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in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 13, 2025
08:16 PM
‎Feb 13, 2025
08:16 PM
@robirdman1 wrote:
I have a corrected PSD version, but when I want to save 'as', png isn't a choice. I don't remember how I did before and didn't find png in search of manual.
For PNG, you can:
1) Save a Copy
2) Enable Legacy Save As in your Preferences/Settings in File Handling
3) Export As
4) Export Save for Web (Legacy)
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‎May 07, 2024
12:37 AM
If I understand you correctly try this. Right click on this old icon and choose "Unpin from taskbar" You then need to navigate to the latest Bridge executable in program files. Right click on that and choose "Pin to taskbar" Do you have more than one version of Bridge installed? If you don't use the old version, I would uninstall it. If you do that first before the above then the taskbar icon should turn white as the link will be broken. You can still unpin it from the taskbar.
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‎Oct 13, 2023
08:42 AM
Due to the fact that one of my websites is too large and can't be backed up, I've been deleting hundreds of images and putting on my other site where size isn't a problem. But to get as many as possible off, I've been choosing the larger families instead of small ones. I have found that since the exporter results in a lot of parentless keywords that then have to be moved, one by one from the bottom in Other Keywords to the parent folder, it has been better to rename the parent in keywords, with all members selected from using () to comma. This has worked well when a subfolder also has () which is also changed with after unselecting all and then selecting those with the comma format and the original () then is deletable. But I'm having a big problem with subfolders below this, such as Tribes in Subfamilym which are just one word, with no common name, such as Saperdini in Lamiinae in Cerambycidae. I find all those genera that use that keyword, and uncheck them. Then I delete the subkeyword, which is both places, I add it back to only the comma format parent. And rising from the dead, it reappears in the old place. Then I selected all of the parent Laminae with () and made sure there were none left with that keyword. Deleted that parent with all its subkeywords which were also deselected and deleted. I select a genus that would use that keyword and check in the new version and both the old version and its parent reappear. Just can't get rid of the duplicate.
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‎Aug 27, 2023
11:12 AM
I had been using Bridge beta and Photoshop beta, and my actions were preserved. They are not in the default actions folder, but in another, and I have the choice to go to that and select my action. but after having to close Bridge and restart the computer, only the default action folder shows in Bridge, with none of my actions. Tried looking in the user preference to maybe copy from Bridge 13 or Photoshop but don't find. And this Beta was working better as if I ran the batch, it put the results in the folder I ran from, while Bridge 13 would put in the folder when I last modified the action, despite saying to save in the same folder.
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‎Aug 09, 2023
03:56 AM
This is proving overwhelming for me because I have a phylogenetic heirarchy of nested keywords. I had the format such as " Latin name (COMMON NAME) " for most families. I started changing this to " Latin name, COMMON NAME " so that it would import into the correct format for keywords on my website. But because of the parents and children, this created duplicates at many levels. I was working on Flies for example. There may be a structure such as Arthopods>Insects>Diptera, FLIES>Aschiza>Syrphidae (HOVER FLIES)>Brachinopini>Brachyopini. 7 levels of keywords. After reading this, I changed one fly family without childen to the comma family, and this created a new level of duplicates, which I deletes, I renamed the parent "Aschiza" and this created a duplicate of the old, Aschiza, which has all the fly families under it duplicated. There is already a duplicate Diptera, and another, Diptera (FLIES). I was wondering about how many levels I have to do, and then there are all these other Orders, such as Beetles, Lepidoptera, etc, all under Arthropods with over 150,000 files, which I'm pretty sure Bridge can't hold at once and so I at a loss how to proceed without creating more and more duplicates from what was once extremely well organized.
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‎Aug 05, 2023
05:26 PM
I don't see any 14 version.
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‎Jul 10, 2023
11:51 AM
I will have to wait till a re-occurence, as I copied and pasted the needed data into the affected ones. Thanks, I will check this next time.
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‎Jul 03, 2023
04:41 AM
I used Topaz Photo AI to process 30 tifs using the standalone version. I was then going to use my saved action that adds a watermark and copyright and make a jpg., and it stopped before saving and offered a PSD. I tried to save instead as JPG and this was not a choice, only jpeg2000. I decided to use save as on the tiff before the actions, and zip file was highlighted, something I never use, and saved as LZW as I have always for decades. But it made no difference, so I saved as the jpf. This shows in Bridge but when I go to load for a site such as Bugguide, it shows an empty box, so is useless. Saving with no compression and trying again doesn't work either, so what kind of tiff can this be that can't be saved as a jpg? Still waiting for topaz response.
