Aug 29, 2024
05:59 AM
Q1 - I have seen posts suggesting the Smart Preview is limited to 2560/2540 pixels on the long side meaning that if the original is less than that that is the size of the Smart Preview, so for example a 2000 pixel image on the long side will have a Smart Preview that is 2000 pixels and won't be upsampled. Is there anything in Adobe's documentation that confirms this? I have not found it. This matters when synching a collection to Adobe Portfolio. Q2 - Does Adobe's documentation tell us which is correct 2560 or 2540? Doesn't matter that much but nice to know.
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Aug 29, 2024
05:52 AM
This actually is an important question if one is using Adobe Portfolio. Some have said that if the image is under 2560 pixels on the long edge the Smart Preview is that size. I did a test which suggests that may be true but have yet to confirm that in any way. You can look at the images here and look at the third row which is a 1/4 crop rougly 2067 pixels on the long edge. Compare the second and third images - sync from LRc using a smart preview and jpg uploaded directly. https://hooligansimagery.myportfolio.com/resolution-test
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Apr 25, 2024
11:39 AM
I am not getting an error message but my video files look like negatives. M1 2021 as well. LR and Mac are fully updated. They display fine in Bridge
[Moved to separate thread by mderator because this is not the same issue as the thread it was posted in]
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Dec 25, 2023
08:20 AM
SOLVED - but not without help from a number of sources including the great people at FRV. When I made a preset for Linear profile with Auto applied, I must have also used Auto for Geometry and that is what was happening.
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Dec 24, 2023
11:29 AM
After the response from FRV above, I am thinking this is an ACR issue. I changed the viewer setting in FRV to show the maximum visible area which they tell me is the pixels they report for a Z9 - 8280 x 5520. In ACR I am no longer seeing that if I have been in FRV. They say they open the RAW file in Read Only. I don't know what the cause is, but I do see there are pixels cut off in ACR 16.1 but not 15.4.
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Dec 24, 2023
10:03 AM
According to FRV support their response, but wonder why ACR doesnt show all the pixels after viewing in FRV. FastRawViewer doesn't invent pixels. FastRawViewer never writes to raw files, never changes raw files, and of course never crops raw files. Raw files are opened in FastRawViewer as read-only. FastRawViewer displays pixel dimensions according to the setting in FastRawViewer Preferences (please see page 185 of the FastRawViewer manual, the manual comes with FastRawViewer, it is a fully searchable standard PDF, and you can open it through FastRawViewer main Menu -> Help -> 'PDF manual'). According to Nikon MakerNotes tag 0x001b, and this is a part of the NEF file itself, Nikon Z 9 uncropped raw is 8280 by 5520.
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Dec 24, 2023
05:24 AM
After further testing, I think this may be an issue caused by Fast Raw Viewer. I will report it to them as well.
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Dec 24, 2023
05:01 AM
I recalled that I had an old version of Elements and it has ACR 15.4 and that rendered the complete RAW file. I think something is up with ACR 16.1 maybe.
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Dec 24, 2023
03:54 AM
Possible Bug. ACR 16.1 Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 Happens in both LRc and PS - no surprise there. Profile Corrections turned OFF Following images taken with a Nikon Z9. Look on left and right side for differences. NX Studio first shows correct file size per Nikon 8256x5504. Next image is Fast Raw Viewer which shows file size as larger 8280x5520 Here's the rub though - look at the left side first and see how pixels to the left of small silver Bialetti are missing. It's not the proflie/lens correction that is off and I tried the different crop modes. Also looks at the right sixe and you see a brown wood handle in the NX Studio and FRV image that is missing from ACR. ACR with no profile correction. LRc with no lens correction NX studio FRV file size and image LRc ACR
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Dec 04, 2023
05:34 AM
The Photoshop quick lesson on the remove tool mentions the AI aspect of the tool. Unlike Generative Fill, I don't think it's a credit but would like confirmation if anyone has seen that. For those using the standalone plan this could be important when Adobe starts counting credits.
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Jul 08, 2023
01:18 PM
Ok it seems if I use your method first they get placed in the folder - ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop 2023/Presets Then I can load them from that location rather than the location I have them all saved. So to backup all my photohop presets and settings I should backup both ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop 2023/Presets Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Am I understanding this correctly?
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Jul 08, 2023
12:47 PM
@gener7 thank you for this information. While it provides context and further infomration the program continues to confuse me as to what it does when I load say a brush from another folder. I don't see it moving the brushes into ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop 2023/Presets And when I use your method above they are not listed. So what I should be doing is storing them in the path above and then importing them into my workspace? Thank you Michael
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Jul 08, 2023
09:19 AM
Thanks this link shows the location of the preferences files. I am not sure if this contains all of the various subfiles or not but doens't seem to, merely preferences set for various activities. Please elaborate. Also I still don't know the difference between the two locations I referenced.
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Jul 07, 2023
03:54 PM
I have read the info below on the Adobe help pages. One location is for the Presets that shipped and the other is the "default" location. I still don't understand how the two relate. When I double clicked a new brush file it added it to the Photoshop Program folder for Presets and not the default preset location. So I can see the brushes in the 2023 Program subfolder for Presets, but not in the Default location.
I am trying to develop a "habit" of storing my assets in the right place but don't quite understand how to do this. How will I be able to make sure I have a the right backups in case of a computer failure and how to reload them?
Please point me to further reading if you can. Thanks in advance.
