Diane in Ohio
Diane in Ohio
Aug 26, 2023
04:02 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you. I am keeping your email as reference!
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Aug 26, 2023
02:48 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you! I had previously received a response that said to reset the Crop Tool (which I never even heard of), but that was the problem! Your suggestion would have most likely worked as well. In over 10 years of using Photoshop I never had anything like that happen and even Googling didn't bring up my exact issue. Many thanks!
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Aug 26, 2023
02:45 PM
Adobe Community and Jane to the rescue. I've never had this happen in the over 10 years of using Photoshop and can usually find my way out of these things, but didn't know where to start! I learned something, and I thank you! Didn't even know how to reset the Crop Tool--Googled how to do that. Thanks again!
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Aug 26, 2023
01:32 PM
This problem JUST STARTED! I have resized images for years! No matter what image I go to resize, it winds up the size of an ant! I have a 17 x 11 that I want to crop, and as soon as I do and click on the "checkmark" there is nothing but a dot left on the screen. It does this FOR EVERY SINGLE image that I tried. This problem started yesterday, and nothing has changed. I hope that someone can please help me with this perplexing issue! It's probably some simple setting, but I haven't changed any settings. Thank you!
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Jun 22, 2023
01:53 PM
For as much that is involved and being concerned if somethings going to go wrong or if I’m going to have to download hundreds of brushes again, I will just save my Lightroom images to my electronic folder on my hard drive and open them up directly through Photoshop. Most of the time I prefer to use Camera Raw in Photoshop he sake of simplicity. I have kept your emails in case I feel enthusiastic about doing all this. I don’t like to do what I don’t fully understand and haven’t done before. Thank you!
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Jun 22, 2023
11:48 AM
I have Adobe Creative Cloud with both PS and LrC. OK, well hopefully nothing will get messed up. I'll try it afterwhile. Will I have to set up all my panels again, etc.? And what about all the brushes that have been downloaded? Thanks!
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Jun 22, 2023
08:39 AM
This sounds like more than I want to take on. Maybe I'll just call Adobe. I looked at my Preferences and the only one listed is Adobe Photoshop Elements. I can't even select Adobe Photoshop 2023 in the Preferences drop-down. Many thanks! Get Outlook for Android<>
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Jun 21, 2023
08:44 PM
1 Upvote
I am not familiar with using this site. I searched for this topic and I found it, and it says "correct answer here", but there's no way for me to open that information to read what's there. Anyway, it seems since an update that when I right-click and select "Edit In" in LrC that Photoshop 2023 is missing. Thank you. (Also, I do not have Luminar Neo or ON1--those are there from previous trials of those programs so how do I remove those as well)?
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Jun 01, 2023
03:25 PM
Thanks. Not a lot of them I'm considering using, but I work really quickly with cloning so I'll get through it a few times more. Thanks again!
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May 31, 2023
09:39 PM
Hello, and thanks for your response! Those are older images and the image, for the sake of sending it here, was super blown up. I do not know what "negative sharpening" is nor what 0 to -50 or from -50 to -100 means. Perhaps I can Google what this means and how to do this. I don't even remember what editing program I had when the problem pictures were taken. Certainly not the full version of Photoshop! Thanks again!
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May 31, 2023
12:22 PM
Let's try this.
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May 31, 2023
12:08 PM
Sorry. No idea what that means. Not familiar with using this process. When I hit reply I'm in a "regular" email on my computer screen. Thank you.
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May 31, 2023
10:01 AM
Not sure what to say. The attachment was there because I "bcc'd" myself to make sure. Here it is again. Thanks.
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May 31, 2023
09:23 AM
Hello all. Here's an example. It's from a picture maybe 6-7 years ago but I've been finding a lot like this and I wind up cloning each line out inch by inch, and I gave up with that. I have NO idea where those lines come, I know nothing about them or how they're even created. Perhaps there was some editing on these 6-7 years ago, but I don't know. There's a few I want to keep and fix, but this is too much work to clone this all out by hand. See attached. Thank you. Diane G.
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May 30, 2023
06:07 PM
Thank you. I have no idea how it happened because they are images for many years ago that I recently opened to edit. Diane G.
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May 28, 2023
03:00 PM
I've spent over an hour looking for videos online and trying things out, but I have yet to find a simple way to REMOVE HALOS on so many of my images! I usually wind up spending an hour cloning them out. I just don't know what to do.
I don't know if it's easier to do it in LrC or PS, but I just need help, as this is so very frustrating and I'm getting tired of doing this tedious cloning!
Thank you!
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Mar 11, 2023
11:47 AM
1 Upvote
I've noticed that my images keep disappearing out of their folders, and one I worked on last evening for about three hours is gone! I had a folder with thousands of brushes and textures, etc., broken down into about 80 categories, AND EVERY FOLDER IS NOW EMPTY. And now I opened Photoshop and clicked on “Open Most Recent” and except for 1 file, THE LIST OF PREVIOUS PHOTOS I WORKED ON is also gone! I can’t even think straight I’m so upset about all this!!!!! This started with the GUDE issue. I have since uploaded the latest update for Photoshop. Thank you! Diane
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Mar 10, 2023
06:41 AM
Hello and thank you. I'm in Adobe Creative Cloud everyday and update daily as updates are noted. I did see this one today and downloaded it. Hopefully, it will do the trick! Thank you.
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Mar 09, 2023
02:25 PM
Please help. I don't know what Gude files is or where it came from. Some instructions I've read on the internet as to where uncheck something do not apply to the most-recent version of Photoshop. How do I stop these Gude files from showing up? I don't even know what they are! Thank you!!! Diane G.
