‎Feb 16, 2025
01:12 AM
I left a batch de-noising overnight and I came back and it had stalled maybe 15-20% of the way through, with no errors, the status bar stuck at that percentage and only as many denoise actions were completed in the filmstrip.
Lightroom Classic version: 14.2 [ 202502071718-3869eef7 ] License: Creative Cloud Language setting: en-GB Operating system: Mac OS 15 Version: 15.2.0 [24C101] Application architecture: arm64 Logical processor count: 16 Processor speed: NA SqLite Version: 3.36.0 Power Source: Plugged In, 100% Built-in memory: 65,536.0 MB Dedicated GPU memory used by Lightroom: 10,008.3MB / 49,152.0MB (20%) Real memory available to Lightroom: 65,536.0 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 9,034.4 MB (13.7%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 440,489.4 MB Memory cache size: 9,228.3MB Internal Camera Raw version: 17.2 [ 2155 ] Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5 Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2 Camera Raw virtual memory: 2281MB / 32767MB (6%) Camera Raw real memory: 2542MB / 65536MB (3%)
Cache1: Final1- RAM:346.0MB, VRAM:1,109.0MB, LD1_0009.CR3 NT- RAM:346.0MB, VRAM:1,109.0MB, Combined:1,455.0MB
Cache2: m:9,228.3MB, n:1,451.9MB
U-main: 254.0MB
Standard Preview Size: 2048 pixels Displays: 1) 3024x1964, 2) 5120x2880
Graphics Processor Info: Metal: Apple M3 Max Init State: GPU for Export supported by default User Preference: GPU for Export enabled Enable HDR in Library: OFF
Application folder: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic Library Path: /Users/Luke/Pictures/Lightroom/2025/2025.lrcat Settings Folder: /Users/Luke/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom
Installed Plugins: 1) Canon Print Studio Pro 2) Canon Professional Print & Layout 3) dlvr. 4) Fix Presets 5) Impossible Things 6) Impossible Things Help 7) JPEGmini 8) LRT Export 7 9) Pixieset
Config.lua flags:
[Moved to its own thread and title changed by moderator, because this is a different problem than the thread it was posted to.]
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‎Nov 03, 2023
02:42 AM
I did research these, they're mostly very old results and I've confirmed I don't have this error when rolling back a version of LrC, it was the new version that's brought around this problem. My best guess is there's a breaking change to the SDK.
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‎Nov 03, 2023
02:08 AM
Glad to know it's not just me, the only way I've found to get around this so far is after pressing publish is to export the same photos locally at the same time and it will manage to complete the export with no problems. I'm not sure why that works but to me it suggests it's not a problem with the publish services but something lightroom is struggling with. I'd suggest cancelling the local export once the publish has complete as I've noticed lightroom is also exporting photos twice over (double ding bug that's currently reported).
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‎Oct 19, 2023
01:57 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @Rikk Flohr: Photography, So I reset my lightroom preferences file and had the exact same issue. I've also noticed that for both publish services and regular exports that the progress bar seems to jump around between it's progress point, the end and back and forth multiple times.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
01:45 PM
Thanks for the fast response Rikk, this shows the process as is. I will try a preference file reset and report back.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
01:17 PM
Issue: Hitting 'Publish' for a Collection giving an internal error message sporadically Lightroom Classic Version Number: 13.0 OS Version Number: Mac OS Sonoma 14.0 Steps to reproduce: Click publish of a collection in the publish services At random the error message of an internal error pops up Error message say '?:0: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'fileSize' (a nil value) Expected result: Images publish with no problems Actual result: The error message will pop up randomly, if you publish say 40 images, maybe 20 will publish and 20 won't then you'll get the error message. If you hit publish again some more will upload and some will be left and you can repeat until all make it through without the error message. This publish service worked perfectly before this new LR version
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‎Feb 14, 2022
03:10 PM
Great news, thanks for cranking!
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‎Feb 14, 2022
02:28 PM
I'm afraid there's not really any extra steps I can offer you, it seems random sometimes they upload sometimes they get stuck. From what I've read here it's affecting multiple Publishing services. I can confirm downgrading has fixed the issue completely for me. If there's anyway I can provide a log that might record the issue let me know.