The default location for saving/loading/replacing presets depends on your operating system.
Windows .....
Mac: <User>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobePhotoshop [version_number]/Presets.
Presets that ship with Adobe Photoshop are stored in the Photoshop program folder.
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Jun 15, 2023
06:32 AM
@jane-e You solved it. I thought these were individual actions but they were set up a their own set. I had to open that set and then I could drag the individual actions. I am just getting back into PS from a long absense and didn't understand the icon. Thanks.
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Jun 15, 2023
06:16 AM
1 Upvote
I am following the instructions here: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/playing-actions.html#playing_and_managing_actions To move an action to a different set, drag the action to that set. When the highlighted line appears in the desired position, release the mouse button. I have tried to drag actions into a new set I created and they will not go into the set in PS 24.5.
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Jun 10, 2023
06:05 AM
Would it be easier to do a final keyword review of a set of images if you could create a floating panel with adjustable transparency and adjustable content?
Imagine this:
Full screen image second panel.
Panel with adjustable transparency except the keywords.
Panel would show existing keywords at top in a box.
Panel would have a lower section that could be populated with as many keywords as you like (similar to the current panels with 9) which when clicked would add keywords to list. Why unlimited? Well in the case of the vacation I just did reducing 5200 images to about 800, there is a variety, or at least more than 9 possible keywords. Space shouldn't be an issue on second monitor.
The current method of hunting for the keywords in a list or a panel of 9 is limiting and time consuming. Using the spray can helps but you are never sure you got them all without reviewing them. This would allow really quick review rather than watching the Keyword panel with large thumbnails and then scrolling to find missing keywords in the suggestions, sets or list. It's easy if they are in the suggestions or set but not always and once you start scrolling it uses up a lot of time as you have to go back to the top to the keywords after.
Maybe there is another way?
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Jun 10, 2023
05:54 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you @johnrellis. I used this too but ended up prefering something more permanent as there were four photographers and six cameras involved and I will want them to see them by day of the vacation.
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Jun 06, 2023
11:59 AM
1 Upvote
Wouldn't your workflow be easier if you came home from a three week vacation and could just enter the start and end date and have a smart collection created for each date by catpure date?
I have 5,200 photos of Portugal from 4 photographers and 6 cameras in front of me. To begin to get a grasp of the story I want to tell I make a smart collection by date, 23 of them. Workflow would be so much easier if I could pick a start and end date and have these made automatically.
Thank you.
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Jun 06, 2023
06:35 AM
I now realize there is a way that is not too cumbersome but would be really easy to have this choice on import. You can create a smart collection based on the GPS city or state, and then keyword as you like. Would still rather have the import choice.
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Jun 05, 2023
05:43 AM
Wouldn't keywording of locations be easier if upon import, there was a choice to automatically apply GPS fields for City, State, Country as a keyword. If the item didn't exsit it could be automatically created starting with the Country, and then embedding state and city. This would save a lot of time especially the state and city. It's usually easy to add the country upon import, but not if you visited alot of them so even that is helpful. This would save a lot of time in Keyword creation and application. While I understand that I can find images with the Map Module, this has a bit different functionality when using the filtering approach in that if I want to have the images in grid view for a variety of reasons it is easier to manage with filtering. Thanks, Michael
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Jan 08, 2023
05:39 AM
I would like to be able to see the preview on my second monitor which is in loupe view, but unless I click the Preset, it doesn't show. That means I have to undo it or use a virtual copy. Is this possible to hover/rollover a preset and see the effect on a second monitor?
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Dec 29, 2022
03:40 AM
1 Upvote
Lightroom Classic Version Number: 12.1 [ 202212072312-d7ab524b ]
OS Version Number: Ventura 13.1
Steps to reproduce:
Grid View, Keyword List
Metadata, Keyword Shortcut Enter items or
Keyword List - Crtl Click or Right Click Use this a Keyboard Shortcut
Expected result: + sign should appear after Keyword Actual result: + sign does Not apear, but function works. For example in my list, the + is on a person, Liz, but if I execute the steps I an change the actual shortcut but the + stays on Liz.
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Dec 28, 2022
03:35 PM
Thanks Ron but take a look at this page: Use keywords helpx.adobe.com Ron, On Adobe's Help page, under Create and Apply Keyboard Shortcuts it says: A Plus sign (+) next to a keyword in the Keyword List panel indicates that it is part of the current keyword shortcut.
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Dec 28, 2022
02:11 PM
After I go to Metadata>Set Keyword Shortcut, the shortcut is updated but the plus sign remains on another Keyword and I am not able to change the + sign to the new shortcut.
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Dec 28, 2022
12:34 PM
@Kevin Stohlmeyer - yes that was covered in the thread but that’s not what some people want, as they want the other updates/changes/improvements. They want 24.1 to work correctly.
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Dec 28, 2022
12:23 PM
and its Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.1.0 20221206.r.166 be4691b arm64
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Dec 28, 2022
12:13 PM
Windows or Mac?
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Dec 28, 2022
11:23 AM
1 Upvote
Yes. Following your description. This “bug” is what this thread is about.
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Dec 28, 2022
11:06 AM
1 Upvote
@Kevin Stohlmeyer yes we all believe that's supposed to happen, yet for many of us it isn't. I just selected an object and the fill dialog came up with Shift-Delete on my Mac, and there is no item in the Context Menu.
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