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‎Jun 22, 2023
08:38 PM
1 Upvote
So I had to call Adobe tech help as when I try to open it, all I got was a spinning circle. Whether from my computer or the cloud, same thing. I really don't like to use it, as an earlier version allows 2 or more windows to be open, but won't run macro actions now. So after trying a bunch of things that were unsuccessful, he finally had me reinstall Bridge. The problem still occurred after one brief moment where it opened but then wouldn't again. Tried some other stuff and did a control-alt-shift and reset, losing all my preferences. So it was working for awhile and I did what I needed and next time I tried to use it, I had to reset again. It didn't help, and I went back to the earlier Bridge and got a lot of work done, adding data, making tiffs, rating, weeding out stuff etc. but then today, I wanted to copy some of the description data to the file name, as this is the way I always organize my files, by subject name followed by a unique number. But when I went to a single image's description field, it said multiple values, so I can't copy it. I try going from a version of Bridge 12, back to the latest 13, and spincircle, won't open. Trying to reset didn't work. So now I can't use either, and work ended till I can call Adobe again. So sick of this extortionist monopoly that keeps worsening products while charging a monthly fee.
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‎Apr 13, 2023
02:22 AM
1 Upvote
I can't comment on whether cancelling your Photoshop subscription is something that you would want to do. Bridge is free with limited features. Without Photoshop there is no access to Adobe Camera Raw, you can't use automation tools that leverage Photoshop such as Image Processor or Batch etc.
Most other features are there and don't require Photoshop.
Google for more info.
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‎Jan 23, 2023
08:38 AM
This is so incredibly tedious. I found a video of adapting a squirrel with fur sticking out to a different background and followed along with mine. Initial selection of object was good. don't need nearly the detail of hirs, as I just want to rid the outline. I create the mask and refine it as following him, and then have a color background on another layer and reverse, following where he puts that below, and then dreating a duplicate layer and using blending mode lighten on one and darken on the other. He is removing darker fringe while I am doing the opposite, so choose the lighter one. It seems he quickly goes around the squirrel and it looks better (though I can see he didn't get all the longer hairs sticking out. I on the other hand have to go all around the image a 2nd time more carefully after putting in the background with a different shade of green as the outline is much worse, and it has to be very precise or it dips into the subject. And then after maybe an hour of that and I want to make the background less solid, I find I can't lighten or darken parts of it, I get the circle with a slash, and nor can I paint lighter or darker shades or green. Is it because solid color layer is unalterable and I have to do something all over again?
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‎Dec 29, 2022
05:53 AM
If you search on YouTube, you'll find loads of tutorials on creating logos. I'd start there.
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‎Nov 25, 2022
04:08 AM
1 Upvote
That didn't last long. Files are back to having wrong description until description is clicked. Especially wasteful when files haven't had the subject added to the file name. Don't know what the videos are with no thumbnail and now still can't tell by just clicking the thumb, or moving through with the arrow. I currently have at not bigger that 1000meg. Very few are bigger.
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‎Nov 15, 2022
01:21 PM
Likewise. I was thrilled to see all these later Nikon video thumbs appear and did several folders and was going to save so many hours of having to use NX Studio, LR or WinMedia to go back and forth on the files. then I went to the store and came back and thought, what happened to all those thumbnails. I think we need to clamour for Bridge to fix this. All those other programs can do it, why not Bridge?
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‎Nov 15, 2022
01:12 PM
Either I didn't look carefully enough or something changed. I went out to the store and returned and then was going through folders that I had purged caches on after setting the software parameter. None of the later files have thumbnails and can't be played. I tried going through and purging some again but nothing changed. I thought I was going to save hundreds of hours by not havng to go to NX studio or LR to see, play and things are the same as before. I see now on the GoPro thread that likewise it worked briefly and then they all reverted back again to no thumbs. What a letdown.
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‎Nov 11, 2022
06:11 PM
It seemed best when it was CS6 and videos had thumbnails and playable among many other things. but it seems with this subscription service, there are people whose jobs depend on continually making changes as a reason for being employed, as well as an excuse to pay for a subscription that need no update. Each update it seems I lose something and add to my workflow time. One of the most useful things was to have a Bridge Window open and press control N and get a new window. I could have multiple Bridges open and compare file folder contents. Now that isn't working, and I want to compare files in one drive and directory with another which may have an older version with camera numbers - NOT renumbered according to my sysem. It would be easy to compare thumbnails or RAW files, which Windows File Explorer does not show. (While it does show video thumbnails - which Bridge doesn't). Such an unbelievable mess.