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‎Feb 14, 2022
01:59 PM
I am having this exact same problem, I've actually developed a Publishing service and checked that it wasn't something my end on the server that had misconfigured but I was able to successfully emulate publishing photos. This latest version of classic is causing hang ups where the progress bar says it's at x% but actually only y% of photos have uploaded and in the grid view the ones that have successfully uploaded aren't moving down into the published section. I've also found trying to remove a lightroom plugin from the plugin manager is also broken. I'm about to downgrade in hope that this fixes the issue. Another lightroom update, another critical failure for workflows. Do any real working photographers test this software before it's released to the public?
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‎Dec 10, 2021
02:59 PM
SOLUTION: There was so much dust in my machine the fans weren't spinning anymore, hence to extremely throttled export speed 😅
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‎Nov 22, 2021
01:56 AM
So after a couple of jobs this weekend I can confirm I still have the exact same issues. Generate parallel previews both on or off same result. Presets with or without lens corrections and CA both slow. Not really sure what else to try at this point bar buying a new M1 macbook and hoping for the best (not a solution obviously).
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‎Nov 18, 2021
03:20 PM
Interesting, the preset I'm using to test right now has both of these settings turned on. Creating a separate preset without those two settings on renders previews twice as fast. Is this a bug lined up to be fixed in the near future do we know? I'll keep testing!
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‎Nov 18, 2021
02:46 PM
The Canon R6
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‎Nov 18, 2021
02:38 PM
Hi Todd, Thanks, these are my results:
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‎Nov 18, 2021
10:24 AM
Sad to report back the issue still exists, another setting it reset whilst fresh installing I gue was the 'auto sync' setting in the develop pane. I was running tests by resetting an album previously imported and applying a new preset. So what I thought was a fast rendering of previews was in fact it rendering the 1 photo it changed and then checking all the others and seeing the previews already existed (as they hadn't auto synced) and skipping those. Taking as long to skip through rendered photos as it used to actually rendering the previews. As you can imagine both hilarious and heartbreaking to realise.
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‎Nov 17, 2021
06:05 AM
No anti-virus installed, I'm on a mac 😉
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‎Nov 17, 2021
06:05 AM
Interestingly, I went to go check this setting and it was already unticked. Turning it on and restarting lightroom it seems much faster. Not sure if this is something support team turned off in testing or whether the upgrade to LrC 11 unticked this setting. I've also noticed lightroom's not saving the current filter I have in the library window it's resettting to no filter selected. Is it possible there's an issue with my lightroom preferences/settings file that it's not remembering these things? Will test the parallel previews options with my next couple of imports and see how we get on (hopefully you've solved that 🙂 )
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‎Nov 17, 2021
03:52 AM
1 TB Flash internal drive which is never more than 50% full which houses catalog, previews and image files.
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‎Nov 17, 2021
03:51 AM
Yes, I've tried different presets I frequently used and they're all the same and for reference my workflow was the same previously I used the same presets when I had the normal speed.
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‎Nov 16, 2021
01:56 PM
1 Upvote
Case number: ADB-21973750-R2H3 MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 AMD Radeon Pro 5300M 4 GB MacOS 11 latest and now also 12.0.1 When importing photos and rendering 'standard previews' what would normally take approx 1 second a photo is now taking at least 10 seconds per photo. I'm having to import photos and then return the following morning to allow the previews to render. Previously I would wait 20 - 30 mins max for a large import. This started to happen once upgrading to LrC 11. Support chat exhausted all possible fixes including new install, previous versions, new catalogues, system preferences privacy settings, folder permissions and many other ideas. I've even upgraded to the latest version of MacOS 12.01. and now the updated fix of LrC 11.0.1 and the problem still exists. As you can imagine this is a huge hinderance to my workflow. If you need any more details just let me know.
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‎Jun 19, 2018
07:18 AM
Will classic and cc desktop stay in sync, or do we have to frequently copy between the two?
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‎Dec 12, 2017
06:54 AM
Does today's update fix this? I'm hesitant to install any further update
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‎Nov 16, 2017
02:55 AM
So they confirm they’re working on it but no specifics on when...
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‎Nov 16, 2017
02:16 AM
It’s so frustrating, updates to the new cloud version went out yesterday but not to classic. Sign of things to come I guess...
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‎Oct 18, 2017
03:45 PM
HOLY SMOKES THEY LIVE! It's only taken 4 years to get a reply from an employee at Adobe to this thread. However 'some form' doesn't sound too exciting.
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‎Dec 17, 2015
06:54 PM
When will user presets be included in lightroom mobile? The app is 100% useless to most photographers who rely on importing photos with a basic custom preset and adjusting from there to save time.
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