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Mar 04, 2023
09:23 PM
That response just made my day! I'm new to the "masking" in Photoshop and actually didn't even notice the three dots. Thank you! Diane K.
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Mar 04, 2023
01:22 PM
When I drag the Linear Gradient in Masking, the lines are there, but as soon as I let go, they are gone! I read that others had the same problem but it referred to Lightroom Classic and also read something about pressing the "H" (don't recall what that was about). In any event, I want to be able to see the lines and pin(s) when I drag the gradient across an image.
The attached image shows what mine DOES NOT do.
Thank you!
Diane K.
[Subject changed from "Photoshop" to "Lightroom", as later posts clarified that the question is about LR.]
[Moved to LR]
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Feb 28, 2023
10:33 AM
Please IGNORE this request. I didn't realize until I got underway that it doesn't mean a thing. This particular part of PS is all new to me. Thank you.
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Feb 28, 2023
09:32 AM
I am watching a video tutorial on using the Iris Blur, and when they click on the Iris Blur a pin automatically appears on the image. The "lines" around the pin are all a perfect circle, but when I click on Iris Blur, all of the lines form the shape of an oval. I am not having any luck figuring this out! Thank you! Diane
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Oct 28, 2022
07:25 AM
No wonder I never heard of what you're talking about. I don't use a Mac computer. Thanks, however.
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Oct 27, 2022
08:29 PM
Rosetta? No idea what you are referring to. I'm talking about Color Efex Pro or Color Efex Pro 4 from the NIK Collection. Thank you.
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Oct 26, 2022
11:36 PM
Hello and thank you. I don't even bother with it in Photoshop 2023. It used to show up in the Filter but not now. However, I can access it in the newest version of Lightroom Classic, BUT NO MATTER WHAT I DO I cannot get Color Effex Pro or Color Effex Pro to work. When I right-click and select EDIT IN and then click on either of the two Color Effex Pro selections, another image is created in the "film strip" (the way it is SUPPOSED to), but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OPENS UP on the screen. I am totally perplexed why that one ONLY does not work. Any ideas? Thanks much! Diane
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Aug 14, 2022
01:16 AM
Hello and thank you. After spending dozens of hours setting up everything on the hard drive, I won't go and undo everything I've done. I guess I could go into LrC and assign Keywords, but then I don't understand why the class supervisor has all his textures, etc., in Lightroom in folders and named the same way I prefer to do mine. Don't understand what giving keywords in LR has to do with what's on my hard drive. I've never used Keywords for anything previously nor understood or ever understood the catalog or what it's even for. I don't have tens of thousands of pictures like some. Guess I'm pretty confused now that I thought I wasn't, but you've been helpful enough and I've got a great starting point. Thank you!
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Aug 13, 2022
09:21 PM
Hi Rob. I didn't respond to your email properly (replied to the actual email instead of replying to the response), and so I am copying it below to make sure you receive it. Thanks, Rob! Your email gave me an idea, and I've got all 1,700+ downloaded--in seconds! However, let me explain this. I have 84 folders (categories) and within many of the 84 folders are many subfolders (as many as 12 in some cases). When I click on the "main folder" heading in LRC, all of the images show. One image, for example, shows 3 of the same fish next to each other. That is because I have it in 3 subfolders: One is under "Fish"; one image is in "Pink" and one image is in "Whimsical Waters" subfolders. After spending a week, hours a day, downloading, extracting, setting up folders, sorting, and subdividing these images it only made sense to take it a step further to categorize them within the subfolders especially if there might've been dozens of "textures" for example under that main texture folder. If I'm looking for something I want to FIND IT--not SEARCH for it. I understand that I can't go into the MAIN folder in LRC and delete duplicate images because if there were 3 fish and I deleted 2 fish, I'd be deleting 2 of them from 2 of the 3 subfolders, which would totally destroy my entire categorizing process with the subfolder. Correct? Thank you so much for your help! Sometimes one can't "see the forest for the trees" and just getting away from the computer and reading your response led me down a different thought path which came to me in a matter of seconds!!! This was the first time I attempted to do this; hence, the confusion/questions. Voila! Diane
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Aug 13, 2022
02:55 PM
Thanks for your response! I do know how to create a folder, but this is what I'm trying to do. See below, and thanks! *Just like the original photo I attached, I want an alphabetical list of all of my Photoshop downloads (textures, images, decorative items, etc.). I spent over a week, hours a day downloading over 2 thousand items and having them set up on my hard drive. In some cases, like for "Textures", I have subfolders of the textures by "color", maybe another 10 folders with the parent folder.* *I want to duplicate what's on my hard drive to Lightroom, especially since I saw how the instructor had his on the screenshot that I attached to my original inquiry. For example under textures on my hard drive, I have a folder called PLAIN, and then within that PLAIN folder, there are almost a dozen folders by color. This seems like it might be over my head and take many, many hours to do. Then there are Collections and I don't know what that means. * *See, when I try to do this in LRC, I create a folder, but then have to create many subfolders and once I create the subfolder, it doesn't open up and allow me to select what I want to download into it.* *I think I might be fighting a losing battle here and will wind up when in Photoshop to just call up any textures, etc., through the folders I have organized on the C drive. This might be duplicating what I've already spent dozens of hours doing on the hard drive. * *Thanks again!* *Diane*
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Aug 12, 2022
10:04 PM
I'm taking a video class and the instructor's video shows how all his textures are downloaded in Lightroom Classic--very neatly. He selects them from there for use in Photoshop. I've spent an hour trying to do this, but no luck. See a screenshot of the screen I am referring to. Thanks much! Diane from Strongsville
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