raw footage (well, subclips created from the raw footage, anyway 🙄). Clips were captured using a ton of different cameras, in varying framerates, framesizes, codecs; all clips have this issue, regardless of their specs or point of origin.
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‎Jan 04, 2021
05:24 PM
I'm looking to create a relatively straightforward interactive map (at least I think it would be straightforward...?). My wife is doing a personal project where she collects and publishes the best recipes from around the world; she's hoping to add an interactive map to her blog, where followers and clients can click on a particular country and open up a popup that showcases info, pictures and recipes from that country. I've got literally decades of experience with After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop, and Illustrator, but I've never even installed Adobe Animate. Creating the artwork will be a cinch, but I have absolutely no idea where to even begin with Animate... Has anyone run across any beginner-level tutorials that might help me get started on this? Or just have any advice for someone starting out?
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‎Mar 19, 2020
11:50 AM
Adobe won't let me use Premiere 2020, because they "can't verify [my] subscription status". I'm obvoiusly connected to the internet, since I'm posting this message; I've uninstalled and re-installed Premiere 14.0.3; I've checked my hosts file, and it's empty; all of my other Adobe apps work propery, including Cloud, Premiere 2019, AE 2019 and 2020, PS 2020, Illustrator 2020, Audition 2020, AME 2020. All apps are up-to-date. What gives? I've been trying to get through to chat, but have been getting a "Sorry for the delay. We’re busier than expected. Thank you for your patience." message for literally the past 24 hours. Anyone know how to fix this? TIA
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‎May 15, 2019
05:06 PM
That's too bad. If only there were a version of the less-than-one-year-old software release that wasn't so riddled with bugs that it's totally useless to the OP, forcing him or her to spend several thousands of dollars to replace his or her 3 year old computer. **stares wistfully at the clouds**
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‎May 15, 2019
02:44 PM
1 Upvote
Risking the ol' banhammer: So, to be clear, Kevin, you guys revoked the licenses for older versions of your software, making it essentially illegal for your paying customers with older hardware to run your software. Instead of providing workarounds or solutions, your advice is to drop several thousand dollars on a new computer? Have I got that right?
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‎May 15, 2019
12:08 PM
No problem, just install an older version of Premiere that can run properly on yo ------- oh, RIIIIIIGGGGGGGGHT...
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‎Feb 11, 2019
09:36 AM
Can confirm that copy/paste from AE>Premiere works properly in CC2017 (AE and Pr. 11.1.2). Copying a video clip in AE and pasting into Premiere maintains scaling and position.
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