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‎Oct 30, 2022
07:06 PM
Bridge is much better for this. I apply species names before unique number system to sort thus and more filtering possiblities.
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‎Oct 29, 2022
04:24 PM
I use Bridge to organize my files, but since having to pay for a subscription, it no longer reads my video files. So Lightroom Classic 12 can. But now I played several videos, rated in Bridge and then an empty white box appeared while playing a video which just stopped. It is caused by/related to LR, as I could no longer do anything there and using task manager closed it and the box disappeared. Then I went back to LR and the same thing happened again. Only now Task Manager doesn't show LR so it can't be closed. I played the file to completion in Windows media, but now it looks like I'll have to reboot.
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‎Oct 29, 2022
04:04 AM
At Pwdro, please explain which Lightroom application you are referring to,
Lightroom (cloud-based) present version 6 or
Lightroom Classic present version 12.
Also what is LG you are referring to?
See the link for more info.
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‎Oct 25, 2022
05:01 AM
If you go into the Library Module and search for one of the photos by file name, using all 4 of these steps, do you find it? Click on "All Photographs" on the left under Catalog Turn off filters Expand all stacks (Photos->Stacking->Expand All Stacks) Search by file name in the Filter Bar
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‎Oct 18, 2022
07:38 AM
As points out "Stacking, in Bridge, is solely to help de-clutter your images."And it looks like what you need is to use LrC for this function to have meaning for what you seem to assume/want. I was wondering the same thing.
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‎Oct 03, 2022
08:07 AM
... going back and forth from LR and Bridge ... Please, let's use the abbreviation LrC (since Lr refers to other software).
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‎Sep 23, 2022
10:31 AM
I'm needing help with this also as it is dragging out my processing times severely. I've made sure no start up scripts are running and it still does it. It has now just started happening within the past month for me.
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‎Sep 01, 2022
09:26 AM
This is PP6. I wanted to open a project and files had been moved around to different drives. I find the project and various versions and automatic backups but none will open because it indicates the scratch disk is missing and will a default. So then it won 't open. Since the scratch disk doesn't contain the files, and I thought was just for quick temporary storage or access, why is this happening and what can be done?
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‎Jul 22, 2022
12:05 PM
1 Upvote
And you're right in assuming that there is no advantage to converting an 8-bit file to 16-bit.
By @Per Berntsen
Not as it is, but there is if you're going to do further work on it.
This is a real-life example of adjusting an 8 bit file, vs. converting to 16 and doing the same adjustment, then converting back to 8 (refreshed, not cached, histograms).
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‎Jun 18, 2022
11:30 AM
Several times this has happened. I am viewing files or videos in Bridge and the window shrinks back to the icon on the taskbar. If I hover over that, I see a preview of the folder and contents of what I was just on, but it won't open. In another case, just the filename showed and that desktop turned from blue with icons to gray and blank. In one case, I rebooted as all the other icons shrank and became response and I had to reboot. Last time I used task manager to restart Bridge.
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‎Jun 18, 2022
11:25 AM
When I review my images in Bridge, I press the space bar and get a full screen image, I press arrow to go to following ones sequentially.. This doesn't work with videos. If I'm on the icon and prss spacbar, nothing happens. But if I am viewing an image file selected thus, full screen, and press the arrow key and the next one is a video, then it shows and plays full screen. I prefer this to using the smaller preview above the metadata. Isn't there another way to do this? Videos are often adjacent to an image file.
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‎Apr 28, 2022
01:30 PM
What else is one to think, when months pass, telling Adobe techs, that if you search by rating, the only choice is reject. And videos give wrong dates and times. This is not just on my computer, as Adobe techs verified and also I checked with someone else who has the adobe extortion subscription. One can absolutely not get through to any real person to do anything about these and other problems. And though I am obviously connected to the Internet and just updated Photoshop, there is no new corrected update for Bridge, as repeatedly pleas to the Adobe help techs to pass the unresolvable problems to management has changed nothing. So I am connected, paying ~$11/month for defective programs I can't even use, because it is saying my subscription can't be verified as I try repeatedly to open Bridge. I can update CR and Photoshop but can't be verifed to open Bridge. What a toxic, bug-ridden system, with either humans with their heads in the sand, or automatons that already are in charge and immune to communication.
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‎Apr 22, 2022
05:42 AM
When you are trying to save in tiff format, what options are you using?
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‎Apr 22, 2022
04:56 AM
1 Upvote
@robirdman1 wrote:
Now however all my personally created actions have disappeared and only the default ones are there.
If you saved the Action Set (panel menu > Save Actions), then you can choose Load from the panel menu and re-load the .atn file.
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